From the American

  • Classified ad

    Classified ad

    I no longer need my neighbors. I acquired them along with my house and they’ve been hanging around basically destroying everything they touch and I don’t really need them anymore. I am putting them out on the street and if anyone sees any value in them, take them home. And if nobody wants them and… Continue reading

  • By the way…

    By the way…

    Maybe just one more quick story because I can’t believe I’m living this life. We’re getting into the afternoon of one of the longest pre-shabba’s days of the year and I am really restless. It’s too much sunshine. It’s too much daylight. But then in the middle of everything, Ghenna came by. I reminded myself… Continue reading

  • Feng shui

    Feng shui

    I can’t tell the difference between whether I am the boss or the builder. Or maybe I’m just the bitchy homeowner who can’t stop redecorating even while the process of building is underway. Okay, it’s an opportunity to make money and at this level of wealth, what’s a few extra $100,000 either way. It’s a… Continue reading

  • Desertification


    I’m out in the garden right now basically grazing. I know I’m supposed to be doing something, I’m just not sure what. It’s been raining and cold for the last few days and this has allowed me some well needed time off. At the same time however, Lefty seems to be showing up for work… Continue reading

  • Plan baseball instead of war…

    Plan baseball instead of war…

    Technically, this is the farm report but I’m just enjoying the song of playing baseball instead of killing each other. I can’t help but think that somehow baseball is the answer. I guess everything starts with the fact that Lefty is starting to put in days for me. I didn’t think he was ever going… Continue reading

  • The new issue is complete

    The new issue is complete

    Go ahead, click the link here, there, up there, over there, wherever the damn link is go ahead and click it. It’s an awesome work of art. What else? My leg hurts. The plants got watered and the peppers got mulched. And I thought conservative politics in potatoville. It seems conservatives want each and every… Continue reading

  • I have a bat

    I have a bat

    Finally, after letting the desire linger for an incredibly long time, I finally wasted $13 and ended up with a beautiful 34 inch baseball bat. This bat is made of birch and I don’t think anyone believes birch is the best material for a baseball bat. I, however, I have no intention of using this… Continue reading

  • Праўда


    Вось тут праўда. У нас суха. Гэта сапраўдны суха. Гэта былі 15 гадоў самай гарачай тэмпературы ў гісторыі гісторыі, і з таго моманту, як мы былі за рулём, чысціня нашай прыроды знікла. And if it’s worth anything, the word for truth in belarusian sounds remarkably like the word proud. Prauda. Continue reading

  • Dirty hands

    Dirty hands

    Another shot over the bow by conservative thinking. That’s the thing about conservative thinkers, they always talk about everything but what is right in front of our faces. The usual tactic is to attack my body. They do not attack my work, all of these crazy things I create, they attack the body and the… Continue reading

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