I have a bat

Finally, after letting the desire linger for an incredibly long time, I finally wasted $13 and ended up with a beautiful 34 inch baseball bat. This bat is made of birch and I don’t think anyone believes birch is the best material for a baseball bat. I, however, I have no intention of using this in games or striking anything that would cause it or anything harm. I just like having a bat to swing because I used to play and when I played I could really swing a bat.

It’s easy to get a baseball bat here but not so easy to find a 34. Most Russians prefer smaller bats that they can swing with one hand should the spirit move them to use a baseball bat for something useful. There is even a label on the bat reminding people that it is illegal to use these things as weapons. I think I’ll leave the label on there.

It’s probably also good for a walking stick and a reminder to the neighbors to knock before they enter.

Here’s the pitch, the swing and there it goes, see ya. A long home run for the American.

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