Listening Revisited (2001)

In terms of locations, this play was exactly written in Garda, Italy. Why was I in Italy? Well, if you have been following through the catalog, you might remember an innuendo play called an Italian romance. Well, this was the Italian.

That it wasn’t going to work was the loudest thing she could possibly say. True, I was waiting for a moment of intimacy with her. I probably didn’t require much and I certainly had no intention of making myself Lord of the manner. I think I just wanted some love and maybe some poetry and maybe to see if she wanted to work out a scenario with me. It seems that one of the nicest things you can do when you are with intimate company is write. Go figure.

Everyone told me she was a lesbian. She was politically a lesbian. She was a proud Italian who was also a proud lesbian. And she was a nationally renowned poet, well known as a proud Italian lesbian. Again, and I don’t mean to be too low about this but I really wasn’t thinking pussy as much as intimacy. It really seemed as though we had a way together and that was all I wanted. Okay, okay okay, if she wanted to pay attention to little chubby, I would not have said no. But I would have been happy enough with innuendo if it would have at least lead to a feeling of happiness.

Here is some life advice for everyone. If you’re looking for a sense of peaceful happiness, don’t go to Italy.

So, I did write a play because this is what I was doing with my frustrations in those days. I chose a sequel to the theater play The Delicate Task of Listening. Here simply to express frustrations, we have Bill in isolation alone with his thoughts and waiting for them to pull the trigger on his execution. Sergey comes for a visit on the two of them just ramble endlessly about the pointless nuances of the world they live in. This was written in a hotel room on one side of the lake while my poet had her family home on the other. I remember the food being okay and that people were okay with me. They didn’t like me much as a bicyclist and thought it track bike was absolutely stupid in a mountain region. They might be right but I got a play out of it and some pretty cool bike rides around the lake. Sometimes that has to be good enough.

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This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at

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What can I say? I need an outlet…

Also, here are two books available on

Found in the Translation

Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia

Being Had

Being Had: A story about a year of my life getting to know all about lies and corruption in Eastern Europe

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Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace

The Upcoming Elections

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The most effective way to learn English

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