from the sklad
Five dark stories from a dystopian reality (2020)
The happiness door A one kilo bag of sugar Cat scratch fever The torture machine The night of the long knives Continue reading
Found in the Translation (2017-2021)
In 2017, I got involved with a Russian journalist. Russia very much wanted me to be on their side apparently and they were sending me quite a few people. You can always tell people who are on a mission to be with me and people who actually want to improve their English. You might not… Continue reading
The Upcoming Elections Books and all of the daily writings from the Green 2021 Project (2020-2023)
Welcome to the green 2021 writing project. This project took 4 years to write and has something between 6 and 7 million words. Sometimes I think of this as Everest for a reader. The project started out in 2020 when I decided that making Facebook memes was not enough to let people know how little… Continue reading
Happiness/Счастья (2012)
And this was the last one. I was pretty sick and required a pretty decent operation. I went to the States for this. It was as all things a debacle. But I came back. People didn’t know why I came back but I came back. Why did I come back? Because I had hope that… Continue reading
Paradise (2010)
Much like the screenplay from the previous year, Paradise also had three co-writers. Three teenage boys all of whom were top-notch English speakers and genuinely decent human beings. Remiz and Pavel grew up together and Artum was our workhorse. I don’t want to say too much about this dynamic and how it might land a… Continue reading
Hope/Надежда (2009)
This particular text was maybe a perfect storm. My practice, teaching English, was at its peak. Unfortunately my relationship with my daughter’s mother had deteriorated and she was now trying to control everything through the courts. It was professionally the best time in my life. Personally it was pretty terrible dealing with someone who refused… Continue reading
Two children’s stories and a story for young adults ( 2007 )
These stories came about on a whim one day when I was struggling with finding enough material for my students to read. The biggest problem is for students who do not really digest information yet. It is either because they truly do not have enough words to be able to have any function or they… Continue reading
Practical English (2007)
This piece of writing is from a retrospective point of view so I just wish to speak nostalgically about my English method. I supported myself here teaching English very well. Extremely well and I had a large marketplace and perfect reputation. And then I didn’t. Did I mess up? No. The Russians moved in and… Continue reading
Being Had (2003)
What can I say about this one? This was my only attempt at a book. This means I went into the writing thinking of this as a book. Technically, never having tried to write a book before, I figured out about how long books were. Certainly, you need as much space and time to tell… Continue reading
About the project
This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at
Welcome to the Museum and Cafe
Pages and features
The Slad
(featured works from my catalogue)
Plays, books, poems, music and blogs and all the other good stuff from my 30 year back catalogue. Please check out the Sklad
What can I say? I need an outlet…
Also, here are two books available on
Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia
And please have a walk through our featured work:
The Upcoming Elections
A giant compilation of daily writings, esseys, blogs, theatre, short stories, food, activism and all of the original Utopian publications.
Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace
The Upcoming Elections
And of course, visit our sister sites:
The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire
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All contributions are apreciated
We do this for the environment
It only takes one single conscious thought to make a difference.