The Upcoming Elections Books and all of the daily writings from the Green 2021 Project

Welcome to the green 2021 writing project. This project took 4 years to write and has something between 6 and 7 million words. Sometimes I think of this as Everest for a reader.

The project started out in 2020 when I decided that making Facebook memes was not enough to let people know how little I respected Donald Trump and how much I wanted him not to be president. The idea was to be as honest as possible in the hopes that some elevated literary skills and perhaps a sense of heightened consciousness might lead to a victory for the good guys. I’m not convinced what we got was in any way fair or genuine but nevertheless, I made my effort.

Perhaps it has something to do with vegan resilience but at the beginning of 2021, I thought I might actually be able to do this again and so for the next 3 years my journey continued although not in any way as I expected. It seems all of that writing from the first year had me a bit sensitive and I could no longer tolerate living in town with its noise and pollution. I moved out to the country hoping for some fresh air but ran into one of the most depressingly horrible situations humanly possible. It wasn’t even particularly about me although this is how they presented it. These people who lived next door to my planned garden next to the forest had been harassing and humiliating the previous owner for years. They might truly be the most horrible people ever to walk the face of the earth. Or, they are just Russians and that’s all you get.


The project is here in its entirety. Nothing has been held back. I said that I would do this, I said I would do it for nothing more than donations and that’s exactly what happened. Although I am collecting some of the stories from here for use elsewhere, everything that went into the project is in the project. At the very least, this is an honest effort if nothing else.

As for a copyright notice, you are welcome to read everything here. There is no cost attached to it although I do happily accept donations. I do however ask not to reprint anything here for commercial use without my permission. I don’t mind sharing but I’m not interested in people plagiarizing my work or abusing this effort in any way for personal gain. I wrote it for free, let it be free. If you want to make money off of it, you have to go through me. I doubt I’ll agree to your deal but you can ask.

This effort was about raising consciousness and one’s literary abilities. This is a gift for humanity which unfortunately seems to be balancing on the edge of oblivion due to the complete desecration and destruction of the environment of the planet Earth. If I want anything, I just want people to be more conscientious, drive their cars less or go completely electric and just invest in the planet instead of money for a change.

And please, understand me clearly. I’m not whining about numbers or a lack of commenters or participation. I know who I am. I am the most suppressed man on the planet, which I suppose makes me the most dangerous man alive. This being said, I am talking about illiteracy. I’m tired of looking at filth. I’m tired of staring at YouTubers. I’m tired of staring at human beings dancing and begging for pennies. I’m tired of paying attention to a world that doesn’t pay attention. I’m tired of trying to move a planet that is absolutely criminally intent on killing itself and taking every living thing with it just because some asshole wrote a book 5,000 years ago that says the leader is a fagot and ruining everything by being a corrupt fat useless bag of shit who thinks they should make decisions for everyone else. Really, you’ve got to be kidding me that this is the best an entire planet full of resources and empirically resourceful and theoretically sentient beings can do. You’ve got to be kidding me that this is our representation of life.

Adam Goodman, April 30th, 2024


To start off, here are all of The Upcoming Elections books. Take your time. Follow it day by day or ignore it. I wrote it. It’s all here. I remember doing it. I did this for the United States of America and, well, we had a revolution here in Belarus while all of this was going on as well. Was I to blame for this? I don’t know. They follow me around. Everything I do has KGB in it after about 5 minutes. The first time anybody gets happy, the KGB comes in and makes sure that they stay exactly where they are. And now, I live in the country and can literally catch criminals in the act of being criminals and it matters not to anyone anywhere. You guys built this, not me. I’m just a journalist. I just wrote what I saw and tried to tell the truth because if you’re going to be a journalist, at least theoretically, you’re supposed to have ethics. Any writer is supposed to have ethics. And in case you didn’t know, ethics has nothing to do with saying shit or fuck or pointing your attention towards the subject that needs attention pointed towards it. Ethics means you don’t sell your pen. Ethics means You’re supposed to be helpful and not harmful. That thing that the doctors swear to, the hippocratic oath to do no harm, it’s a universal application for all things. At least it should be. Except most of us just accept what the doctor says instead of doing anything to be healthy all by ourselves.

The Upcoming Elections Books (2020)

The Upcoming Elections Book 1

The Upcoming Elections Book 2

The Upcoming Elections Book 3

The Upcoming Elections Book 4

The Upcoming Elections Book 5

Preface to years two, three and four 

A lot of the drama of this rather disturbing dystopian view of life at 52° north latitude concerns my relationship with some rather rude neighbors who took it upon themselves to bring me down to their level. This is all apparently up to argument as far as the Belarusian authorities are concerned, or the American authorities for that matter. In other words, nothing ever changes. The entire story is in here but before going on, I have a blog post that gives an overview to the original situation. The post is called Zaremba and it was originally published as a primer for some legal help. You might consider it kind of a spoiler but I don’t really think so. The entire situation concerns trying to go outside for a fresher breath of air but yet being denied the ability to do so by people who just don’t agree that fresh air, clean water and clean land should exist ahead of business.

Please check out Zaremba


Year two

The Green 2021 Project: Ecology

The green 2021 project was an idea I had because I had energy to do a big project after writing all 175 essays for the upcoming elections books. In my mind, I would involve the locals in ecological projects in the hope that we spread interest in being green and taking care of things. What happened? The Russians happened. The oil business happened. What the hell do you think happened? Why do you think all ecological protesters are so rich and famous and well cared for? Anyway, here are a good percentage of these books. As with everything else, we shall see how they are collected in the future. In the meantime, reading is good for you. Practice regularly.

Green 2021 Ecology


Year three

Green Food (2022)

Green food was my project for 2022. It was my idea that talking about a whole food plant-based lifestyle in conjunction with some thoughts of what life is like here might be interesting universally. I’m not going to say that this worked out very well at all. In fact, this is the most hopeless group and the least edited for what it’s worth. I didn’t want to spend a penny on this and I mostly hated doing it. I won’t lie. This doesn’t say that there isn’t good writing in here because there is. I’m just saying that I was about as miserable as miserable can be for this entire year. If misery and suffering make good art, this is great art. 

Editor’s note: there has never been an artist in this world who sought out misery for their art. Art is an expression of pain and one does not cultivate pain specifically unless they are either sociopathically insane or a devout Christian.

Click here to view all 45 weeks of Green Food.

Green Food 


Year four

Utopian Literature (2023)

Utopian literature from 2023 was my most ambitious writing project. If 2022 was the most depressing thing to participate in, 2023 was the most enjoyable. 2023 when I finally decided that I really wanted to do some writing more than I wanted to talk about my neighbors really helped me. I was incredibly depressed by the end of 2022 But putting together the stories, newspapers, magazines and journals for Utopian literature was simply a blast. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed writing anything as much as I enjoyed writing this. Of course there are still blog entries from late August until October. And in the beginning, everything was blogging but for one story each week. But by the time we started putting together the 16 page newspaper called the Utopian, I was hooked. I was publishing. I was a publisher. I had a character. I had lots of characters and great stories. This was the one that was probably worth the whole thing all things considered. 

Other than the blogging, the Utopian stories follow a writer named Arthur as he attempts to put down in writing the wonders of his Utopian community. The time is 300 years in the future after a great revolution has finally put humanity on the right track. It is a very purposeful agrarian community that works together well, plays together well and does everything they can to maintain equilibrium in their numbers and with nature.

Utopian literature consists of the following parts. 

The first 15 weeks are basically blogging with one Utopian story weaving its way through each number. 

From week 16 until week 26, we have 11 issues of the newspaper style Utopian. This is a printable oversized document that was the first effort to put together something like what might have been published inside of the community. Unfortunately, this journal got smashed along with an unexpected attack. 

Weeks 27 through 30 are mostly blogs plus some elements of the community’s pulling together to help with reconstruction. 

Weeks 31 through 35 are an attempt at a literary magazine called Utopia / dystopia. 

And then finally from weeks 36 through week 44, we have the nine issues of the Utopian literary magazine which take us all the way to the unfortunate end. 

Additionally, there are local blog entries about my neighbors that started on 13 August and ran somewhat intermittently until October 27th. 

I seriously hope you enjoy this and please, let me know if you do.

Utopian Literature is dedicated to my friend Lena, who died on her birthday from depression caused by my most dystopian neighbors. 

Utopian Literature (2023)

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The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire

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It only takes one single conscious thought to make a difference.


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