Plan baseball instead of war…

Technically, this is the farm report but I’m just enjoying the song of playing baseball instead of killing each other. I can’t help but think that somehow baseball is the answer.

I guess everything starts with the fact that Lefty is starting to put in days for me. I didn’t think he was ever going to come to work and he was keeping the entire team down. We made a slight adjustment and relieved some pressure in a specific location and suddenly, we have decidedly more mobility and more healing. How about that?

Pull that together with the absolute delight of the arrival of berries. I’ve had my first half dozen strawberries and have even sampled if you not quite ready berries from our bushes. Yes, the sweet season is starting.

And then there is the greens. A whole New World of herbs has opened up lately. I’ve never liked smoking in my entire life. My mom taught me to hate smoking and smokers and to this day, people who regularly use factory tobacco products are almost unlistenable for me. They are too crazy and insane to be reasonable with. But lately I’ve been studying up on all of the things that are growing naturally here that can be used medicinally one way or another. It’s also by the way delicious and a pretty calming habit for evenings when you are ready to relax.

For what it’s worth, I gave Ghenna the design for a simple Kalyan, a hookah, that can be made extremely cheaply out of materials everyone has lying around. He says he can fabricate something similar out of metal and I’m interested to see if he can do it. I’m also interested to see what happens to her if he takes my advice and stop smoking what he buys at the store and start smoking something better that’s available in almost limitless quantities just outside the door.

Anyway, I’m getting a break these days. It’s been cold and rainy which means I get to spend more time indoors playing with beautiful thoughts like soldiers playing baseball instead of killing each other. What else can I say? Everything is growing. All the boxes are alive and the trees are doing okay. It seems we’ve made a lot of good choices this year which means, I’m kind of going out to eat these days. Food is everywhere.

Thank you God for this moment of peace from the war.

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