• Racism is about food

    Racism is about food

    I’ve been covering the greatest game ever pitched. This was a 16 inning complete game masterpiece thrown by Juan Marichal and Warren Spahn. Here is some blogger named Zero, I think, doing an excellent job of covering the game. And you can click here if you’d like to watch Mr Marichal work. Baseball is a… Continue reading

  • Pesto


    Hey, bulbashki, want to know how to get cultured in one word? Pesto. You show people that you understand pesto and they will look at you and know that you are a cultured person. Why is this annoying little dish so invasive into our understanding of food? What makes this little mix of greens and… Continue reading

  • Linguine and greens vegan

    Linguine and greens vegan

    This recipe might be kind of complex so bear with me for a moment. I’m standing in the door to my kitchen wearing a t-shirt and staring at the rain. One of our more aggressive ladies in this little village of ours is a strict nature practitioner. She fasts and she eats from her garden… Continue reading

  • My lesson with Sasha

    My lesson with Sasha

    We just finished reading the story of Lu San in the new Utopian, currently under production, and we ran into a problem so familiar that I thought it really should be here so at least folks could be aware of it. What? What have I done that’s so stupid? Nothing. It’s just a matter of… Continue reading

  • Rus


    I’m just sitting here taking it easy on a quiet Sunday evening. The war between my neighbors and I took place very quickly at 5:30 am. Needing to answer their use of a gasoline powered weed wacker to destroy every living thing they could possibly get their hands on on Saturday, I decided to do… Continue reading

  • G’s Sunday blog

    G’s Sunday blog

    I’m sitting in the clubhouse with a couple of friends and we are talking baseball this morning. The first thing we talked about was how wonderful our baseball field is right now. In midsummer, it is at its peak of readiness. It was designed as a self feeder with the berms used for seating and… Continue reading

  • Sunday morning “I’m not so sure about this” meeting

    Sunday morning “I’m not so sure about this” meeting

    I didn’t ask for this job. In fact, arguably, we don’t need this job. Arguably, we can talk this out as a group and figure out our problems together. I think I would prefer it to go that way. Are we going to tear the whole thing down and start again? Or maybe we should… Continue reading

  • Peeking out from the Sunday morning wreckage

    Peeking out from the Sunday morning wreckage

    Boy oh boy, the Wagners are in Belarus. Doesn’t that make you feel warm all over? It’s really early on a rainy Sunday morning and we are in the middle of a shitshow. They’ve created a soap opera that creates a convenience story to move the Nazis into Belarus. The murder games that the leaders… Continue reading

  • Issue #9 of the Utopian is available now.

    Issue #9 of the Utopian is available now.

    Scandal. Racism. Street theater. Acknowledgment of nature. Our devotion to the sun and the natural order of life and a musical protest against those who ruin our planet for profits and power. And some amazing baseball, field golf and a collective effort to increase literacy and awareness and make things better for our home. Click… Continue reading

  • A good command

    A good command

    I am sitting on a stool underneath the cherry plum tree. Actually it’s more of a giant cherry plum bush. Another mutant, like me. Did this morning go well? The truck with our winter’s wood did not show up yesterday. No call, no explanation. This had me worried because I’m not going to work on… Continue reading

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The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire

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