An Italian Romance (2001)
Act One: Springtime in Paris. Scene 1 (A Paris youth hostel. There is a desk, sideways to the audience, with a chair on either side of it. We see Jeramy sitting on the left side, guitar in hand and his bare feet resting up on top of it. Jeramy is about 26 years of age… Continue reading
The Bike Shop (2001)
Part One Introduction: Wheels I am a biker. And it is a funny thing when you come to the realization that you are something as strange as that. You say, I am a biker, as if that means something; as if there is something there to actually be. But like any trade you do what… Continue reading
A short visit with Trevor Bauer while compiling a volume about baseball.
After this winter and all that happened this winter, I thought I might have at least two books that I got from all of the writing I did. On the one side, I thought the whole thing could be called the press tour or something like that. But then there was all that baseball material… Continue reading
The Mother Earth Cafe (2000)
The mother Earth Cafe was written in 2000 and was my second serious effort to write a play specifically for theater. The inspiration came from some moving back and forth between Wisconsin and New York. Why was I going back and forth between Wisconsin and New York? Well, I seem inexorably tied to both but… Continue reading
The Delicate Task of Listening (1998)
The Delicate Task of Listening was written in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1998. It was intended to be staged as live theater. I don’t think there is any great cause for expensive set design. It’s a very simple background and a very simple construction and the intention is that there is no breaking of the… Continue reading
Coffee with Adam and Todd (1993)
Coffee with Adam and Todd (1993) Sometimes I think that I should write about the debacle of this play. It was kind of the microcosm of my life in a way. This play was written and originally intended to be staged in Denver Colorado. I’m not sure I was familiar with Seinfeld at this time.… Continue reading
Introducing the Sklad
The word in Russian basically means warehouse or even closet. Storage area is perhaps best. I might change the name one of these days but this is where I intend to house my back catalog of writing. I think I am not really sure how many plays and screenplays I’ve written or the poems or… Continue reading
I made a short film this morning. I’m really getting tired of doing this but I made a short film this morning. It’s a film about my neighbor’s story to the police when I brutally attacked her arbitrarily and without notice. I was thinking last night about Being Had. This is the book I wrote… Continue reading
Solving problems like a boss
Editor’s note: The answer to the question of when this thing is going to end is that it ended almost 2 months ago. This so-called thing ended around the second week in November. Everything else has been being annoyed or not having anything better to do because I’m not good at being bored. and, I… Continue reading
Birch Tree Leaves
I’ve put together an advertising film forperhaps the last page for the Upcoming Elections work. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to group everything together so that it makes sense. 6,000,000 words, it takes a while. That always seems to be a problem. Here’s the film. And here is the latest or last… Continue reading
About the project
This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at PEBelarus@gmail.com
Welcome to the Museum and Cafe
Pages and features
The Slad
(featured works from my catalogue)
Plays, books, poems, music and blogs and all the other good stuff from my 30 year back catalogue. Please check out the Sklad
What can I say? I need an outlet…
Also, here are two books available on Amazon.com
Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia
And please have a walk through our featured work:
The Upcoming Elections
A giant compilation of daily writings, esseys, blogs, theatre, short stories, food, activism and all of the original Utopian publications.
Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace
The Upcoming Elections
And of course, visit our sister sites:
The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire
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All contributions are apreciated
We do this for the environment
It only takes one single conscious thought to make a difference.