The moment

The two films I have today are from August 8th, 2021. This was the day that this lady got a policeman to come to my house and threaten me with a pistol for over an hour. It never actually seemed to him that there was something wrong with what she said. Later, he seemed to get the idea in his head that she was just crazy and tried ignoring her. Just ignoring business is at the heart of Russian intelligence. Anything you can ignore means you can do whatever you want and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt. They’ve been working on this mentality for a long time.

This last couple of weeks I have been demonstrating loudly. When I was in town the other day, the cop drove up next to me and decided that dominating me was what he needed. Nobody is going to confuse this guy with community security or keeping peace between the neighbors. He doesn’t have that sharp of a brain. In fact, most of his job here is beating up the alcoholics. Why does he do this? For the same reason that this lady is getting away with it. This is Nazism. These are Nazis. There is no other way to say what’s going on here. They believe they are the master race and they are untouchable. Thank propaganda from the Russians for all of this but not too many people seem to be angry at having their heads trashed. I guess you have to have a head to even notice when it’s getting trashed.

The first film is of the car itself. This was filmed a few minutes after hour conversation when she decided she just had to drive away for a while.

She kind of understood that I was standing there filming but in normal circumstances, she just rolls all the way back onto my property and belches auto fumes out of her exhaust pipe. These films end up in my house and in my kitchen and the noise and the stench of these fucking cars is always with me. There is never a day when they stop and there is never a moment where they even consider being gracious or kind or neighborly. They just like causing harm because it feels good I guess

This here is the film of the incident.

I don’t know if I need to explain anything but her police report said that I was attacking her like a maniac. This justifies the police coming and screaming at me and threatening me with a gun. Having a psychotic policeman who seems completely happy to shoot me makes it difficult to make a report. I have made police reports and I have shown the police that this film exists. They of course ignore it. That’s all Russians do is ignore it and inflict themselves on other people. It’s true for the Russians in Ukraine, and it’s true for those who identify as Russian here in Belarus.

It doesn’t really mean so much but I have all of the dates. I suppose there’s a book in it but that’s so much work. I think the point of it is that I would just like these people removed one way or another. It’s only fairness. If I was a judge, I would jail them simply because they are actually criminals who act like criminals and knowingly do destructive Acts. In fact, they have been using me as a scapegoat since I got here and they do not seem to think that they just don’t have the right to do stuff like this. If it works for power, that’s all they need to know. That’s Russians. That’s Nazis. This is what we get.

Anyway, it’s time for Shabbos. I am sick as a dog and haven’t eaten anything in 2 days. I did manage to get out and put some water on my field because I won’t water tomorrow no matter what. The weather report said that today was the day it would rain but of course global warming changes the weather and the climate. If I don’t water, the plants simply dry out and die. Of course, the connection between my garbage producing polluting neighbors and all of their hate for everything that does not kiss their ass is of course lost. It’s not lost on me. It’s just lost like apparently the entire planet is.

For a final thought, there is nowhere really to go. I don’t have any deals waiting for me anywhere and I don’t have money to transition into anything I can live with. I have no interest in being pressed into service because my life is miserable enough exactly as it is. I can’t move very well anymore and it’s pretty much everything I can do to keep this feeling alive. I’ve always wondered why people require of themselves to make life worse for others. I think it’s meat. Meat, automobiles, alcohol, factory food and people that just believe that convenience is good and can’t see the damage they’re causing by buying into this. Me? All I’ve ever wanted to do is to give people a clue so that maybe they can become better and the world might have a chance.

Truthfully, it doesn’t. We have no chance and everything is going to get worse and no matter how much the politicians might look for a splendid and flowery appearance for themselves as beautiful people and saviors, they are as fucked up as these white trash people are. It’s just not in their nature to understand where they suck. They just believe they are the master race and the rest of us can’t do anything but breathe their garbage.

All I wanted was some clean air and water. All I wanted is to get out of the auto fumes in the city. I am deeply apologetic if you are so offended that I do not agree with the lifestyles of people who live within towns where automobiles run on the avenues all day everyday. I understand that there are people that consider themselves strong because they adapt to the noise and the stench. I’ve done this personally many times. I’m just getting older and my body is all fucked up and I just can’t take it anymore. I need some rest. I need some rest right now. That’s all I wanted was a little piece and quiet and clean air.

Coercion is not kosher. Shabbat shalom.

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