War report (with video)

One thing that I expected going into this summer was that I needed to treat the month of July and August as if they were a war. Perhaps if you’re just too fucking stupid to know the difference, gardeners worried about things like the sun being angry from too much automobile particulate in the sky. A fucked up sun means even the most beautiful plants might get burnt to a crisp. The answer from our enemy is that who gives a fuck? I don’t need to do this work. I can go to the market and buy whatever I want because I have money. Let me change one word in that previous sentence. I can drive anywhere I want anytime I want for anything I want because I have a license to use an internal combustion engine to furnish my hysteria addiction.

It boggles the mind that any society would give licenses to use weapons to complete nincompoops. Again, I hate every time I use a nice word which would be funny but then immediately you remember that it’s a gas chamber and you’re being gassed by Nazis. Literally. And they are happy because they think that they have a right to do this to Jews. They are the master race and they are offended by any other race that might show that they are better than them or more beautiful than them. They spend is so much of their resources to beautify themselves in elegantly that it borrows the mind. Poisonous nincompoops.

Who is the most beautiful human being in the world? Shohei Otani. In the age of Instagram, just look at this young man and how he commands the stage. He is the greatest actor in the history of the world. He is just a tall beautiful good natured man. He’s a good companion. He is very polite and endlessly patient. He is very aware that he is wanted by women and that sometimes dealing with uninvited flirtation, he still manages to play a beautiful game of baseball everyday. And there is no other way to describe what he looks like playing the game of baseball. He is beautiful on the mound and he is beautiful at bat and he is beautiful running the bases even when he steals home. And who has the longest home run this year?

If we are talking about something that is really beautiful, maybe today was supposed to be one of those days. I am really a mess. Yesterday’s off day helped. And I’ll tell you what else helps. Keeping a vegan diet and at least being aware of what you’re putting into your body means that you’re kind of aware what your body does. You are in tune with yourself and your nature. And of course one of the most beautiful things about a vegan lifestyle is recovery. I understand the argument for chemical steroids but it occurs to me that a well-balanced high protein vegan diet seems to have the same symptoms as steroids. Mike Tyson went vegan for a while and all of a sudden he just couldn’t stop doing things. It seems that going vegan is one of these ideas that just keeps going around because every time someone tries it, it’s not as bad as they thought and then the reaction kicks in, that feeling of gratitude that you get from your body for releasing it from torture, and then you’re fucked. I mean, seriously you’re fucked because if you just keep at it for a few days more, your head is going to clear because all of the fat and plaque is going to start getting washed away by the body’s natural systems that you normally suppress so well.

So I made two more films today. I suppose I should put a link to the one that’s already up on YouTube.

It seems I’ve created a genre. You just add a tiny bit of stimulus and stare at a Russian and they will tell you everything you need to know about the disease. Any doctor can understand that they have complete disconnection from reality but somehow managed to intermingle to self-justify their existences. It is a very interesting bit of cancer that requires Great study. Gosh, it’s a good thing that science is not a matter of money and World priority that we can put all of our scientific knowledge on curing the Russians once and for all, we might actually get an answer this week. One week. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in one week if you know you’ve only got a week to do it.

There is a famous Russian joke however that the Americans spent a billion dollars to develop a pen that could write in zero gravity for the space program. The Russians used a pencil. But these were different times. These were different Russians. It seems that somebody got to the Russians and spoiled their lives and their land. It seems that someone taught people how to live. Somebody came in and demanded that these people live the way these other people lived. This has been the disease since the time of the Torah. Actually, this was the disease well before the Torah. But apparently we had the technology to create the Torah and it was very very important that someone write this book and take genuine care of it so that perhaps one day we would uncover the secret and stop this from ever happening again. This is just my opinion. Why not an allegory about what not to do? That would make great sense and we would just be eating manna, with veggies and greens that we grow in our gardens and beans for a little extra protein and all of the seeds and nuts and fruit. You know, the food. We could just eat the food and leave the animals alone or, because they are animals and are so easily coerced, we could perhaps train them to come for a meal in a particular place and then they would be very happy to eat this and drop a load for us that we could use as fertilizer. Or we could just leave them out there in a really big space that we will use for our gardens next year and then just move the herd to do whatever the hell it wants to the next place. Maybe even something like a wild animal park for domesticated animals.

I’m not good at writing these reports because I cannot stop utopian dreaming. I feel like I am having a nervous breakdown truthfully. If I say that though it makes a question to my competence. I’m really tired of having my competence checked by incompetent people. Actually, I’m really tired of being disturbed by Nazis. I don’t know if you feel how I feel. I don’t know if you truly believe that I should be stricken from the Earth. Either because of my intelligence from having been taught to read or my discipline and attention to detail. It appears that somebody wants to keep people blind deaf and dumb. Somebody believes that people should be incoherent because that is how they are best controlled. They see me as a Jew. They see me as an American Jew. And this automatically means that they turn inward and then create a little web of interaction with all of their friends because it seems that they’re boring lives now have something interesting. They have something to do. They get to attack me with gasoline as an amusement for themselves.

So, I started filming them. I have three films in the can. The thing is, I understand how to edit film. I have a YouTube channel. The thing is, I just don’t like the medium of film. I think it creates something that more tortures reality than appreciates it. Perhaps I’m just being obsequious here and pandering to high brow tastes with a complete waste of a vocabulary but, this new genre is simply a handheld camera staring at a picture. And I have two more films in this genre that I took today that I suppose I’m just going to have to put online. I am so bloody sick. I am so fucking sick. I just can’t bring myself to work right now.

Maybe they have succeeded in killing me. It seems all they want is to kill me. I guess this is the thing about meat eaters. They just can’t stop killing. I mean, let’s take my primary problem, the crazy black chicken, I understand that she believes herself to be a woman and therefore is automatically granted the right to raise children. Why this decision was made to exclude men from the process is a very interesting thing. It seems somewhere there had to be a strict division between male and female and it even got into the language to remind us that certain words were female and certain words for male and that the texture and difference be as absolutely wide as possible. This is technically not true because if you look at the human beings who have been indoctrinated with this disease, there is hardly any difference between the men and the women. Sasquatch is a perfect example of that. If the man in the film, the absolutely tiny man who is completely lost in the world, is her husband, we can see a correlation and an example of henpecking the likes of which the world has never seen. Women being given the ultimate right to kill their husbands at will. Who invented this? Would anybody like to have a one-on-one conversation with this first brilliant person with no machines and no help and no weapons? I would. Ручной достаточно.

But this was supposed to be a really good day. I sent out press releases which were ignored. I sent out my complaint papers to several government organizations and they have all thus far been ignored. I attempted to talk to human beings over the telephone and was basically told that they had created a system that makes creating complaints unbelievably difficult at a distance. I tried to explain to them that I really did not want to have to go to town to do this because town is revolting and disgusting from its over dependence on fossil fuels. So it’s kind of difficult complaining about overuse of fossil fuels when you walk into the epicenter of the overuse of fossil fuels and try to talk to an organization that creates its bullying hierarchy by use of fossil fuels. Again, this is not like perhaps the London Bobby who just hires the biggest fucking thugs to say we are public safety. I met one of them one time. I think I was watching a parade and I had found a way to sit on a lamp pole so to see better and a Bobby told me to get down. I argued with him because that’s what I do. I am anti-authoritarian by Nature. I’m a Jew, remember? That’s what’s up. But that guy just reached up and removed me and put me back into general population and then went about his business. There’s another story about being held in a train station because of a Visa issue and being given a soldier to follow me around. The soldier was completely impotent. In fact, it was a really miserable day to be followed around by this limp noodle with a weapon. But then a little bit later the genuine officer showed up and put things in order. I’m just saying that sometimes there is a person that you cannot ignore who pays attention to what’s truly right and wrong who can come in and say a few words and the game is over.

That guy is not me. I don’t really want it to be me. If you’re reading these words and you catch a good idea about what to do and what not to do with yourself tomorrow, then I was the guy. Not the infrastructure guy. Not the guy who makes the trains run on time and decides who and what gets to be on the roads and why we allow them on the roads. I’m talking about the guy who runs the country. I’m talking about the guy who is responsible for the lives of all of us who remained because either we didn’t have the money to leave or we just believe that we would just survive another fucking invasion.

Nature must win. I don’t know why these people believe it is so important to defeat nature. I don’t know why they think they are so interesting that they can buy a toy that pollutes the world and destroys nature really effectively. What kind of Nazi fascist fuck bullshit is this? What kind of sadistic poisonous death freak bullshit is this that we would create these fucking machines just to make money? Who the fuck thought that this was an adequate and appropriate market to give to poisonous nincompoops? Who is the sadist behind this massacre of nature?

Money? We must stop money? We must stop money. That’s.

So then there was the big moment. With all of this ignoring going on, I thought I had a good opportunity for another photo session. Today was the day that the garbage truck comes and therefore this was the day that we moved all of the garbage that had been left in the forest, in all six bags collected, the two this ridiculous death machine that has to roll into this town to ruin everything because exactly of the amount of garbage made by my neighbor. They require that the garbage truck come directly to their property because they make so much garbage it only makes sense. Illegal factory.

So Dim was there and he did not mind that I took his picture. We posed next to the six bags of garbage he had collected. I made a point of doing the bank transfer and adding a tip because the next day was his birthday.

There was one nuance. I don’t know how many lies he tells so I don’t really believe we are truly on the road to a better place. While we were talking, I noticed that the baby food jar of smokable material that I had given him as a gift had been left behind. He likes giving gifts but not receiving them and his dislike of receiving them doesn’t seem to spill over into his desire to give. Sort of like ignoring the misery of having someone inflict themselves on you. Nevertheless, it gave me the opportunity to regifted to him with a deeper explanation. At the moment, my gate was open and there was no obstruction to looking at my garden and I showed him specifically what I used to create this. Perhaps he was just not paying attention or perhaps ignoring me is a part of his nature. Russians are very good at ignoring everything. Truly, I believe the word ignore is connected to the word ignorant. It is also connected to the word ignoramus. This is all wonderful wordplay but I think the bottom line is we should not give these people licenses to use gasoline products. These two things together might generate a lot of money for Mr Putin but it is at the expense of life on Earth.

Or, we can have sympathy for the devil and we can say that Putin has been constructed by other people who never stop touching other people and are only proud that they have an army to defend themselves. Sort of like bullies who walk around destroying everything around them just so they can take your milk money. It might just be that before we start actually hating Mr Putin, we might hate even more the people that drove him to this.

I think earlier I was talking about global warming and how to stop it and then I said something about getting all of the scientists in the world together to figure out a problem about what to do with the Russians but really it doesn’t really need investment conversations and politicking and detante and all the time necessary to actually formulate a global decision. A perfect example of this is how the most auspicious people of Europe who so love shaking hands and saying hello to Mr Zeleinsky can’t seem to put the political ideology and lawmaking procedures into the process that says no more oil means no more Russians. You shut off the top and remove the licenses to drive and you have made Russia completely impotent. Not only have we made them impotent, like my films, you get to see what they actually look like in real life and how completely unimpressive they are as life on Earth. Of course, each and every one of them believes that they are shohei otani. Every one of them believes they are the most beautiful thing ever created because of their association to their Nation and their religion. They themselves are worthless human shit. They are not even compostable they are so fucked up with chemicals. They are walking cancer cells. They are cancer. Russian equals cancer. Maybe that should be the title of my films. Russians are cancer. And so are Americans and so are all business people and so is money and so is humanity on the planet right now. Just ignoring every single nuance of life that is not connected with continuing their personal death Hysteria. Just to keep the drugs of Hysteria going. Just so they could sit on their ass just a little longer.

I remember when I first met my daughter’s mother. At the time she worked in a bookstore but I don’t know this for sure because I don’t go in that book store anymore. Actually, I don’t go to that town anymore if I can help it. Anyway, her house I was on a major motorway and I believe it probably played a very large role in her inability to focus on anything but the television. But in this relationship in the beginning, I really had so much sympathy in my heart for people that I did not recognize genuine laziness. She would not stand to do her shift in the bookstore. Occasionally they would give her standing work to file books but this bookstore was not a standing job. She would sit at the cash register all day and throw money into a dish for the people taking away their incredibly necessary paper. And I remember looking at her and smiling with love. She was a new girlfriend and I was just brimming with sympathy. And I said to her something like how shitty it would be to be stuck in a chair all day and then I put the word right with a question mark at the end of the sentence so she could agree with me and so she did. But really she didn’t. I didn’t know this at the time but she was not capable of actually answering that question. She had no conception that anyone would ever desire to stand up and move around and do physical things. She had self justified herself into non-movement. She had devolved already. She was cancer but I just didn’t see it. She loved her chair because she got to play with money all day.

There was one more story that got a laugh out of my father. There was that story of the bicycle getting stolen and the court case and everything else that happened and then I told my father that I wanted to find this thief and hire him to do a job. My father thought that this was a violent thought and that I was going to hire some Mafia Hitman. But I told him that it had nothing to do with violence, I just wanted the thief to steal her television.

Anyway, the second film is actually Sergey and Quasimodo and dim. It is a picture of the garbage truck in all of its Glory and dim carrying bags of forest garbage to be taken away by the bucket. And what is most beautiful about this film is not that this is an incredibly cool moment in the history of this town, this was the day that the town decided to do something about the garbage problem in our forest, it is that it was completely ignored. Not only was it completely ignored despite the press releases and the government letters and all of my protests, it was also completely ignored by these two homosexual men posing as married. They are happily flirting with each other while the garbage truck pours gasoline fumes over them.

It is a genuine picture of the genre. Perhaps it is equal to the tenacious d picture where they are running along the beach together. Sergey and Quasimodo standing in the fumes of a garbage truck flirting with each other like the absolute fagots they are well my guy was putting the finishing touches on one of the greatest individual services he has ever done in his life. And it’s all there in film and all I have to do is compress the size so this shit internet that they have given me doesn’t crash and then we have some new films. Actually, I think I have a movie theater. I’m not really sure how to use it or if it’s what I want to see or how to make it what I want to see. I’m going to try having a conversation about that to see if I can get what I want. But I think they’re actually interesting films to stare at. We can make them black and white and put piano music behind it and we can pretend it’s a comedy because we can’t smell the smoke or feel the disease of what it’s like living with truly lazy fucking people who are too stupid to understand that they’re fucking up everything around them.

So, what else? Did I forget anything? I guess I have to upload these films. That’ll take some work. Maybe I’m getting better. Maybe I’ve been resting enough. I went to sleep for a couple of hours after this garbage truck thing. I haven’t eaten anything today but I have no appetite. My hands are feeling the pain of whatever is in me but I did manage to water today though I did so with a cane. I also managed to drag the screens over to the staging area where they are going to live as drying racks for the next couple of months. Actually, it’s mosquito hell around here so I think I have to get up and close a few windows. I could probably use the stand up. Everyone can use a stand-up now and again. Get up and walk around and take care of things that need to be taken care of in some kind of healthy manner.

Yeah, they were two more thoughts. Number one, the jukes are really not much of a problem anymore. The plants are heading into the time of their lives where the leaves are going to become less and less important in all of the energy of the plant is going to go into creating potatoes. Because they are dying, they are less interesting to the jukes whose population has had a really difficult time this year expanding. It seems that every time they get a good cheat meal going somebody pops them like the little balls of pus they are.

Yeah, it’s not really a revolution. It’s just an agreement that you have a physical body that has certain requirements. If you don’t use your body, sicknesses accumulate. You can use Donald Trump as an example for this. I had a conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger and he told me that the entire idea of bodybuilding came as a result of trying to get pig fat out of his system. The food that he was eating made him feel sick and lifting weights made him feel alive. It’s another amazing Christian idea that if you just create unnecessary human movement, they believe that this hysteria will someday bring them calm and peace. This is a crazy, lazy disconnect unfortunately. Because he just could have gone vegan. I know he did not get that amazing Christian Life that he lived, completely wasting the opportunity to bring peace to California. I understand that through the massive amount of time that must be spent in a gymnasium to create a healthy body from pig fat somehow creates business and therefore he gets a big road and he gets to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, a name that Google gets right every time. Or, he could have said something like, “mom, why do you feed me all of this fatty food? Why are you feeding me this shit that makes everyone around us into Nazis and hateful murderers? If we understand that we are vicious killers, why must I continue to eat this diet with all of this pig meat in it? Mom, can’t I just eat the vegetables and the rice and the beans? Maybe we can make a garden in the backyard and I can go out in the sun and work with the plants. Maybe I will feel healthy all the time and maybe you can join me and we can be vegans together and maybe we can make all of our friends vegans and maybe Austria will be the most beautiful place in the entire world. A true Park of peace. From the death and destruction that we helped create to a beautiful new Paradise where nature rules and we all leave really good food and live healthy lives. Mom, why do you make me eat this Nazi food?”

This is a Jewish goodbye but there is a an interesting practical English thought that I had today. If you read my writing, you understand that a lot of it is dialogue between people. And if you can take this one minor leap of reality, the question might come up as to how I create the next dialogue. I know there are words for it to explain it but there is also the genuine process of doing it and for every writer, it is different. So what do you think his mother answered? Do we need a list? I don’t think so. I think that if we just say the truth straight out instead of masking it under layers and layers of nonsense, she would say something like we are Christians and therefore we must be unkosher. We exist for our hatred of Jews. It is our reason to exist. We are at War with the Jews because we hate them so very much. We know this is a ridiculous way to live and everybody is uncomfortable every day of their lives but we believe that discomfort and sickness creates really good human activity and that’s why we do what we do and why we feed you what we feed you. We’re making you into a hysteria death machine. We’re making you into an image that we can sell to make money. We feed you this shit to make you struggle from the pain. Just like the Jews, exactly like the Jews because we learned from the Jews, but we eat pigs and that’s what’s up.

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