Disney understands my neighbors

I want to say firstly that I don’t really like kicking people when they are down. I also feel better about my life when I am a counter puncher. I don’t really like being on the aggressive side. I’m saying this because my neighbors have managed to avoid offending me for the day. They have done nothing to be kind but it just worked out lucky today that I’ve had my entire day and I’m pretty grateful for it.

However, I ran into something last night and I need to make it part of this record. I went on movie service to see if there were any movies to watch and I found this thing called The monkey King.

I don’t need to review this thing. I didn’t really find it to be all that amusing. It had a premise and it was pretty cool to look at and I kind of enjoyed the Oriental theme (this was not a Chinese production as far as I could see and therefore it was pretty disrespectful). But, suddenly I ran in to these three empty shirt bureaucrats. They are archetypes and they showed up right in the middle of this film. And I was looking at them and I realized that someone had taken a picture of my neighbors. 

So call me without any further ado, this is them. This is exactly Sergei, his wife and Quasimodo in all of their epic Disney Glory. You can’t make this stuff up.

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