• Introducing the Sklad

    Introducing the Sklad

    The word in Russian basically means warehouse or even closet. Storage area is perhaps best. I might change the name one of these days but this is where I intend to house my back catalog of writing. I think I am not really sure how many plays and screenplays I’ve written or the poems or… Continue reading

  • The Upcoming Elections Books and all of the daily writings from the Green 2021 Project

    The Upcoming Elections Books and all of the daily writings from the Green 2021 Project

    Welcome to the green 2021 writing project. This project took 4 years to write and has something between 6 and 7 million words. Sometimes I think of this as Everest for a reader. The project started out in 2020 when I decided that making Facebook memes was not enough to let people know how little… Continue reading

  • Zaremba


    I made a short film this morning. I’m really getting tired of doing this but I made a short film this morning. It’s a film about my neighbor’s story to the police when I brutally attacked her arbitrarily and without notice. I was thinking last night about Being Had. This is the book I wrote… Continue reading

  • Hanukkah


    Tonight starts a nice holiday in the Jewish calendar. The festival of lights. They say there is a miracle attached to it and I don’t know, I’ve seen miracles so I believe it could happen. I’ve even had my stove suddenly come back to life even though everyone was sure that all the gas was… Continue reading

  • It’s Friday again

    It’s Friday again

    So we have the new issues of the Utopian and The Daily Blog. The Utopian The Daily Blog Do you want a preview? Are they good? Are they good additions? Do they contribute to the entire package or do they stand out as standalone works of art? Go click and find out. We’ve got some… Continue reading

  • Monday morning meeting

    Monday morning meeting

    Judy, Judy, Judy… That’s Cary Grant. You have to be smooth like Cary Grant to get the ladies. Cary Grant had a way. Have you ever seen… There is a thought in the room about being serious. It seems we are being philosophically serious. Perhaps we are being serious about being serious. We have a… Continue reading

  • And we are out…

    And we are out…

    I’ve been told I only have 10 paragraphs to work with here. This is kind of like an awards speech perhaps but I don’t really think so. But it is the end of the week and effectively, the end of the high holy days. Not really. Today is Shabbos and then Sunday is Yom Kippur.… Continue reading

  • Double secret meeting

    Double secret meeting

    Hem, what are we doing? It’s Rosh Hashanah. I know it. And I don’t want you to get thinking this is all about anti-semitism. The Jewish religion is a grand old thing and is the true basis and pre-evolution of our own Christian faith. I myself am Catholic and there’s absolutely nothing I can do… Continue reading

  • Happy Rosh Hashanah

    Happy Rosh Hashanah

    All the new material is ready to go. Click the links on the right here for everything. I hope this is an interesting week to read. I hope this has been a fine week for everybody and it certainly has been for me. Did you hear what my neighbors did? Go check out the daily… Continue reading

  • Get them while they are hot!

    Get them while they are hot!

    Content baby! We make content! And we’ve got new content available now. So much is going on and so little of the season is left. What’s going on in Utopia? What’s going on in belarus? What’s going on in all of these amazing soap operas that never seem to want to come to an end?… Continue reading

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The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire

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