Coffee with Adam ad Todd

Coffee with Adam and Todd (1993) Sometimes I think that I should write about the debacle of this play. It was kind of the microcosm of my life in a way. This play was written and originally intended to be staged in Denver Colorado. I’m not sure I was familiar with Seinfeld at this time. But the idea was similar and I’m sure Seinfeld went on the air several years before I wrote this. The idea was simple. I was working as a Mason and the job I had was stopped due to a strike and I had a ton of free time. I was playing my guitar at restaurants for food and extra attention and one evening, I met Todd Suiter. Todd was an original computer geek and worked for an IT company building what were literally the original PCs before PCs became PCs. Our relationship was interesting. He was single because he had convinced his girlfriend to join the army and I was single because I liked being single. He was not very good at meeting women and I couldn’t help from women being attracted to me. Sorry but that was the story.

So this was literally a play about two guys in Denver who convinced a young girl that they wanted to meet that they were playwrights. They weren’t at the time, it was just something that came out of my mouth. And after we got the girls phone number, Todd asked me what we were supposed to do next and my answer was that we should write a play. If that’s not the best way to start a career, I don’t know what is.

To describe the action of the play, it is simply episodic. These two guys meet and talk and sometimes they meet other people who talk about different things like modern computer theory of the day or why there is such a lack of individuality in the world. Mostly it is about two single guys being single together but would be much happier with a more interesting relationship. Eventually, both meet new people and there is a moment of happiness. Of course this doesn’t last and if in the beginning of the play, Adam’s character is all bravado and winning, by the end it is Todd that has the stability.

And if you want to know why the name got crossed out, like I said, one of these days I really have to write about this debacle. Really, I think the play about this play would probably be better than the play. And for what it’s worth, the original text came back to me and ended up in the possession of an ex-girlfriend. Whatever she did with it is unknown at the present time. Chutzpah or pathos.

Coffee with Adam and Todd is available to people who wish to read it. Contact me If you are one of those and I think it has something to do with donations or barters or something like that. There’s going to be quite a few works here that I’m not going to offer for free. Let’s just say the link is here and it’s available when needed.

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