• War report (with video)

    War report (with video)

    One thing that I expected going into this summer was that I needed to treat the month of July and August as if they were a war. Perhaps if you’re just too fucking stupid to know the difference, gardeners worried about things like the sun being angry from too much automobile particulate in the sky.… Continue reading

  • Garbage day

    Garbage day

    It’s about 10:00 a.m. and it’s going to be a hot one today. I am sick. Whatever it is I am in a lot of pain in my joints in my hands and then my knee and everywhere. I don’t know whether this is the new covid or something I ate but I feel absolutely… Continue reading

  • Darth vegan

    Darth vegan

    I know Arthur is doing the best he can against some heinous adversity that perhaps my presence had prevented up until that moment. If we want to call this corruption, it’s just a misunderstanding. It’s a matter of having your heart in the right place but also having the brains to know how to make… Continue reading

  • The next report in line

    It’s Tuesday at 3:24 p.m. and I can clearly say that I have done almost nothing. I don’t feel like moving. I don’t feel like doing anything. I haven’t had the slightest bit of energy in the last couple of days. Maybe it’s depression from stopping my addiction to writing 16-page newspapers. Excuse me, you… Continue reading

  • Report number whatever the number is that we just used plus one.

    It seems the date was not over. There were some startling things that startled me. Somebody said my name from my gate right while I was writing this blog out loud. I mean, do you ever type and talk while you do so? I have always recommended that my practical English students talk everything. Talk… Continue reading

  • Report number whatever this is

    I think I’ve had a pretty successful day. Like from the kiss record, I deserve to give myself a round of applause, let’s go! I don’t even know if I can remember that far back as this morning. That was so long ago. That was so many things ago. What a world I live in.… Continue reading

  • What our days are like

    What our days are like

    You know, for a long time, I have been remiss in talking about the simple mathematics and scope of our little community here. We run a tight ship and for the most part it’s one in and one out so we have pretty tight near 10,000 people. And we use a very simple formula. We… Continue reading

  • Part 8

    I am really getting sick of this. I was trying to enjoy a moment in the garden. I found myself sitting on the bench and trying to explain to the plans why their lives were actually such shit. As they mature into plants and the craziness of reproduction fades into the responsibility of handling these… Continue reading

  • Check out the new Utopian

    Check out the new Utopian

    I mean, what? Did you think for a moment that I couldn’t pul it off? Come on… Here is yet another link. Cheers, oh! Damn. I forgot to give this a home. Maybe I’ll just put it here. Vegans do not hunt because they already know where the food is. Vegans are not predators. Vegans… Continue reading

  • Summer clothing

    Summer clothing

    It seems we never cover clothing, which is a bit of insanity. We never talk about our lovely clothing that we have in our beautiful community. To start out with, the philosophy of covering ourselves is an amalgam of necessity plus aesthetics. There is the weather that needs to be contented with and we require… Continue reading

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