
Thursday, November 10th 2022

It’s 3:00 a.m., my eyes just opened and my first thought was to see how far along we’ve gotten. The election process is dragging so I’m assuming there’s a lot of behind the scenes nonsense going on. As of the moment, we exactly have a divided Senate although I hear something about the race in Georgia going to a runoff in December. I do not know why but the Republicans are not known for accepting election results.

Okay, it’s not that. They are saying it is because no one has received 50% of the vote. Actually, it is that but anyway, we get to wait a little longer for the results from Georgia.

Again, I cannot be completely perfect in what I’m doing but in looking at the map and the races that still have not been called, I see that the house currently has 208 seats going to the reds. They need 218 for control of the house. Of the remaining uncalled elections, the reds will get two from Arizona, one from Montana, one from Oregon and five or six from California.

There is also a 50/50 race in Colorado. So again, I don’t know what they are officially saying, but it is possible that the Reds end up with only 217 seats. As of the moment, I’ve checked all the news sources and nobody is saying anything definitively. I am assuming that my account is correct and that we have a really, really close race. It can go either way and a lot of it comes down to two very close races in Colorado and California.

Okay, aside from the elections, yesterday was an interesting day for me. It was beautiful and sunshiny and I felt physically quite good all day. I went outside and walked around a lot and even made it into the forest for a bit. I was a bit afraid that I would overdo it but I never seem to hit that point. In fact, I got really ambitious and ended up finishing the last box. There are still a few heads of cabbage in there, but I managed to cart over some fertilizer and then made two trips into the forest to collect leaves for a top mulch. I felt pretty good about that.

That delivery actually came about 9:00 p.m. in the evening. I do feel bad for the guy. I don’t know why he has to keep working so late into the evening. I was already in the war room and grateful to be off my feet when he called and said he would come if it was okay. So I got up again and waited in the cafe. I ate a small bowl of oatmeal to stay warm. It really was cold in there.

The order had some bicycle inner tubes to put my bike back together, too small packages of super hot peppers, a kilo of dried tomatoes, some whole wheat flour and a 2 kilo bag of cat food. That cat has not been showing up lately but we do have mice in the winter so I figure it’s a good investment to bribe local cats to come and visit me. I can always kidnap one for a day or two to help things stay under control. I guess it’s also a good bribe for Lena as well. She has a cat and she’s always happy when I help out.

And I also got three packages of these sugar-free crackers that are tasty that I got because I got them. Don’t judge me. The delivery guy was coming anyway so I got myself a treat. Sometimes I need to be bribed too.

The year’s spending has almost come to an end. My ex partner has found online places to get all kinds of seeds for next year’s planting including perennial and biennial greens, kale, perennial sorts of spinach and possibly a couple of garden tools to make my life easier. We still have not come to a decision about privacy hedges for the backside of my property. I have actually been thinking of just putting up a fence along the nosiest areas. I still have enough junk boards to put up an offensive enough partition to make my point. It’s not completely necessary because they are basically never here. But it is annoying when you look out the window directly into your neighbor’s windows. It’s especially annoying when you have annoying neighbors.

As for today, depending on the weather, I think I’m going to try and get outside again. Yesterday was our weekly garbage pickup. I again had nothing but my single small bag of plastic residue. But there are some places that could get cleaned up a little bit. There are some slightly bigger projects like extending one rain gutter a little bit to bring it away from the house, more accurately putting some things away in the barn and one or two areas that could generally be cleaned up. If I’m feeling it and I am mobile enough to do it, it’s definitely nice to get out and get a little exercise.

I am also absolutely going to have a very light eating day. I have been eating a lot lately and both my ex partner and Lena told me that I’m starting to get fat. I think you’re probably supposed to get a little fat at this time of the year. Harvest Time has a lot of food in it and the work that you would be doing during harvest starts to drop away. My legs have not really let me be completely physical so for me, it’s mostly just having a ton of food lying around and enjoying it too much. I haven’t gotten huge, I can still wear all of my clothes and they still fit me loosely but you can’t argue with a woman’s eyes.

I also have some studying to do. Some of this studying is comparative shopping and some of it is planting knowledge that I don’t have. There are some perennial vegetables that I really want to put in and of course whatever decisions we might make concerning decorative trees. But also, all of these things require some planning and a knowledge base as far as care, feeding and such. 

My sincere hope is that I have the legs to do my job next year and that I learn my job better. It’s one thing to walk around and improvise and it’s another thing to understand when you are obligated to do specific tasks. There are always choices to make about Land Management. There are also some basics that didn’t really get established so well this year that I would like to change going forward. I would like to establish a place to make some liquid plant food, move and enhance my compost pile and perhaps even do some decorative things like path building or establishing a little bit more order to allow movement through certain gardens. 

I am not aiming for a perfectly controlled fascist exhibition of my human dominance over nature. I believe I am always going to be a lazy gardener by local standards. But I prefer having things reasonably accessible if possible and comfortable walking paths to me are a good idea. At least it will tell people not to go walking through areas that I wish to remain wild.

There’s also one experiment that I think I’d like to make. I’ve read that it’s possible to make pretty decent and functional garden boxes out of leaf mold. It is a remarkable natural material and I’ve even seen videos where people simply use it to create a viable planting medium. Just leaves and a little bit of dirt and it is apparently a wonderful place to grow veggies. I suppose it makes sense. I’ve seen people grow vegetables in straw bales. I see vegetation growing out of my compost pile right now. I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work and as a natural resource, I am absolutely fat with leaves with a forest bumping right up to my property. If I have the legs to go get it, I’d be a fool not to make use of it.

Autumn leaf mulch, by the way, is very beautiful. I like the way our boxes look that have been covered in Hay but I think the boxes that have been blanketed down with fall leaves look even more attractive. Yesterday’s two wheelbarrows full of leaves were already broken down from the wet weather. It’s already partially hummus and therefore beautiful plant nutrition. 

I feel really good about the future as far as getting some food and enjoyment out of my little parcel. I feel I am learning and if I am able to have some days like I had yesterday where I’m at least free to putter around, I can’t see why life won’t be pleasant enough.

Of course there is a bloodthirsty war going on next door and the country I live in is into it. Even if they are only doing the standard Belarusian 50/50, they are on the wrong side of History and are contributing to events that might go towards World War 3. If we did genuinely devolve into complete chaos, I don’t really think I would make it based upon this property alone. I don’t think I could grow my own food sufficiently to get along without any outside services. I’m also not even close to mobile enough to practice emergency measures. But then again, if things really do go that far, they’re probably won’t be anything to worry about really.

So I guess that’s about it for some early morning meanderings. We are not fully going to know the American picture for quite some time. The war in Ukraine has slowed to a crawl and I’m sure the American elections will have an effect on the amount of money flowing in opposition to Vlad Putin. Winter is coming and pretty soon it’s just going to be cold and wet and snowy everyday.

Let’s just hope they leave the electricity on. And yeah, maybe I should do some thinking about a windmill and some solar panels.


I think I want to add one more thing to this morning’s information. Here is the debate between Herschel Walker and Warnock from a couple of weeks ago. I feel bad for Warnock. I mean, Herschel Walker was a great football player. As I remember, he was also a monumental ego and I believe has had more than his share of scandals along the way. He is also not any person I would put in charge of public funds. I do not believe he has the capabilities to work pragmatically and honestly in any kind of fact-based situation. He thinks he’s a smooth talker but frankly, he’s gibberish. Literally, Trump seems to be the man’s role model and I don’t think anything good would come from a situation like that.

Anyway, you can see for yourself. And if you can’t see what I’m looking at, well, I hope you are going to enjoy our fascist future. I mean, whatever is left after World War III that is.


I found another man on the street interview. This is a little different than the ones from 1420 that I have been showing lately. This particular interview is mostly with more “attractive” and the civilized Urban dwellers. You can probably tell the difference in texture both in appearance and with their answers. This is a fluffier group of people. But still, if you’d like to know what people are thinking in a state where their thoughts make no damn difference whatsoever to the leadership, this is what they have to say about borders being closed to Russians because of the war.

On the front, Sinad has the story of the Russians withdrawal to the southeast side of the Dnipro River in Kherson. The Russians have made an official announcement of withdrawal. There are tons of talks about traps and what have you. I think they are just looking to use the river as a natural barrier.

Also, the puppet head of the city is dead of an apparent heart attack and car crash. Looting is going on in the city and in different regions and the Russians are blowing up the bridges on their way out. What a stinking heap of crap this whole situation is.

Personally, I think the reason that Europe is closing its borders to Russians is kind of obvious. They just don’t want them around anymore. I know the feeling.


I love this guy. His name is Andrew Millison and he is a remarkable teacher about how natural ecosystems work. 

In this video, he talks about how nature slowly reclaims damaged land and eventually comes to build up forests. The basic concepts of permaculture are in this discussion as well as some potential ideas about how we can do something to help clean up the world by re-establishing wild systems and allowing nature to clean itself.

But there was something that he said about how human agriculture works. It is constant disturbance and disallowing the land to do its thing, to cover itself and allow for a cycle of plants to slowly regenerate a living soil.

I don’t really have anything to add to this thought except that for some reason, human beings demand to stop everything from growing. It seems almost metaphoric that our way of feeding ourselves has become our life philosophy. This is true both in plant agriculture and unfortunately animal agriculture. Just as we refuse to allow the Earth freedom to regenerate and regrow and allow for the life it wants to give, we do the same things with ourselves. We abhor natural ways of life and demand to keep ourselves and our cultures completely limited from natural evolution or growth. Literally, people are talked out of developing simply for the purposes of keeping things the same.

Perhaps another way to say this is we demand of ourselves to stay annuals instead of developing into perennials. Or in political terms, we are kept in perpetual subservancy rather than allowing ourselves to evolve to whatever intelligent life is capable of becoming.

The sad metaphor of course is that we do this exactly in the way that we deal with our animals. With brutality and senseless mistreatment.

Once again, the war nearby is a perfect example of this. Rather than allowing Ukraine to develop and grow and become whatever it is they would become, Russia demands to smash it back into the Stone age so that no one will ever develop and grow. Or more specifically, become independent. Or even more specifically, to stop being a farm animal whose only job is to feed Russia.

Perhaps we need a new understanding of our relationship with nature. Perhaps we are not supposed to be owners but guests. We are welcome guests. We are here which intrinsically means that we are welcome. But perhaps we should be more polite about our habits during our stay. Perhaps we really shouldn’t be the sort of guest who is welcomed with an open heart but then destroys the house and causes our host nothing but distress and pain. Maybe we should leave the world alone for a little while. We can even leave each other alone too truthfully. Life’s going to happen if you just let it.


It’s 20 minutes to 6:00 on a completely wasted day. I make no excuses and I refuse to offer any explanations for my failure. In fact, I would not even particularly call this day a failure. I mean, if you took a step back and you looked at all of the ambition and fight that I brought to this day, there’s no other explanation to how this one just got up and walked away from me. There was no ambition or fight. I just eventually got up, took a look around and Justice that today was not my day. Truthfully, I should get a medal for this. I want to be the poster child for the new world. This is anti-human-activity. This is the true Eco warrior in action.

Why was this such a throwaway day? Simply because it was. There have been a lot of important things to be prepared for all week. I understand I didn’t really kill myself paying attention to the American elections but it is kind of a long-winded process and if you allow yourself to get truly into it, it does carry you along. As an explanation for this, I have a blood and Bone level dislike for fascism. I carry it in my racial and ethnic heritage and I carry it in my current physical knowledge. I know like knowledge how much has been stolen from me but people who believe they are above the law. Or worse, people who make laws for people below them only for the purposes of exploitation to the point of death. These are my mortal enemies and the mortal enemies to all life on this planet. I don’t want to see the conservatives in power anymore. I don’t want the oil business running this planet ever again.

At the same time, I was also dealing with an appreciated delivery service that simply cannot be planned on or accounted for. Even in that, I have to make personal compromises because of all of the plastic packaging they insist to use. There was a time where I could take my bike to town, refuse all plastic to pick up my goods and somehow find my way back through the system as ecologically friendly as possible. Though this is potentially available to me, it has been a bit outside my abilities this year. Thanks to a voteless government employee’s ability to blackmail me for money and deprive me of medical Care. Okay, maybe they couldn’t have helped me anyway. But they could have tried at least. They could have at least tried to do their job instead of trying to enrich themselves at my expense.

And don’t even get me started about the chicken people or my other neighbors who saw fit to cut down all of their trees just because they are children of a voteless Nation who haven’t got the brains God gives a slug.

I missed all that though I think the only explanation that I can make is that it’s just my time to not want to do this anymore. This is DM the week 44 of a 45 week cycle. The agricultural work is done. The sun is gone away. The world is a lot darker, the color spectrum in the sky is a lot grayer, the cold is starting to become evident and the world is just naturally flowing to a halt. The trees are going dormant, the plants are going dormant and the perennials are just disappearing and waiting for the snow to fall.

I think I’m just going with them. Whether my neighbors like this or not and no matter how much they try to disturb me with their gasoline-powered tools of destruction, I can’t help my love for nature. I can’t help that I believe in my connection to nature and I really can’t deny that I love this place that I live on. Exactly like my friend from the Jewish community said, the land is worth getting down on your knees and kissing but the people aren’t worth a shit. He didn’t say it exactly like that but I think my paraphrase is Worthy.

I do have one bit of discipline to perform. Usually I would have done this during the day but I ate a really amazing late breakfast that sort of had me stunned. It wasn’t anything really special but it had components of some things that I got by delivery and it was just so tasty that I ate the whole thing greedily. What was special about it was some forest mushrooms of course but also some dried tomatoes, about 33% of one super hot pepper and a ton of creaminess from a sunflower seed, chickpea and an entire sugar plant blended together and cooked into the sauce. The main player was lentil spirally pasta. It was outrageous. It was a one-pot cook and it was just ridiculously good.

That meal wasn’t the end however. I felt pretty good after eating it. It had a lot of energy and health to it. Not spastic energy, just calm easy flowing energy that had me with no negative thoughts whatsoever. The mistake and the true ending of my day was to take a bite of salty peanuts with raisins. I was thinking dessert.

If the purpose of this blog was intentionally supposed to be about food, we could probably stop the argument here and say that the most human of all foods is a combination of nuts and dried fruit. It is without question the greatest anti-bonk bicycle food I have ever tried. There is no possible brand or scientific plastic encased bullshit that you can buy at a store that can compare with a handful of nuts and dried fruit. It is human SuperFood. It’s food from the trees which makes it food from God. It is everything your body needs. And all I needed was that first bite in my mouth and a power similar to sex took over.

Anyway, long story short, I went to the bottom of the jar of peanuts mixed with raisins. This brought out a huge wave of anti ambition and lethargy. Probably it was just a diabetic coma as a present for my greed. You can’t put that much fat in sugar inside you and not have an effect.

Okay, there was also probably a little bit of mysticism involved. Tanya has been calling me a lot lately. I think with winter coming, she is trying to make me into some kind of nut storage bin for herself. I don’t really like to play with married women, even women who live with overbearing men but claim not to have any legal relationship with them. It’s a bit lawyerish and it’s making me a bit tired. Lawyers make me tired. Conversations about economy make me tired. And money grabbing women pretending that my ego is important to them is one of the most de-energizing things in the world. She never actually called me. This was some kind of ESP psycho-symbiosis thing. I felt her grubby little fingers reaching out towards me and that tipped the scales away from consciousness and I went back to bed. I noticed her call only when I woke up. I agonized about calling her back for the missed call but decided to go back to sleep.

So we have a perfect storm here. I have too much food in the pantry and not enough work to do. I’m at the end of my work cycle. The world is at the end of its growth cycle. The elections are over, thank God, and frankly I don’t give a damn what happened. Those results are for lawyers and dictators and other parasites to play with. My life is well under the economic radar. I am of almost no importance. My only activities are to wander out into my field or off to a corner of it to take a piss. I am just making friends with the trees and the plants. My only love is nature. I tried to minimize paying attention to my economic cancers. I’d rather leave money out of the conversation.

But you know what? It’s Thursday. It’s time to read some Torah. 


This week’s Torah portion is called Vayeira(וַיֵּרָ֤א) which means “and now appeared”, from the opening sentence “and now the Lord appeared to Abraham, who was sitting at the entrance of his tent In the heat of the day on the plains of Mamre”.

In the first portion that starts out with Genesis 18, where three men, angels of the Lord, appear before Abraham. Suddenly he is awake and runs to them. Falling on his hands and knees he begs to clean their feet and offer them food that they should not kill him. He runs to his wife and tells her to make some bread and to his boy to prepare some meat and to take some milk and cream. He brings the bread and cream to the three men and after they eat, they tell him that they will come again the following year where he and Sarah will be parents to a new child. Sarah doesn’t believe this. She reminds them that she is old and it’s kind of far-fetched for her to be having birth. Nevertheless, this is foretold as the word of God.

Before we get on to the second portion, it’s kind of hard to read these words and not find them incredibly similar to the three wise men bringing frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus in the manger. Was it the same three men? Or were Caesar’s writers from the ministry of propaganda just borrowing again. 

I’m not sure what the copyright laws were at the time. These days, you can have a rapper sample some popular song and their song becomes popular because there’s already a built-in hook. I don’t actually know the monetization or royalty payments necessary to make these sorts of things. I know that Katy Perry lost a ton of money because there was one theme in one song with a standard chord progression that’s in 10,000 songs that could be attributed to some one-hit-wonder 20 years earlier. Did led Zeppelin steal their songs or was it all simply homage?

I would love to agree with the beauty and charm that goes along with the religion that worships a man being nailed to a pair of sticks and left to die the most horrible death for being Jewish and kind and trying to be helpful. But let’s just say I have my suspicions. I mean, I find it hard reading Torah without secular cynicism. Don’t even get me started on the New testament.

In the second portion, perhaps we have the genuine Genesis of the Jewish people. In this portion, everybody starts arguing with each other and bargaining. Literally, they cannot leave each other alone with the technicalities of the moment and they have to try to find the very best deal they can.

It begins with an argument as to whether or not Sarah laughed when she was told that she would have another child. She says she didn’t but Abraham says he saw it clearly. Actually, I think this exact situation was in the third season of Seinfeld.

At this point God starts wondering whether he made a mistake by bringing up the whole thing to Abraham in the first place. And then, probably made angry and nervous by all the constant bickering, the three pre-christian wise men stood up and said that they were now off to Sodom and Gomorrah to sodomize everyone until there was no more of them. That was kind of a rhyme.

But being the father of generation upon generation of lawyers, Abraham runs to them and tries to get off the people of the two cities. I don’t know what his fee was as a criminal lawyer but he certainly did what he could. He bargained that perhaps there were a few decent people out there and got the angels to agree to 50. If they could find 50 righteous people, everybody gets spared. But then Abraham bargains him down to 40 and then to 30 and eventually down to 10.

As a side note, we could have used a guy like this in the Kremlin. I understand that Vlad is only interested in the resources and the divisive possibilities of stealing a chunk of land from the ukrainians. We understand that he doesn’t give a damn about any number of people. We know this from the way he runs his army and his country. Nevertheless, if perhaps not all ukrainians were satanists and Nazis, if perhaps he could have realized that there were a few innocent people who really didn’t need his help, he might have spared the bloodshed.

This is what happens when we allow psychopaths and alcoholics and drug addicts and drug dealers to play God. Democracy. Think democracy. Think everyone has a right to vote.

The last sentence of this part by the way is beautiful. 

And the Lord departed when he finished speaking to Abraham and Abraham went home.”

Obviously, everybody was exhausted by then. Like I said, this was the birth of the Jewish Nation.

In the third portion, well, all I can say is that we run into something like the San Francisco gave freedom parade if it were run by the Russians. This is degeneracy at its fullest possibilities and one wonders why Lot even wanted to live there. Well, we know why he wanted to live there. He had a taste for same sex intimacies. This is what put Abraham off their friendship. I guess he found a lot of like-minded people.

So the wise men showed up at his house. Now however, there were only two instead of three. There’s no explanation about what happened to the third. Well, unless he decided it had been a long trip through the desert and he wanted to relax a little. Really, the world takes all kinds.

Lot knew the drill and immediately threw himself on the ground and did the foot washing and bread bringing and the angels came into his house and told him that basically, enough was enough and both of these towns were going to be wiped out. Lot begged them not to do it. He swore to God and whatever other thoughts ruled his mind that they were good people.

However, at exactly that moment, a group of men gathered outside Lot’s house and demanded that they be allowed to party with his guests. Lot probably did a facepalm at this point and suggested that perhaps they would prefer to play with his two virgin daughters and leave these guys out of the fun and games. Unfortunately for everybody in town, this group of crotch rubbers did not think… 

You know, I can’t help myself. Hemingway, in his book, A Movable Feast, talks about being assaulted by salty homosexuals in his younger days. He was talking with Gertrude Stein who was bothering him about straight language in his writing. She was saying that using original bold terms made his stories “inaccrochable”, unpurchasable, and therefore not in his best interests.

Under questioning I tried to tell Miss Stem that when you were a boy and moved in the company of 

men, you had to be prepared to kill a man, know how to do it and really know that you would do it in order not to be interfered with. That term was accrochable. If you knew you would kill, other people sensed it very quickly and you were let alone; but there were certain situations you could not allow yourself to be forced into or trapped into. I could have expressed myself more vividly by using an inaccrochable phrase that wolves use on the Lake boats, ‘Oh gash may be fine 

but one eye for mine.’ But I was always careful of my language with Miss Stein even when true phrases might have clarified or better expressed a prejudice. 

‘Yes, yes, Hemingway,’ she said. ‘But you were living in a milieu of criminals and perverts.’

I think that’s about what we are talking about here. But hey, I say live in Let live. I say that in a world of 8 billion people who have done so much ecological damage and are living in a world that demands of them complete chaos and hatred and prejudice, I can’t see a single reason not to worry about people who wish to engage in sex in such a way that there are no babies as a result.

I mean, this had to be some kind of a party town where you get a couple of out of town guests and the folks just come to your house and tell you to put them outside so that they can fuck with them, literally, is kind of out there. And these were the government inspectors!

Like I said, that one inspector was suspiciously missing.

Well, you know what was going to happen and Lot’s family was told to get out of town quickly. Those two virgin girls and their mom were sent scurrying and told not to look back. You’re really not supposed to look back. I think this is why they put parental controls on computers sometimes. Believe it or not, there are some people that think that pornography just should not be available to children. And yet, this is the world we have made for ourselves. Funny when you think like this.

The fourth portion is Genesis 19 but seriously, it is perhaps the greatest lesson of why you’re not supposed to mess with foreign governments. Sometimes, you’re just supposed to leave well enough alone. You can’t cherry pick who you like and don’t like. And you can take the country out of the boy but you can’t take the boy out of the country. Or maybe it’s the other way around.

The Lord sends Lot, his wife and the two virgin girls up the mountain to a place called Zoar for safety. Lot’s wife of course, being who she was, didn’t bother to listen to instructions and turned around and ended up as salt. The Lord does these things. Unfortunately, punishing the wife for being nosy is like punishing the sky for being blue. And taking a wife away from a guy who already has homosexual tendencies is pretty much asking for trouble. Straight away, Lot refused his apartment in town and took his two virgin daughters to go live in a cave with him. Of course he started drinking, of course he couldn’t keep his hands off the girls, of course they conceived and of course, the wise men should have seen this coming. And if He knows everything, it seems that the Lord and the devil are certainly in cahoots most of the time.

Maybe this is where Russians get their anti-semitic claims of satanism. See what I mean? Pandora’s fucking box. That’s all it is. Pandora’s fucking box. Just a giant can of worms that you just should not have opened. Unless that’s what you wanted…

The second half begins with Genesis 20 where we are back with Abraham as he and his peoples journeyed to the South. When he got to the city of Gerar, he again tried to pawn off his 90 something year old wife as his sister. Jealousy never dies.

But then again, neither does a get-rich plan. Abraham is in cahoots with God who visits Abimelech, the head guy in town who makes him afraid of dealing with Abraham’s so-called sister. Why not? It worked before, why shouldn’t it work again. Have you ever had a relationship with a much older or much younger person? I’m telling you, this particular section right here during harvest Time when everybody’s got some free time and money lying around is sexy stuff in the Bible. Well, sex, blackmail and murder. I don’t usually write about these things but that’s a pretty good title for a book.

Well, there are a lot of beholds and Bible writing adjectives and such but Abraham gets the loot, gets told to scoot because God told Abimelech that everybody would be sterile if he even tried to touch the woman. 

You know, I know Abraham is a good man but if I were to take a crack at this, I think we’re talking about venereal disease generally.

This portion bleeds over to the beginning of Genesis 21 in which Sarah bears him a son and they name him Isaac. Isaac is the son of his old age.

In the fifth portion, and this is a huge reading, we have more good reasons why all of this partying and drinking is just no good for anyone. Everyone is happy that 100-year-old Abraham now has a son with his 90-year-old wife so they have a big party. But at the party, Sarah sees Hagar, the handmaiden with whom Abraham had had a child when everybody thought that he was too old and too impotent to do so, and in a drunken fit of protective motherishness, she tells Abraham to get rid of them. Only Isaac should have the attention of his father.

Henpecked is henpecked even at 100 years of age and so Abraham gave some rations to the mother and the boy and sent them off on a donkey out into the desert. By the time the food and water was gone, the woman placed the baby under a bush and walked some distance, two bow shots, so she wouldn’t have to listen to the boy’s cries while dying.

But God came in to intervene, made a well appear so they could drink and told her that the boy would be a great man. The boy grew up to be an Archer, she and the boy went to Egypt and she found him an Egyptian wife. Apparently that he was half Jewish meant he was destined for greatness.

I should tell my kids about that.

In the 6th portion, we have more biblical overtones of the Ukrainian incident. This well suddenly appearing in the desert nearby caused a bit of a stir. Abimelech sent his soldiers and took the well forcibly and then sat down to negotiate a settlement with Abraham. He ended up taking quite a few taxes from the father of Israel before leaving. Unfortunately, this meant that Abraham was now living in the land of the Philistines. And you know that nothing good is going to come from that.

And finally, in the 7th section we have what might be one of the most famous bible stories of all. The Lord wakes up Abraham in the middle of the night and tells him to take his son out to the field and build an altar. And on that altar, he is to sacrifice the boy to God as a sign of his love. He does this and with every intention of making the cut, the Lord stops him at the last minute and gives him an animal to take the place of the boy. He appreciates the dedication, the boy is spared and Isaac is allowed to pass on his seed for what would be the new nation.

I don’t really know what to say about all of this. I guess at the end of the day, it’s just about taxes and whether or not you can take care of yourself and your house. If you’re going to be a degenerate about things and follow your basic impulses, you probably not going to have any money and we’ll just end up a pariah and a drain on society.

I’m not really sure if it’s a paradox or not. Obviously, the act of human reproduction is one of the most pleasurable things a human being can feel. Most obviously, we are given this pleasure simply for the furthering of the human race. How else do you convince someone to do something other than by giving them pleasure?

But at the same time, maybe the whole point is that you are supposed to temper your pleasure with some thoughtfulness about the consequences of your actions. Whether this is making children that you wish you never made or whether it’s just acting in an uncontrollable manner because you’ve been driven crazy by your natural instincts and urges. This by the way is one of my biggest complaints about Christianity. I mean, you tell the priests to show their strength and belief in God by never marrying and yet you’re surprised when all those young boys get sodomized? It’s not like you didn’t see it coming, so to speak.

There is also a very hysterical Christian understanding of not being a Christian. If you do not agree to surrender to Jesus, if you do not take Christianity into your heart and accept the teachings (other people telling you what to do), you are automatically seen as dangerous. It is as if they believe there is no possibility of altruism or morality or the ability of a human to control themselves in any way. Evidence of a failure to control themselves is within the speeches of the leadership of the Christian conservatives as well as most of their brain dead voters. I mean, if you can’t tell the difference between someone who should and shouldn’t have access to public funds, you’re better off getting rebaptized quickly. You’re not going to make it in the free thinking world.

I’ve always considered this to be a bit of an insult to tell the truth. I am a man. I enjoy the company of women. I enjoy making love quite a bit and I am much, much happier when there is love in my life than when there is not. And I have experienced both. But never have I ever thrown myself upon a female and demanded compliance. Never have I used my strength to get sex without consent. I have never even thought about this in my life and have more often agreed to end up without simply because she said no and I said okay. Just as simple as that. More misery for me but it doesn’t matter. Coercion is never the answer.

This is not to say that we don’t have animals in the world. Check out the Russian army in Ukraine and all of those rapist/ washing machine thieves. Check out the pictures of what the Ukrainian looked like after Russian occupation. Check out my own landscape politically and economically after having a bunch of drunken rapists from the place for the better part of the decade.

My ex partner has a habit of killing plants as a way of proving her dominance as a gardener. I don’t kill anything that I don’t absolutely need. I don’t practice hatred on my trees or on my plants. I don’t practice dealing with my violence. I try not to have violence thoughts and frankly, I just don’t live a very aggressive life anymore. And I’m very happy about this decision. Call me whatever dirty names you want, I think I’m living correctly by not influencing my surroundings or inflicting myself on people without their permission. I’m not interested in other people’s goods. It’s in the Torah that we shouldn’t and I believe it’s a good idea.

And one more note before I close up this section. While I was writing this, Tanya called again. I asked her what she wanted and she told me she just wanted to find out how I was. I told her to quit wasting my time. I told her but I am not in need of any high School walk around psychology friends. I told her that I’m a very serious person and if I have nothing to do, I will find something to amuse myself or to make myself comfortable and the only thing I don’t need is to waste time and spend money on my telephone for bullshit.

It took her two sentences to rev up into a fury. This is what she does. She’s a cigarette smoker. I’ve never gotten along well with cigarette smokers. You can’t be reasonable with a cigarette smoker. My mom was a cigarette smoker and she was one of the most unreasonable people ever to demand my time without my vote.

She hung up on me. And then I found out the cost to my telephone. Yeah, some women just exist to waste your money because they have no life of their own. I think we make these things on a production level around here. And yet, they don’t let the men go gay. Talk about a paradox…


I just want to think a bit about one other sexual paradox. The male of the human species produces a lot of sperm and the urge to do something with it is with him pretty much every day. It has been my experience however, that I am not the picker and chooser of my female company but rather it is female interest that draws my eye.

This has always been the case even when I was eating meat however, I do believe that a non carnivorous diet does bring up quite a bit of mental clarity. Even when a woman is paying attention to me, this doesn’t mean I automatically give up my life to go catch her venereal diseases or to make sure she has enough money. I’m not here to save the female world from a lack of clothing or Cafe lunches.

But it is difficult to deal wisely with our reproductive desires. We need to have outlets so that we don’t go crazy. And we do go crazy when repressed or are forced to live in a repressive society.

What can be done about these sorts of problems? Well, first and foremost we need to live in a place that does not demand every human being to be at War everyday of their life. I’m not even talking about violent military conflict, I’m talking about the need to fight to the death to have some money. If we are going to fix the economic World in such a way that there is a microscopic amount of winners and everybody else is cannon fodder, you’re going to get an awful lot of frustration. This is going to manifest itself in crime, violence and rape along with other socially unacceptable behavior. And of course if you make sure that as many people as possible have weapons, you’re mixing up a very inhuman stew.

There are also a lot of vampires out there looking to feast on innocence. I see this in my neighbors. They lead pointless and desperate lives. The women have nothing else to look forward to but suck the Innocence out of their children. When women do not have this drug fix, they fall into despair. And as another consequence, young people of legitimate age to know better still consider themselves innocent children and do this even knowingly. This of course is another paradox and it has led to the utter degeneracy that is our world right now.

I’m not knocking sexual freedom. I have lived my life and have had my share of partners. Partners and adventures, both good and very bad. The problem is with the spread of disease and dealing with criminalization. You never know when you have a blackmailer on your hand. You never know when you have a thief in your house.

I do not have any genuine answer to this problem. I do not have any genuine societal way of dealing with this except to be open about our sexual needs, allow people to masturbate as needed, to allow people legitimate relationships regardless of whether it conforms to any specific idea of moral order. And frankly, we really should legalize marijuana. It does make people peaceful and therefore thoughtful. I don’t see anything wrong with a plant that grows naturally and seems to be the antidote for society’s insanity.

Of course, this is why it’s illegal. This and because the brown skinned people liked it. 

Or maybe we just need to be left alone for a change. Maybe we really don’t need outside help to live our lives. Maybe we could just figure these things out for ourselves without weapons or coerced religions or having a bunch of drunk and rapists show up on our doorstep. Maybe we can just turn off the heat for a while and just chill out. You are never going to convince me that that is all we need. I mean, at least take a day off, right?


It’s a little after 9:00 and for some reason, I’m on page 52. This is ridiculous. How much have I been writing this week?

Well, today was what today was. I can’t say either bad or good. I can’t say that I am ashamed or proud. It simply was and now I’m here and I’ll be lucky to get to sleep.

The American elections are going to continue to demand our attention. But I’m pretty happy with my own detective work. I had a look at all of the uncalled races. I’m pretty good with the math one way or another. I figured out the plot. I know how It ends.

I do have some studying to do. This is one thing I didn’t spend my time on. I need to study up on my decorative trees. I also have the opportunity to get some seeds which will lead to perennial or biennial vegetables. I don’t really want to spend all my money if I don’t have to. But I want to be prepared. There’s also some other purchases I’d like to make but I’m not even sure if I want to spend any more money unless I have to. I feel like I’ve been hemorrhaging money. I feel like too much money is going out where it doesn’t need to go. Truthfully, I can’t even remember when money made me happy.

I think maybe the genuine key to life is to find happiness in things that don’t inherently cost money. I understand I’m speaking absolute Christian blasphemy here. How dare I make a comment about a moneyless world directly in the face of the results of Christian leadership everywhere. The Christian world is about addiction and they just don’t allow addictions that don’t cost money. That’s rule number one. You have to have a rich bank account to be a good Christian. Either you can afford good drugs or you just don’t smell good enough for church.

I’m sure the same is true for most religions. We can argue whether or not it is the opium of the masses. I said that to Lena the other day when she told me she was on her way to a prayer meeting. Trading one drug addiction for another is how most people end up. They like people to go through an evil before declaring themselves clean. They like to make sure that the hook is firmly in place before the switch comes on.

This is not sour grapes. This is not whining because I didn’t get what I want. It’s not whining at all. I am quite okay. It’s that the world wants to work me. The world wants to pimp me out for more. Everybody always wants more. This is the real problem. You have to agree to take a little less.

Maybe that’s the morality. You have to take a little less so everybody can have something. That’s what it should be about. The selfishness, narcissism and egotism is the insanity. We are not Islands. We have to work it out. Either that or… boom.

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