
Wednesday, November 9th 2022

Rachel Maddow puts things into perspective as usual. The Dems participated in early voting and mail ends and the Republicans like the circus of voting day.

I think it might be a matter of feeling the crowd versus understanding one’s Civic duty. When you are in a large group of people, I’m speaking about a political rally per se, you have one person being the focal point of attention and then you have a crowd of people whose only obligation of participation is to make noise. The leader gets to be sensible and intelligent in their own way but the mass of people is only obligated for animal noises. They can cheer, they can boo, they can clap but they cannot help or participate in any meaningfully intelligent way.

Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why the Republicans wish for voting to continue only in this one particular Mass way. You must take a day off of work and leave your life’s obligations, you must stand in line and be observed. The opportunity for coercion and threat of violence exists. If you are in Belarus, there are soldiers with guns standing around the polling places. I’m talking about automatic weapons. And of course there is always the fear that your votes are not quite as private as some people would like. Of course there are people who want others to know who they are voting for. All of this is part of the circus. One person makes a semi-intelligent remark and the masses get to grunt.

If you were to look at this situation, you might come to understand two different things. On the one hand, you can look at these voters as individuals with individual lives and making individual decisions. You might see some people with a lot of energy at the opportunity of participating in a mass action. These people would obviously be thrilled by the energy of the moment as much as their intellectual understanding of their social obligations. But I think mostly you would see people who are tired and unhappy for the obligation of having to find a way out of their normal lives to do this task.

The other way you can look at this is that voters and spectators are a group to be manipulated. Farm animals basically. They don’t really have any individual voice and the best thing about them is that you can figure out how to make them cheer and boo and laugh. And vote.

So are we, the non-leadership class, individuals with individual lives or are we just a group of farm animals?

Russia is voting on this question right now. I just finished watching Denys Davidov’s latest offering and it is just filled with information about what’s going on in and around Ukraine.

Things are at a bit of a standstill along the current lines but Russia has taken upon itself the tactic of mass attacks using the new conscripts as both bait and simply cannon fodder. They are experiencing massive daily losses but they just don’t seem to care. These are not people with lives and families. These are not individuals with individual thoughts. They are just tools to be used at the whim of the leadership. This is a perfect example of groupthink and group mentality.

In Madow’s thoughts about early voting and why the Democrats lean towards voting by mail or early voting. Not participating in the mass action allows them the best opportunity to stay in their own lives and take care of their own responsibilities. This is a perfect example of individual thinking. They understand their obligation to vote but they simply figured out a way to get it done with the least amount of effort and of course the least amount of potential nonsense. They can’t be coerced or frightened or threatened or made to feel they are on display.

When I voted in the 2020 elections, I was not particularly happy to be voting for Biden and Harris. I thought Harris was the best person amongst the group of democratic candidates but I was very unhappy with how she was used by the political machine and I was extremely unhappy to be fed Joe Biden as my only Democratic option. I thought there were quite a few good people who I would be happy to see sitting in the chair. I personally had no feel for Biden or that having an 80 year old man sitting in office was in any way a good idea. Nevertheless, I wrote in my vote and had the state of Florida send it back. They decided I was cheating even though my official residence was at the time in the state of Florida.

Well, this is the entire point. If you perceive people the exact same way that you perceive cows or pigs or chickens and they exist only for your own personal pleasure, of course you don’t believe in anything they might have to say. You’re not interested in their opinions and you certainly don’t want to be bothered by them. You might as well hate them and imagine them to be adversaries. Of course they are just liars and cheaters and thieves. Of course they are unworthy of respect. Of course they would never feel any particular vested interest or obligation to participate and take care of the interests of their communities.

I am in an argument with my California conservative friend. It’s an interesting conversation if you actually believe in it. The highlights are pretty straightforward.

I think you can understand who is talking in this dialogue. 

I have taken my father’s life in his retirement community in Florida and tweaked it to be more affordable and sustainable. Basically free. 

As long as you’re happy that is all that matters.

Well, I also think that we have an obligation to not use up so many resources. We have to be helpful to others and to the planet. It’s not only my happiness that counts.

It is mostly your own happiness that counts.

It’s extremely hard for me to enjoy something if I am aware that there has been harm or exploitation to another in order to get it. I am vegan, remember?

What does that have to do with your own happiness?

Well it’s not hard to understand. You have a situation where you can have a comfy chair, a 4K TV and some cherry pie. But to get it, five people get hit in the head with a hammer. Let’s say it’s your kids. Are you okay with the chair and the pie?

I guess I just don’t understand your logic.

Why not? You can’t be a dispatcher unless you have someone to dispatch. You can’t have a police force unless you have a disgruntled population that needs to do what they have to do to get by. You can’t have competition without someone to compete with and you can’t be a snob without someone to look down upon. The world has a natural symbiosis and you cannot believe that you are alone in the world and entitled to all the resources without understanding that somebody else had to participate in getting you things. I am not personally happy if the exploitation that led to my happiness is too great or unfair. Okay?

And so on and on and on…

It is exactly the point that is being made on this election day and on the battlefield in Ukraine and the potential battlefields in Taiwan, Korea, to the Middle East and everywhere where the effects of global warming are creating poverty and famine and misery. It’s the same argument occurring everywhere in the world and apparently we cannot have this without devolving into a conflict that takes out all of the sweaty pigs and only leaves the leadership comfortable in their bunkers. 

There are those who believe that the world is made up of conscious individuals trying to live. These people very much like a fair and sustainable system that allows them to live reasonable lives, some level of comfort and opportunity for happiness. In my belief, this means good food, a safe atmosphere, protection from the elements and lots of opportunities for love and laughter. I personally would like to believe in the opportunity to go swimming in clean water from time to time and maybe to play some sports just for the thrill of it. And maybe some cool theater from time to time and some excellent, excellent acoustic music.

Can we do this sustainably for the entire population of the planet? Of course. We just need to tweak the system a little bit and to allow a bit more responsibility to be taught from childhood so that people grow up understanding that they are participating in a symbiotic world where they are allowed a good life in exchange for a little good responsibility. Of course it’s possible. It’s not only possible, it would be glorious.

And then on the other side we make sure that there is hate.

If you don’t mind, I’m not going to flesh out that argument or add more adjectives to it. I think it’s a pretty simple standalone statement. I think it’s pretty understandable.

So basically we can make the argument that selfishness exists and that you really can’t enjoy pleasure without a little sense of selfishness. You have to allow yourself to enjoy life and that means taking pleasure in pleasure. That’s obvious. The point is that we are not talking about unilaterally going to zero or 100, we are just saying to reserve a part of yourself responsibly. It may be pleasurable to drink, but you can stop drinking before you die. It may be pleasurable to lie around in bed and eat a big meal but you can’t do it as your only activity. You can make love and even make children but you need to understand that there is a limit to how many children we can make.

These altruistic decisions, these non-self-centered ideas do not come from leaders telling us what to do. These decisions must be made individually in order for there to be a chance. Just as there is no success from a student who is bullied into a class by an overbearing parent, there is no success from a society bullied into action by overbearing leadership. Fascism is not sustainable because it ruins the people it exploits by not listening to them.

It’s 3:30 in the morning. I went to bed early and woke up early. It’s too early to check on the election results and I don’t really have much else to do but sit around and check out the news. There aren’t even any baseball games to check on and truthfully, though I appreciate hockey and basketball, I was a baseball player. I also played American football. I have played basketball and hockey, boot hockey, I can’t really skate but I don’t really have a feel for these games. The same is true for soccer/football. So, tonight we have politics.

I am however sick to death of covering politics. I am sick to death of having this country participate in this war. I am sick of this country being at War because it is an example of extreme coercion. Because there is a constant threat of violence to your life, you are coerced into paying attention to it. You are not allowed to live your own life because you cannot stop paying attention to these dangerous things. I am sick to death of War generally.

Yesterday I sat outside working on this blog. Immediately my neighbors started making noise to distract me. One neighbor got in a car and paused exceptionally long in front of my house to allow just a little more Auto fumes to waft onto my property. My neighbor across the street who works for the chicken people for money decided to cough loudly and play with his machinery. I spoke in Russian for a few minutes and everybody quieted down. It’s coercion. The chicken people are Russian. I’m not naming them that because of their personality, I’m saying that because the husband is Russian and his wife was an Uzbekistanian pickup. They are fascists.

I am genuinely tired of all of this because it just brings misery and hate into my life. It brings misery and hate into a life that I just wanted to have more peace in. They bring unnecessary noise and pollution into a world that I would rather be clean. They break the piece. They talk about me behind my back, they have called the police on me several times for nothing, for lies, and they are perfectly happy keeping this going.

They are fascists. They are Russians. They are conservative. They are the oil business. They are money. They are Christians. They like weapons and police and the military. They are the reason for global warming and climate change. They are the reason for war and death and unhappiness and prejudice and anti-Semitism and misogyny and homophobia and gun violence and poverty and famine. They are the cancer that spreads. They are evil. They are the evil of the world.

I don’t know, I sincerely hope that this was simple enough to understand. We really can’t be selfish. You do not have to kill yourself or you allow yourself to be stripped naked and hung on a cross. You’re not obligated to die for anyone else’s whims. Or at least you shouldn’t be in a decent world of free choice. And yet, this is the world we continue to make for ourselves. Or allow them to make for us.

Perhaps we should start voting against it.


Not a great start. I don’t mean to be finding explanations for failure but of course we are looking at a world that turns right to left. The early results show that what we already know to be true or true. The East Coast cities with ethnic diversity vote Democrat and the Sinclair media run lemmings of the Midwest and deep south vote slugs for salt. That’s what it looks like so far. The western states however are on the way and with the exception of Iowa and Nevada, they are mostly blue.

There are a couple of interesting races. The football player, Herschel Walker, is making a decent showing but currently not leading. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic party leader, got re-elected without too much fight. The voting basically is for the incumbent most of the time but in Colorado’s 4th district, we have a Democrat, Adam Frisch, taking a seat currently away from Lauren Boebert. Colorado in fact only has one red blip.

I haven’t read any commentary or any experts’ analysis about surprises yet. I have a tendency to just look straight at the stats and make my own decisions.

Florida has picked up a few vacated seats for the blues. They tend to vote straight incumbent and almost completely red. Georgia also has not removed a single incumbent and unfortunately both of the vacated seats have gone to Republicans. I don’t know whether the previous occupant was red or blue.

In any case, at the moment it looks like a route for the red but like I said, the West comes later. However, in the house there has been a definite shift red. The Senate is holding strong and all of the so-called battleground States and districts that can be called have all been called red. So far, so bad.


There was a comment by the way back in that Davidov video that I thought was pretty funny. There are arguments as to whether Russia will attend the G20 conference or whether they will even let them. And Ukrainian president, Voladimir Zelinsky, has said that if Putin comes, Ukraine will not. I’ve had relatives play this game at weddings. But then he mentions what would happen if they were both in the same room at the same time. He believes that Zelinski would simply punch Putin right in the face. He also mentioned that it would be beautiful to see.

I think in a straight-up fight that Zelinsky could take Putin. On his side, he is younger and has more energy and he looks like he works out everyday. On the Russian president’s side, he has been a lifelong practitioner of jiu jitsu and just a few years ago he was using himself as a masturbatory model for discipline-minded young men. But I think if such a situation did arise, it’s possible that Putin has a move or two that he could execute but basically I think Zelinsky would beat him to death with his bare hands. In fact, I think he would continue punching the pulp until they pulled him off of Putin’s dead corpse.

But hey, if that’s what it takes to end the war, I’d vote to see that. In fact, I wouldn’t care what time of day or night they scheduled that fight, I’d be there and I would even pay the price for the Pay-Per-View. 100%.

In the post fight interview, Zelinski is reported to have said that perhaps he overdid it but it was important that Putin knew what it felt like.

This is from 2 years ago. Things have changed.


Georgia and Pennsylvania are battleground States. Herschel Walker has just taken a slight lead with a little bit more than 50% of the votes counted. I have heard him speak. He talks gibberish.

In Pennsylvania, Democrat John Fetterman is holding on with a 5% lead for the senate seat and in the house, with about 20% of the districts reporting, Democrats are currently holding the lead in 11 of the 17 races. Three races by the way are uncontested for Republican congressmen. And in Georgia, incumbents have won every time and in the two fights for vacated seats, both are blowouts for the reds.

I think it was Ronald Reagan that started a trend that said anybody who is in the public eye should be considered for a political run. I know he certainly opened the door for actors and movie stars and such. Minnesota famously voted for Jesse The body Ventura. He was absolutely a conservative leader. This was in the days before total hate and most people were okay with the ex Green Beret talking tough and blistering. Of course he was the one who got Arnold Schwarzenegger into politics. He was another conservative who however liked to talk democratic.

I’m not saying that Herschel Walker would be a bad representative or that we absolutely should have lawyers sitting in political seats. I’m just saying that he played in the days before we had modern helmets and he sounds as if one or two concussions might have changed things a little.


By the way, I heard something interesting yesterday in the latter part of the day. I have now been called even another name. They are now saying that I’m Ukrainian. I like it. It’s true. My mother’s side, the relentless, psychotic and brutal side were from Ukraine. My Playboy sportsman father who dressed well was from here. I liked it better when I was just an English teacher. I like it better when I am recognized for what I do rather than what I am. But I guess that takes a certain mentality that just isn’t here anymore. Slava Ukraine.


In what are called toss-up States, states where there is no clear prediction of which way the voting will go, the first two called elections in Virginia and Rhode Island both went to the blues. Excellent!


It’s 9:00 a.m. and things are looking good right now. It might be because I’m looking at results through a liberal newspaper. When I look through CNN, it’s already the end of the world. But here through a filter of independent British journalism, things are looking quite bright.

At a glance, the congressional seats are playing out true to form but those toss-up States are where the real happiness lies. As of the moment they have gone to five blues and only one red and again, we are not even into the solid blue West Coast yet.

With only seven races to go in the Senate, the Democrats are holding a one seat lead. No, with the last update they are both sitting at 47 and 47 with 6 seats to play.

The blue Congress has started to make a move and close what is a decidedly large gap. Yet, the Reds are at plus five seats. Definitely not a positive result there.

I was actually thinking that a republican win in the house would very much be like the Russians in Ukraine. They would have a lot of power to make things happen but they would still not have the White House and the Senate, which is more powerful. But what I was thinking is how ironic it would be to have such a divided house.

Who invented the phrase divide and conquer?

The Latin phrase “Divide et impera” is as old as politics and war. The divide your enemy so you can reign approach is attributed to Julius Cesar — he successfully applied it to conquer Gaul twenty-two centuries ago.

I cannot consider myself such an expert of global politics or history. It is a huge question and as of the moment I believe we have something like 206 separate legal countries spread out around the world. I don’t know how many languages we speak. I guess we could know exactly how many charter members of the United Nations there are and how that runs. But if we are talking about divide and conquer, before we talk about Ireland and Northern Ireland, India and Bangladesh, China with Hong Kong and the little sliver of Moldova still held by the Russians, we might as well start with the United Nations and how policy is actually dictated not by statesmanship, but by the security council of nuclear weapons holders.

This business of The Americans not having a democratic majority will only allow more nefarious moralizing and monopolization. Giving the reds free reign to do what they like means the end of human rights, the end of any natural land protection laws, the end of any trust or belief between the races and obviously the end of any restrictions on the ability for people to buy guns with the intent on using them. I mean, they sell guns to people with full knowledge that they have it so that they can kill people.

If however the Americans can learn to live with the divided house, perhaps this will be offered to the ukrainians as a reasonable solution to bartering peace. They simply agree to give up mineral Rich regions, their main tourist area, 80% of their right to the Black Sea Coast and any hope of their autonomy internationally and the Russians will stop destroying them.

And if all of the outdated War material has already been spent and it is time to spend some oil money on new weapons of mass destruction that can be used in the future, that’s none of their business perpetual threat and coercion is not a problem nor would having an adversary having political rights on your territory be a problem. We can simply sweep all of the death and misery that has happened under the rug and Russia can help with the cleanup. I’m sure they will get a good price at least in the beginning on building supplies. And of course, they will need lots and lots and lots of oil for all of the driving back and forth. Russia will of course continue being responsible for logistics. But there’s nothing to worry Ukraine’s little head about. Russia always knows what it’s doing.

I don’t know. I can’t see it as a beneficial solution to the problem. I think the Russians should immediately evacuate every man and woman they have sent to Ukraine during this war and send them all directly back home to their families. I think they should forget about the global economy generally and allow the ruble to be a standalone piece of money determined by nothing but the strength of the Russian economy. I think Russia should tell Europe thank you for the money to put them back on their feet, they have got enough now to go on and they will take care of themselves. They will simply mobilize their people into sustainable industries such as wind, water and solar electricity, they will draft all of their engineers and scientists to make sure there are sustainable practices at hand to feed each other. From time zone to time zone, old burnt out factories will be converted to grow houses for winter time greens and food security. They will make their own clothes, they will create their own electric vehicles, they will learn to enjoy the territory that they have and they will mind their own business.

In response to this, I genuinely think the United States should immediately go home as well. The United States has all the money in the world, keep it. Enjoy it. Enjoy it within your own borders. Keep your pollution to yourselves. Nobody needs your business anymore. Nobody needs her economics anymore. Nobody needs your military support. Nobody needs your War. Just go home and thank you for your service.

As for Belarus? I think the President should say thank you to our Russian Brothers for their kind visit. We can tell them that we definitely appreciate all of their help in remaking this country into a new European type image. It was a pleasure meeting you and finding out who you are. And then we should close the door, ask all of our people to provide all of their genius for winter time food security and help to make the infrastructure run as well as we can on natural and sustainable resources. I also definitely recommend complete decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. We’re going to need a lot of it for the transition. And by the way, the goal is that we live in a park with the cleanest air in all of Europe. Our goal is to become the most expensive tourist destination in the world because we would be the only tourist destination that doesn’t need their money.

All I’m saying is that perhaps we don’t need any of this. Perhaps we do not need to murder each other. Perhaps we really don’t need to have any of this nonsense in our lives. I mean, we all know that it’s absolutely bullshit to pretend that we are intelligent. That we have this mess to stare at, this entire stinking heap of shit that we have to look at, there is no way to consider ourselves intelligence, computer help or not. Perhaps we should just take a break. Take a couple of years off. Just go home and take it easy and try to figure out how to enjoy living in your own house. Perhaps we do not need to fuck with our neighbors. Perhaps we don’t need to dream of foreign lands. Perhaps we can just learn to enjoy our home and our neighbors and live in peace.


11:02 am. Things are looking up…

Of the 30 toss-up States in the house race, the Dems are leading 9 to 3. They are also plus two in the gubernatorial races and have gained one seat in the Senate.

I don’t claim to be an expert but I like that I’m seeing quite a bit of blue all throughout the map. California, Oregon and Washington with the exception of the east coast of those States are all blue. Colorado is holding strong as is Illinois. But there are also a surprising amount of blue districts in Texas and even in Florida. Georgia has gone slightly red unfortunately but North Carolina and Virginia are blue.

I like it. It’s optimistic.


It’s a quarter to one and there are five races remaining in the Senate. In Nevada, Adam Laxalt, a Republican, has a substantial lead. In Georgia, Warnock has got about a 1% point lead over footballer Herschel Walker. In Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, a Republican, has a lead over Mandela Barnes and it looks like he is going to win with 99% of the votes recorded. In Arizona, with about 40% reported, Mark Kelly has a substantial lead over Blake Masters. That is a democratic win. And Alaska, unfortunately, is going to go to one of two Republican candidates. Basically, it looks like we are going to have a 50/50 Senate split with a democratic vice president casting the deciding vote. 

That is, unless Herschel scores. If he does that, we have a Republican Senate.

In the house, the Democrats still have a 10-3 lead in states too close to call. The Democrats have been making progress but they are still 27 seats behind with 64 races still remaining. It’s going to be tight.

This actually means something. It means that half of the United States is as dumb as a box of rocks. Again. It also means that we are genuinely not going to become wiser, Fairer or more farsighted anytime in the near future. It means that greed will continue to grow no matter what the scientists say about the damage caused to our environment every single day by our great commodity based economic system. With a divided house, we are not going anywhere and for sure, the reds are not here to talk. They are here to take what they want because this is the philosophy that they sell.

I guess this should have been expected. I’m sure it was.

If it means anything, California has 52 seats being contested and by my count, they are leading 20 to 4 and decided races and are leading in 20 of the 28th remaining races. Those 20 California seats will bring the Democrats close, but I’m not sure it will get them to 218 which is the majority.

The two remaining contested Colorado seats are leaning Democrat, three of the five remaining Arizona seats are going Democrat, the last New Mexico seat, two of three Oregon races are going blue and all three remaining seats from Washington. Basically, it’s really going to be close.

Also, for what it’s worth, Michigan, California and Vermont have demanded that abortion rights be granted to women unilaterally. An anti-abortion measure in Kentucky is still underway. In Alabama, Tennessee and Vermont, they have passed a ballot measure to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for crimes. Oregon however, doesn’t mind this at all. And in the absolutely good news department, Maryland and Missouri have approved the use of recreational marijuana. Arkansas and North Dakota are killjoys. In Missouri, nonviolent marijuana offenses will be taken off the books and in Maryland, there will be a state tax to help fund this process, veteran services, treatments for drug addiction and to help pay for public defenders.


It’s 1:15 and I’m getting deeply into this map.

On the East Coast, Maine has one seat remaining and it looks like it’s blue. Connecticut has the same situation. New York has five races remaining and unfortunately, this looks like four to one red. New Jersey is gaining one more red seat, but in Maryland, their last chair is going red. Pennsylvania looks like all four of their remaining chairs are blue. That makes it 7 to 5 on the East Coast.

In the Midwest Michigan’s two chairs are split, Wisconsin’s final chair looks to be red, the final spot in Illinois is blue and Iowa will have all four of their chairs read. That means two blue and three red for the Midwest. 

In the Great plains and the desert States, Montana goes one red, Colorado is one blue, Nevada happily looks three blue, New Mexico, one blue and Arizona is three to two for blue. 8 to 3. And before we count the West Coast, the count is 17 to 11 blue.

I think I mentioned this before but Washington has blues, Oregon has two blues and one red and then California has a vote coming up of 20 to 7.

I’m not sure if I exactly counted this correctly, but it does look like the Republicans, if we count Alaska’s final blue vote, will never get the 20 votes needed. Again, I did not do this off of a list, I’m doing this off of the current map but it looks like it’s going to be darn close.

According to one more count, the Republicans will get to exactly 218, the number needed to control the house, unless California’s 13th district, which is so far being decided by less than 200 votes, turns blue. If they do, the Democrats retain control of the house. Damn this is close.


Divided or not divided, the Americans just gave Zelinski the medal of freedom. Nice.


Sometimes when I think I’ve got to handle on another piece of the puzzle, another bit of truth that seems to make things make sense a little more, I go on the internet and I find that my miraculous philosophy is not in any way new. I think this year I have said the phrase that I am not the only one who thinks like I do about 20 times. Maybe I’ve said it even 30 times or 40. This is not one of these complaints that there is no information and everything has been done before. It is just that straight pragmatism is available to everybody if they just take the trouble to look at it. I know we all like to be confused, half of America is exceptionally confused right now. Actually, pretty much everybody is a little left to center. But some things just make sense just because it’s impossible not to make sense.

If I tell you that Christianity is anti-Semitism or that the fascists are the Christians and the Christians are the fascists, please don’t just make this an Adam thing. I am not the only one who thinks like this. And for a simple example, this:


It’s a little bit before 8:00 and I think I’m probably going to stop. I might not. I’ll see how the rest of the evening goes. I’d prefer to stop but I can’t let this evening go without finding out the totals of the election.

Quite a few of them have been counted but California gave 41 of its 52 seats to Democrats and there is a possibility of them collecting number 42. This is the 13th precinct I mentioned before and it’s a close race. The senate race is going to be a complete tie at 50/50 but there is a democratic vice president for the tiebreaker. There is no mandate but we’re not giving the place over to the fascists again at least. In the house, by my account, it is possible that the reds do not take control. I don’t know how good of a job I did of counting, but it is quite possible that the reds will not get enough votes. It’s not over yet and it’s going to be pretty damn close but I’m saying it’s possible.

This does not have any direct voting results but the US will have 26 of the 50 governors in the Conservative Republican party. This also means something. 

New York has a lot to do with this result. They have always been traditionally a blue state, but they wound up 15 to 11 only. I don’t know what they were last time but those 11 seats hurt quite a bit. 


It’s now 9:00 and I’m sitting in the kitchen where it’s very cold and waiting for a delivery guy who is still working here at this time of night. He’s an interesting character. He’s the only guy making these deliveries. He has an interesting way of talking and seems nice enough. The problem is that you cannot exactly get it straight answer from him. You think you’re solving a problem and that you come to a reasonable solution. I always try to be kind and reasonable myself. But then everything just kind of changes and you never know exactly what he’s going to do.

I could get more into this explanation but truthfully, I don’t really care. This new delivery service is very much like Amazon. They carry literally everything and I’m finding them to be very convenient. There are things they have that the supermarkets never carry and tonight, I’m even waiting on some super hot peppers. In case I’ve never made it clear, actually like to eat these things. I don’t go crazy and commit suicide with them but I do very much like the intense heat. They are also pretty economical because really, you only use a little bit and you can feel it.

The American elections have still not come to their final decision but I think I’m pretty clear of what’s going to happen so I don’t need to wait for it. The final numbers are beginning to dribble in and California is going to push things to the limit. The whole West Coast will even the entire boat up. But either way, there is no mandate. American politics are about as dependable as this delivery guy. Anyway, both he and America have left me out in the cold.

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