
Tuesday, November 8th 2022

It’s election day in America. I’m saying that now but we have a long, long way to go on this. First of all, it’s just election day right now because on the east coast of the United States, we have just ticked past midnight. Here, it’s 7:30 a.m. and I am just now at the end of one of the most delicious night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. 

I don’t think there’s any way to replicate what I did leading up to this but my thinking is it had something to do with the mushrooms. They definitely did not fill me with vitality. It was definitely a meal where my stomach was thinking hard about what I had put in it. I wouldn’t say that it made me sick per se. I’m just saying that my stomach was a bit confused.

Let me preface this for a moment. I am not an expert on mushrooms or the science of mushrooms. I have seen some information about how important mushrooms are in the overall nature of humanity. I’ve heard that the network of fungi is at the absolute core of life in the natural world. I’ve heard it said that having a living mycelium fungi culture in your soil is one of the most important keys to thriving plants. I’ve also heard that mushrooms might be the true king to human intelligence and that man spreading himself out over the globe grew in intelligence because he ate mushrooms he found along the way.

Let me preface my preface by saying that I am in no way speaking of psilocybin mushrooms or any psychoactive element whatsoever. I’m just talking about a few simple varieties of mushrooms prevalent in my region that people go out in the forest and pick up. I’m just talking about a completely natural Forest that grows here in abundance during the wet season and is culturally one of the most Joy bringing activities for people who participate in the natural world. It is one of the icons of Russian culture and this has nothing to do with any drug activity.

Unless it does.

It is possible that how peaceful a night this has been has everything to do with my ingesting a much larger quantity of mushrooms than I normally ever would. Tanya came by yesterday with one more batch and I told her that I was getting tired of drying them and that I had probably more mushrooms already than I needed. She agreed that the season was over. My ex partner also said that the season is coming to an end. I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to fill my closet with such a tasty addition. But I did not do this because of any sort of high that I might get from this. It’s just a tasty food additive that’s natural and local and makes everything taste a little better. Mushrooms are the quintessence of umami. I’d be a fool to say no.

But there is something to them. On my property, I get several varieties of mushrooms that grow when it gets wet. One variety of brown mushrooms, I don’t actually know what they are called, grows all over the place and I had Ria point to them one day and smile at me and say that I could eat them. I started reaching down and plucking off the top and putting it in my mouth and chewing them up. They are not really big enough to save or dry. They are tiny little things but they taste like butter. Not greasy, just a buttery taste that’s really quite enjoyable. But that’s not all. 

They also have some kind of physical attraction that gives me an absolute sense of well-being. They are calming. They make you feel as though you are simply healthy. It’s amazing really. Just a couple of mushrooms that are tasty to eat right off the ground and they make you feel good.

For me, they also have an effect of being an appetite suppressant. I have mentioned that I have had problems with food addictions in the past. My current whole foods plant-based and as natural as possible diet has basically worked to cure me of most nervous eating. I really only eat a couple of times a day if I am left to my own devices. When I get pressed, unfortunately my ex partner has a habit of doing this to me, I will start eating. It is good that the food I will go to is at least healthy for me and is nutrient dense. When I was in town, I could just as easily spend too much money and get really fat in tense moments. When I lived in the capital, I was basically huge.

But these mushrooms seem to have something of a calming property to them. I’ve never really looked it up or quantified it. I’m not selling anything. I’m just saying that there is some property in all mushrooms that has a definitively positive effect on the human organism. We are symbiotic. They are a part of who We are and when we combine, we create happiness.

I’m genuinely not joking about this because like most plant seeds that are delicious to our taste and brilliant to our eyes, our ingestion eventually leads to our defecation and the fertilization and spreading of seeds and spores. Taking human beings as animals, what is tasty for us in terms of plant life usually has something to do with our ability to transport seeds. We are the processing plant and what we take in must leave our body as waste and part of that digested waste will be the seeds.

Anyway, I was completely comfortable and warm when my phone rang. It was Tanya. Something about her daughter calling or not calling me for lessons. Surprise, surprise, she is nervous about this.

What I told her comes from the essence of 20 years of practice in the craft of teaching. If mama wants this to happen and doesn’t really care whether the child does or does not, there is no possibility of success in the program. Either the child comes to the conclusion themselves or they are never going to learn anything. If the situation is a conflict where the parent wants and the child simply practices resistance to the parent, nothing’s going to happen. If the child practices passivity because of constant aggressiveness on the part of the parent, nothing is going to happen.

One time when I was in Baranovichi, I tried to put together a forum for parents about second language acquisition. At the time I was simply talking about promoting my system at the local schools and the director of the school brought up the suggestion that I needed to talk to the parents and not the kids. In this town, it is the parents that lead in the decisions and not the kids. The kids, he’s smilingly told me, never made the decisions in that town. I think you can understand why I didn’t stay more than 6 months there before returning to more independently minded Pinsk.

I used to feel that part of my comfort living in Pinsk was because the place had a very independent nature to it. The number one reason for that is seeable on a map. There is a direct line going from Warsaw through breast and Baronovichi heading to Minsk. This road will also continue in a straight line to Moscow. This is the main trade route and therefore it is the route that is most highly influenced by the capitals. Moscow rules everything and men’s rules Belarus. Pinsk is off the beaten path as you can see. We are sort of out on our own and therefore, we have developed our independence. Or at least this absolutely was true until about 2014 when the Russians decided that they needed to take over everything. They were going global. They were going into Ukraine, they were going into American politics and for sure they walked into our sleepy little town as if there was no obstruction on the borders whatsoever. To

The result of that was the end of my Paradise. Without independent students, we had prejudices and the same divided mind I was talking about. Objectification started and I went from a great opportunity to an objectified element. I went from being a part of the community to an American and in angry moments a Jew. This is how I ended up having to go to Baranovichi. I simply no longer had an income and thought to open up branches of my business to make up for it. 

All of this also came along with a massive Bank crash and another change of currency. Seriously, I really wish people had been listening to me all along. The Russians consider themselves rockstars. When they come to town, they walk through rubble and devastation. When they leave, they leave a trail behind of wreckage. You don’t have to look too hard at the American landscape right now to understand the Russian effect. You can’t really look at Donald Trump’s career and the words he says without understanding that we were listening to Putin’s puppet the entire time.

I’m a bit digressing here but the point was that there was no independent thinking in Baranovichi and so there was no hope for success. Yeah, my teaching method picked up quite a few medals over the years. My students were generally the best students in town unilaterally. It wasn’t even a contest until the government decided to make it a contest and singled me out as adversarial. The issue with my last student is a residue of this. The boy was working his butt off and making great gains up until the point that he got to school and was told by his teacher that he was better off in the system. There is no other way for this boy to have come to this thought independently. It was an easy choice to say no thank you. I’m sure you understand why now.

There is also one more remarkable example of this. The greatest student I ever had and someone I had a wonderful relationship with for many years was a grandma girl. She was completely absent from her parents who were in Moscow making money. She grew up with her grandmother and therefore had no overbearing influence breaking her down and demanding that she think the way Mama told her to think. The result was an independent mind that was allowed to flourish. She destroyed my class, basically was the babe Ruth in my world and eventually ended up in the highest possible schools Belarus had to offer. She still believes in Russia though. She’s still a fascist. Oh well.

Anyway, what does this tail of mushrooms have to do with the political intrigues of overbearing colonizers? There’s something in mushrooms that has a calming effect on the human body. There is a reason why Russians are so in love with mushroom hunting. The reason is that there is some kind of narcotic effect that comes along with them. It’s a calming effect. And if there is any truth to the network of mycelium that is contained within the ecosystem of the planet Earth and the rise of human beings is the dominant species on the planet, it probably has a lot to do with its ability to calm and therefore allow for more rational thought. And rational thought is what it’s all about.

Well, I hope this has been an interesting rational thought today. Some rational thinking would be very good in the United States today. Somewhere within the next 24 to 36 hours we are going to find out how bad off America will be for the next while. Fascism is loud these days. The Russians are literally doing their job to influence America and the half of Americans who have come to the belief that fascism is good. How they managed to media that into existence is amazing to me. The only answer is that if you keep people so completely hysterical that they never have irrational thought, you tend to believe that fascism is better. Unfortunately, fascism is death and corruption and pain. Unfortunately, fascism is a result of people who give away their independent thought. Unfortunately, fascism is never sustainable for anything other than a tiny few percentage of fascists who live parasitically off the rest of us.

Why do I think so cynically? Because I think rationally, I’m aware of my own surroundings and I know exactly why I have been suppressed. I am the answer that they do not want available.

Anyway, it’s time to get moving. I have some activity around here this morning. I have some cleaning up to do and I think Lena is coming by to pick up some laundry for me. Good luck.


It’s about 10 minutes to 10:00 and I am out on the bench in front of my house enjoying a gloriously sunny early winter’s day. I’m not sure if this is late fall or early winter. Perhaps that September 22nd equinox day means something in terms of sunlight but I can’t help feeling that November isn’t winter. Maybe the beginning of winter, maybe the end of fall.

The air is crisp and cool, the ground is a little bit wet from the morning dew and there is not a cloud in the sky. It’s an absolutely brilliant sunny day. 

Maybe it’s a good day to do some laundry. Lena has already come and gone. She is in a brilliant mood for having a paying job. I know exactly how she feels. There is a great difference between work that has a direct connection to a payment and work you do simply because you believe it is correct. There was a philosophy back in the days of the Soviet Union that said work that you do for friends and for love is much more satisfying and important than work you do for money. Working for money was seen with absolute distaste. Now of course, all of that has changed. All of this noise we make without money attached to it is bullshit. I know that from talking to my kids in America and from my relationship to the locals here.

I may be preaching to the choir here but it really was not always like this. There really was a time when idealism existed. There really was a time when people believed that what you saw right in front of your face was probably the truth. There was a time when we did not allow bullshit to be at the center of our lives or try to inspire hysteria in others. Pardon me for believing that this was a better system. I simply took what was right in front of my eyes as being the truth. Now, I still see it as the truth but better, I see it as a sustainable truth. Much more sustainable than believing in bullshit.

Sadgaru talks bullshit with Mike Tyson

Anyway, a couple of days of taking it easy has me on wonderful legs. Honestly, if I could feel like this all the time, I would be genuinely the happiest person in the world. Yeah, I know that desiring things and receiving them are two different things. It is possible that if I finally come to the point where I have freedom of movement and a great absence of pain that I will then turn my attention to bigger and better things and this little nuance of life will simply be a part of History. I’m not arguing with that at all. Or perhaps I am. You try living your life without the ability to comfortably get up and go get a drink of water and then tell me what is important and what is not.

I think what is important is this moment right here and right now. I have not been spending so much time arguing about global warming since we put in the new well. I agree with the argument that with my personal necessities satisfied, I was much less worried. On the other hand, what is true globally is true globally pragmatically and provably. Global warming and climate change are real, they are caused by human activity and we are bringing to a close life on this planet by our greed, selfishness and our belief that following addictive practices is the answer to the destruction caused by our addictions.

What we get here at 52° north latitude is a beautiful warm extended fall. More sunshine, more days to be outside. We do not immediately go into the brutalities of a Russian winter. There are days like the last few where I’m not even particularly obligated to make a fire or even to wear more than a t-shirt at night. The world is warm enough to live in.

But… and you knew there was a big butt coming, right? There are gigantic issues that come with this temperature shift. Perhaps we at the lowest most boundaries of Russia’s gigantic expanse might be quite happy with the little more warmth and a little bit less cold, those pesky dark-skinned people lower latitudes are getting burnt out of existence and put into starvation because of drought. All of these arguments about whether or not Ukrainian grain helps feed global famine has everything to do with global famine being caused by climate change. I’ve written about this before and I can do it again but you can just Google the question for yourself and see if it’s true.

Will climate change lead to global famine?

Climate change and hunger: Concern’s response

Concern is clear that the climate crisis constitutes the most serious global environmental threat and is a significant poverty and hunger multiplier. The majority of people Concern works with are involved in some way with farming and food production. 

Or said more briefly, yes.

And it’s really not even a matter of argument except that it seems to be. Try talking to an alcoholic and you find a completely unreasonable person at the other end. Try discussing reality with a drug addict and you get the same nonsense. But try to talk reality with a conservative, and what you find is despite the forward appearance of sobriety, they maintain a job and dress well and even carry an heir of status and superiority, you are still discussing things with the same alcoholic drug addict. The only difference is that they are using socially acceptable drugs to calm themselves and looking down at others for not being so favored by the corrupt regime.

And this I see first hand in my tiny, tiny little corner of the world. I see this in how the people who make a standard living and go to work in the morning and dress well spit on, piss on and shit on people who they believe are lower than them. For me though, without any particular need for their help or social status, I don’t find them appealing human beings in any way shape or form. I cannot speak to them. I cannot come to them in any way that will not get back a lunatic emotional response. I don’t get anything from them except their desire to dominate and make use of me as a tool of exploitation. And in this way, they are no different from the street level day workers. They are exactly the same people and cut from exactly the same cloth. Even the cats in this neighborhood are exactly the same.

So when I look for the root cause of all of this, you have to understand it’s our relationship to money. It was the single most important thing for the USA to put down communism. For some reason, one country on the other side of the world thought it was the absolute most important thing to stop the spread of a philosophy that said money was not that important. They wanted the anti-christianity removed. They wanted the free thinking and the idealism removed. They did not want people learning to get along well. They did not want people living in a relaxed manner. They wanted War, they wanted hate, they wanted violence and they wanted perpetual confusion. What they wanted was people separated from each other with the only possibility of relief being bullshit that they could buy to make them feel better for a minute or two. All they wanted was to be the prime drug dealer.

This is the philosophy that Russia is using in their war with Ukraine. This is what they are doing in their own brutal fashion. This is the response to the United States keeping Russia and the Soviet Union stirred up.

Don’t get me wrong. The idealism of communism was beautiful when it came from Tolstoy or Marx or Engles. The idea of mutual respect and trust and simply helping each other to get by is the easiest thing in the world to believe in. We wake up in the morning and you have to have something to do because you just can’t sleep your life away. You’d like to do something that you know you’re going to get paid for. As an instinct, you’d probably go find someone and ask them if they needed some help or if you had something to be done, you’d probably go and ask for help for yourself. Just like that.

But this only works if you can go out of your house without being assaulted, shot, blowing up, raped or screamed at. This only works if people are not approaching you for money all day everyday. This doesn’t work if you have people bothering you to listen to their religious beliefs, their diet beliefs, there are philosophical wonderings or a demand that you participate in or otherwise support their great organization. This doesn’t work if you are stopped by police for any particular infraction or even have the potential for police to drag you away. This would include anything from a brief waste of time and money to simply being sent to the cellar to be murdered.

Stalin was not really of the cloth. Stalin was a murderer and a user. Stalling himself was not communist. Stalin simply said that the power over people belonged in Moscow and he was not going to take no for an answer.

And yes, Mr Putin has absolutely said publicly that perhaps Stalin was not so bad. He said that in the national press because basically, when you control the press, you can say any damn thing you want and it simply becomes the truth.

But then again, isn’t that also true of The Americans? What exactly have we been doing in the middle east, afghanistan, asia, Africa and in Ukraine? What exactly was our business in all of those places?

Well, the answer to the question is that capitalism doesn’t work. Maybe we should just call it an experiment that failed. Maybe we should quit being so drunk on it and stop and take a step back and not go all the way to the bottom of the tank like the unreasonable alcoholic drug addicts we are. Maybe we should allow a moment of clarity to appear, a simple fit of logic, just the slightest touch that perhaps we don’t need to be so crazy. Maybe we really don’t wish to live our entire lives at War. Maybe we really, really, really do not want fascist leadership. Maybe, we really, really, really do not want propaganda and false prophecy ruling our lives. Maybe, all we really want is to have some security, some food, clothing, shelter, available medicine and practical education. Maybe all we really want is to feel free to go out of our house and walk around and see who needs some help.

Directly on time at this moment is the car of my chicken neighbors making their appearance. He has backed up around the corner and is pulling out into the world leaving behind him a cloud of accurate poisonous automobile smoke. They have never moved from their position of authority since all of this started at the beginning of last year. 4 million words into the thought of what is important in the world means nothing to them. As Long as I don’t bother them, they are free to propagandize me, talk shit about me to my neighbors and basically shit and piss on me as they like. Even my cancerous humpback neighbor across the street it’s now coughing loudly to let me know that he hears me speaking.

Я очень рад что они слышит меня. Я хочу чтобы они обратились внимание что я скажу. Это важный что это понятно что они делают и что всё это имеет последствия за все нас. Я хочу чтобы они понять как эти игры и сумасшедшность это будет конец свет. Я хочу чтобы они знали что я абсолютно надо есть ихние глупость. У них только бессмысленная жизнь и меня им не нужны.

(I’m very happy that they can hear me. I want them to pay attention to what I say. It is important that it’s understandable what they are doing and that everything has consequences for all of us. I want them to understand how these games and craziness will be the end of the world. I want them to know that I am absolutely sick of their stupidity. All they have are crazy lives and I do not need them at all.)

I said that passage in Russian because they believe I am as simple as they are and that I can be distracted by a simple noise. They have continued to run their cars without being at least reasonably aware that they are disturbing me. They believe that disturbing me is exactly what they are supposed to do. They are fascists. They are Russian. They do not want freedom of thought. They do not want peace. They want to continue chasing their drugs all day everyday and they don’t care who suffers and that is the entire point. 

And what are the results? Across the street, the hunchback cannot walk without coughing. He is 100% guaranteed to die of cancer from his diet, cigarette and alcohol usage within the foreseeable future. And my chicken neighbor will be dead from heart disease and hypertension or will simply crash from a stroke. The chicken woman will carry on alone without ever having the thought in her head that she has killed her entire family with her addiction to money.

You know, if they thought they could make any money off of this, they probably would do something more aggressive than simply poisoning the air when they hear me talking outside to the world. Instead, all they are going to do is remind themselves how much they hate their American Jew. They don’t need anything more complex than that.

Yeah, the problem is that all of the species of life that have evolved naturally are having their climate changed. We can talk about human hunger as being important but what else we are talking about is the death of our natural habitat. This Forest that I live next to is used to a particular water table. If you change the atmosphere and the land and the water to the point that the water starts to disappear, the forest will dry out and this Forest will eventually burn. How do I know this is a fact? Ask anyone who lives in California about the horrible amount of forest fires they have these days.

But hey, forget about America. We hear about them because they are in all the news. Do you think wildfires are a problem globally right now?

Go ahead and Google it. The answer will be yes. You will find a few climate deniers showing up in there. You have to think for yourself a little bit and you can’t cling to the drug dealer to save you. You just have to make your own decisions about what you do with yourself everyday.

What am I doing with my day? I’m already doing it. I’ll clean up a little bit. In a while I’ll make some kind of breakfast. I might walk around a little bit if I can and if I can’t, I might lift some weights. Or maybe I’ll just sit at the computer and play with my catalog. But still never completed the job of putting that in order. I guess nobody ever asked me to do this, much less paid me to. I’m not bitching. My life is my life. 

On the other hand, I can just sit here and enjoy the sunshine. I can just sit here and enjoy the sunshine for as long as I want. I can just sit here and enjoy the sunshine as long as there is sunshine. I don’t have to be anywhere else and I don’t have to do anything else if I don’t want to. If this is my personal choice, I can just sit here and be peaceful.


By the way, I said that everybody was exactly the same and for the most part this is true. But there is a difference and I understand this difference in how people approach me. There are a few variations here.

  1. People approach me and attempt to make friends with me for the purposes of my buying them vodka
  2. People approach me and attempt to make friends with me for the purposes of my buying their products
  3. People approach me and tell me they are completely necessary to my life and that I will feel great pain if I do not comply with their wishes
  4. People ignore me because they are afraid to talk to an outsider
  5. People come by and say hello to let me know they are around and that I should call them if I need anything.
  6. Or people ignore me because they naturally just mind their own business.

My favorite variants are numbers five and six. I’ve converted a couple of ones tentatively to the 5 and 6 group. My neighbors are staunch believers in number 3 and they love talking to the fours because it gives their lives relevance.


Just a quick 1:00 p.m. update. Today is truly going my way. I’m in the office right now, the sky outside having turned gray and overcast. And I am wearing a hoodie and my favorite blue smock because it is cold in here again. 

The wash got done and a trip to the market was made. Lena came through with flying colors today. I had several occasions to make her happy but this didn’t stop her from screaming at me about how much work I had given her to do. I reminded her that I mentioned my awareness that I was asking her a lot and that she had been free to refuse the invitation. But the truth is she likes having something to talk about whether it matters or not.

When she showed up to pick up the laundry, the very first words I said to her were that I saw and could smell that she was completely sober. Her face brightened into a giant smile and told me it had been a while since she even bothered with alcohol. She is actually much happier living life in reality and I got to kiss on the cheek for mentioning this. The reason I told her this was because I was giving her all the money up front. Previously, I had tried doing the same only to have her walk away and go into a three-day party. This was a pretty big job including a couple of blankets along with my clothing. I knew it would be a lot of work so I gave her extra money for the effort and even more to buy a box of washing powder. This time, she was here at noon and I heard her hanging everything up on my line to dry. She was pretty proud of herself and enjoyed complaining that her hands hurt already from the work. Everything by the way was quite clean.

I invited her in for a cup of tea but she is another coffee drinker. Most of the women I have in my life these days have two things in common. They are non-communicable and nervous if they are not doing something and they are all religious coffee drinkers. Only Tanya smokes but I’m working on that.

A funny thing happened though in the kitchen Cafe. Right in the middle of our snappy banter about how her hands hurt and how much she has to do now, she got a phone call on her mobile phone. She seems to have the eyesight to handle the thing quite well these days and spoke to another person about all of the deals that she has going on and what she still has to do. This was more normal women talk but I was quite impressed how she took her call, hanging in my doorway and getting the points accurate and clear about her responsibilities. It was the first time that I felt that perhaps I had not made a mistake in recommending that she be available on mobile. Perhaps she was happier living in the Soviet Union but now it seems she is starting to enjoy her work life.

After this, I settled back in my office, incredibly happy that it was cold in here again. Running that bloody heater is way too much money for my tastes. But I didn’t get very comfortable because Lena called me again. She had something for me if I wanted to buy it for a very good price.

There is a specific type of blanket that you can get here. There’s no specific word for it except that it’s called a blanket, покрывала. They are made from natural materials and are thin but very tough pieces of material with intricate patterns sewn into them. They are usually factory produced so it’s not a matter of cultural artifacts. But they are amazingly resilient, excellent second blankets, picnic blankets or bed covers. I have several of these things and I use them all the time.

We had mentioned it because I had asked her to clean two of these things. She said that she had one that she didn’t use and if I wanted it, she would let me have it for another 10. When she got here and showed it to me, it was a beautiful light blue and in perfect condition. I asked her again how much she wanted and she hedged and hard about her original invitation. Perhaps it was worth 15 instead of 10. You can’t buy them anymore and all we have now, in her words, is Chinese shit. I agree that we put together something of a package deal. If there is more kvasheni at the local store on Friday as she said, I would make sure that I put more money in her hand to cover everything. I got another kiss for this.

And then she was gone, backed out into the world and taking care of business the best she can.

There are many poets in this world who have spent endless words waxing romantic about the fairer sex. Here, culture says that men receive good emotions from women. This is how they think of the relationship. Well, whether or not this is true, Lena has certainly been worth the roller coaster ride. She is also doing her job to take care of me. Today she even went the extra mile to make sure I was warm.

Do you want to take bets on whether she drinks the money or not? Let’s put it all on the table and drag out the bet all the way to Friday. I say she doesn’t. I’ve lost money in betting before which is why I don’t do it. But today I’m betting on Lena, the best friend I have in this village.


War news

Seriously, I love these guys…

Meanwhile, air defense news, pictures of Mariupol, more Russian disasters, abandoned conscripts, casualties and surrenders but yet, wake after wave of attacks keep coming.   


More about the conditions of the Russian army and how they are treated.

Blame this all on now-in-the-open and openly ambitious Evgheni Prigozhin who continues to gather his Wagnarian army.

And this is what Zelinski has to say.


Ok, getting down to business at 5pm local time and 9am on the east coast of the USA. 

CNN has two live tables online. The one for the house race has Republicans currently favored to win 216 Seats while Democrats are favored to win 199 with 20 Seats currently rated as toss-ups. They also have a spot for the senate races where 35 seats are on the ballot and Republicans are currently favored to win 20 Seats, Democrats are favored to win 12 Seats and 3 Seats are toss-ups.

Fingers crossed for the blues. I personally have had enough fascism to last a lifetime. 


Wow, Sinad gets dark in his latest video. Here, he maps out three potential scenarios that bring about the end of the war. Frankly, I don’t like any of them.



Also, here are three other sites to check on the elections. These are not about polls but just the absolute vote. And looking at the starting point, I feel a little more optimistic.

Here is a page from the guardian. And here is a page from politico

Go blue.


Okay, I’m going to close this up for the evening. Believe it or not, I am not going to stay awake all night watching the election results come in. I suppose if it was my job and I had spent my time in University doing politics, this would be more important than it is. It is important and I am very interested in what happens. But at this point it’s out of my hands and it’s exactly the same as being willing to stay up to watch ball games. Most of the time, I would just rather sleep or do other things.

But I will check in during my normal sleep patterns. There is a seven and a 10-hour time difference between the East and West coasts of the USA. I’m not sure exactly when the polls will close but I am assuming it’s something like 8:00 in the evening. That would mean the east coast is finished at about 3:00 a.m. for me and the West Coast by 6:00. Unless I have another super comfortable night like last night, my normal pattern will put me back into things somewhere in the middle of the American evening.

I do feel though it is important to speak my mind directly and say what I really think here. I’m not here to kiss anybody’s ass or pledge allegiance to one side or another. I’m not a party man and I don’t unilaterally decide to hate anybody even if they do not act as anything but a singular group representing the interests of the oil business, which is the case.

I covered the 2020 elections pretty well. I’m not competing with television or journalistic coverage. I’m just saying I was there the whole time and had a good solid look at the way things work. When I look back over the writing I did in my first year of journal writing, it was rather surprising that the truth of the situation came to the top as quickly as it did. Joe Biden was the choice of Sinclair media because he would be pro oil Business and eventually pro war because of his affiliation with Ukraine. There were some really interesting young and vibrant candidates but this is not who the Christian Monopoly of the Midwest and deep South wanted. They wanted someone who would be easy to pick on and abuse but one who would absolutely agree that it’s a matter of economy first. No one in the Red zone wanted or needed any original ideas.

The Kamala Harris business was equally as nasty. She was chosen rather than voted for. In fact, they removed her very quickly from the voting public. This was basically two choices that were taken out of the hands of the voting public and if you have a memory for the 2016 presidential election where Hillary Clinton was basically given the Golden road by the Democratic party, this makes two consecutive elections where it seems these offices were chosen for us and everything conspired to keep people from voting their conscience. Two elections in a row that left a dirty taste in your mouth. 

What I’m trying to say is that I have no hope that this election will be better. I said I would stay here and cover it and I am but my heart’s not in it. I don’t believe in it because no one gets complete access to information. I hope the Democrats keep control but my heart’s not in it.

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