The word in Russian basically means warehouse or even closet. Storage area is perhaps best. I might change the name one of these days but this is where I intend to house my back catalog of writing. I think I am not really sure how many plays and screenplays I’ve written or the poems or children’s books. But I think I’ve got a pretty comprehensive list and you can at least read about the literature they are. Some of it is available for download. Some of it is just printed there and some of it requires an email and a conversation at least. Some things I don’t feel like throwing out in the public. Some things are either not really good enough in my opinion or just not something I wish hanging around. This is not to talk about the quality, it’s just a personal choice. Oh yeah, and some of it is probably commercial as anything.
I think currently there are three pieces up. I’ll be adding to that over the next few days as the whim and spirit moves me. But in the meantime, check it out and tell me what you think.
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