Early afternoon report

It’s about 1:00 and I am finally into my day. It’s very hot outside but calm. For sure, I’m going to need to water a little bit even just for my own pleasure of cooling off. I’ve already got dirty clothes soaking. You end up doing a lot more washing in the summertime.

I have to harvest appease from one of my boxes. This was the first effort at planting peas and it was about a week earlier than all of the others. I’ve been picking out it for about a month. There is no better human food perhaps than peas. They are fresh, delicious, nutritious and they are literally something to grab right off the vine. Or off the plant. It’s kind of a quickie vine I guess.

This and the radish seeds have had me thinking about saving food. My first zucchini has arrived just in time for Shabbos and just in time to give me something сочный. You know what this means but I truly can’t think of the English word for this. It means very fresh and very clean. Or it means it’s very moist. It’s a very sexual word maybe that’s why it doesn’t hang around much in English. But zucchinis are moist.

So it’s a logical extension to save some of this because I simply cannot eat it all myself. This however leads me to one of my great weaknesses. Pickling. I’m not so good at pickling or at least I haven’t done so much pickling that I feel comfortable. Now, as far as working with the science goes, I’m not so bad at all. I figured out how the Kratky method worked for growing greens in the winter and I figured out how to put together the equivalent of what the Americans call the holy Grail. Does it work? I’m looking at some peppers who have been alive for quite some time and who are dropping hot peppers for me even as I make these words. You give them a good living habitat, and they live their lives okay. Is it expensive, it depends on your budget but the short answer, the краткий answer is no. You just have to want to do it and be professional with your materials. So if this is true in one genre, maybe I have the science chops in the other.

What do I know about basic canning and jarring? I know you start with sterile jars. Hot soapy water is probably enough or just simply boiling the bottles would work just fine. After this, you take your vegetables and whatever herbs and spices you want to toss in there and you pack them in the jars. After this, you create a brine which is usually vinegar based. This morning I went shopping for sugar replacements and found 100% syrups, maple, Jerusalem artichoke and plum. If none of that sounds good to you, you’re crazy. And I don’t even have a sweet tooth. I was just thinking that if I was going to break open a bank, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if some of them were a little sweet. Not sugar, just a little sweet, why not? Oh yeah, and pancakes.

So I’m thinking I’ve got this and it’s just a matter of going through the motions I’m doing the best job I can not to be lazy and to finish the plan I started. I know that sometimes I sound like a real go-getter but physically, I can be pretty lazy. I’m not a young man and I have a lot of things that go wrong with me. I might be able to talk a good game and I might be one of the best baseball managers there is, but I’m not really going to cover third base for you anymore. There is really no place for me to play on the diamond. Just the dugout.

Speaking of baseball however, into my mind came several good ideas. The first one started when a former student of mine popped into my head. She was visiting and was right here in town but declined to come visit me. It seems I am in a war or she is afraid that I’m some kind of crazy man. Also because I am in a war. Oh well, live with Nazis and you live with Nazis. But at any rate, I thought I might want some tips on canning and jarring so I called this girl’s grandmother. She was not available for the lesson but she said she would pass on my message to the granddaughter. The project I had in mind for her was to make a mural on a wall that’s on my property. When she was younger, she drew Marine landscapes on the walls of an apartment building. I thought I could use one of those myself. I also understand that she knows something about web design. Maybe it’s time to invest in someone I trust to do a good job. Or at least someone I know who has helped pay for this house by being a diligent student for many years.

The second idea that came to me was about my arm. It seems that I have enough room to swing a bat but I don’t really have room to hit balls with it. I have a golf course, but I don’t have the opportunity to take a full cut. And finally, and let’s just forget about running, I don’t really have an opportunity to work on my pitching game. However, it seems that God is good and I found a net buried with some garbage from the previous owner. I don’t know how good of shape it is but it’s a pretty big net that doesn’t seem to be a hammock. Probably it would really be used to hang food in the root cellar so that it is more difficult for the mice to get to it. But it seems I also have some pretty decent metal poles and if I should stretch this net between the poles, I get to work out. I’m not quite sure that’s today’s project but it seems like a pretty interesting idea to play with.

What else? I have more movies that I’ve been sitting on for a long time and suddenly it seems really crazy to not have those movies up online. Let’s be clear, I have not been collecting movies of my neighbors like a good detective or lawyer would have been doing. I have not been hiding in fear, I’ve just been preferring the denial and keeping thoughts of them out of my head. Maybe, this is why I write utopian literature. Maybe I just like thinking of the world without this гопник хуёво that I am forced to pay attention to on a daily basis. Even today, both of the trash twins drove out of their home in their car and there is no evidence of construction saying that they understand they should Park their car as far away from me as possible so that there can be peace in everyone’s home. When you come from trash, you are trash for life and sometimes they’re just isn’t enough brain cells to get through to them. Or, they just really, really, really embraced Nazism, like a lot of people seem to be doing, and just like everybody, completely and utterly mindlessly and yet believing that this is the way to go. The way to intelligence, happiness and enlightenment is through drunken stupidity and causing damage to your environment. I can’t see why the Nobel prize for literature doesn’t go collectively to the Russian people or to the Americans or to all practicing Nazis around the world. Cheers mates. May 1,000 devil cocks go up your ass for all eternity. May they get medieval on your ass and then let you wake up from passing out to start all over again forever and ever and ever, amen.

Speaking of utterly repulsive religious experiences, I did my Torah reading last night and managed to get through it by using pretty much every trick in the book. I put a timer on myself that would allow me 7 minute rounds with one minute of rest. For some of it, I used a beat generator that I used to use for my guitar but which is now good for a lot of things. That had me wrapping or singing or just putting into rhythm the words I was reading. I tried doing the Hebrew workout, I tried veganizing the text and changing all of the war and killing into gift-giving. I can’t help think that if the entire experience was not as completely corrupt as it seems to be from my reading, of all of the miracles that God funneled through Moses, you think he just could have tapped a few rocks so there could be some irrigation in the desert and put away the meat for a while. That would give us a book, a handbook, of how to settle a group of people peacefully on a piece of crap land that nobody else wants and yet make a little bit of a paradise for themselves. And, because they are writing a book about it, all the children of Israel could go ahead and tell people who come to see them what they do. They read a book about how to do practical agriculture in the desert and they rely on their man Moses who is simply a wizard with water. Talk about everybody being happy to see Moses when he comes walking by. I mean, we all know that he would just be walking his garden to see that everybody’s okay. We all know that if this was a vegan organization, there would be no need for him to hide in the bunker because he would have to go outside every day to check on the plants. A healthy, happy leader of a healthy, happy people who get along well with their neighbors and just Bloom into the flower God probably wanted to see in the first place. That’s the shit box of corruption right there. If you want to know what not to do, go ahead and read this Torah.

But wait. There was a couple of words in there that really took a moment to pronounce. They were names of places that had really wonderfully placed syllables and we’re very unusual. I realized that as reading practice, if you really slog through all of this blood and death and misery, you’re a reader. If you can read this son of a bitch, you can read anything and if you can pronounce the words, you’re in the sciences. Alcindoromycine. Mimimycin. Unununium. The point of this is that genuine language skills seems to come directly from reading. The higher the literacy of a population, the more possibility there is for genuine democracy and peace. The more ignorance, the more illiteracy and the more susceptible they are to acting on their basic instincts. And you know, no matter what the topic is, the more Nazis you have, the more time and resources get destroyed.

This is a thing, you know. This is Nazism. I know that I feel like I’m just a masochist to sit around trying to arrive at the correct word to describe the miserable torture that I am inflicted with. I know the idea to run is the way to go but I just can’t help think that maybe someone will remember a lesson that they’ve been taught their whole lives about how much we hate Nazis and Nazi hate. I just keep thinking that someone will catch a clue. And besides, it’s a waste of so many resources to move. It’s so much cheaper to make your house a nice place to live in. Take the cars away and it’s pretty nice here.

Along those lines, I guess I should be writing more papers and posting more videos. The whole point is for someone who is looking at all of this art or reading these words to make a list of all of the things that they need to do. When they are done however, they must cross out everything that requires gasoline.

Actually, I have a pretty good idea. The guy who brings these orders to me comes in a Prius, a hybrid car. If I could get him to leave all additional packaging behind on my order, we might have something good. I’m still generating a lot of movement on pre-existing infrastructure, but at least I don’t have to deal with all of the plastic here on my property. It’s still shit. It’s also some maple syrup for saving vegetables.

If I want to practice hitting in this new screen by the way, I’m going to need to buy another baseball bat. This one will be metal. There’s just no way I would trust a wooden bat to constant practice of hitting things. And though I love it and I’m in love with birch trees, they have a pretty weak structure that takes on a lot of water and drops it every year. Juice is a local delicacy that can be practiced. I suppose if I had maple trees, I might actually, I can make my own syrup. Wow, yet another project.I’m puttering around today. I’ll start watering in about an hour. I ate some macaroni last night. Just macaroni with some greens from the field and some fresh pestled pepper. Nothing Earth shaking but it made me feel good and gave me a lot of energy for what turned out to be an all-nighter. It was a party I guess and we stayed there until the sun came up.

What’s the truth? I miss Joy. It’s amazing what war takes away from you but joy is usually the main thing. Nazis eat Joy and shit hate. They are really bad for your garden. They are difficult to kill and you even hate yourself for having yet another thing that you have to kill in order for your garden to live. If it was only mosquitoes and jukes, our lust for homicide would be confined to Nature. But the moment it becomes apparent that you have to kill some Nazis in order to create peace, you open up a whole can of worms. Nazis love it when you kill one of the Nazis. It means they get to kill some more which is all Nazis ever do.

Anyway, I’m thinking of putting a mural on the wall and I’m thinking of putting a sign on my fence. I don’t know what the sign should say. Maybe it should just be a green star David. Maybe it should be the word vegan. Maybe it should be a peace sign. Or maybe it should just be a sign that says I’m a teacher and an ecologist and it can have an email address that people can use to contact me for questions and commentary.

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