Part 8

I am really getting sick of this. I was trying to enjoy a moment in the garden. I found myself sitting on the bench and trying to explain to the plans why their lives were actually such shit. As they mature into plants and the craziness of reproduction fades into the responsibility of handling these seedlings, they begin to realize that their environment is not a good one to live in. There are constant disturbances of noise and the pollution cloud is as inevitable as my rain. Even more so. I would have to stand out there watering with my hose 24 hours a day to somehow in that game. They use machines and I only use my hands.

This is what I realized this weekend. Perhaps I have always known it and honestly, perhaps I have said it even more than once somewhere in the previous 6 million words on the subject. I suppose I can be forgetful and maybe I am repeating myself again and again and again without any hope of any reprieve from this torture.

Perhaps I need to make a list to make sure I get my themes correct.


Straight homicide

The laws of the Republic of Belarus

My desire to be forced into wasting my time studying fucking law instead of enjoying my garden during the last years of my life.

What it is like to try and experience a moment of nature when a female decides to use her automobile as a tool of protest or hatred towards her neighbor. Both she and her husband both took the trouble to pause in front of my property and specially rev their engines spreading their poisonous fumes into my life and my garden and my house and my body and my food. Someone must explain to me why these people have a right to intentionally poison me. Regardless of stimulus from one side or the other or from God himself, what would possess a human being to intentionally murder another human being. What would possess such a person to intentionally poison a baby, a young mother and oneself habitually as if a drug addict constantly begging for money. Who would give such a person a license to use a dangerous weapon? Who would police such a thing. I am told that only the sound of my voice is important. But if I speak normally, this offends them more because it is difficult for them to block it out. And they are programmed to block it out because they are in a mode where they are free to kill other human beings. They are murderers. Someone must explain to me why we give licenses to murderers.

Because they know. It is known who I am. My name is well known. They have demanded me to be a celebrity. If they know, why do they let this happen? What form of Nazi psychosis is everyone under? What form of sickness is everyone under? And as a medical question, what is your level of automobile fume intake everyday? How much of this drug do you take everyday? There is a medical correlation between Auto fume intake and violence. It seems that every place that there is an extra amount of automobile fumes, there is violence for one reason or another. Logical correlation is that auto fumes cause violence. To go along with the fact that auto fumes are carcinogenic and are correlatory to cancer, we can understand that the argument is from people who do not wish to be poisoned and become angry at the threat to their life. A logical reaction to peril. The human race is constantly in peril. We are suffering from perpetual stress syndrome. We are fucked in the head and we are not thinking correctly how to continue living. We are attempting a truly sick form of suicide and we are taking the rest of the planet with us in our selfishness. We are the stupidest generation in the history of History because we are the ones who were sitting at the bottom of the pyramid when the entire house of cards came down around us. Tag. We are it. We are the ones who fucked it up for good and for all. We are the ones who would not go out on Shabbos to water the plants because it was too fucking hot to live without water. Is that kosher? In a time of War or to defend your life, fuck you. If it’s me or you, you will die. And if you fail to kill me, as my father taught me, you will never live a moment of your life without being in fear of me.

I think I got carried away. I was writing a list of themes that I could come back to and explain. Perhaps I do not need to go back and explain my themes because it is possible that I have succeeded in making my point. What is my next move? In my own life, I take care of a garden. I am debating my guest tomorrow. It seems I have a small company of alcoholics who are expecting me to give them some money by doing ecological work and cleaning up the forest. Every bag of garbage they bring out that we can take away from here, I pay them a few rubles. Excellent clean money well earned and I get to lecture them against alcohol and cigarettes is if I was some kind of Christian soul saver. Or Jewish community funding. I’m also doing this newspaper. Why? Because that’s the way it happened. Who’s to say what is right or wrong? Maybe it’s a masterpiece. Maybe what will follow is a masterpiece. But, as my friend bill says, here is where the rubbing starts. It seems that in addition to the agricultural work and the intellectual work and whatever my physical recuperation and extra attention requires of me, I am being attacked by Nazis who have decided that they will gas me more until I shut up. Can you understand this game. The more noise that I make, the more gas they will give me. Can you imagine this? The more I ask for privacy, the more attention they paid to me. The more I ask for peace, the more noise they decide to make. The more I ask for clean air or intelligence, the more they demonstrate the horrors of illiterate stupidity. It is complete Insanity versus sanity. This is not a morality play of who is right or who is wrong. I understand that there are people in the world who believe that business is more important than our environment. And we just have to stop that. We just have to wake everybody up. I’m not talking any kind of narcotic or psychedelic thinking. I’m saying that we have a narcoleptic problem with people who are addicted to their automobiles. They go into automobiles, just like my father, with the belief that they will have Independence and money because of it. Independence and money was the lie that Drew all of these people into this new nation. Just like the Bible telling us that there were only 10 rules to live by but then enslaving us for a thousands of years. The same exact paradoxical vate and switch again and again. We were told that cars were good because it told a boy who wanted to break away from his family that if he had a car and the girl and the car and the job and the car and the good suit and the car and the right haircut and a car and a ball shaver and I’m getting redundant but it’s all the same thing. Mr James Bond has a car. Batman has a car. Superman was a Jew so he didn’t need a car. Anyway, we sold cars. Mr Joe Biden is still selling cars. Mr Trump sells cars. Actually Mr Trump still sells money. So the election is shaping up to be money in cars versus money in cars and they’re going to count how many people will vote for this. The number of people that actually vote for This prove how legitimate they are. If less than 50% of America will not vote, this means that America does not believe in the vote. And that’s called a show of confidence. It does not automatically mean that you count the votes you get and then take office and take authority and take control of the army and take control of the police. If you do not get enough votes that this particular style of government works, it is time to create a new government. We can take the good stuff we like like the of the people by the people for the people. And then we can throw away all the bullshit like the second amendment. We can throw that away because it was never intended to be in the document. And as for women, I think we’re just going to leave him alone for a while. I think we’re going to think about overpopulation and we’re going to think about how much food it takes for a single person to survive and how much land is necessary to provide that food and how much pollution is made in the creation of that food. And most probably it’s time to take responsibility for ourselves by taking the physical process of growing our own food into consideration. And for health reasons and to diminish the amount of stress that we put on ourselves to have to maintain a health system designed to handle a perpetual suicide class. Probably the grimmest job in the history of History to have to believe in human anatomy only to watch person after person after person spend their lives daily destroying those bodies. It is like having to look at a freak show and decide that all of it needs to live despite the fact that every muscle in its body has been trying to die from the moment it found out what an adult was.

I am ranging from subject to subject now. I have a few things for the utopian. I can’t remember what they are. I’m sure they will come to me and if they don’t, others will. But it bothers me that these thoughts have drifted away. In the moment, I decided not to write them down. At the moment I was thinking of Shabbos. I was trying to follow the rules of Shabbos. And then the next door neighbor got in her car and left and I saw that the auto fumes were covering me and the recovering my plants and I realized what I’ve always known, it’s not really a matter of denial. Actually, it’s not denial at all. The plants have all been so innocent. They’ve been in the growth part of their life. They’ve just been putting together their sexual needs and spitting out their seeds and doing everything they can to get ready with great optimism of a beautiful life for their children and then they become parents, some of the seeds begin to fall and some of the plants begin to give it up and say you’re ready kids you’re on your own. We’ll just be mulch for you to grow the next time the weather says go. Just life is getting ready to do what life does. and then that mother fucking whore gets in her car and says fuck you everything dies around me. There’s nothing more important than me. You can’t talk to me. You’re impotent next to me. The police hate you. The police wanted to Port you. I can control you now. I can make you suck my poison. How do you like it jew. Do you like it jew. We do not respect Jews here.

And I’m like, how stupid can I make you look. How accurately can I portray my situation too as many fucking people as I possibly can. Even if this is really a show and you fuckers are too narcos to pay attention to anything that I’m saying, if you cannot understand the implications of what I’m saying, if you just can’t justify getting off your fucking ass to give your garden a little water even if it’s Shabbos because that’s life and death that this might be life and death for y’all.

I talked to the American press. I told them who I was and what I was doing and where I was. Let me tell you something else, I had an in. I don’t know why I had an end, I had never even thought of it before in my life. But just on the stray hunch did I needed some of my words to exist in Florida, they decided to hand me a drunk. Some meat bag woman who at one point someone congratulated for writing a good article and now she’s doing Facebook selfies with her puppy for me. I’m talking about life and death and pollution and the way the world works and she’s telling me that she works for a conservative newspaper and therefore my friend, I am too mother fucking stupid to pay attention to anything. We just stir shit up and write about black people and talk about how much we need to invest in prisons. Son, you don’t understand the Florida economy. I don’t know why you’re talking altruism. In the argument about life versus money, money talks so fucking loud that nobody can hear a fucking thing you say. Thanks for the story. Hope your death is not too gory. Sorry for the rhyme. Call that a single in your baseball game. Click. No no hitter for you buddy boy.

The guardian. We’re going to the British. We’re going to write a story for the British about the situation. And being the good people that they are, they are going to ask me if this is a for-profit Enterprise or a for-profit stunt designed to bring attention to an Enterprise or am I just an unrequited author looking for a break and committing suicide just to draw attention to his books? Probably they were thinking that if they asked those questions this would be enough to dismiss me. Or, maybe they are not that sort of thing. Maybe they are not conservative types. Maybe they will be exactly the people who will pay attention to this sort of thing no matter what the direction is. And if they are those sorts of people. If they are legitimately humanitarians and humane and aware and at least a decent percentage of them are practicing vegans or just in the pantheon of respect if such a completely kosher entity could possibly exist, that the entire thing is a strict vegan Enterprise and they would simply laugh at someone who tried to infiltrate their numbers who wasn’t a straight up vegan to the end of time. No regrets, no doubts and no cheat meals motherfucker. None, zero, zilch and fuck you and your fuck your mother just like you’ve been fucking mothers and children your entire life. Choke on the meat bitch. Just choke on it and die and that’ll be a good ending for you.

Did I just curse you? Bitch. Look at how far that one flew. God damn. Sometimes I even impress myself how far I can hit these fucking things. I feel like Steve Vai taking a bow right now. Just pure evil at work. I told dim that the other day. He was feeling his oats about the possibility of earning some money by walking in the forest and being helpful. He had taken a day and thought about the idea of not smoking. In fact, I made a gift for him. It was a bit coquettish of me perhaps if you wish to look at it as a homosexual thing which I truly believe he does. But in any case, it was a decent medical decision and an aesthetic one on my own part. Let’s just forget about the gasoline for just a second and dream, okay? So I just took a few moments and picked some lovely flowers and herbs and stems and leaves and petals from my field and put them on a tray and drive them in the oven for a little bit. And then I smashed them up and put them in a little jar that at one time housed baby food. And let me tell you, because I have a little of this myself, I would not give somebody something if I didn’t use it myself, (pause for a genuine environment of said mixture)… Dude, I promise you on the souls of any of my relatives that ever had any but there was no marijuana in that Puff. I can tell you that I probably loaded more than I needed and I took a significant amount of smoke. I also held that smoke for a really long time for a couple of reasons. It was very interesting about this combination of herbs and flowers that it had no particular need to escape my body. My body was very comfortable with this smoke being a part of it in fact, even grateful. In fact even before I expelled this smoke, I noticed that I was becoming lighter and calmer as if whatever was fat and clogging the way was suddenly released and I could feel myself as normal as normal could possibly be. Perfect health. That’s what I got from smoking a bit of my field. The feeling of perfect health and contentment.

I do not remember if I promised you or not but there was absolutely no marijuana in that jar or in what I just smoked. This is not a drug. Truly, nothing you can smoke is a drug it is just something that you smoke for the results of that smoke. I am also not advocating or inviting any commercial thoughts concerning what happened when I simply did not cut my grass and allowed nature to be and what I received in gratitude in terms of teas, smoke mixtures, seeds, flowers and of course the endless cacophony of sights and sounds and intrigues and life that I received from this Garden. I would like to say also that in miniscule moments, after a rain during the night when the cunt hasn’t had a chance to spoil it yet, this much life in one place gives an amazing freshness to clothing that you wash and hang. Oh she’ll fuck it up. You can’t stop her. She is a complete psychopath murderer and there is no possible way.

I have a picture of her in my head. She’s a chicken. There’s no doubt that. My name for some children’s book or something like that is the crazy black chicken. I’m sure that’s racist. She has made me hate her entire race. Or love her entire race and just simply hate the Russians for having created her. Inevitably, if you want to have pity for the crazy black chicken, you would have to say that chickens should not be black and they should not be crazy they should just be chickens. In fact they should not be people, they should just be chickens without people touching them but that’s a different story. I have my picture of her in my head stamping her foot when she’s angry. In the picture that I have of her we have the alternative reality situation which would be decoding all of the gasoline and just leaving the human desires that drive the spasms that she calls communication and movement and life. She does not control her own emotions in any way. She creates a chaos and a horror and feeds off of the fear and drives herself into Insanity by running away from the horror that she has created. It is an amazing cycle of creation of misery, flight from misery return to misery and to have to fight the misery that is all around her by being more violent and strict or by dishing out a moment of niceness designed to calm someone down before the next time that she inflicts a pain upon them. She is a very difficult dominatrix especially for people who are not submissive and seem to be forced into submission for reasons they cannot understand. Why would someone require another to be submissive? What sort of freak sexual deviant fuck face asshole masturbator would think of such a thing. What kind of society raised someone with such sexual frustration to manifest itself in the constant quest for blood? What sort of violent thug piss fucks are these who do nothing but require blood and never take the trouble to eat what is given to them by God and that can be raised with a little bit of agriculture. Perhaps there was an issue of a short growing season and that is logical for particular types of food. But there is an enormous amount of greens that do grow immediately on a good proportion of them would be edible. Also a little science and mathematics and they could figure out all of the local plants and they could perhaps pervert them a little to become more palatable towards people. People have done many interesting things to agriculture in the past and have created many sorts of foods. It would not be beyond human capability to create some really cool variations on the theme that people might enjoy and decide to keep for a long time. Like my potatoes for example. I did not grow these. I am curating them and I can only hope that I have done them great service except for of course the fucking gasoline.

Listen, I am at a great quandary. This woman needs to be spoken to or killed. Killing her is one of the options that is available. Someone must speak to her but she will not speak to me. She terrorizes me and thinks I am a bottom. But she doesn’t fight in any human way. She stamps her foot like a chicken on the accelerator of this egregious machine. She is fighting Me by inviting people to drive more cars here. She says that the only important thing in life is to have a car. There is no other possible variant of life other than owning a car and chasing money and paying the government and killing each other. I’m killing. Killing. Killing. Just killing everything. Killing as a way of life. Killing is the only thing. Killing to make money. Killing our children. Killing ourselves. Killing nature. Killing every fucking thing that can be possibly killed. They just kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill. This is a killing machine and they don’t care who dies not themselves not their babies nobody. They want everybody to suck gasoline fumes despite the obvious horrors.

Yo, they selling crack dude. What’s so fucking hard to understand? They got these bitches hooked on crack. What you going to do when you bitch gets hooked on crack dude. Fuck, you want to take on a crack whore? You got to be Jesus Christ himself to want to take on a crack whore. Do you got the balls and spine and the money to technically deal with a crack whore? How many antibiotics do you have to deal with a crack whore? I mean the quality of dick that she has sucked to get her crack is greatly in question. You got to think logically and mathematically about this. You got to ask yourself what could you possibly do to make this bitch think you got something special. Nature? That bitch kills nature every day and takes pleasure doing it. You took a look at her garden. You took a look what it looked like. You took pictures so everybody could see it. You took pictures where that bitch broke the hunchback’s fence and you could actually see the tire marks where they can’t control their driving enough not to destroy land and structures. The unbelievable selfishness of these people is there to see for a monument so as long as it takes nature to heal from these motherfuckers. And if we’re talking about the land under these cars, God damn they are archaeology. They are disgusting people for generations to come. There may never be, if there is one, a future who does not look at this particular stain and shake their head and understand what the word whore means. And we’re not even talking about Adam and Eve whoredom. We’re not talking about the Christian view that all girls eventually should have their time as whores so that they can come back and make nice with their people. That’s a good Mark of Christianity to accept sexually transmitted diseases into the flock as a way of controlling people. The more them bitches itch, the more of them bitches understand about getting money in the plate or something like that.

Yeah, we have to have a long talk about Christianity son. If you got to go out in the world and deal with christians, we have to have a long talk.

That father talking to the daughter just aches to have more material put to it. But now there are all these stories and I’m thinking there’s enough for a book already. And then there’s the last 15 weeks of work for this year and the last four or five episodes of this newspaper. And I can’t get away with blank earthquaking. That was a pretty cool stunt you can’t get away with it more than once before people night have suspension of disbelief and… I said such lofty goals for myself.

Yeah, it’s 1:00 in the morning and I just smoked a bowl of my field and I can’t believe how relaxed I am. If that bum actually used the water pipe I gave him, then he has experienced this. So well these fuckers were recreating Auschwitz specifically for my benefit, one of their other self-destruction junkies managed to elevate himself quite a few pegs in just one day. Of the therapy needing three, he was the only one who came to work seriously. He delivered a few chunks of steel he picked up that he thought I might need. I don’t know why I am the steel receptacle. I just wanted some rebar. These should probably be gifts to the steel guy but he’s a cunt so maybe they should come to me. I can use them for weapons or weight lifting or something. But nevertheless, the big guy came up with two bags of garbage. You could hear the contents of them by the clinking of the glass and the rustling of the plastic. I already mentioned it but I took the trouble to salute him and I also gave him the gift of what I call the Flowers of the Pyrenees. This was from Hemingway from after the complete and utter debacle that was the Festival of San Fermin, he was given a drink while trying to relax and they said it was made of the Flowers of the Pyrenees but he thought it was basically shit. Hem was a pretty good alcoholic. Perhaps if he had hit this place on the way down, he might have thought to come back exactly for some more. So there was that because if he smoked this stuff, and again and again and again, there was absolutely no marijuana nor did I put any jiggy jiggy jiggy chemistry in there. Literally snip snip drop drop turn turn light light burn burn smell smell lift lift taste taste mother fucker that’s good. Nothing else but that. Just what he helped me put together this year with his work. Cheers, mate.

So I’m thinking of writing to the guardian and to the government. Maybe I can write one letter to both of them. Or maybe I’m just frustrated that I do so much writing all the time but it never seems to matter. I mean, it kind of seems to matter to God. I seem to get these really lovely signs saying I’m on the right path and doing the right thing. But the people that I’m fighting demand that it is a fight. Literally, this nature nonsense Disturbed their car driving. I understand this. They really need to drive man. Please, buy the shit that I’m selling as quickly as possible and make sure the money goes through and make sure my fucking boss pays me and make sure because I have to spend some money because I need this fucking gas man. Don’t you understand man I got to have my gas. Life just isn’t normal if I don’t have my gas. I have to hear the noise. I need it man I need this because it makes me go to understand it’s like a little bit of poison that I put inside myself it really makes me go and and I can make more money because I need to make more money because I need gas man.

Fuck fuck fuck my dick don’t work fuck fuck fuck I’m losing my hair fuck fuck fuck I need to shave my balls fuck fuck fuck I don’t smell right fuck fuck fuck I have to drink fuck fuck fuck I’m not supposed to drink fuck fuck fuck I need some endorphins fuck f uck fuck I need to drive fuck maybe I’ll just drive for a while fuck fuck fuck I need some food what is that smell fuck give me a burger fuck give me a burgerette fuck I need money. Fuck I need money. I fucking need money. And need money for my fucking car. I need money for my fucking car. Do you understand me. Do you understand my problem. I’m addicted to my car. I cannot get out of my addiction for my car and I will not allow anyone to touch my addiction because if I do not have my car I will go completely fucking insane.

Maybe you are completely fucking insane. I mean, I have no fucking clue under God’s sky how to communicate with you. On some human level, you just want my dick. On some human level you don’t get enough of your own because you beat your husband to death like you beat every member of your family to death like you beat every inch of your land to death like you beat every client to death. Either with your fucking personality or you’re fucking gasoline addiction. You smell like gasoline, you talk like gasoline, you live for gasoline and your gasoline has taken all of the value out of life here. I mean, I personally I’m not interested in this because I think we should go to the other way, but do any of the people that live here, and I’m just talking about the drug addicts even, do any of you stupid mother fuckers have any idea what a truly clean investment property would be worth. I know your friends of the Russians and all of this gasoline related suicide where we all collectively by the choice of a few go inside a big garage and we run our cars until we all choke to death and nothing else will grow for about maybe a thousand years. What a beautiful end to all of the art and science in mathematics we have bothered to construct while fighting against cocksuckers like you who have power without actually doing anything. I don’t know why we just don’t vote that away. Take a vote. Do you want these people to tell you what to do? No, I don’t either fucking easy choice. Dasvidania Tanya and we don’t go to work tomorrow.

Or we have one of these deals where Biden makes one of these speeches.

Now listen now, this is going to be difficult for all of us. This is going to be a major step that we have to take. This is going to be something that we need to do because there is no other way. It is life and death and we do have a gun to our head and we think we have the proper way to deal with it. So we’re going to take a couple of steps right now to ensure that we have some maximum possibility of peace. Might as well do it like a list but I’m going to read it to you all the same.

  • All production is going to stop. We don’t want no more noise and no more smoke. Ask for materials, we’re going to scavenge everything we got for a while. We’re going to need to because we’re going to need to figure out where to put all this shit so it don’t fuck up the landscape so bad. But we will figure it out because that’s all we’re going to do.
  • We’re going to stop driving cars. Will give a thumbs up for a license if you show up dead solid sober and with the love for humanity to want to drive a public electric car to help people get where they want to go. As of the moment, providing that only professionals will have enough courtesy to be on the road with all of the foot traffic and bicycles and maybe scooters or electric personal vehicles for old people that we don’t really want chickens and crazy people or people with guns to get licenses for anything anymore.
  • This is going to be really difficult for some of you people but as of tomorrow there’s no such thing as a gun license in the United States of America. There’s no such thing as a gun in the United States of America and with great sincerity and misfortune we will continue to have armed police and military ready to engage any gun that we find anywhere in any home in any state. We consider guns to be the most dangerous invention of mankind, we are putting an end to that now because we are not the sort of apes who should be trusted with weapons of mass destruction. We are to changeable and to foolish and two prone to disease and greed and bloating from the confidence of others too stupid to understand our incompetence. No guns are available in the United States and we will live without guns more peacefully. I don’t know how long it will take but I think we’ll cover 99% of it in the first year or even the first month and if we kill you because you will not give up your gun, I apologize but it was necessary.
  • We’re putting an end to animal agriculture. You’re done. You have no license. We will not Grant any license and any licenses that currently exists are as of this moment revoked revoked. I would like to tell you that as of this moment regardless of warning and regardless of profit and regardless of what you have done, anything you do to harm any living thing on your farms will be taken as equal to any physical violence against any human being. As of today there is no difference between sentient beings and animals. We will eat plants because we are herbivores. We will not deal in meat because meat is narcotics and narcotics make people crazy and specifically meat makes us killers and this will now stop. We no longer have any need for dairy products. We no longer have any need to eat flash. We can live longer and happier and more disease-free and healthier and in a more friendly and coherent way by eating eggplants only lifestyle and this is what we will do. If you want to whine for a week or two, you can do so as much as you want but we advise you not to pick up a gun because we will kill you if you do. We also advise you not to cause harm to other people because we will kill you if you do. We apologize for killing you but if you demonstrate that you have no willingness to live in a more perfect society we will kill you as quickly as possible and without Mercy or worry. If you have no mercy or worry for us, we will have no mercy or worry for you. Fair is fair and you have chosen your road. Thank you for your service and dasvidanya Tanya.

And enough of that last paragraph, we’re going to stay together and we’re going to make friends with our neighbors. We are going to be good citizens of wherever we live. The biggest problem is going to be that the population of the cities is most probably going to change and most probably people are going to start heading out away from the cities to have a piece of land for themselves. And we’re aware of that and we are going to do everything we can to facilitate local help. We understand that there are going to be people on the roads. We understand there will be people walking or riding electric transports. We understand people are going to need help for a while and the entire budget is for this. This is the hour where the money in our budgets of our country that you have all worked for for so long is coming back. Here is all your social security. Here is everything you ever asked us to do for you or believed you asked us to do. This is everything we did for you but this time we’re not going to steal it. There will be a check every month and it’ll be enough to buy food. As far as living squirmishes, we would like you to handle them in a civil fashion and we would like you to talk with your neighbors about who you think should live where and why. Perhaps there is another house a little further away and it will not offend anybody if they live there. Or, and I hate to say this, if you are someone who is thinking of harming this Utopia with your selfishness and addictions, if you think that you dress correctly and that correctly and you do the right things and kiss ass everything’s going to be okay but in truth, you don’t give a damn about anybody but yourself, we will kill you as quickly as possible so that you are not going to infect our future. I apologize for this act of violence but we’re going home and will not bringing our diseases with us.

My fellow earthlings, slavery is over. We can’t afford it anymore. It makes too much pollution. Slavery is abolished and nobody works for anybody except that everybody works for everybody. We, the government, we’re going to facilitate your checks and make sure the roads are clean and the electric transportation between the towns it runs well and that we have enough doctors and enough technicians and builders in every community so that you can be self-sufficient amongst yourselves. But make no mistake, we’re only going to be here for a short time. We’re going to work until we work ourselves out of the job and then we’re going to join you. You don’t need to listen to our shit anymore. Nobody’s going to try to sell you anything ever again. Just go home and make yourself a beautiful garden a girl is much food as you can and will sort out the problems if somebody needs help between us. God bless us all and God bless the planet Earth.

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