What our days are like

You know, for a long time, I have been remiss in talking about the simple mathematics and scope of our little community here. We run a tight ship and for the most part it’s one in and one out so we have pretty tight near 10,000 people. And we use a very simple formula. We understand that one acre, about half a square kilometer is well more than any human being needs. In fact it’s two and a half times how much we need and we do this only because we want to be a little fat. So basically our region is 10 square kilometers so really, in order to get to work, the longest bike ride anybody might have is 5 or 6 km. We also have electric transportation to help those who want to come out and of course food and health services.

So, depending on where you’re working, you walk or bicycle or get your ride out to whatever portion of the field you will be working at. We have pretty much everything you need to get going in the morning. We know people sometimes like to sit down and have a cup of tea and a piece of bread with something nice just to calm down. We know some people like to stand around and talk. We understand that people are who they are and we have plenty of food and beverages and places to sit and rest. There’s no forced labor here. We just have a job to do.

The general algorithm for how much work is needed is always based on a combination of the date in the year, the necessity of accomplishment and how much time we have to do it. Sometimes we have a lazy schedule and sometimes things get a little tense. And sometimes we have people that just don’t want to do certain jobs and we need to raise our incentives to get them done. Or we just need to ask them nicely and they get to go home heroes.

After work, you go home by whatever means you go home and do whatever it is that you do after work. Usually it’s lunch time and most people will have a nice meal at lunch. Some people don’t want to eat lunch and just want to keep going and they have a big dinner. Everybody’s different. But here is where all of the activity happens. The crafts people gather in their craft clubs and the group of men that do construction or working wood or electricity they gather together in their clubs. Usually, the children come walking through town to see what everyone is doing and to talk to everybody and to meet everybody. Sometimes we have some activities planned for the children or for people who maybe want to learn something new. There are simple exercise classes and of course we have our sports leagues and all of the people who like to watch them. The baseball is very popular right now but it’s becoming very personal and strange. It seems too disciplined for our people to maintain for very long but we very much like it when it’s here.

And then we get to the evenings and hear people either go out to bars or they go home. We have all kinds of bars and social clubs. We have literature clubs where people tend to smoke a lot and we have belligerent clubs where people drink a lot. We sometimes have fights in the evenings when two alcoholics can not tolerate each other and then we get to go watch them beat each other up. It is a very satisfying cultural thing to watch alcoholics beating each other up. It seems that one will win and the other will have to rethink their lives. It is a beautiful exhibition.

And this is our day at least 4 days a week. In the evening we go home and we go to bed. We ate dinner and we are quiet with whoever lives with us. We are a healthy lot so evenings are for love making and I would not be too far from the truth. There are people who like to live alone but we like to think that they masturbate well and are happy.

Fridays of course are where are we clean up all of our loose ends so that we can rest. But we each have our own ceremonies. Usually it is like a baseball game and who’s ever house you are in dictates the policy. Some people like going to many different houses and hearing all of the different variants and we have had several compilations and truthfully, there is or we have constructed, a general idea of how to say prayers before Shabbos. We do use a few Hebrew words and we use a few words of our own and we pray for our children and we give thanks to God for our day of rest. And then all of us are free as individuals to fuck off and that’s all.

Some people prefer to gather after sunset on Saturday but these are always quiet get togethers and usually it is for Lovers who wish to share a bed together. Some people share beds on Friday night as well but some people do not. Everyone does different things really and there is no way. The only thing that we do is understand that this is resting and we should not work nor should we disturb others who are resting. It is as simple as that. You can do what you want but you should not make too much noise and you should definitely not cause any harm on Shabbos.

On sunday, WE generally do not go seriously to the fields. We do have people who go to the field by choice in the morning. We actually have quite a few people go and at some point in everyone’s life, they will go out on Sunday morning to the field simply because they want to see how their things are going. It is not really a work day but it can be organized if you want to be there. We have message boards for Sunday work and you are welcome to work or not as you feel you need it. And then we have Sunday brunch. This is a universal tradition. We have a very big meal on Sunday morning with a lot of people. Some people do this on the street with their neighbors and they put all of their tables together and everybody makes food and laughs and talks. Whole neighborhoods sometimes walk around with bowls of food visiting different houses and getting refills from the food that people are offering publicly. It is a street fair basically. Not marketplace but a street fair. And we do this every Sunday and also, lately we have been playing baseball at the stadium as well.

And I have forgotten the most important part of our town. We have a marketplace. The marketplace is connected with central education, the community theater and a community health station. And right now, it is the most beautiful time to visit the market. Now is the time where our best farmers bring their food right to town so that everybody can eat well and live well. Any member of the community can take anything they want and our market people are some of our proudest people because of how loudly they contribute to the public trust. Just be careful when you try talking to the market people. They will tell you who you are. They practice all the time and they are good at it.

Welcome home.

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