
It’s 6:04 p.m. and I’m having a fireside moment. One time I had a meeting with the minister of people going to the left and to the right from Ukraine and I asked him why he required so much money every time someone would go to the left or to the right but he just smiled because apparently that was the market at the time. So, faced with no other avenue I played the heart ticket. And of course he was looking at me and smiling obsequiously. Another Jew looking for his heritage la da di la da da. There are so many stories. Those are exactly the words he said to me. There are so many stories.

So what’s up? It’s about structure. It’s about coming to grips with the heritage of the Jews. It’s about coming to grips with my DNA and my mental powers to take a step back and have a look and say hmm, that’s mighty interesting right there.

There is more material titled Woody Allen but I have been reading Woody Allen and watching his films because I just happen to have them. I stole them like I stole pretty much everything so there you go. I was not only a thief, I was a jewel thief. Bananas. What’s up tiger Lily? Even interiors which is almost unwatchable is such a train wreck that you can’t take your eyes off it. And then there is Manhattan which, irony of ironies, I read out loud with my two ex-girlfriends before they were really my ex-girlfriends.

Oh boy, everything is a sex crime. It’s crazy living with Christians. It seems that’s what it has always been about.

Incidentally, if you’re having a hard time figuring this out or wondering what to do or would I should do, the problem might be that you’re looking at the man and not the literature. I’m actually talking about something specific although it’s a complex issue. I’m not actually asking anyone to pay attention to me. I’m begging and pleading for my words to be read. That’s the ticket. The answer to the problem is not what to do with me personally. I can figure out my own logistics given the opportunity. The real thing is to start thinking deeply about how not to destroy the planet just to continue slavery and mass hysteria for money.

What am I supposed to do with myself?

I’m thinking about staying and I’m thinking about going so I think I’m thinking about how to go and stay at the same time. And I’m thinking that maybe I need to take a trip to Ukraine. This might suck considering my physical situation but I’m thinking maybe if I wrote a letter to them and explained who I was and that I wished to establish a small residence or two if it would be possible. I can mention the locations I was thinking of and might ask what the costs of such things would be on a similar level to what I have now. I don’t know whether my needs are great or not because that would be dependent on the level of civilization that was allowed to build itself up. Should what I have now no longer be available, this would be a point to be argued.

As for my physical safety about getting shot or blowed up, I don’t know. What’s the difference already? Have you read the news about the boys we have taking care of us during peacetime? Do you think there’s a massive leap between our psychopaths and the idiots carrying guns and wearing green for the government? Have you heard that all policemen have the same face? Anybody with a gun. Anybody with a gun has the same face. So like technically we have gun laws here so we don’t have that many gun faces but I will tell you something first hand we have plenty of gun faces here and I have met them during my journey. So we have predators walking around and they mingle freely and believe they have love for some reason. Or they just don’t understand the difference.

And just between you and me, you are what you eat and these gun guys, you really can see who they are because they look like pigs. I mean I don’t know how far you are from farm life or the last time you just googled up a picture of a pig and then put a particular friend of yours next to it and then had a look. Like some of your friends look a little more Simeon than others and others look kind of like furry creatures. But a pig is a pig and you can kind of see what a pig looks like and you can kind of step back and see that that particular motherfucker is genuinely a pig. Dollars to donuts that pig is gun happy.

I am free because I have a gun. God damn. I think about weapons sometimes. I’m kind of in a dojo and for the most part I’m just a bicyclist which means I go. Kind of a purest in this way but yeah, I just go. But then sometimes you pick up a stick on the way to the fire and you think that this thing might be dangerous if in the right hands. And then you realize it’s in your right hand and you absolutely know what you are doing. And then it’s not really Batman but more like 2001 A space Odyssey and the fire just says that this thing in front of me must die. I don’t need to describe it anymore because I think you get the point.

But then at the same time I realized that the moment I weaponize, I can’t womanize. Maybe that’s the point but I have no understanding of why porno actors slap the asses of the females unless the point is that they just feel nothing already and unless you are beating them as if they are a dead horse, whore, horse, they have no understanding that anyone is even there. The garage is open, just drive the cars in already. And I’m wondering exactly what a sex life is supposed to be because I’m thinking that with all of this knowledge that everyone has juxtaposed against all of this sexual digression that all of us seem to be a part of means that we are just in the middle of a factory turning people into meat All for the cheers of the people in the bleachers. Because they do demand that we look and it’s cheer and live and die with all of this human suffering. As much human drama as we can produce and you are supposed to go up and down with them until you just can’t go up and down anymore. And then you don’t notice they are dragging the dead bodies out. Or that they have fucked up the river and now everything here is dying because of it. You just are not supposed to see it because you’re too fucked up. That is plan of infinite growth with the help of gasoline. As long as people are denied their genuine connection to nature, they cannot know the extent of the crime committed, being committed. The crime of the destruction of all life on planet Earth for the greed and power of a few individuals who get all the drugs and all the women and get to make all the decisions from their bunkers.

Film goes here

Art is art. When we talk about the beauty of the human form, we must respect it in all of its representations. I however believe that veganism defeats morbid obesity. I’ve been vegan for 5 years but I definitely remember passing the morbid obesity mark pretty quickly. That’s an incredibly interesting point to keep in mind by the way.

I commented on this video and I have been thinking really hard about baseball. About the only idea I think worth sharing has to do with Mr Bauer. Let’s say he’s going to Cincinnati. What does he actually bring to the table? I propose that he and his batting cage compatriots who happen to have a really cool film crew available Construct one of these epic greenhouse workout batting cage places. I would probably say a velodrome around the perimeter might be awesome as well but the point is that it would be a glass roofed structure that would have solar capacity to help the lights stay lit and even the availability of human help to generate some watts. And you can eat what you grow and it promotes a healthy lifestyle that men and women can do together.

Should Cincinnati baulk at the offer, you can move the entire show to Japan just as easily and the Yokohama Bay Stars as a team have a good workout facility only because Mr Bauer is wealthy enough to give them one. And the bloggers. Go vegans!

Meanwhile, the son of the wind is coming to San Francisco.

Hope. We have hope in San Francisco. Just watch this kids swing a bat. Just look at this guy play the game of baseball. Maybe his experience in San Francisco will be a lesson to those fools down south.

Or, maybe Ireland because at the end of the day, maybe hurling is the greatest sport ever invented.

I mean, let me get this straight. You get to carry an incredibly well-crafted stick and hit a ball with it. You also get to try and catch the ball either with your hand or the stick but at the same time, you run all the time and then you just try to kick field goals with the stick. Come on! Are you kidding? And look at the stadium and watch the game play and listen to the voices. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?

And yes, I have a film from here

This hand of God thing is cool and it’s really hard to be Steve McQueen about it. I don’t know how to explain this but the fact that you have the coolest girlfriend in the world makes it hard to actually be cool. Because you notice it and she knows that you notice it and it makes her bubble that you notice it and then it’s all contagious and everybody is in love and happy. I have the best girlfriend in the world and she’s taken care of me well this last while. I can’t lose. I just can’t lose and if I even tried to catalog these little pornographies, she is a Godzillain years old And she has me giggling. It’s ridiculous already. She has the hopes of a teenager.

But for all of you statistic freaks out there, please I would like you to check the genuine weather of what happened in the Pinsk region over the last while and tell me if you do not see what I am looking at right now. It seems that from the moment I said that I was done and the book was done and there was no more rigmarole, we were covered by soft white snow. Never a deep freeze but never warm enough to melt it. Nothing but white beauty. And I do not use those words lightly. Astoundingly beautiful.

But then we got to the Christian holidays and I decided not to participate and neither did God. Now, we can look at this pragmatically. We can say that what really happened was this giant burst of gasoline use because everyone who was anyone needed to begin preparing and it was partly Christmas and everything was going on and everyone was nervous so they drove their cars to the supermarkets and the supermarkets needed more food so they ordered more trucks. It could have been all of that noise that melted the snow and stopped the weather. Maybe.

But you may also note that the moment it ended, the soft white beautiful snow came back. And just out of dumb stupid luck, I got a moment where no one was driving their car or running a machine or screaming or cackling or trying to get my attention or anyone’s attention. Just another one of those hand of God moments where she tells me it’s okay to take a picture right now because it ain’t never going to be any more beautiful than it is right now. Porno. Absolute naked women everywhere you look and they are just out in the snow sleeping cozyly I hope. At least at this moment they are not being assaulted.

And it is worth noting that my berry bushes have started to have buds because of that big frost followed by a big melt right there at the holidays. They decided it was spring. Apparently nature doesn’t understand that it’s quite normal to be jerked around like a yo-yo. People seem to think having their chain pulled is all the rage but nature doesn’t ever really understand it I guess.

Because that’s the thing. If I’m going to stay here on the level that I have been here, y’all have to understand that this is what the Russians call a rod-dome. It’s a place where things give birth. Kind of like what the neighbors had with their child but obviously on some other level and with a different means of carrying on in mind. Cruel irony. But I’m going to have to defend this place because when everyone wakes up, They are going to want to be so beautiful that it hurts. They know they have their friends around them and that all of the girls will be trying to be beautiful and get as much attention as possible. It’s going to be work. I’m going to have to give them a good breakfast to make sure that they are at their best.


Seriously, I have smart mice. I put some nuts out for them today. They found them today and today they are starting to make appearances while I am here instead of behind my back. It looks like me being friendly has to do with them being friendly. This is going to be tricky because I really don’t want them mating and making a mouse society so it’s going to be a strict bloody diet. But whatever I want to do with these furry fuckers, I own them.

I mean, what the fuck?

I just don’t live in a sympathetic world to such things. And we can argue that I am in the wrong place. But if I go south, that is better or worse or the same as what I have now? And that’s with people I have genuinely never met before except that perhaps they might like me in advance for some things I might have said or done or been or am. How do I convince the people living next door that I would prefer life to happen in my garden. Whatever it is that they are thinking, I would prefer life to happen. Whatever laws they think are pertinent and allow them to completely and horrifically destroy a piece of land simply because they have a piece of paper allowing them to do so, I would like to stick a sharp stick in their eyes or something like that. Poke. That’s the way they used to say it. Poke them in the eye with a sharp stick. Just terrible. Just otherworldly terrible.

But hey, I can dream. I check out Google in one year and you can see the great greenhouse. My land here doesn’t change because the shadow is still there but now there is so much water falling here and it’s all going down to feed the forest. And because we don’t have cars here anymore, it just goes white in the winter and hay, I am the Utopian thinker so let’s say that the river actually freezes enough to play hockey on it.

Other than this, I’ve decided to make friends with the remaining mice. I’ve basically won the war and they have no genuine food to eat but they stay here I suppose because it’s warm and they just gnaw away and try to live. I’ve been thinking of investing in a cage but I don’t really care. I think I can just put down some newspaper and some nuts and they will eat the nuts and sleep well and I will use the newspaper to clean up the shit. No different from life here anyway, right?

Truth spoken is only heard if one wants to hear the truth. Often we seek something else. I like the truth.

Or we can just agree that we can make a difference and just do what we can to keep doing it until things get better.

It seems that I’m looking at the same picture again and again and again. It’s the picture of one person who does not understand how to live on the planet and another who does. I just want those who truly understand to be able to speak to those who don’t.

And this one? I commented here. Maybe you can look at this video and understand the sorts of things I might have said.

All I can say about this epic catastrophe is that if it were me running things, this would be one of those “watch this quick before they take it down” clickbaits. For me, I don’t think the makers of this video are capable of any comprehension beyond style.

And please, as humbly as a human can say such a thing, perhaps you can understand why I really don’t want to teach young people English anymore. If this is not one of my classes exactly right now, there is nothing else I could possibly see. Me? I hang out with the beans because they are the most interesting of our guests during the summer. I let other people fuck goats.

Maybe it’s just about feeling healthy

And then there is this olive oil business. First of all, if you’re going to have oil, I prefer Spanish to Italian. If this means anything or if it’s just my personal experience of the marketplace, I prefer Spanish. But then there is the issue of whether this is good for you or not and I would say that yeah, you oil cook your food and there is a certain party to it. Friday nights, don’t even think about not having fried food. Again, I’m vegan so nobody killed Aunt Freda so we have meat to eat, right? If you want a greasy pot on Fridays it’s because it’s a party. But then there is even me and even I forget myself even for long periods of time. I feel like I’ve been drunk forever. I stopped oil cooking and went back to water cooking and here is the news Jews, it’s exactly like going vegan. It’s another level of cleanliness for your life. Don’t take in any fats and that is one big shockaroony to the system. Not really cleansing in its way, just a return to reality.


I need to say this because that kid who does the baseball statistics came up with a show where they used only nationalities to run baseball teams and the Italians collectively sucked.

The internet is kind of a funny place. It seems so vast and impossible to navigate but yet it’s possible to get what you want for to find people who think like you do. If you have a good community life and a good internet life, you’re not going to be bored.

He also made a video about hometown players representing teams. I love this stuff. So beautiful. There is no statistical evidence that says being Italian makes you better than anyone else or more important than anyone else or your decisions or opinions are more important than anyone else’s. There is no evidence that says anything except they are a shitty baseball team if they didn’t have the ability to feed off of others. Like a bad baseball team. Like Tommy Lasorda bad. But at the same time, during the holidays I am fully happy to grab a plastic bottle of whatever oil that has frozen inside and squeeze it until I can get something into the pot to fry spices in. And the food is tasty and all of those noodles. But at the moment, I am still eating noodles and eating spicy delicious food, I’m just doing it without oil and well, I shoveled snow today. You just stop being lazy when you water cook your food. Think about it.

And that’s about it except that I am in love with Woody Allen right now. Here are a couple of pieces of writing from the last few days. I’m pretty sure I took the trouble to explain my future thinking so I’m going to let what I said earlier do the job and that’s it. It’s just so still and so beautiful right now. You can’t even imagine how still and how beautiful it is after all that rigmarole. I guess I’m just saying that the world would be better if we 99.99% left it exactly like this and just made sure we were okay otherwise. Yep, that would do it. That would be the ticket. That would be Utopia.

But then earlier…


Just saying for those of you who are interested in participating in group things, there is something called going vegan in January. This is not one of my things, this is one of those things started by other people who start things that are good ideas for people to do such as this one. Would you like to try going vegan in January? Here is something to look forward to. If you believe in the 40-day vegan challenge as being significant, 40 days from now leaves you at something known as St Valentine’s Day. Would you like to be hot when everyone gets hot?

Jackie Chan has style

Maybe I’m not really into the orthodox Jewish look but just a tiny step to the left doesn’t seem so far away. I don’t know, I would think of beautiful healthy young girl would look pretty sexy no matter what she was wearing. Healthy men look good too.

I wear what I need to wear for comfort, protection and that’s about it. I can go naked happily during certain times of the year and sometimes I wear all my clothes. This year, and bicycling a lot like I am right now so what I am wearing is whatever I need to wear for movement and to allow my body to be hot. Yeah, I just make my own heat now so the fire is nice and the electric heat is nice but I stay warm because I keep moving. I don’t kill anything. I just keep moving.

This being said, a traditional Chinese black and white wardrobe as a unisex way of life it’s not so bad. I think they have a few colors and style changes but it’s all very modest and I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. I had an old school coat. Old school means from the Communist days. Simply sensible and straightforward. A textile with a purpose and one but was built to last a really long time. I like these ideas and I’m not sure why we don’t use them.

Woody Allen

As I sit here right now, I realize that it is folly trying to recreate the passion and creativity of youth. Knowing is not really the strong suit of the young and it is difficult to say how much wisdom should be in the mix. But here, looking back nostalgically at what I have created, it seems that there were a few moments that bring joy. It seems strange to have to resort to such extreme avenues to try and find a moment of peace or just something that feels good in place of a world where everything feels really bad. And so I went there and the best thing about it is that if I wanted to, I could say we went there and then it would be complete.

So it’s the writer’s journey and that’s it. Pretty much everything you see whoever you are wherever you are is the result of a writer’s journey. It’s hard to say who the scribe or scribes were who penned the Torah. It’s hard to say exactly how the thing was realized except as some kind of a writing project. Allen Sherman, the great comic, came up with the idea that it was simply the book of all things and that the author eventually imagined himself so rich and powerful that he commanded all that he could see. Kind of Jack London-esque in its way except that Mr London did it himself and did not use armies to get what he wanted. Even finished by his own hand whatever that’s worth. Famously so.

So this is my book of all things.

I think the basic plan is to publish the upcoming election books as a block of information. There is some rigmarole of course as far as extra information goes etc etc. There are certain things in the files that have nothing to do with anything really and are not even curiosities so they probably don’t need to be there. But, no! There’s no naked pictures anywhere in this so don’t even think about it. Okay, there are a few naked pictures but you really want to go through 6 million words of text just that the naked pictures, God bless you. If you do it for the baseball, God bless you. Anything, God bless you. 

But as I was saying, I think the idea is to open the doors but at the same time, I think I can republish all of the episodes weekly as well. All of the work coincides with basically the second week of January so we can just start with that and let’s just say that the project is called via coming elections.

And as for me, I know everybody has these fantasies of me riding a track bike while hitting baseballs thrown at me by agro pitchers who can’t get over their own issues of homosexuality. Sorry Trevor, My own opinion of athletics and athletic feats are that they are for younger people. I don’t wish to really do these things anymore because you get injured. And the older you get, the higher the likelihood of injury and frankly, I am tired of being injured. Dig it? Can you get this through your mind and this includes all of the beautiful young women who just think I am the bees knees, no more injuries for me and no more pain and that’s it.

However, it seems I have these websites. And it seems even if no one ever gives a shit, I am a publisher of the highest ethics! I also have a really cool name and you never can tell how much attention and ecological website might bring if, you know, luck should come my way. We also have something to do with the English language and I guess that’s about reading or admiring pictures and being creative in our own way concerning these topics. What a concept! And maybe even letting the book go just because.

I do want to add something that is true. I might end up doing a lot of this organically myself but I would like to make it clear that there are mistakes and upgrades available everywhere. If it’s a matter of the text writing of the upcoming elections books, I am unbelievably appreciative of anyone sending me an email telling me the page number and text mistake and I will happily look into it. As far as ideological arguments, I would say that would better be part of some comment section so we have the ability to comment by publishing on the website. But really, if you see a texty, let me know. And if something is not clear, you can let me know as well and all of these things can be looked at constructively. Just keep in mind that we are not taking text down. This must be understood. There might be some stuff that’s weird to understand and that is even there because the author got drifty, we are just talking about clarity of word and even if it’s a meandering path, we’re going to take it and that’s all.

Okay, there is also an etiquette about the dates and the numbering of the first year as I recall and there was quite a bit of editing about that. I’m going to call this as a purest golfer and just say play it as it lies. What happened happened and what we have is what we have. As a golfer I like to play it as it lies. But please, I have never achieved any particular level of anything as a golfer except for a couple of magical rounds and a few putts and a few long drives etc. Don’t look for any records as a tournament player because I suck. It also might be noted that there is a difference between tournament golf and just trying to hit a target with a golf ball. There is a big difference between archery and war. So if you get what I’m saying, no one’s arguing that I winged it. I hope no one’s arguing that I also planned it the way anybody whoever studied jazz would understand. 

But I think that’s the point. It was a stunt for Facebook. I might have to do something about Facebook this year. It wasn’t really a stunt for Facebook like I wanted attention on Facebook and that became the real problem. It seems that once you say something on Facebook it just dies there.

It’s Darwinian but it is possible to cross pollinate between different types of plants. It is important only to know what plants would be similar to the plant you wish to cross pollinate. One interesting note is that if you have a variety of plant that has both male and female components but you prohibit the mail from fertilizing the female and only allow cross species pollination, it is possible that only female seeds will appear. It is also possible that this is the basis of feminized seeds. It is also possible that this kind of thought only comes when it is legal to think like this.

A legion of bloggers

I have a scenario for a close friend of mine. He is now retired but he cannot understand what to do with himself. He also has a bit of a weight problem and a problem with what sorts of information should come into his head and what sorts of information should not. These skills are well honed after years of practicing his craft. But now he is going to be a gardener. One year. He’s going to blog his journey just because I asked him to do it and he has nothing better to do. He and his beautiful wife go vegan and run a garden right in their own house strictly for the purposes of having food to eat at harvest Time or, in the case of greens, in a month or so. And we get to watch and listen to their humor and their wisdom as they tell us about their problems and everything that happened to them along the way. And we get to look at their bodies.

Rotation baseball for gamblers

One of the problems in baseball is the hypocrisy of its relationship to gambling. It’s relationship to other types of unhealthy activities are well known and well advertised but that betting on the outcome seems to be a logical adult activity, it is suggested that adult leagues have games that are played specifically for gamblers and those played for universal enjoyment. The difference in the games relies upon expected outcome of victory. Each inning of play allows the opportunity for bets. You can also bet on balls and strikes and whatever else strikes your fancy but the basic principle is who is going to win the game. If it seems that no one in the park would believe that a victory was possible or even doesn’t particularly care if they come back or not because let’s just call it a game and start another already becomes the better choice. In this way, you automatically get a double or even a triple header with double or triple the outcomes, double or triple the juice and maybe double or triple the losses because gambling is for losers.

And then maybe we can just agree but rotation baseball is better without home runs. I just watch this film of some guy hitting a bomb and making a bat flip. I was hypnotized watching it. I watched his body mechanics. I watched the Umpire (there was a Freudian typo here that said Empire ironically enough). I watched how the fans reacted. I watched him watch the ball fly and then decide how to discard the bat. Just this little moment of time repeated again and again and again and in the end it told me that I’m really tired of home runs. I’m tired of home runs being important. I’m thinking that if the guy just put the ball in play, he couldn’t stand there and watch, he had to get in gear and go. Baseball is about getting an opportunity to go and let’s just go already! What are we standing around and measuring how long everything is and how big everything is and how much the bat weighs. Do you really need to know the size of my bat? Has anybody ever thought that we can just have one fucking bat and that’s all you need and it’s a metal bat and we play with rubber balls and everyone runs and let’s call it baseball? Do we need to have the single most expensive variety of the game ever? Do we have to keep pumping steroids into baseball until it absolutely has no difference whatsoever from football? Was it possible that the game existed without violence? Or when Chapman got hit in the head and then died, instead of inventing the plastics industry, couldn’t we just have agreed to throw a little slower or use a softer ball? Or maybe just agree to say sorry and all of us try really hard to play a dangerous game as injury-free as possible, which also would be cool. I mean any game you play with a bat is better than a game you play with a gun easy, right?

It should also be noted that umpires are now obligated to join a military industrial style organization in order to be acceptable to the new baseball regime. Most of this has been caused by the electronic revolution that says that television is stronger than the human and that the game of baseball is best played with extensive valuable pauses for the perfection of modern technology to receive its due. Thusly, we have more “accepting” umpires than we know what to do with and therefore it is proposed that every rotation league baseball player receive a rotation lead baseball umpire. Just like a rotation baseball player, a rotation baseball umpire can play any position along with their player. In such circumstances such as a first baseman like Shohei Ohtani, who is only a first baseman because he is tall and has no arm, where the runner would also have an umpire coming along with him. Actually, in his case he would have not only his own personal umpire but his interpreter and his interpreter’s umpire as well. We might also have a base coach there and possibly another umpire right along with him which would coincide with the umpire standing next to the manager and the other one next to the pitching coach. It is possible that we all understand each other and that we can get the call straight without electronic help. And of course as an ancillary benefit, you get to move around with your players or even enjoy time in the luxury box when you get your chance to be the owner’s umpire for one inning. And by the way, if there is any argument about the sexuality of the umpire, i.e, the traditional argument as to whether or not they are cocksuckers or not, there is a symbiosis to the player umpire relationship that is as sacred as it is old. Thus shall ever be those who wish attention and those who pay attention without doing. It is as if God intended it where there is extra there is life to eat it.

Notable in the discussion is whether or not we need personal umpires that follow us around or not. This argument seems to overlap the argument for marriage incidentally. Therefore in the spirit of rotation baseball, anyone who wishes to be an umpire can simply go in the opposite direction and have an opportunity to umpire everybody thus ensuring democracy and diplomacy. It is also possible to save money and agree that anybody who actually shows up simply to watch a game of rotation baseball and has absolutely no plan of playing whatsoever could be considered an adequate judge for umpiring duties which might be needed to solve disputes between players. It the runner and the baseman cannot figure it out between them, just ask the fans. If it’s home field rules, it’s home field rules everywhere and live with it.

Along these lines, we definitely need velodromes in the winter for bicyclists. We need velodromes outside in the summer for bicyclists but in the winter time, we really need velodromes for bicyclists. I’m doing hours these days. It’s cool to rip off an hour. I’m not keeping track of kilometers anymore. I just take an hour and then whatever happens to me, happens to me but it certainly feels at the end of the day as if I’ve done something. Yesterday, no, today, I did three of those.

The Empire of Mice

My name is Oppenheimer. I am the destroyer of worlds. I believed that peace could be created through war and that love could be found through hate and life through death and love through pornography. I have contributed to this world and now I regret all that I have done and everything I have participated in and especially this thing that I have created.

But here in my solace, in my Utopia, there are mice. Previously there had not been a mouse problem. Perhaps I got cocky. I asked for matzah and received what I asked for. I felt so cool that I had defeated the mice that I could even allow myself some factory crackers. Yes, yes, factory crackers that my soul absolutely craved and that evidently my bowels needed. But this was absolutely the dinner bell for local mice. If I had matza, I must be Jewish which means I believe I am kosher but really aren’t that means I am fat and stupid so the mice could eat all winter. And I’m thinking in a notoriously anti-semitic culture, the mice know about this stuff like knowledge.

But now they are here. And I have been a fool and I have been kind. Oh yes, I have a stick. And if I hear them scratching I can take the stick and I can say yakety yakety yakety and make a big noise and they scurry away. And you do that and it helps a little. It’s like taking aspirin when you have cancer.

But I have a lot of citrus fruit and nuts and I have this lovely diet right now because I asked for it and now I have it. Perhaps I am a little drunk on all of this vitamin c in the middle of the winter but local custom and we would just have to actually build greenhouses and grow our own citrus fruit trees you know, instead of paying for war. But I also have these nuts which are also imported and will have to remain imported for at least however much time my nut trees need to grow. Of course they are also involved in a constant war and they must endure pollution and degradation of the land and depletion of the soil and erosion and desertification and of course and ever lowering water table which is basically the crux of the matter as far as all of the above.

But I have this and it’s delightful so I’m eating nuts and eating fresh citrus fruit and apples, not mine but somebody’s big fat apples, and the mice really don’t have anything so I give them a nut. A really nice nut. Actually kind of a sampler. And I’m sitting there next to the fire and I have this place where I make matchsticks to help facilitate the making of fire and I place a nut there and I say that the mouse can trust me and he can come and have a nut. And this will be kind of a friend maybe but really, if the mouse trusts me, really trusts me even without a cage or anything, maybe I can ask him politely to get the fuck out of my house. I’m just not violent and the mouse quickly understands that I’m one of these hippie fagots from San Francisco that they have heard about and that means all of their friends are welcome to take over. As long as they are furry and cute to my eyes, suckers get the free buffet.

Lesson here about Russian wives, my friend. Lesson here about Russian wives.

Have you ever noticed how close the words lesson and listen are? How interesting to have these to together as a partnership. I’m lesson and this is listen. It actually sounds like my first marriage. My only marriage? My marriage. No. No. No, not my only marriage. My legal Christian legal marriage. My civil ceremony with a touch of Jewishness amidst epic Christianity marriage. The marriage I went into when I was young and suddenly believed that a lifetime choice was a good idea even though our entire life up until that moment was based upon the fact that we just were okay without it. Goldie and Kurt and let’s go.

But suddenly I realize that this kindness business sucks dick. The mice indeed appreciate the gift, they now understand that I have paid them tribute and that I appreciate their beauty and enjoy their industry. They are now free to be themselves and run freely throughout my house doing whatever it is they do. Usually this is about destroying the structural elements of my house or leaving tiny little black pellets behind as tokens of everlasting affection and love. They understand apparently, we have a great communication now, that I like animal droppings as a fertilizer and I am free to follow them around and collect as much of it as I want to be distributed into my garden as I see fit. There is no particular charge, they tell me, but exactly like me, I should consider the guitar case open and I can contribute to the college fund anytime I feel like it. And I should dig deep because normally people don’t get the kind of service that I am getting right now.

So now women are appearing. So many stories. So much beauty. So much casualty. So much need for industry. I’m looking at this as a gift of life. I’m looking at this as genuine human beings kicking in either because they love me and do not wish me to die or absolutely understand that money is coming my way. For love or for money, who gives a shit, I’m swimming in pussy again and I’m thinking that I might actually be worth a change of scenery.

As in oligarch rich, bitch.

Or the greatest fool of all time. Or the smartest person of all time. Or someone in genuine need of medical assistance and that the possibility might exist that instead of being imprisoned for a thousand years, someone might take my limp away from me. Such a question. Does he live or does he die?

I mean, can you imagine being me and the level of Casablanca-like intrigue involved in trying to get some medical attention? Dances with Wolves? Does the entire medical profession read Mengalay for kicks?

Listen! I’m not this fucking nice. I don’t like you wandering around my house looking for something to eat. I don’t find you cute or interesting. You are disturbing. You are a giant flies. You are flies with giant shit. I don’t want you in my house but I don’t want to kill you. But I’m not that nice. But I don’t want to be friends with you.

So the plan is I think that a woman comes here who wants to get away from life and who believes that she is not going to be attacked by the neighbors if she lives here. In fact, bringing in someone from town would at least at the surface even make those neighbors feel like they really belong there for the moment. However, it must be noted that whatever woman stays here is not really allowed to make friends with the neighbors. They are not here to enjoy the lovely getaway that has destroyed the forest and made a whorehouse of everything I can possibly see these days. They’re here to defend the land and be patriots. Unfortunately, it is difficult to tell whether you can actually convince a Belarusian woman that her fertility connects to the fertility of the land and not to her pocketbook.

But hence my plan, Sayeth Shakespeare. Whilst here, yawn female might wish a cat for company. And with one furry bundle shall be the disbursement of all the mice and all they thought was sacred and theirs as decreed by the big fat guy with a beard who is too Jewish to do anything but shake a stick. Christian felines to the rescue. And I bought a big bag of kitty cat. Sorry guys, mouse town ain’t going to happen in my house.

But in this is my greatest fear. I am in a hospital and it is remarkably clean. It is clean like one imagines a hospital not made in the epic chaos of war but one created by architects with the facilitation of people in wheelchairs and on gernies in mind. Smooth hallways, epic flow from one station to another, sanity in triage and an understanding of the truth of the situation because Publix statistics allow for clarity. One can argue of the level of corruption that exists but one cannot argue that the great epic failure can actually make a limp go away if it actually wanted to. And even a peaceful stay for maybe a month and a half until we are ready to get back on our feet again and start kicking ass once more.

Was I always such a fireball? Was I really always so prepared to dive back in? Did I really walk away from the United States twice already just to come back to this god-awful whorehouse? And would I actually invest in two of its local women just to defeat a mouse problem? Because if I have these women, I can just limp and say fuck it, right? I’m already in shape. I’m already on tinder apparently. Do I actually need to cut this fucked up leg of mine up one more time just in the hope that I can push a wheelbarrow without the thing breaking on me? Would it really be worth actually traveling outside of here just to get the level of medical care necessary that I might actually be able to collect all the leaves and drop them in all the boxes and organize exactly how we are going to do bucket patrol this year? And then of course, can I please have enough legs to do bucket patrol because I’m very interested to know how bucket patrol works? It does seem to be the most ethical form of gardening and if it goes, and I’m thinking it’s going to go, we have a brave new world. Well, it’s more fun if I can do it naked with friends and without my neighbors but that’s just wishful thinking.

Anyway, here’s a film.

I have quite a few of these films. I guess that should be part of the archive as well. The telephone number is still the same ironically enough. Some things never change.

I want to give a special thanks To this nice lady who understood the general idea in just a few months. This film was a long time ago and it seems really that people get the gist of this a little earlier. Sometimes 6 weeks is a good amount of time for a body to adapt to something new. Some people say that you can genuinely understand that something’s happening in 3 days. Like for example, if you have surgery, you are pretty much not in surgery anymore 3 days later and you know it. So it’s a matter of how long it takes to be able to get back into the game. But the thing is that that lady showed up at my flat outside of her own personal lesson time and found me with gangrene in my leg. For what it’s worth, calling the ambulance only brought some very tired people to see me who told me I would probably be fine. My friend was the only one out of everybody who knew me who thought it important to come visit me and help me to get to the hospital. Only once in the hospital did some people show up and I ended up in the States. These problems seem to be mutually exclusive.

Interestingly, the packaging of this record was probably as influential as any I have ever had. I have always been an Elton John fan and can play quite a few of his songs by memory. It’s also interesting to note how certain songwriters just exactly have a song that sets the mood for what you’re talking about. The homosexuality issue was at the time quite hush hush. There were whispers of experimentations and bisexuality. Even then and even now.

So what’s the story? I don’t know. I have one angel and so she is going to be around too. If you’d like to scream that I am like Gandhi and I am a polygamist because men and women like me and help me out sometimes when I need it, Maybe it’s true. My voice is getting scratchy from too much smoking. I have lavender and echinacea. I have all of the flowers I collected from my garden. I have rose petals. And go Giants, I collected some poppy stuff. I don’t recommend it but it is what it is. Yeah, I tried it and then I stopped using it and if you like serious investigative journalism, when I was a teenager someone gave me cocaine and I tried it once and never went back. I’ve also never consented to take heroin or anything stronger than something that grows in nature but, you can throw all of this in a pipe and sit next to the fire and live peacefully. And eventually this is what I have to give up in order to sit through whatever experience comes along with de-limping myself or at least trying to persuade other people to do their best for me or to somehow close my eyes and accept my fascist fate at the hands of yet another incredibly well paid doctor.

And then there is the question of what to do with my meat. I am the only vegan here amidst an ocean of bandits and other such bottom feeders. It seems everybody’s head is gunked up and nobody wants to know what I need and everyone is just getting geared up for whatever rigmarole they can establish. Where will we put him? What does he need? It’s like they are preparing to bring a pet into the house for the holidays. Did I ask for this? Did I ask to be in the limelight for you to show your friends how wonderful you are that important people will come to visit you? Is it really important to touch the hem of my garment?

So it’s a problem but nevertheless I want to give thanks to this lady and to my ex partner and my ex-girlfriend and my ex-children. I’d like to thank Lena for being there for me and saving my life. It seems that someone needed to die and she decided it was better that it be her instead of me. Such a world. She was really nice actually it was just a shame that she lived in a world where she had nowhere to go except to agree that she was just the lowest of the low. Just hate dropped down on her as she blindly made her way down the road trying to find something that made sense or could at least satisfy the misery of life for an hour or two.

And for the men who created this world or allowed such a world to be or manipulated people so that this was what you wanted, prostate cancer. Let it grow and let it pop inside you and let all the worms eat you from the inside. Let it be in your lung so that you cannot breathe and that you die from asphyxiation. Let it be in your brain so that suddenly even you cannot tell fantasy from reality or right from wrong or what time of day it is. Just so the light quickly goes out and we don’t have to look at your face or hear your voice or smell your body ever again.

Meanwhile, the mice have been listening to every word I have said. And they now have been warned that there’s not only going to be a female here but a cat as well. The mice understand that their time is limited and that their days are numbered. This is why they make so many appearances and why they are so nervous. They understand that they are being shut out and they are appreciative of a couple of nuts and some kindness but they just don’t know what to do. They are only simple mice. They know no other way to live.

But we all know that this is not true. These fuckers have been hanging out with me. Even if my house gets closed to them, wherever they go in the world, they shall rule. Perhaps in there own way of communication, one of them will write a book of all things and he will tell his brothers and sisters of a God who arose from amongst other gods and in his fury and anger at the mischief and ugliness of the mice, he also gave kindness and the wisdom to know the difference.

Words to the wise, throw strikes. You let these bastards get on base and it’s one Jackie Robinson after another. If you can’t strike them out, make them hit it in the dirt and let your defense do their job. Don’t put anyone on base p e r i o d. Even if this is Barry Bonds mouse himself, make him show you the fury but don’t put him on base.

Thus, perhaps, the mice have learned The greatest lesson of their lives. Leave the vegans alone except for very short visits and live your life with the fat people. You grow fat in the houses of fat people and all you have to do is learn to stay away from the stupid traps. If you can see that it’s a stupid trap, don’t go there. Don’t be like Bob and go down into the hole and nobody ever sees Bob again. Don’t go in the trap and live with the fat people and the mice shall live forever.

Or maybe I got them to listen to me and of course they came in because they were free. And now I’m back to shaking sticks and yelling at them and physically working at stopping them.

By the way, it’s not a no fat diet It is just a diet with a few days without fat. If you really don’t eat fat, you’re not going to have anything to grease the joints and if you have stuff like arthritis, it will come. So use your oil well. Also, more words to the wise, stay away from stick gardening. Maybe a shovel is something for someone who doesn’t play classical guitar. I can run the wheelbarrow well and I can physically play with the plants and I can use hand tools really well. But the moment I pick up a stick to do some hoeing or even to shovel snow, it’s very very bad for the hands. It’s okay to run a shovel but maybe only this we don’t do in exchange for playing a musical instrument really well. It’s also pretty cool if you have a bunch of children because you can just ask them to run someplace in the garden through the snow and back for time. And then you can ask them to do it again three or four times to find out who is the fastest and who is the slowest and who makes the biggest path and who has the longest strides. And then you have your path and you don’t need to shovel anymore.

What all this means I guess is that I have not finished training them. Right now, there is a bunch of oatmeal and rice and some melons and a bad apple just sitting out near my front door. I understand that you might think it is very hillbilly to put your garbage out in front of the door. Firstly you idiot, it’s organic trash which means it will just not be there come springtime. But more presently, I want the mice that are in my house to leave my house to find food. I want them to eat as much as they want and then just go to sleep in my house. I know I seem to be breeding mice but I have a plan. I believe that if I am nice to them and I get them used to luxury of free food if they just agree to be good little mice and behave themselves well, I can spring the trap on them when they are nice and flat and passive and simply gather them up and give them as a gift to my neighbors.

And yes, I will do anything to get out of reading Torah. Like for example letting someone else do the lesson. And it’s not so bad. There are a couple of words that maybe I would not have used but sure, you can have it directly from the source. And yes, it’s all true. It’s all true again and again and again.

אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה

This is the answer to the question of what to tell people when they ask what God’s name is. And this sentence basically says I am that I am. However, if we were to translate this into English, that am. But if you are like me and consider the deity as a plural, the combination of male and female, this could be read we are as we are. But more importantly, the verb be inevitably means to exist. And if you ask me, if something truly exists you can see it. Therefore I believe God says have a look. I am all around you. I am nature. There will never be a moment in your life where I am not there for your eyes to behold. Love me like there is no tomorrow and you shall live forever in this little home I have given you. Be a disagreeable little brat, and I shall simply forget you ever existed because I can make you everyday just because I am the universe. And then, no matter what you were thinking of that would be a really clever thing to say, we flip the switch and we go


По общению с Америки, Илон Маск сказал даже 10.000 электрик мотор к Белоруссию бесплатно если мы по-настоящему показываем достаточно имущество что мы использовали им хорошо и поставить им правильный на машине. И все чтобы экология Белоруссии стал бы нормально. Это просто что мы можем делать лучше чем просто бросить и охуит всему и обратно на дела. Жизнь должна иметь лучше. А мы, лучше всех знать, что мы можем жить как самый богатый и даже не тратить не одного копек. Просто, брат, объясни мне зачем нет. Пожалуйста, объясни меня зачем нет уже. Зачем это нам нужно?

Странно жизнь здесь. Но пожалуйста, нам никому не нужна эта война. Никому нужно этот шум. Никому не нужно это псик. А кто я? Я только я. И кто я был когда я пришёл и кто я сейчас, это очень интересно. Ну так же, кто вы, босс, и кто вы был, это также интересный вопрос. А может быть нам не нужно больше этот хуёво от большой брат. Может быть свои культуры хватает идёт вперёд на будущем. А может и если это наше направление, у нас даже есть в будущем за всех нас.

И всё? Questions? Commentary?

You may click this button to put something in the guitar case.

And really, if you were walking down the street and you ran into this level of artistry, would you think it might be worth just a little bit of pocket money to help keep this thing going? Seriously?
Click the button.

Much obliged

The final encore

I’m giving myself five brief paragraphs so this is what I get and this is what you get. Well, 5 after this one and no, I’m not going to make it a list. Organically grown.

I want peace. We have to give peace a chance. We live in a disposable society. It’s insanity that we need to be able to dispose of things. It is the explanation of my problem with my neighbors. They don’t like me anymore so they must dispose of me. I have a piece of paper which makes it difficult and I am resilient if not masochistic apparently and I just keep standing there showing them my dick. Why didn’t it work? Why didn’t the garbage go away? They just can’t understand why it didn’t just go away. And the answer of course is that it doesn’t go away. All of the disposable everything that we love so much just stays here with us. The plastics. Oh boy! The freshness of the meat because we have plastic. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You dumb motherfuckers. You ridiculous dumb suicidal psychopathic children of bitches.

And then we have the option for human activity. We define human activity as what we feel like doing moment by moment. Just as a brief digression, one can be passive or even a little homosexual about it if you are masculine by nature and be something for a moment. The Russians have this as a part of their culture whether they wish to admit it or not but to allow nature to be was at least in theory a part of the training. They fucked it up with alcohol but everything gets fucked up by alcohol. Nonetheless what we do moment by moment can be modified by simply remembering to be ecological in your choice. Do you need to go to the store? You need it, right? Good. How do you get there? Did you say any answer that included gasoline? That is the wrong answer unless you can’t bicycle or skateboard or walk or dance or whatever the hell. If you really can’t move your own body, grab the first electric public transportation you see and if you really live in the age of cancer, deal with it and say hi to your friends on the way to the closest destination that transportation allows. Bring your own bag to carry home your goods and you are a rock and roll legend as far as I am concerned. Actually, if you just buy whole foods that are locally grown and seasonal, you are the Buddha.

Take a mild sedative or allow a mild sedative to be a part of your world and don’t christianize it to death. In the above paragraph, everyone decides to go outside and kill something. They will spend some money or they will create some mischief because they have nothing else to do. Or they will look for drugs because they need a sedative. Let’s say that sedatives are good because they sedate otherwise chronically hysterical people and I say we have enough chronically hysterical people. I am actually physically exhausted from the chronically hysterical people and I cannot tell you what it feels like having to come out to the country looking for a little bit of contact with nature and yet be absolutely forced like from a John demanding a blowjob that I pay attention to chronically hysterical people and all of their comings and goings. Such a curse. Such a curse to be a Jew. And I’m not saying that marijuana would necessarily stop anything from genuinely existing. I’m not saying that if they exchanged their cigarettes and alcohol for a few rips on the bong at the end of the day that they might become kinder and more gentle people and even more appreciative of the miracles life actually gives them. And I’m not saying that in a territory that is supposed to be traditionally wet and dark and covered by forest that the addition of a few psilocybin mushrooms might also make these long fucking winters sort of interesting. I’m just saying that in case nobody else noticed, with the tiniest bit of human effort, this stuff is free and in abundance and maybe that’s why they say it’s illegal. If you understood how easy it is to not be an aggressive psychopath and how pleasurable it is not only for yourself but for everyone else around you, you might sort of vote that direction in the upcoming elections.

I don’t want to fight you. I don’t care who you are or who you think you are or who people tell you you are or who you have voted yourself into being, I don’t want to fight you and I don’t want you to fight me. I have no wish to be surrounded by adversaries every day of my life. What the living fuckity muckety fuck? Who the fuck a billion years ago told you to insufferably intentionally and endlessly fuck with creative people and create starvation situations and humiliation situations instead of allowing the words to mean something in your daily lives? Why is the entire philosophy of your world about running away from responsibility while screaming about how much responsibility you have? Do you really have a beautiful fucking life? Can anyone looking at you see unequivocally that your life is so beautiful because of your intelligence and your human effort and your creativity and your desire to make things undeniably beautiful? You stupid fucking cunt! The answer is no of course, isn’t it. I hate to play with you like this and some people simply hate it when I get all superior but isn’t it just the mother fucking truth, Ruth? Don’t you get it already? You’re a lazy fat stupid fucking pig and you drive your car because somebody told you you deserved it. And then you go to the fast food and you go to the crack whores because that’s all exactly the same shit. And you are bottom feeders and bottom feeders are not kosher for very genuine reasons. And if you want to say that you don’t need my information because I am Jewish, in the future bro, you will meet the genuine terrorists if that is who you are, what you believe and how you wish to live your life. American gun problems and violence will be pussy. I promise, in order to instill a clean future, it won’t be me but you will be hunted down like an animal. Get that picture straight in your head on my way out.

And this is what they call the pickardy third. It’s when you have a genuinely somber piece that suddenly gets bright. What can I tell you about life? You hate yourself and you hate yourself and you hate yourself but then suddenly you go outside in the springtime and you realize you are surrounded by sex. We have extreme laws about child sexuality but the truth is that a blossom is a blossom and if we are looking at it in the plant kingdom, there it is. Nothing but naked little girls asking for attention just like us or like we would be if we weren’t beaten to shit. And me? Hell, call me a pedophile but I got hard as a rock. Can you believe it? Me? All those hamburgers. All those greasy restaurants. All those whores. All that rigmarole. All of that passive aggressive shit and all of the actual misery of dealing with life in a Christian world who sees you coming and I was getting a hard-on because my berry bushes really wanted to be pollinated. I hate to break it to you, but I heard the call of nature and even if you cannot cross pollinate with a berry bush, you can understand that that very bush wants very much to be pollinated. And I got to be a part of that. And all the time that you had to listen to anything else but what it feels like to be with our mother and father in the garden and to experience all of the world of our brothers and sisters as they dance and play, you’re not only wasting your time but in the case of the Russians, the brutality is the death of existence. I said this was a bright spot at the end and I guess it would be foolish to leave you here in sadness with only my amazing erection to hold on to. But maybe the cool thing about the English language is that it has an extremely definite future and if we use some logic we can actually go to an extremely definite future that we want. Dare I say Utopian? Because it is a simple path beaten by human feet that says we have a purpose in that direction and that when we get there, we are not going to break anything with our folly. If for example this is a local forest, I say we stay to the paths, clean the leaves and take a little topsoil and then leave the forest alone to breathe and grow and then just do what we can to make sure that the water never gets too low. Remember I said that. Stop playing with the weather and stop playing with poisons because you believe you are smart enough and sharp enough and strong enough to handle a really clever moment. I mean face it, we can’t all be major leaguers, can we?

Come on sports fans, let’s take one for the team and let’s make this year the best year of all time. I hope you get the point and we will see you at harvest time because I hear there’s going to be an election. Cool.

The upcoming elections

The Awakening was really the movement from We to I. It was such a ridiculous thing to suddenly realize that people were solving all of their I problems by rationalizing them for we. For example:

You smoke too much.

Who are you to speak to me?

Statistics, public health, the people around you and your own physical well-being. We know and you don’t.

Yes, but you cannot speak to me unless I agree to speak to you. Where do you have the power to tell me what to do if I don’t ask you?

It doesn’t matter. If we are right this automatically makes you wrong and that’s the way the world works.

And here we have the problem. The person who is so adamant about telling the other person the truth believes that they are standing amidst a crowd of people because they believe that the popularity of an idea is most important rather than the truth being the most important. Even on a moderate level of understanding we can see this immediately in the self-righteousness. It’s also a demonstration of fascism when someone demands to be on another’s territory without invitation. But if someone feels genuinely concerned, there is of course a way to contact the other person. Simply use good manners. For example:

Excuse me, hi. I hear you are coughing a lot. Do you smoke?

What business is it of yours?

It is not my business and I will not intrude on your life. But may I simply say one thing and ask one question?

Live and let live, knock yourself out, blow me, say whatever you want to say and then get the fuck out of my life, etc, etc, etc.

I can hear you coughing and by my nature I cannot help myself but wonder about it and perhaps offer advice that might ease your pain. I am health oriented. This is simply who I am and I am sorry if it offends you. My question is if you are smoking, could you tell me exactly what you are smoking and why you are smoking it? I’m only saying this because if you are purchasing cigarettes, with a little ingenuity there are so many wild herbs growing here, it is crazy to do whatever it is you’re doing. Smoking is bad, everyone knows that but if you’re going to smoke, you might as well smoke the good stuff, right?

So I imagined myself amongst a crowd of truly awake people. I would say we but it’s a very interesting sort of we. It’s not really the we that they tell us we have. It is obvious sometimes that the we that they are talking about is just gas coming from their asses. But sometimes you know what we really is when you understand that everyone around you is just doing their job which means we are going to be okay. And that is the we that means something.

So there was a day when some guy stepped up on the podium and demanded that we listen. I remember that he was dressed really well. Gosh, such a handsome man as you would ever see. I remember even looking around and measuring how good looking he was against everyone else here in the crowd and I remember thinking specifically that certainly, this guy was better looking.

And then he started talking and he started talking about how we needed to mobilize and do something. And I remember asking my heart if something needed to be done or not. It was not a matter of whether or not my heart was good enough to join in the band, it was whether I had room for it in my life. I, like everyone else in the world that I know of, has their chores to do every day and we do our chores because that’s how we live.

But really, it was a matter of whether or not I needed to group up with my friends in order to do some endeavor. Maybe it was worth listening too. Maybe there was some gap that needed to be bridged. There was always the argument whether we should go back to bridge building. The separation of land masses were simply allowed to be. That he who can build his own boat be a ferryman was the rule and if you really wanted to go out on the water and understood that you might have to swim for it, go for it. You have to trust such a fellow. But people get jealous or families have two sons and then you have two man boats and three man boats and then pretty much we have another boat building industry and then they’re just questioning why we don’t just build a bridge again.

And this is when I decided to speak.

Hey. Why are you talking to us?

Because I want you to hear my words.

In the end result of all of these beautiful words, what picture do you think you want to create?

And here there was a moment of silence but unfortunately for our speaker, not really enough silence. You see the problem with being awake is there is that pesky textural problem with information. Oh, you can give information as much as you want but then there is the moment that you realize it’s bullshit and you’ve just had your time wasted. There truly is a point where you see that it’s time to go back to work. If you are ever in any group of people doing any group job, you know the difference between bullshit and work. And stopping because someone wants to talk is either vitally important or it’s a waste of time.

Editor’s note: the original thought here was that our hero made a mild gesture with his finger which allowed for a single shot to be fired and the person stopped speaking and everyone reveled in the silence again. In a second variation, when the speaker begins his gibberish, our hero simply looks downward in sadness at the waste of so many years of human existence just for one moment of glory. And then there is the shot and the silence but this one is just a little more sad. Why did anyone have to die?

In the third variant, it was kind of like a job experience I had one time where some guy stopped the whole crew because he had a problem with his life and his woman etc. He went on legitimately for almost 45 minutes and we were all enthralled. And then there was a moment where the emotion was gone. You could hear it and see it clearly. Whatever deep thoughts came to him during this day of physical labor needed to get out and apparently this was greater than our chores. But the moment it was gone and he realized that the crew was listening to him, he decided to say something else. But the texture was different you know. He just wanted to bullshit a little more so he wouldn’t have to work and that was all the difference. We could hear it and we could see it and each of us simply smiled and went back to work. Fun time was over.

So I just walked away. I did not want to listen to the words anymore. Perhaps later I would come to learn that the others had heard something and I would have to tell them my feelings. Perhaps we would need to meet and discuss these problems further and perhaps we will need to act. But in the meantime I do not need any extra work. I have plenty to do and I like my life just the way it is. I don’t need anyone coming around and telling me that things need to change and that I need to listen to them. I am happy as things are and the people around me seem to be happy as well. If we can make ourselves comfortable, I don’t know why this is bad. If we can take care of ourselves, what more is there to say? Because, if this is the case and we can at least remember not to eat everything in the pantry before more food arrives, I don’t understand how we need any outside help at all.

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This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at PEBelarus@gmail.com

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What can I say? I need an outlet…

Also, here are two books available on Amazon.com

Found in the Translation

Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia

Being Had

Being Had: A story about a year of my life getting to know all about lies and corruption in Eastern Europe

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The Upcoming Elections

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Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace

The Upcoming Elections

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The most effective way to learn English

The Utopian!
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