
There are two thoughts here that both came to me at the same time. And my first thought was that if we are facing death and we see that film where our life plays before us, maybe we also have electronic devices that can actually play some media for us as well. And I was thinking about this and came up with this really crazy idea.

As historically accurate as such things were and I believe perhaps we have seen them well recreated on film, we have such a ceremony as they have before they sent a young man to commit ritual suicide with an airplane. We all understand this perhaps wasteful and futile gesture of hate. Or perhaps we just know about it and never really thought about what it meant. But yet, here we are and a very agreeable soldier is agreeing to do his sacred duty.

But in reality, once he makes his final salute and the plane takes off, we find he’s this baseball blogger who I love more than anything.

本当に日本語が分かりません。 でも、私は野球を理解しているので、すべてを理解しているようです。

I have been away from America for such a long time and I think that Barry Bonds game in ’94 was the last one I ever attended except of course for the double header in Boston in ’16. I couldn’t watch baseball on TV with my dad and I felt bad about it. I was working all night and I was just too tired to give a shit and frankly, well, I didn’t like Florida and I don’t really like American baseball coverage. In fact, if you’re not rich enough or in the enviable enough position to be able to watch some decent baseball, it’s addictive. It’s just like any sport that you played as a child and I played this fun well. I have nostalgia.

But no matter what package I run into on the web, this guy is the only one that gives me all I ever wanted from electronic baseball. He just gives you the sites and the sounds and the chatter and the movement and the heart of playing baseball. I miss playing baseball sometimes and this is so lovely that they do this. I guess this is what hentai and manga are all about. I’ve never been into it but I understand it and clearly, it is nice to have things like this available in the culture. I suppose he wants some money but maybe I just give my thanks and my work is also free so maybe we’re okay as friends.

Anyway, we are flying and we are right there with him in the airplane. And he is smiling and he is in a good mood because He is always positive when he’s doing something really beautiful and making a film about it. And he is always friendly and respectful to everyone and so here, he is smiling and in a good mood. He is telling us that he is in his aircraft and he’s supposed to go and throw himself into this American warship. But fuck that! Today we are going on an adventure instead. Do you think I am being dishonorable? Is it dishonorable to so easily give away my life? Let me know in the comments.

He is a pilot and he has a plane and sayonara brothers! And the wing comes up and he cuts to the left and follows the coast. What is the plan? Not to die! He’s going to fly as far as he can on as much as he has to fly on and then he will try to land. Once he’s on the ground, he will marry the first beautiful single girl he finds, gather enough guys to play some baseball and that will be it. That’s what happened on that day. Thank you for the invitation but I honorably declined to die for you. Thank you for the flying lessons. I think I would rather be an infielder.

Sure, there was a ceremony. Sure, they all said bonsai. But then My guy made a different plan that did not involve any killing. What do you think? Tell me in the comments if you think our noble flyer was better off doing this plan or the one where he created an ecological catastrophe in the ocean for no other reason than they eat fish.

There are a few special requests going on in this text. A very good friend of mine from New York asked for the following scenario. And please, this is without the details that come from studying. I think you’ll understand it.

So hello. I am a blogger and I am in this airplane that I have stolen with my friends. I will miss you is to fly it into the World trade Center and make it come down in flames as a symbol of the war against American military industrial intrusion on the planet Earth. And indeed, I understand the anger and the rage and that all anyone wants to do is to create a vendetta.

But you know me. I’m the Arab who likes the Jews. I’m the Arab who got smart. That’s why I’m a blogger and that’s why I have all these subscribers. We are not going to fly this airplane into any building in New York. What are we going to do? We are going to safely land the plane at its original destination and then we are going to surrender and our people will make a public statement that on this day, we were ready to destroy great symbols of America and still some blood to do it. We’re going to release the beautiful artwork that is now possible with our new computer and we’re going to show horrific renderings of the disaster that will follow. We will show how war continues and continues and we will show the massacred bodies all with this new medium of electronic knowledge that we all have right now. Don’t you understand what year it is? We’ve won! We can speak to each other! We have a medium for free communication and that’s why I’m me and that’s why I’m here. Just remember that the one who figured out this little plan that avoided the ecological catastrophy and 20 years more of war and malevolence was a friend of the Jews.

الحمد لله. الله هو الطبيعة والطبيعة هي الله ودعونا نحب الطبيعة والله من كل قلوبنا إلى الأبد ولتعيش مملكتهم إلى الأبد.

Ferris Beuller’s Day off

I need this to be here. Just saying…
Because we just work and work and work and work to entertain you so that you have a place to hide from the miserable world. We understand how bad it is and why you so like it here last quiet and you can read and think and feel and dream. And tell Yoko Ono ご心配なく。 すべてがうまくいきます。ご心配なく。 すべてがうまくいきます。Not to worry. The fix is in. The good guys won and are still in the business of peace.

The Tupoketa machine

Who speaks fluent Belarusian hillbilly? That’s right. Say my name. You know who I am.

I know that they bitch about those Oscar speeches taken too long but that’s just Nazis putting restrictions on Jews for the purposes of commercial enterprise again. But check me bitches. I can do this all day. And you know what else? Take my wife’s name out yo fucking mouth! Did you hear me when I agreed? Take my wife’s name out yo mouth!

And you want to know who that Jewish guy was standing on top of non-moving cars with a bunch of pretty girls who just agree with what I have to say, Germans even, that was me. But before we get all Horatio Hornblower about things, I got this winter thing in the bag. Literally. I MacGyverd my vacuum, not into a weed machine, but back into a functioning vacuum that I could use to vacuum up what needs to be vacuumed because it’s cold outside and my food storage perfection quest had some holes in it. We are better now and the guests at our hotel are becoming fewer. Creating the worst hotel in Europe is difficult. Try it sometime even without whacking them with a stick when they scurry into the warm room. I don’t. I just don’t feed them. And if by chance this is some pregnant Mary mouse and she’s got Joseph with her and they are just ready to go and looking for a place in the manger, I be like no sir, not again. Never again. We ain’t going to let this shit happen no more. Every time we let Christianity happen, they eat all the cabbage. No sir, rules from the garden dictate that we don’t let invasive species eat us out of house and home. Y’all don’t need to be violent except with jukes and worms. Flies and mosquitoes. You can knock yourself out and snuff their lives because it’s a really an insignificant little life as far as you or I are concerned. They will make more no matter what you do and that’s why they are here so, have fun and physical culture is good. Welcome to Tai chi. This is the birthplace of kung fu as well.

If you don’t want a butterfly effect, let the butterflies be butterflies.

Why am I saying this? And I am not stammering obsequiously. Why do people automatically do this same gesture again and again? This is self-domination. This is at least a mildly unflattering look at one’s self. It is this loser’s agreement I am both tired of, ashamed of and even allergic to that no matter what happens you can’t win. Who put this thing in everyone’s head that we have to be smashed in order to be listened to? And yeah, this means you either are smashed which means you agree you’re an alcoholic and can’t be trusted or that you have no possibility of standing on your own legs and having your opinion mean anything. Smashed like a bug by the Empire and we agree that we cannot speak without this obsequiousness. I mean, obviously the Empire put it there but why do we agree so readily that this is normal cultural function during speech? Why can’t we just give information as information already?

Am I boring to you? I’m talking about cultural identity theft as predicted as becoming the norm. Cultural misappropriation is genocide. And in this case, if we are talking about obsequiousness as a means of breaking into the white market as a Jewish comedic writer, we could just call it a gift from Hollywood. At best, it is good intentions based upon a theft given to you by someone named Woody Allen, another invasive species that you are supposed to let into your garden. Да, это примерно как хрен. Ты не купай, позвать он растёт и он не только кормить тебя, но всех. Бесплатно зелёный 9 месяцев. Хорошего аппетита мастер повар. Самая хорошая даже с маслом. Жагай.

Why am I doing this? I’m a genius. I have created a machine that puts lavender and echinacea into the world. I’m calling it a tupoketa machine and it has nothing to do with the vacuum although it could have. The tupoketa machine is not my invention but a creation from a Dr Seuss book. Please read Dr Seuss. Don’t let Dr Seuss go away with time as something from when we were young. Please never stop reading Dr Seuss. It was called the tapakita machine because that’s what it sounded like. Tupoketatupoketatupoketa. I’m calling this my model t. I am Henry Ford. I have created a factory that works by exploiting my human resources to the maximum and I’ve made my animals happy for doing it for me. In this case, Ford Trump’s Edison but maybe a Tesla in Belarus might not be so bad. Well, if Tesla made a Volkswagen, we might really be talking about something. Right, Elon? I mean, I’ve got mechanics here and I think I’ve got the money for a couple of electric conversion kits. No border tariffs I imagine. Do you want to maybe bring us up to speed or do we have to do this ourselves from scratch?

Meanwhile, kicking ass and taking names. Now batting, third baseman, это Я.

But other than that, let’s dance.

The next project for American Zoetrope? But then I have a question. Can Meg Ryan really play Dei even 12 years later? Would it hurt or help the film? Could she be that physical? Could Shaquille O’Neal get himself into Kobe shape to play Eu’Von? The answer of course is going full vegan. There never has been another answer if any of us ever wanted to get to Paradise. To quote my neighbor, it’s the only way.

Look at me. I am a bigger attention fag than Shohei Ohtani. Hey Magic, you just spent .7 billion on a fagot poser with a broken arm. And you did so during Hanukkah? You guys should have let him go to San Francisco where he belongs and let him take a shot at Barry’s wall instead of doing whatever the hell you guys do down there in filthy palukaville…

The only hat a genuine Dodger fan would ever wear is one of these.

Look at me. I’m a bigger attention fag than them

Baseball conspiracy theories continued

If I wrote about what the world did to suppress Willie Mays, it might be that there needs to be physical evidence of what I’m talking about. So for this I offer the following film.

The Yankees had been basically the only team that anyone would ever see in the World Series since 1947. And before then, it was from Babe Ruth till the war. This Yankee team was old and fat. This was the end of it for at least within two seasons of the absolute end. The Giants had a better team.

I’m not going to be completely diligent here but you can give this one a study. First of all, you can watch Willie Mays play baseball. You can watch Willie Mays play baseball against guys who are really not physically fit by today’s understanding of what fitness is. You can see that they are baseball players but they have no fine edge to them whatsoever. Willie Mays is a good solid player this you can see. Willie Mays could probably play baseball today. But at the time, he must have seemed like a monster to these fat white guys. Have a look at how the Yankees play ball. They just hang out at the golf club and don’t care. Wait for your pitch and use your driver.

But Willie Mays, like all of this new generation of black ball player, was a game changer. You can watch how he ran versus how the white people ran. Willie Mays runs like a track bike rider. He runs by shifting his weight like he’s on wheels. The white people have no such talent for movement even Mickey Mantle whose legs are gone from too many nights sitting on his ass and drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes.

But this is propaganda and this is drama. Listen, a lot of people wanted the Giants to take down the Yankees. A lot of people were tired of the Empire. And there is a close-up of Willy. And look at his face. Look at the expression on his face. He’s a guy who has been in the army. His face is telling us that we have a tough fight. When does this face appear? About an inning after a mishap in center field because there was a wet spot out there and it caused a fall.

Tell me, if you have a baseball club that has been the winner of the world championship perennially for almost two generations, would it not seem appropriate that the care and maintenance of the grounds be exactly at world championship level? Do you think it was beyond the thinking of management to do something to slow down Willie Mays? Considering that there used to be a sprinkler head in center field up until Mickey Mantle stepped on it and ripped up his knee and actually started that drinking binge. Even knowing what kind of evil putting quicksand underneath a runner’s legs just to win a ball game seems kind of noteworthy. And I want to say that this is actually a thing. This film has been around for a long time and though it doesn’t really get disgust so much anymore, lots of other stuff has happened since, it was noted that the Giants were forced to play in a center field where their center fielder couldn’t run. I mean he couldn’t run but it also could have meant his knees and I talk about this from personal experience.

So they have this word stoicism and I’m not going to get too deep into that. That was the look on Willy’s face. He was stoic. We’ve got a job to do and we’re going to do it. He was a soldier. They taught him that on the way to becoming Willie Mays, the guy who was never actually going to get to the top of the league because Babe Ruth was there. You know, the white German guy who looked actually kind of black but really was white. You know, the guy who didn’t really like to run so much and so he just put his belly into a stroke and grabbed it at the knob and learned that he could make the world pay attention to him. There was more money apparently in destroying the game rather than playing the game. Rather than a game where you poke the ball into the open places where nobody is standing and then run as fast as you can, it became a game of brute force and epic moments. Which is cool, but it’s not going to be the first black guy to walk on the field. That’s just not going to happen. I mean, it did happen to Henry. And Henry had one of those Barry Bonds like end of a career ironically enough, on something and it wasn’t veganism, and got there. It just wasn’t going to be Willie Mays. It wasn’t going to be Willie Mays and it wasn’t going to be in New York and nothing that they told us that was going to happen before the war happened and we never did have peace ever again and we never stopped here in the machines ever. And Willie Mays never got there.

We do get older. But sometimes older people can be beautiful. This is beautiful.

The baseball gods are funny. The baseball gods are real and it’s real when you start playing with the baseball gods. Sometimes things get dicey and sometimes things get beautiful. Me? Thanks to my dad, I have embraced the existence of the baseball gods since I was a boy and perhaps my only real regret was having a mother to frightened of the world to let me play. I’m sorry for the world that created such a person just like I’m sorry for the death of a world that created a really attractive person once so attractive that it got me to come back here and believe in this place.

But I have to add that for some reason, I was at opening day in 1973 when Willie Mays was at the very end. And I got to watch him play with my own eyes. But, something happened. It was towards the end of the game I think and it was important and there was an easy fly to center field, right exactly where the wet spot would have been in Yankee Stadium distance wise. Willie jogged in and lowered his hands to make a basket catch but instead of catching it he dropped the ball and I think a run scored. It was just the beginning of his last year and maybe it was just a slow start on a cold April morning but honestly, it was over.

The basket catch

Willie used to do a basket catch which was just how cool he was. Instead of putting his glove hand up between his eyes and the ball, which is what most people do because it allows you to follow the trajectory to the catch. Willy used to just let it fall right into his belly. He didn’t need to know how the ball got to his glove, he just wanted to know how that potato got into his basket so that’s where he caught it.

It was too gentle, it was too easy.

I haven’t done this research but I remember hearing the argument a million years ago. If you caught the ball low with both hands the ball could roll right into your throwing hat and then you could shift your weight just like a pitcher and get a good fulcrum on the throw.

Talking about hand of God. I don’t know how I found these next two films because not too many people have watched them. But it certainly seems like their destiny was to end up here. Tell me I’m wrong.

With two hands. Pure style. Hand of God. Or more specifically, like a woman cradling her belly. Just receiving, not picking the apple, just catching it in the basket. Feminine. Not offensive, defensive but yet able to do the job. Just like Barry Bonds taught us, it’s about catching and not hitting. It’s not about being aggressive, it’s allowing the event to happen and being ready when it does. It’s called playing baseball.

It should be noted at this time that Barry got a job being the hitting instructor for the Florida Marlins. Things didn’t go so well because of some Titanic tussle with some guy named Giancarlo. I don’t know. When I look at hitters and admire their style, I don’t really admire Giancarlo Stanton’s style. He is not a pretty hitter to look at and he really doesn’t have any numbers to support how much money they gave him. But Bonds is also an alpha male in case you didn’t get it and so they didn’t get along. But, when it was about doing public relations so he could teach hitting in peace, we got these lovely films. No captions. I’ll let the man speak for himself and you even get Alex Rodriguez’s film as a bonus just because I love you.

I simply cannot finish this ending without mentioning that Willie Mays really dropped the ball that day. He dropped the ball and just sat there on his knees. One of the other fielders picked up the ball and threw it in but Willie had pretty much figured out that it was over. He could look out there and do the statistics for himself and he knew that was true was true. That’s the beauty of baseball. It ain’t over until it’s over but when it’s over, it’s really over. That was just the end.

I truly hate to think that my presence in the ballpark brought this on. I really don’t like following this line of thought unless I’m at least gracious enough to be decent about it. If that’s the job. I just want to say that it was a privilege living in a world with Willie Mays. And if the story is true that my dad got to play golf and that it was fun except that Willie was a lot like Michael Jordan and pestered everybody to play for big money. Willie was a lot like Michael Jordan in case you want to know.

And I don’t mean to say that Hank went along with the program and that meant he got the big late career boost. I don’t mean to say that Willie was somewhat prideful of his talent and charm and that he was just too darn good looking not to look at. But Henry was just a quieter man, wasn’t he? He was just more reasonable and not quite so demonstrative.

I’m just saying thank God for Willie Mays because I love baseball. I live baseball because baseball is hand of God just like Willie Mays his hand of God. I love baseball because I really liked playing baseball And that’s a sure sign that you do in the right thing. It feels good. What a brilliant game to play baseball is. It must be hand of God. I think I liked playing baseball more than I liked doing anything else in the world and it would have been grand if I could have just played baseball a little more but that was not my life. It would have been grand to have done many things but perhaps I got to be a writer and all of the other plans gone awry were worth it if that’s how this goes down. If I did not get to hit the upper deck and Candlestick, I got to do this.

So God bless Willie Mays and the Giants. God bless Barry Bonds and all of the thunder stickers that made baseball otherworldly during those heady times. Good luck to the Oakland A’s. Oakland. Yo, if I could even tell you how ironic this is that I am seriously begging Oakland to co-op its team and go green. If you saw everything I could see and I could show you all the pictures you guys would just walk outside and stick a knife in your car’s tires. But God bless Willie Mays because Willie Mays was truly beautiful. And that’s all you need to know. If you were alive at the time and you were a baseball fan, you could take the train and sit at the polo grounds for a little bit of money. And you could see that pulling the ball would get you a home run but everybody knew that and none of the pictures ever gave you one of those balls to hit except that one time that the Italian, Branca misplaced one and Bobby Thompson Hit the shot heard round the world and screwed up everything for the Dodgers.

But If you were there at that time, you could see that was just how they played. There were three guys parallel in the outfield and there was a center fielder who had to make sure that the ball didn’t go by him or it would end up in the cave at the end of center field and that would for sure be four. The Polo Grounds was perilous if a ball was put into play but this was compensated by a ginormous amount of foul territory If you didn’t. To succeed at the polo grounds meant laser-like accuracy. Genuine sport.

And then they made it all go away because of black man actually could do the job. That polo grounds survived all of baseball because it was impossible until Willie Mays came. Willie Mays was Jonathan e. Willie Mays broke baseball. And they did everything to stop him. And Willie Mays was there every day of Barry Bonds’ life. And look what happened. Look how much effort they took to stop him. And then they took away the polo grounds and never replaced it. Just relicked it and forgot about it so that nobody would remember that Willie Mays figured it out and that it had been a matter of athleticism all along.

Lavender and echinacea

The truth is my industrious neighbors are disease spreaders. And when they get together to have little love fests, they seem to know that they do this during the time of COVID and that it makes a great big COVID bomb for everyone else. They truly practice chemical warfare here in case you didn’t know already. They like the world dirty and they don’t like people trying to be clean. And for guys like me, it’s almost impossible to get out of the cycle and land this jumbo jet already. The problem is that even though I seem to have a hospital, the hospital is so polluted that it cannot do its job. In order to heal, I have to stop doing the thing that I do to heal and just agree to be tough enough to deal with this nonsense without the sharpest razor I can possibly wield. You want to heal cleanly but the hospital demands that you remain diseased. Belarus. Belarus right here and right now at this very moment on the last day of writing.

And really, there must be some kind of way out of here…

Big shout out to the former partner who pinch hit tonight. Henceforth, they say that her enemies call her agent Orange. She will kill everything except me because I actually out rode her tonight. Just saying. We read the script Annie Hall. I woke her up from a dream because I needed a gentile girlfriend. In the original script, perhaps Annie was 25 and our hero 35 or even 40. AO made it more relevant because we did it 20 years later. She a little bit more. Hung in there like a trooper and you could see the hunger to get it right. She played the game like she meant it and she played well even getting deeply into her part and reveling in the opportunity to use common idioms like Jesus Christ and God damn it and things like this. Glorious all of it. Well, the hour she lasted. An hour is good. Woody Allen is good. I am reading Woody Allen and riding my stationary bike and I just hung out with my ex-girlfriend and we had a really good night.

Now, you might want to know what started all of this? Lavender. It seems that we have a ton of lavender and for some reason during the day I did a little reading about lavender and suddenly I could not restrain the love in my heart for that orange lady and her decision that we definitely needed lavender. Lavender is awesome.

Echinacea is also excellent by the way if you have bronchitis or something like that in the winter. I thought about drinking coffee the other day for about 10 seconds until I asked myself why. That was the answer.

Now I want to say that perhaps I have been guilty of late of body shaming people. I have been the recipient of this more times than I care to remember and inevitably, it just always seem to make me do more. It seems if you eat more, you have to do more or something like that. My mom, well, I guess I’ve said much about her thickness. Did it have an influence on her life? Yep. And so it is difficult for me to come to grips with fat women. This is not to say that I have not had great romantic moments with them. But actually no, there were no really good romantic moments with fat women because they are fat and you just can’t really do romance with something that can’t move anymore.

With all this is about is that Queen Latifah died. Why am I mentioning this? Because it seems the fates have demanded that I noticed this even though it happened eight days ago during the festival of lights when quite a few sneaky people pulled off some fast moves. It seems Los Angeles just never shuts up.

I was in New York in 1999 for the Queen Latifah show.

How does this story go? I had found a little slice of paradise in a youth hostel at 125th Street in Harlem that was run by a very elegant dark-skinned gay man who seem to recognize me as a friend. Maybe it was my history. Who knows. I was on my way to my career as a bicycle messenger but stopped off to think about perhaps just using my brute size to protect some alcoholics. That was about my thinking really. But then I got a place to live and a job if I wanted to be in New York. And ironically or unironically, they let me be the greeter and I got kisses sometimes. Got to love New York to give you what you need or at least come close to it.

This one day there was a group of German tourists and one of those German tourists was a tight bodied teenager Who thought that going to a television show was a good thing to do while visiting New York. And I got the assignment to take her and her group to take a look at Queen Latifah. Was this a good idea? Who knows.

We were put into these bleachers and we waited for whatever the show was to be. I wonder if there is any video available.

I cannot actually tell you if this was the actual show I attended. I really don’t have too much memory of the subject matter really for some reason. But here’s what it was about from the point of view of Queen Latifah in 1999.

Okay so here’s the story. We were sitting in the bleachers and I was getting some warm vibes from my little strudel cake but it seems that I was killing Queen latifah’s vibe. At this stage, can we say it was my reputation in Los Angeles? I might say it was true. They’ve been stealing from me ever since. But I was told that Queen Latifah had a brand and she wasn’t interested in no whatever I was messing up her show.

What they decided is that I needed to move. I need you to understand this clearly now. At this moment in my life, I was a full-on jacked lifetime bicyclist who had just finished coming across the United States and my most appropriate job might be bouncer. For some reason, Queen Latifah decided that I was lazy. Now, was she in love with me? Did she look at me and say who is that man right there? I’m saying she did. Why not, right? And I was making it with that skinny German girl. Boy, what was I thinking?

So what they did is they called us out. They said that this year’s a black show and all these white people and Jews what have you hanging around probably need to understand what it means to be black. So, they asked us to participate in a dance thing. If this has been captured on film, go get it.

So the thing is, my little milkmaid can rock. She’s an Uber bitch. And she’s little so the body control thing is right there, right? So she can fly and she’s got the John Travolta thing going and her hips are moving and she’s just on fire and everybody loves it. Pan camera left to the big boy. What’s he going to do? What did I do? Basically, Tom Jones.

Okay, I’m not saying I was all this but this was the general idea. My mom really liked Tom Jones and maybe Queen Latifah somehow understood.

And they kind of dug it. There was this guy who was the show runner and he asked me if that’s just how I did it. I just hung it out there and let what happened happen. And that got a laugh and everybody was okay and nobody complained anymore and I didn’t really get with that German girl but truth be told, I’ve never been lucky with German girls. Like oh for six. It just don’t fit. Russian Jews and Germans. Oil and water. Apparently I don’t have too much problem hanging with the darker skin set. It seems that they like to play by fair rules say if you can get in the door you can stay. I don’t know what the rules are to the Germans even to this day.

Like I said, I don’t really remember what the show was about but basically they would just do 7 minute moments for film and then they would stop and Queen Latifah would run off stage. Then she would come and hit her mark and say something and then they would stop and do something else. The whole thing was completely staged and I don’t know why anybody would be surprised about that but apparently they didn’t ever really say what they were trying to do or what they were trying to say or even I guess who they were talking to. Maybe I spoke and they gave me a mic and I gave my opinion but I don’t really remember. It was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Yad Yisrael


This next portion is sponsored by the Yad Yisroel organization and the Beis Aharon school in Pinsk.

There is one other thought that I’ve had of Moses coming down from the mountain with his artwork in his arms. And you have to be really careful walking downhill while carrying two really heavy stones. That’s both heavy work because even if those are just like obsidian cut and we are talking about very thin stone, if you are talking about something at least the size of two skateboards and there are two of them, this dude is lugging some weight. If you want to talk about strain on the knees. I mean, forget about the words written on the document. The dude goes up a mountain, forages his own stone, cuts it to some kind of mind-blowing perfection that it can be obviously seen as a wooden tablet covered with papyrus. Not just a work of art but a work of stone.

And maybe the whole sojourn up the mountain was just like okay, I have actually done it. Now what do I do? Mr Dustin Hoffman here once played a role with exactly such profundity. He has managed to steal the perfect girl from the lunatic vipers of the modern world but yet now what was he supposed to do with her? And here is Moses except it’s not just managing his wife or wives as the custom of universal male freedom seemed to be unless you were a slave. Well the general worldview of an Egyptian anyway who had almost unlimited power but not really because she was a Jew and not a royal blood. This sort of royalty bullshit. Jewish plus royalty. Just Jewish but with an understanding and close familiarity with royalty.

But you know sometimes rich guys like to stretch out and put their toes in the grass. Sometimes even Rich guys like to feel the lion roar. Sex. If you are young, and you realize you are free to fuck, cowabunga. What else could you say? How much? How many? How many times? What actually can I do with this machine? How much does this machine actually want? Cowabunga.

But this is a rich guy and the truthfully, once the thrill is gone, the thrill is gone just like BB King told us loud and clear. No link! Do it yourself! But what do you do for your next thrill? If you ask me, you can chase the dragon or drop it down to civil 90 and play a fair game of chess and you’re good. Win or lose but maybe with a goal of simply identifying the flaws instead of suffocating your opponent to death. Perhaps we only need to know the master strategist, we do not actually need the war.

So up the mountain goes to practice his craft. He’s got everything he needs, I promise you, if we are talking mountain solitude, He has brought plenty of tree of knowledge with him to guide his hand and allow him to live through whatever God wishes to give him up there on the mountain. Fire, willpower and the weight of being responsible for a shit ton of people who have no idea how to be free. Who have never had a day of freedom in their lives and probably don’t even know what it is.

I don’t want to over polish this but if you’ve ever actually tried to take a chisel to stone to try and make art, you have entered a different world. I am not asking everyone to go out and buy a hammer and a chisel but even trying to chisel wood, which is a much more pliable material and if we are using wood for heating because we are so in love with trees and love it when they die, like those incredibly fast growing trees that we grow that function as a forest but only for a short period of time because they die very quickly and become firewood and we regenerate them. I don’t know, we are agriculturalists who have been known to fiddle with nature, right? We can grow a specifically outrageously wonderful species of trees that grows very fast, dies very fat and does not create gigantic ecological imbalance except for how quickly the species goes. We can designate regions etc etc etc. I’m just saying this because seriously, fuck mining forever. Whatever is down there, leave it there and let’s find something better to do with our time and our lungs. Let’s just stop the machines and try desperately to clean up. Day O!

But here he is. The Christians try to make this picture of a guy on the way to his execution who have to actually carry the wood cross that they are going to nail him to. And with all irony of the world, he was a professional crossbuilder and here he was actually reaping the fruits of his labor. A Jewish collaborator being sentenced to death. I imagine a few people were happy to see him go. And in fact, they said he was a preacher because he kept disturbing everybody’s attempt to get into the church. They lived in a city. Some say they were slaves to the city but they were city people already and that’s it So they did City things. What don’t you understand?

Bait and switch, bait and switch. You give them the old hookeroo.

But it seems like when he needed some softness, the children of Israel were making too much noise. They were dancing and shouting and banging on things and doing public works of art demonstrating that they would be willing to spend all of their money for a nice piece of meat. They were quailing that living in the desert meant that they would never have healthy cows. Meat farmers. They were all just meat farmers doing their meat farmer dance. Just a bunch of pagans who don’t mind eating flesh. And probably, if you want to say that someone was guilty and then just blame it on the Jews, somebody figured out that if you killed the person you don’t like at the beginning of the winter, you can just leave them on the ice and eat them slowly or just let the animals have them and nobody ever knows what happened to them again. And sometimes, when they were really hungry and didn’t care anymore, they would eat them because they just wanted to meat.

So here is Moses the teacher coming back from his epic solo ride around and around the Matterhorn for 40 days and 40 nights while chiseling stone. The epic stunt of epics stunts to get people’s attention and he came back to find them so loud that he couldn’t talk to them. And he lost his temper and he said God damn it! And he dropped them. All of that work. All of that chiseling. All of that tree is knowledge. Everything up in smoke! He had it and he lost his temper and he dropped it. He really thought this was his moment and his friends just didn’t give a damn. They just wanted to do whatever they wanted to do because they liked being together.

And at the end of the day, really, they could have all just laughed and laughed and laughed. They knew he was coming and they made the best party in the entire world. They even donated all of their gold and formed it into a cow, not to worship it but to show their disdain for it. They had all decided to be really good people and they didn’t care about money anymore and they were ready to get rid of everything that was Egypt. And then, Moses dropped the ball and instead of being the greatest tragedy in the world, they all got a really good laugh.. And then they asked him what he had written and he said he had 10 rules to live by as a free person and if you remembered these rules, you have a good chance of not getting caught and having something terrible done to your body. They have a meat world and I think we are better off without it because it’s dirty and maybe no killing is better. Actually not killing is something we could just call kosher and we’re good to go.

But then Moses asked why they made such a party. Why didn’t you live quietly?

And at first it was difficult for anyone to know how to answer. And then they looked to Joy, the most beautiful woman to say what they were all thinking. And this is what she said.

We were afraid of lions. Every time we tried to be quiet, we are afraid of the wild animals coming and eating us. We have to make noise because we are too afraid to sleep.

And then Moses thought about this for a moment and he asked the people why they were so quiet when he was around. And that’s when they told him who he was. He was Yad Yisrael. He was the hand of God. He was the one who could go up on a mountain with nothing but some weed, some barley and some water and whatever else he needed to lug up and down the hill just to build a workshop up there and he did that all by hand. No one does that except the hand of God.

Actually, the whole rigmarole of even ending up out in the desert and not working anymore was hand of God stuff. You can’t mistake when you have the hand of God. And apparently, when Moses was actually around, the Lions were too afraid to come near. Apparently the trick was to tell the animals what would happen to them if they tried to come near and then be ready to kill them if they did. That’s how they used to do it. When you’re hungry, to men meet and one of them is meat and the other lives to fight again. The hand of God was physically prepared to fight lions. Just a hammer and a chisel and he figures he’s going to win the fight. So forget about people, right? When the man said no killing, it was to stop us from eating each other from hunger.

But then the special interest groups came and they said you cannot stop the industry. We feed so many people and we keep everyone so active and healthy. Everyone knows the eating dead animals they find on the road is the most healthy thing you can do. And besides, doesn’t it smell good when we burn the meat? Doesn’t it make you want to come outside and participate in the kill? Isn’t it good when the men come home from the hunt and we all have meat to eat?

And it turned out that that had been the problem the whole time. Moses had gone up on the mountain to get away from the noise. He had so many people talking to him because he was the guy and it really got noxious in there and he was feeling quite sick of it all and wanted to clear his head and breathe some nice air and not be stuck in the sewer of all of these people getting close to him and touching him and offering him presents and making him eat things he doesn’t want to eat. He was tired of being made into a pageant and he wanted to go back to his roots and be a real man again. He didn’t mind being a leader, he just wanted a clean desk to work from.

And then one very wise young girl asked about the garbage. While so many people were sojourning together, it seems the living conditions were very dirty. What should be done with everything that was happening from us all living in such close proximity?

And here Moses simply smiled. This girl was still innocent. She wanted to be told what to do. And so Moses knelt down beside her so that he should be exactly her size and he asked her who her teachers were. And the girl pointed to several people. And then Moses asked if they were good teachers and the girl agreed that they were good. And then Moses asked why those teachers were good and the girl said it was because they allowed her to talk and didn’t just talk to her. Some of the other girls had teachers that only talked and never listened but she was fortunate because her teachers allowed her to talk and so she truly felt she was a person.

And Moses put his hand on her head and blessed the wise young girl whose name was never mentioned. He asked her if she was ready to live alone And the girl said that she was not ready to live without her teachers. And Moses said that the wisest thing would be to continue living with her teachers until she herself was ready to become a teacher and accept students for her wisdom was too much to contain and must be allowed to thrive.

And perhaps in this version of the story, the children of Israel really were free to worship and they all went their ways and determined to stay in touch. In fact, when they looked around, they noticed that some of their brothers and sisters were very tall and had long legs and were very good runners. And these people, Moses designated as the postman. They are the ones who would run between the villages to tell everyone the news. And he also said that there should always be children like this girl and that they should always remember what happens in the religion and to tell the stories to their brothers and sisters and to make sure that the messengers hear the stories as well when they come from their visits and we must all have a party to grieve them and hear the news.

Or perhaps what happened is realizing the value of such a girl, the girl’s mother kept her all to herself and never let anyone touch her unless of course they paid the appropriate fees or made it clear that her daughter’s star should rise. It wasn’t really important with whom she did business. The only important thing is that everyone knew that she was in the road and there were tolls.

And of course, in this scenario there is nothing lovely between groups because there never was a messenger to carry the message nor was there a young storyteller who might write even better books than Moses himself. There was just the mother cackling on like a chicken about the injustice of life as a woman in a man’s world.

Okay, maybe this one was kind of a bat flip

Good lesson? Bad lesson? Questions? Commentary? Call me. Listen! Call me. Go on. Get out of here. You’re free until next time. Have fun and try not to kill anybody. Catch you next time. And do your fucking homework, will you?

As long as we are free, here is the brief history of the great ape fuck up

It happened on a Thursday. It was just another day in the zoo park. Most of the apes were sitting around and picking their noses and waiting for something interesting to happen. And then one day it did. This was in New York in 1965. These were the days of the counterculture. This is when experiment was the rule of thumb and people just wanted to know what would happen if they missed around with the Empire. They of course got their war, all they wanted but nevertheless, there was this moment in history and it did exist.

And so it happened that a young entrepreneur through a lit marijuana cigarette into the monkey cage. One curious monkey picked it up in his fingers and sniffed it and in doing so had an unexpected experience. He thought about it for a moment, picked his nose and then sniffed it again this time a little bit more deeply.

And suddenly he realized that it really was quite a nice day. This guy was blue and the birds were singing. But then he realized that he was in prison and he couldn’t really move around and do what he wanted. He could see that he was deprived of all sense of life and therefore all his dignity. He wasn’t even allowed to live and die naturally. He was not even allowed to have a fate to enjoy, good or bad. Everything was stolen. Nothing was left.

In this moment of deep thought however, the ape failed to realize that a lit marijuana cigarette was hot and when the burning part of the joint reached the apes fingertips, it burned him and caused him to exclaim rather loudly, “What the fuck?!”

Unfortunately, the jig was up for this particular group of apes who had been enjoying living in their penal experience because of access to marijuana and actually quite a few other drugs that were often dropped into the habitat by well-meaning students and other people interested in science. They had already developed into storytellers the likes of which all Africa could be proud and amused each other during the nights with their language abilities. It was the only thing that kept their incarceration even possible. Without each other, they would have just bashed their heads against rocks and be done with it.

Unfortunately, apes are not supposed to speak and actually having Simeon creatures with the power of speech sort of upset the social order implied by even having such things as zoo parks in the first place. Basically, they just locked down the entire group long enough to let a few intelligent people that were under government control to have a look at them to find out basically what the story was and then they were all slaughtered and composted. It should be noted however that one of the scientists liked to smoke pot with a Hollywood writer during Shabbos and this was the Genesis of the Planet of the Apes franchise. Apparently the writer liked to get high with the talking ape and they had long conversations on the way to the end. And that writer was Mario Puzzo.

I think I wrote a play about this one time.

My conversation with Don Vito Corleone in the garden near the tomatoes next to a bowl of oranges

So what they are going to do is there going to make a party for you. They’re going to give you everything you asked for. They will play your plays in the theater and the police will give you a medal for being the top cop. The Americans will send messages and tell you that you were films will be produced but your friends will have a place at the bookstore right next to Lennon square where they have already printed all of your books. But at that meeting, you will be assassinated. As sure as the Sun comes up in the morning, if you accept any gratitude from people who have been torturing you even as a tithing of forgiveness, that day you will surely die.

What do you suggest I do, pop?

Don’t go there. Stay at home. Ask for the video. Send letters of thank you and maybe make a video if you feel you need to to make your point clear. And you can write about it and what it feels like to be acknowledged so that everyone can know that you were deeply touched. And then maybe you can work on your short game in the springtime while you’re setting up your buckets because the soil is for shit already and if we’re going to do this, we have to do it in containers.

Don’t worry, Pop. We’ll get there. And everybody knows about Don Barzini already. We already know that it was him all along.

Winter solstice

And finally, if you’re paying attention, the winter solstice (for me) comes on Friday morning at 06:28:09. You can check for your own local times. And if it sounds kind of final, just remember that every Christian thing that happens after that is just one more Christian thing that happens after the actual end of the planet’s cycle. I’m just pro-Earth so I think like this.

Coming to grips with not having Shangri-La

I think democracy is the way to go. It means that you ask everybody their opinion. If you don’t ask their opinion, we have surprises and if you really think about it, unless you truly trust your friends never to betray you or that you are indeed the toughest masochist of all time because you just don’t give a shit what they do to you because nothing ever seems to kill you, I believe I’m not the only one who hates surprises.

Is so the first thing we have to do is build trust with each other. And I think this means just stopping this vengeance upon vengeance. I don’t want to go too far afield but lately on the internet there is this thing where they ask people for their four favorite movies of all time. I came up with an answer. Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, pretty much anything made by miramax in the ’90s and my San Francisco paisans, Francis Coppola.

The reason I’m picking these guys and not one of their films is that they just have such everything that anything they put on screen is worth looking at. I didn’t say the man behind most of those Mirimax’s decisions because that’s an indecent thing to do these days but oddly, the horrendous Jewish monster produced some of the most wonderfully artistic and sensitive work of the period.

And speaking of meaningful run ins with powerful Jews, a shout out to Nicholas Cage, who I met one day at the beginning of his career right in front of the theater at San Francisco State University. And he was dressed like a biker tough guy and he was wearing a bandana and I was me And I will bet you dollars to donuts that it was not only karma but that he knew who I was just like I knew who he was. And thank you for kick ass.

So if I go with Coppola, I not only get apocalypse now, I get the Godfather. And most people might consider the Godfather to be the greatest film of all time. But if I must say anything here on Thursday morning, the godfather perhaps is not supposed to be a guidebook on how to do business but a allegorical warning. Perhaps we could look at the Godfather as almost biblical because of the necessity of the bloodshed and the property rights and the demands of kings. All that backstabbing and then vengeance upon vengeance upon vengeance. There is a line when Michael Corleone arrives in Corleone and asks where all the men are and the old woman says they are dead from vendettas. Vendetta!

What do we do about Hamas? Vendetta! The Russians? Vendetta. The Americans! Vendetta. My ex partner? Absolutely, vendetta after vendetta after vendetta. Some girl I got jiggy with 35 years ago and now I find I have a child that I never even knew about but that I know about now because I’m so famous? Should I expect hellos and handshakes and gosh I’ve always wanted to meet you or do I get another vendetta?

That’s what I hear when I talk to some Americans these days. A shrug of the shoulders, what can you say? You get what you pay for. Why did you go there? What do you expect from us? You lost and we won again, don’t you see? We killed you without even trying. But I ask why was I killed and the answer was a vendetta. Apparently I killed their God 2,000 years ago. I mean I personally walked in there and kicked the living shit out of Jesus Christ himself. I had him with my hand on his rough hewn hemp garment and just kept punching that way the fuck out of place blonde face that I was so sick of looking at. Is that what happened?

It’s that for some reason they worship an image of a Jew nailed to a cross and they worship this. Just take a look at this one picture and tell me that Christianity is not exactamundo anti-Semitism. And before you start dancing and saying hahaha we won we won, please remember that this entire 6 million word document is dedicated to nature who I consider exactly equal to and one and the same as God. In my view of life, you fuckers have been killing my God, nature, the natural functions of the planet Earth by discouraging and malnourishing and causing harm to the natural functions of our bodies just to stay in power.

The Bible, the Torah, the story of Moses, the Jewish rigmarole, maybe it’s also a metaphor and not a guidebook on how to fuck things up that needs to be followed religiously. Breeding idiocy and hate as a way of life for what? What beauty can be created by evil?

The Godfather is the story of a family that is stuck in the cocksucker rut known as the United States during the time of the industrial revolution. This was when they created a pressure valve for all the unwanted people of Europe and this was the birth of the Empire. They found one last virgin to fuck and through all of its unwanted semen to hash it out for themselves at the expense unilaterally of the natural movements of the planet on that landmass. Oddly, they’re were humans getting along but instead of learning from them and joining them, apparently there was a guidebook that said completely annihilate them so that there is no remnant of their lifestyle. Hence, we have made sure with all Christian spirit and work ethic to make sure there is no possibility of nature on this land mass. We, I’m talking about Christians because y’all demand it my entire life that I’d be a Christian so I’m well aware of your language and your movements and your methods, don’t want to see nature for some reason that I will never truly understand except to say that the Christians get a ride and the rest of us get to eat shit and they don’t mind that at all. And they like to show that they have big numbers and that Christianity is growing all the time but all I see is that poverty and despair and hate and ecological damage keeps growing along with this population. And I don’t even understand why if you actually believe you have a world order, wouldn’t you do even the slightest thing intelligent to make the thing run? Would you always make exactly the wrong choice just to make sure people believe that the artificial life was the best one? That the lie was better than the truth? To make people worship the destruction of another people simply to justify the enslavement of the entire planet? And what do I get by the way for my conversion to Christianity? I don’t see anything I want or need. I only have people screaming at me and telling me I must be something I am not. What the fuck?

So listen Mr hazmat suit, listen to me speak to you in an Italian accent like I’ve got more people than you do and I even out thought you and I got snipers who can drop a dime on your ass before you can even dream about seeing your life before your eyes. If you go broke and you don’t get to go sports shopping anymore, I should cry for this? I should cry about white identity? Is it necessary to make a convoy of trucks to drive across the United States for no other purpose other than to pretend You are at a sporting match and cheering wildly for some otherworldly stupid political idea that gives you the right to remain on your ass pushing a gasoline pedal and eating hamburgers everyday? You are free to be fat and to have enough money to do crack whores? You’re free to be able to afford really bad narcotics that just put you into a world that never has an enjoyable day except when you are blind and psychotic. Who wants to live in a world where the only escape is blind hysterical psychosis where you are free of responsibility? Why are we so in love with not being responsible for our actions? Being responsible is so much more interesting.

But let’s be fair. Moses’s book and Mr Puzo’s book or even my book if you want to talk about hatred of my neighbors, it’s all about vengeance and vendetta. It’s about worshiping blood. And I’m a vegan and I am really opposed to these words that begin with the letter v. I hold up two fingers to people. This is my gang sign. I show them the cistern. Where we gather water and light and bring it to the earth to feed life. I’m a gardener. Vegetables. There’s a great v word. Vegetation. I don’t want the blood anymore and me and really a lot of other people are trying to find some way to communicate with the people that do love this absolute insanity and their love of the irresponsibility necessary to sustain completely artificial incompetence.

There is no such thing as perpetual growth. Perpetual growth means wherever you put your model, it does not stay within the boundaries. I once played a softball game and you know, everybody knew I could hit a moonshot. But they made the rules that I had to play inside the boundaries. I had to hit the ball so that the fielders couldn’t get it but not by leaving the park. And you know, I screwed up because my swing was created for launch and you know I hit it too iron and it was a waste of time and they made me go get the ball. This is another metaphor that you are welcome to follow. You can replace war with baseball physically if that’s all you get out of this or you can understand that playing within the boundaries of your game means the game can be played again. It is the opposite of the philosophy that says we eat every fucking thing we have as fast as we can because it’s economically fortuitous for a few people right now. That is not only insanity, it’s an absolute crime against humanity and you know, I am an advocate of suicide in genuine situations of fuckedupedness. This would be because of guilt because of the sudden awareness of how many murders you have committed in the name of what? Just for what have you murdered so many times? But it could also be for reasons of health like in a case where someone has cancer or diabetes because some corporate people needed to build a tower to make themselves higher than God. In this case, the math fails because if God is nature, this includes the whole universe and apparently it is absolute folly to even dream, am I correct? What piece of metal shit can you put together that ends up being anything more than trash in the sky hurtling through space waiting to kill somebody or break something or change the trajectory of another moving object thus changing the fate of the universe. What the fuck are we doing?

I’m tired of being told how dangerous I am. I guess I’m still dangerous if you make a mistake and you’re way too close to me. I can be a little Zatoichi. But most of the time people like me, we get brushed under the rug when we are easily compliant or they really get to work beating the shit out of you. They don’t like nails sticking up out of their jesuses. They have to make sure to keep those limbs nailed down even if this particular Jesus just keeps pulling himself off the cross, each time a little bit less flash, but continuingly onward to try and do something life affirming that doesn’t die from the neglect, hysteria or abuse of Christians.

It’s time for me to read Torah but I’m not going to do it for you. You can go figure out what the weekly parsha is and you can do whatever you want with it. I also want to say that I choose chabad.org for my parsha because an old friend of mine is a chabadnik. Actually I have been well pestered by chabadniks And they are very friendly people and they have charming manners. Seriously, Evangelical Jews can be as beautiful as the virgins they put in front of the tabernacle in Utah. And you know, hanging around with beautiful people can be fun. Some people go crazy for lack of it but just have no clue whatsoever how to be graceful and beautiful themselves.

I am not a Lubavitcher. If I have any association, I am maybe a little of that but mostly I am Karlin-Stolin. But actually, this is just more game of thrones in its own way. These things are called dynasties for a reason. They really wanted to make dynasties but the Empire is really didn’t like Jews making dynasties. I figure I have been independent forever pretty much like every other Jew in the world except for the ones who make their living working for a dynasty.

But the thing is I am Jewish and if chabad does anything at all, they just get you to agree that your Jewish if you’re Jewish. To them, eventually it leads down a road where you lead a very religious life and there are those who really like it and need it and maybe it’s good for some people. I however feel that the people that would tend toward any religious extremism are more indicative of a shit society. If we are creating such broken people, we are in error and need to redo our line of thinking. This is very similar to believing that we can actually run the world on a monetary system. There is no evidence whatsoever that this is a good idea.

So I tried to call an old friend and all she can do is say the most painful thing she can think of. It’s horrible to be so guarded but she has to be. She can say it’s about me and there are other people with whom she is not guarded. But how many people does she guard herself from? It seems her politics always have a lot of hate in them. She’s big into vendettas. I guess they are paying her.

I guess this has been a fireside chat. I’m soaking beans for tomorrow. I lost quite a bit of a 5 kilo bag of unprocessed whole wheat. I thought I had the container covered but several mice had found their way in. The mice are crazy. You really have to work for them not to have anything to eat. I’ve been doing this cycling thing and I am little proud to say that I just had my first 300k day and passed 3,000 km overall. 19 days of cycling. I don’t know if I have any aspirations for 3,500. I understand that I’m not going up and down the Pyrenees but still the number was interesting because it’s the tour de France number. That’s all I was thinking as a target. So if I actually want to go 500k by tomorrow, I could but I’m not sure I want to anymore. I think my body already understands the effect of ultramarathon anything. I think I’d like to recuperate more than I would like to ride more. And really, let’s say I did it and I made the 3,500K. Can you explain to me exactly who should give a shit? Whose life did I save? Who’s life did I make better? Did I make the planet a better place to live on?

The new plan and schedule

Concerning my personal diligence at holding up the pole for the ecology, I’m not really that emotional about it anymore because I’m not really that emotional anymore if I ever was. It’s pretty pragmatic what I know and so I will continue talking because I seem to be good at it. But as of the moment, my brain needs a rest more than it needs excitement.

Take a hint. You do that ecological heavy lifting for a while please. I’m not going to show up on Instagram with well-croft females in exotic places drinking $100 cocktails unless you Photoshop me in when I say I’m on vacation. I’m just saying I’m really going to turn off the machine and be stupid for a while and pray to God that my neighbors die or move to the town or just quietly skulk away to find other people to pester. Maybe Putin will just recall them already as a bad issue and leave the world alone. Miracles can happen, right?

But here’s the ticket. When I started this, the starting day had to do with the end of the Christian New Year’s party, from about the 24th of December to the 8th of January. It then went on until the end of the elections with a little buffer and that’s how I got my original beginning and ending dates. Since that time, I have become attached to other methods of keeping time that I find more charming and so I’m going to use this solstice as a nice healthy slice. I think I’m just going to take the quarter off and if you guys start experiencing great sexuality as usual because of the seasonal shift and do you want to find out what it means to me, I will make sure that all the books are available and in rotation leading up to the upcoming elections so we can all remember the rigmarole that went on because Christianity needed to go on just a little more.

And yes, I will make a telephone number that will be available for text only and an email address. I don’t want anyone to believe that I am out of touch and I understand if people start freaking out about whether this is me or someone else or AI or whatever and I deeply apologize for how much Christianity has been used to blind you from the truth. Or even why I get to be kind of a devil by doing something that inherently won’t be trusted in such a situation. Let’s just call that irony. It’s the kind of irony the police tell me they know all about in me. I know it’s ironic and I know it’s a tremendous waste of time. But I also know it’s only a tremendous waste of time because Christians demand that everything be a tremendous waste of time instead of meaningful moments that lead to life and happiness or even intelligence. Sad. Sad like Trump. Truly sad.

Unfinished business

So we have this negativity and requirements for blood and vengeance all over the internet. We make a lot of noise to cover the noise of the machines. I go a different direction and I’m okay with sensitivity because I believe I prefer beauty to ugliness and peace to war. Call me crazy.

But if we are talking about playing for money, at the beginning of this whole thing and maybe I mentioned it or maybe it was just something that happened during that winter break after the elections but there was an internet troll from Facebook who bet me $500 that Trump would not win the election. And then just like Trump, instead of paying his debt, he just wandered away and said hahaha, you can’t touch me. I’m a troll.

I just thought of this guy and that he never has paid me. I have a few people who I never paid back. My friend from candlestick beat me out of 500 bucks playing poker and I was a fool to keep following it. I’m pretty sure it was a fair game I just didn’t have it that day and maybe that was good because it taught me that gambling was not my thing. Gambling was his thing but not really mine. I’ve never been a gambler and maybe this moment taught me this. But I never paid him that 500 bucks. I also never gave Zaremba a penny but I believe I owe $1,000 to my friend marchen in Poland for covering my ass when I was stuck there. I need to get in touch with him about that and see how he’s doing. I believe he was working in a non-governmental human rights organization at the time and wrote a track bike that he painted to look like a cow. Not vegan and Polish so you know. But still, a good heart.

But to that guy who didn’t pay his debt on that bet, I just want to say that I finally understood who he really was. Apparently he makes keys or sharpens instruments or creates medical instruments. He did this I think before 3D printing so he might not be in the business anymore but he used to have a mobile truck and married an Asian woman and as far as I understood he kept her in the truck with him. That meant literally that he kept an animal tied up and forced it to listen to machine noise and grinding sounds and breathing shop air and metal fragments all in the name of a stable human relationship. Mr Independent financial stability here is the Marquis de Sade as far as lovers go.

Let peace be on the planet and made a slaves rise up and remove themselves from the shackles of slavery. And let us all note how easy it would be to disable such a man from future revenue. One knife in the tire and he’s looking at 500 bucks. Do that two or three times and we have people rethinking their career choices. Freedom means freedom from money and freedom from money means communities that function. Let us make functional families and communities instead of dysfunctional ones. Let us prepare for and practice peace. Let us not harm each other anymore for personal gain and only live for the happiness that goodness brings. Let’s just live the seasons as they come and grow some food so we’re not hungry and I think we’ll be fine.

Final words

Maybe the only thing I’m trying to say is that we’re doing everything backwards. Instead of reading kindness, we’re breeding hate. Instead of working on becoming more intelligent and graceful and beautiful and fast and strong, we are working on being disgusting and evil and heartbreaking. We agree to the lowest common denominator because no one ever lets us believe that there’s anything but that. And all the time when it is this grim, there are people who look around and they say I am not grim. But the crazy malicious irony of it all is that it is grim no matter where you are on the planet. Even if you are Bill Gates, it’s just a fucking house with landscaping that probably costs a ridiculous amount of money to keep going. Or, you needed a ridiculous amount to pay for all of the gadgets to make it look like it’s sustainable for at least as long as the gear lasts and then we are right back where we started except for a lot more garbage that’s not really biodegradable.

How about we try a happy medium. Universally, all religious types understand that we are looking at a deity of some sort. Some of us believe that this deity manifests itself in different places and some of us believe in one and some of us just believe in ourselves and our own ability to take care of ourselves. But if we agree that there is a great spirit that somehow breathed life into us, We can at least agree that this is nature at work. If we can just agree that we are natural occurrences and that there is no difference between us and all other living things except that we are really clever and have an enormous capacity for evil. It seems evil is easier to do than good and so most lazy people turn to evil and especially so in a world where you get paid for it. It’s really shitty when you live in a world where the only way to make money is to participate in the death of the planet and not only will they not pay you to try and protect natural resources, they will cause you physical pain and suffering even to the point of death. Just the demand of their right to continue killing.

So what? I’m a vegan so it’s like I’m on steroids. My body runs clean and apparently I’ve got a good motor. My guitar playing arrived and you know, it’s just another friend I’ve had for 40 years or so. The neighbors haven’t learned anything. Maybe the world has learned something but I am dubious. Sure, I get lots of signs. I’m starting to see my signature on videos all over the place in really crazy ways. I understand how my effect has changed quite a few people and I also understand that I have created quite a bit of antagonism. This is not because I’m such a terrible person, I believe it is because I am trying to be a good person and this is quite problematic to business. It might also be simple antisemitism. You can’t really live in a world where jewelry means a Jew hanging nailed to a cross and not believe that it’s anti-semitic. I mean, here’s a 16-year-old girl in the first blush of life and grandma hangs a suffering Jew around her neck to remind her how beautiful she is and how she got to be so beautiful? Seriously? You seriously believe that anti-Semitism is the way to paradise and if there were no Jews showing you quite a few millennia of reading and writing and arguing and trying to be intelligent with our resources, you really really really want to say that you like civilization and believe y’all get to live forever and ever if you managed to stop people from reading and writing books? Is it really so necessary to destroy everything that lives just to satisfy a meat-eating ego?

Last words? 40-day vegan challenge if you’re not too pussy. I don’t need pictures of you on Facebook. Take pictures of yourself and leave them on your camera and take a look at what it looks like and think like a doctor and take care of yourself for a minute. If you do this without trying to sabotage it, you will probably feel better almost immediately. When you feel better, try not to freak out. If you are unbelievably nervous and have no idea what to do with all your extra energy, start reading me immediately. Just there is enough material for you to find a comfortable place and just let the words wash over you. And if you want to gasp at my raciness or scream at my ignorance and foolishness, you just take your fist and pound your kneecaps until they understand that you are furious. And then you can pick up a pen or a piece of paper and write down exactly why you are so infuriated. And then go back and read it, you know, for grammar and usage and of course you have to ask yourself if you truly believe what you said. You can ask yourself questions just like you asked me questions and then you can find out how true your thoughts really are. You are the best doctor for yourself possible. You are the best mechanic possible. You are the best builder possible. You are the best lover possible. You are the best partner possible unless you say otherwise or agree when other people tell you that you’re shit. Or even live with other people who tell you that you’re shit.

Truthfully the answer is velocity. You just have to keep moving because the evil people are the ones who don’t move and just talk and tell you to stop. That’s how you know. The folks who are busy doing something that doesn’t hurt anybody, these are the folks we really like and the folks that poke around in other people’s business because they are bored, these are the people we don’t. Maybe being aware of who everyone is is enough and then if we need each other, any facilitator will do if it works and then we’re okay. Wake up in the morning and grow some food and then do what you want. Play baseball. Watch the kids play. Read a book. Write a book. Learn to play the guitar. Learn to be a better person and then practice everyday and see what happens to your world. Just no more machines please. No more digging, no more screaming, no more noise. No more machines please. Let’s just do everything we do quietly and I’m sure we will be much happier for this.

And for all of you bosses sitting at the top of your pyramids, You can’t duplicate this. This is one of a kind just like every person. Let people have a life. Send if you are the hand of God as far as the infrastructure of some region is concern, do good things for change. Think about it. There’s a great difference between having enough money to pay a whore and being good enough to have a female give herself to you of her own free will. If you want to know what love is, take the money out of the equation and see what you get.

And finally you stupid schmucks! They had a lockdown because of COVID but truthfully covid never went away. Covid is us. But as long as you know what it looks like and sounds like to do a lockdown and what it takes to print up some checks to make sure everyone on the list gets one, You can say general stop for the purposes of ecology and a new direction for the people of your region. And he can say it because you believe it’s the right thing or you can say it and ask if everyone agrees or not. And if you can knock yourself out and go through the motions of yet another election, but I think common sense would dictate that if you genuinely ask 100% of the people whether they wanted business and industry or a clean environment and friendly people, you already know what the answer is. If you asked a hundred percent of the people if they should choose life or death, you would find a most significant amount meaning in one direction and you know what that direction is.

Just like I told that KGB guy at my interview, this was just after he smirked at me and said that they will aware that I used marijuana, I look too in the eye and told him that he actually was anyone who had any power that others might listen to his words, he should tell them that the place would be apart in about 2 weeks and that the president could probably sit on the throne happily until the end of his days because he was the guy who finally freed the slaves.

And if you think about it, a greenhouse with some solar panels at 52° north latitude would probably give you a nice little garden to keep some lights going to walk around under and Maybe we would all have a little bit more happiness in our lives in these gray, gray cold times.

It’s a cool opportunity boss. It’s not often that a world leader can save both stop and go at the same time and have it be not only understandable, but historically meaningful. And in this late in life awakening, as if suddenly the world leader was taking steroids because of the power and wisdom that came to him, He made the decision. He pulled the peace trigger. He said хватит уже. Это всё. Нам не надо БургерКинг. Кто мы? Кто мы по-настоящему? А мы как эту? Мы по-настоящему биомусор? Мы толку гопники? Или мы боли чистый уже? Может хватит уже плевать на Беларусь. Может быть, мы сможем перестать срать на землю Беларуси. Может быть, мы сможем начать уничтожать землю Беларуси. Может быть, мы уже сможем перестать разрушать Беларусь. Может быть, весь мир сможет перестать уничтожать страну белых ветров, где бы они ни находились. возможно, мы сможем перестать разрушать эту землю, потому что когда-то здесь жили евреи. На землю Беларуси есть чистый воздух и вода и всё доказательство существования бога и человекам.

Please stop torturing it and let us be.

Cheers y’all

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This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at PEBelarus@gmail.com

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Found in the Translation

Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia

Being Had

Being Had: A story about a year of my life getting to know all about lies and corruption in Eastern Europe

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Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace

The Upcoming Elections

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