
  • Monday

    Monday, July 25th 2022 It’s about 7:15 and I guess I’m looking at another easy day in the middle of two easy weeks. The weather report says it’s going to be a little cooler today. No rain today or tomorrow. Tomorrow should be a little warmer. I should probably do a light watering today and… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, July 24 2022. Week 29 It’s 5:30 in the morning and I am awake because I was startled into consciousness by thunder and lightning and the sound of rain. The rain itself didn’t really startle me so much. It’s always a pleasant surprise. What startled me was when I reached for my phone to… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, July 22nd 2022 6:00 a.m. wake up. Not bad. Actually, it’s a 6:00 a.m. wake up on an almost completely non-diabetic evening. No details in this but basically, I seem to have completely broken the blood sugar code. How it managed to do this is a bit interesting. I did talk about it this… Continue reading

  • Thursday

    Thursday, July 21 2022 SPOCK: Captain. May I ask a question? You needn’t answer if it seems too personal.KIRK: I’m sure I’ll be able to give you an answer, Mister Spock.SPOCK: This afternoon, you wanted to kill, didn’t you?MCCOY: But he didn’t kill, Mister Spock.SPOCK: But he wanted to, Doctor.KIRK: Is that the way it… Continue reading

  • Wednesday

    Wednesday, June 20th 2022 I like how this guy thinks. So today is day 3 of “take it easy and be good to yourself” week. As you can imagine, I feel pretty good. Quite a bit of tension has gone out of me. A lot of pain has also left. I feel relaxed and easy.… Continue reading

  • Tuesday

    Tuesday, July 19th 2022 It’s 8:00 a.m. but I feel like I’m already halfway through my day. Mostly sitting around yesterday left me with a ridiculously restless night. I suppose I should have seen that coming. These days, I’m usually at least a little physically tired by the end of the day. It’s easier to… Continue reading

  • Monday

    Monday, July 18th 2022 Betrayal. Yeah, I mean what are you going to do? In a land where people ask you what you want to hear them say, you cannot count on someone’s word as being worth something. In a land where anything can be bought, you can’t trust the value of things. In the… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, July 17 2022. Week 28 That’s 27 weeks in the bag and 18 weeks to go. 45 weeks. This is my third year. I haven’t counted the words yet this year. Maybe I should but I haven’t. Maybe I should…  No, not right now. Too much work. Besides, I basically know the number already.… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, July 15th 2022 Forty-five nations pledge to coordinate evidence of war crimes in Ukraine from Reuters The United States and more than 40 other countries agreed on Thursday to coordinate investigations into suspected war crimes in Ukraine, shortly after what Kyiv said was a Russian missile strike that killed civilians far from front lines.… Continue reading

  • Thursday

    Thursday, July 14th 2022 Sorry about this. It’s a random thought that for some reason stuck in my head as making some kind of elegant sense. I personally don’t understand it but obviously someone does. It’s a strange sort of math. I mean, I think sometimes I just want to hang around the planet long… Continue reading

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