
Friday, July 15th 2022

Forty-five nations pledge to coordinate evidence of war crimes in Ukraine from Reuters

The United States and more than 40 other countries agreed on Thursday to coordinate investigations into suspected war crimes in Ukraine, shortly after what Kyiv said was a Russian missile strike that killed civilians far from front lines.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told the international conference that Russian missiles had struck two community centres in the west of Ukraine, killing 20 people, including three children, and wounding many more.

Russia has repeatedly denied involvement in war crimes and deliberately targeting civilians since it invaded Ukraine in February. It says it launched a “special military operation” to protect Russian speakers and root out dangerous nationalists. Ukraine says Moscow is waging an unprovoked war of conquest.

Concerning the definition of war crimes, here is a basic list from the United Nations:

Some examples of prohibited acts include: murder; mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; taking of hostages; intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population; intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historical monuments or hospitals; pillaging; rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy or any other form of sexual violence; conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups or using them to participate actively in hostilities.

War crimes contain two main elements:

A contextual element: “the conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international/non-international armed conflict”;

A mental element: intent and knowledge both with regards to the individual act and the contextual element

Yeah the question is did they do it intentionally. This last bit that they are calling the mental element was one of my first Revelations of life. It came at a point when I was thinking about studying law. I read some law books and this was literally the first thing that I learned. It’s called guilty mind or mens rea.

Mens rea is the mental element of a person’s intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one’s action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed. It is considered a necessary element of many crimes. Wikipedia

For what it’s worth, the opposite of a crime where damage is committed but there was no criminal intent is called a tort in English. I don’t know what it’s called in Russian but this would be an instance where perhaps a child was playing and caused some kind of chain reaction that harmed someone. A more reasonable and prudent person would have known better is the standard phrase to determine this.

In speaking of a lot of the negativeness that I get here, you have to consider this as a part of the thinking. It’s not whether they thought it was amusing or not or whether they were receiving money for it, you just have to ask yourself if these people knew what they were doing and had the intent of causing harm. Malice aforethought is another way to say this.

And just to discuss this legal point a little farther, in quite a few moments in my life, I have questioned the motives of people quite busy and the act of causing grief to myself or others and I ask myself whether they are criminal or just crazy. I’m not talking about pleading Insanity in court, I’m just talking about genuine insanity such as the insanity that comes along with believing that harming another is somehow the right thing to do. It’s a bit of a sticky point, a slippery slope if we are playing with legalese, but there is such a thing as mass and sanity or Insanity inspired by things specifically feeding people things that make some crazy.

This might be the second Revelation this week as to why I’m writing about food this year. Perhaps it’s my biggest question about whether food is responsible for the mass Insanity that seems to be the human race these days.

This is not to say that we’ve never had War. That would be stupid. What I am talking about is putting an end to all of this beautiful tradition and global culture. I’m talking about putting an end to the misery once for all and stepping away from the insanity and perhaps thinking a little bit more clearly about life, the world and everything. Perhaps there is the possibility of genuine global thinking in the age of genuine global communication. Perhaps we do not need to stick to such miserable traditions as racial hatred, social stratification and enforced pain as a way of doing simple business.

I mean, I know stealing is easier than trading, but trading is sustainable and stealing breeds misery and hate. So does murder and rape. So is shooting missiles into public squares or going into battle as a soldier and telling your girlfriend that you were sending home a big screen TV. Spoils of War and fuck the ukrainians and all of that.

Yeah, this thing started as a Facebook project and I don’t even go on Facebook anymore. I got sick of them. I got sick of reading the posts. I got sick of bored people putting their opinions out there and I truly got sick of the algorithm feeding me one thing and yet feeding other people others. I got tired of the noise and the nonsense and the stupidity. But I kept writing. I wanted to know more and I wanted to make sure my thinking was clear. 

It wasn’t moving out of the city that isolated me from people. It was thinking. It was genuinely considering things that separated me. The alternative is emotional Hysteria.

Perhaps it might be time to civilize civilization. Perhaps it’s time to put away our toys and relax and do things intelligently for a while. Perhaps it’s time to end slavery. Perhaps it’s definitely time to end profiteering. Perhaps it’s time to let the world breathe a little bit. I mean, the absolute bottom line truth is it might already be too late.

If it is by the way, and I’m speaking from personal experience here, we may never get in our lifetime or in our children’s or our children’s children’s lifetime 100% clean air and water. We may never get back the same we need to survive and thrive. But perhaps we can just stop poisoning ourselves. Perhaps we can stop poisoning our environment. Perhaps we can stop eating poisoned food at least or at least understand why we are eating poisoned food and drinking poisoned water and breathing poisoned air. Perhaps we can just wake up from our Insanity for just a moment and quietly and reasonably and carefully think of a better way.

Me personally? I am, aren’t I? I’m not here to be an Instagram star. I’m not here to get famous or become rich. I’m not here to get into politics or to be an Oracle or a guru. I just changed my life to allow myself a bit more fresh air, clean water and clean food. I’m just telling you about it and what a heartbreak it is fighting a world that wants nothing but to take it away from me. I just did it for some green food and thought you might like to hear about it. I thought maybe having some thoughts you don’t have yourself might be helpful.


It’s a little after 6:00 on Friday morning and I’m listening to the pity pad of water dripping off my roof. The rain collection outside my window is the worst one of everything I had. I genuinely thought it would be a place to harvest water but it’s very weak flow. This particular part of the roof dumps water in two places. The first half of the roof falls into a rain gutter that leads to my barrel now, two barrels actually. And the rest of the slope drops water at the base of my walnut tree which is rather huge.

I don’t really want to do anything to cut the flow off of the walnut tree. We didn’t get many nuts last year. We’re getting a few more this year. But the thing has very citrus smelling leaves and provides some cool shade for the back of the house. I’m not playing with it. I’m only thinking that I probably could find another place for that second barrel. I don’t actually have space for it anywhere unfortunately but I don’t think I’ll ever get two full barrels out of that location.

That we are getting some rain today is a positive. According to my ridiculously unreliable weather sources, it should continue raining a little bit all day today and tomorrow and then even Sunday. That makes today an easier day for me and I’m not complaining. The water barrels are already full but if we do get natural precipitation, it just means that I get to do some easy gardening if I want but I don’t have to drag out any pumps to do any specific watering. I don’t mind that one bit.

As far as cleaning up the house goes, there’s not really that much to do. If Lena decides to show up, the floors will get a wipe. That’s positive. If she doesn’t, the floors will get a sweep and things will get put away. I will be honest with you, I don’t live with a woman full time so I don’t really have these aesthetic touches that come along with such situations. I also have lower outgo and have less dependency on money because of this. The two go hand in hand. You can argue with me if you want but I spend time regularly in my ex partner’s apartment and if I even bother to think of how much money she spends to keep her place going, maybe you can understand why I live alone out here.

No, that’s not true or Fair. It’s not about many. Well, it is about money. I don’t have a lot of it. I’ve said this a thousand times but I’m not broke but I’m not rich. I’m not even particularly well off but I’m okay in this region. And I’m okay in my own particular situation that I’ve set up for myself. I don’t have very many bills to pay for this house. Nitpicky bureaucratic additions can get handled as can by monthly bills even in winter. I am in a perfect situation for a fixed income or even a non income. I’m just not worried about money and I get to put my mind on other things. This is about my only happiness other than eating a lot of fresh food that I had a hand and growing myself or that grows wild here.

Other than that, it’s just going to be one of these comfortable summer days. The weather is not going to be too hot. If my other neighbors decide to come up, it won’t be until tomorrow. I’m not really going to engage in any social activity with my direct neighbors. Friday nights and Saturdays are mine and really all I have to do today is make sure everything’s clean, do some pre-cooking so I have food to eat without work and take it easy. Maybe I’ll go grind on my weeding problem a little bit if I feel it. It’s a lovely place to be. Today is as painless as days are for me.

I also want to add one more thing without too much specifics. I made a small change in my own medical Care and I seem to be having positive results. No specifics because it’s none of your goddamn business but sometimes I take care of myself well and make good decisions. I’m feeling a lot better these days or at least the last few days of this week. Less pain means more freedom of movement and more freedom of movement means more possibilities to get things done. All of this is excellent for my mood.

So really again, I’m sorry for not having more philosophy to share. I guess I have made some point about the normalness of committing crimes against each other. It’s a pretty horrible world to live in when you’re in constant fear. I just wonder how many people realize how bad they have it. Usually you don’t realize how awful life is until a decent change comes your way. Then you understand how much pain you’ve been in.

As far as my conservative friend goes, he decided to push on this rib business. I guess he was hungry for ribs. I don’t know why it’s impossible for him to catch a clue but I just told him to give it a try for a couple of days. There is no animal on the planet that he could, did naked and without any mechanical help, kill and dismember and even find a way to separate ribs. My friend isn’t even particularly an outdoorsman. I doubt he could even make fire by himself.

Like I said, it’s a question of guilty mind. If one day the Revelation that meat is murder actually seeps into our collective consciousness, how many of us would understand how guilty we are? I’m not just talking about killing, I’m talking about all of the other crimes against humanity that we have all committed in our collective and sanity along the way.

Heifer whines could be human cries
Closer comes the screaming knife
This beautiful creature must die
This beautiful creature must die

A death for no reason
And death for no reason is MURDER
And the flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It’s death for no reason

And death for no reason is MURDER
And the calf that you carve with a smile is MURDER
And the turkey you festively slice is MURDER
Do you know how animals die?


It’s 10:00 a.m. and I believe I’m in the middle of my most purposeful day in a very long time. In fact, I am being so purposeful it is a bit shocking to myself.

I’m on a break for no other reason than I broke the stick I was using to take down some weeds. How I got to this place is kind of an interesting series of events. I’m not so sure it’s the explanation for this energy. I’ll take a stab at that in a few minutes but first, how exactly did I get here?

So, no Lena again. This either means that she decided herself not to bother or somebody got to her. I bet on the latter. People here love to tear other people down. Christian punishment and all of that. And of course Lena just wants to be loved. It doesn’t take very much attention to sway her mind.

So, the next question was whether or not I felt pain from the loss. Like all things, probably a little yes and a little no. On the one hand, I got my floors mopped. This was a plus. And there was some jolly conversation. She acted like she liked me quite a bit and I’m sure this felt good. 

However, if we drop the positives for her being gone, well, that’s pretty easy. I save a little money that could go to better things. I don’t have to catch covid. Alcoholic covid is rather tedious and avoiding it as much as possible is probably a good hobby. And of course, I do not have to get up and be on a schedule to make sure that where she’s going to clean is actually available. I have to pick up the rugs, sweep the floor (she does not sweep before she mops) and of course hide all of the money. I apologize about that last one but you know, you would think it goes without saying.

This is just the math though. In addition to this, there is another Factor that has been a bit of a problem for me for a while now. I am a bit empathetic. This is by nature of course but the veganism sort of brings it out in me. When I was in the hospital, all they had to do was put some guy in the bed next to me and immediately I would start coughing. Leave the bed empty, and my natural immune system would push whatever that other fellow had out of me in about 24 hours. This has been the case even from the beginning of the pandemic. Hang out with other people, come home sick. Stay away from people and I regain my health.

So this brings me back to the question of where all of this productive energy comes from. To be specific, I’ve already swept the house, cleaned up an area near the door that has needed attention all year, went through and cut One path completely to the end in the lentil Garden, turned the corner and started back to finish yet another one. The only thing that stopped me was running into a rock that ended up breaking the stick I was using.

How I got to that stick though is another question. I made a few changes to my own personal medical care and whatever I just did, worked. It’s been a couple of days since I did it but it seems I have inspired actual healing. Again, I can blame myself for missing an obvious flaw and letting it go on too long. I can also blame the medical establishment for not having hooked me up months ago when I went to them. That story is well covered. But left to my own devices, really I get left to my own devices a lot in this world, I usually find a way to fix my own problems. This is something else that I have been doing for a very, very long time and why I am not ultimately very harmed by losing an alcoholic floor mopper, nice as she might be.

Suddenly, I don’t mind being on my feet. Found nine potato beetles. Not so many this time and the plants look pretty darn healthy with the regular rain. Took a stick with me and cleaned up the sweet potato garden. Actually that’s what made me notice that it was actually a pretty good instrument for knocking down weeds. I took it with me to the path and sure enough it made fast work of all of the weeds growing in the path.

The other day, I got a thought and started searching for a cordless electric weed wacker. I sent it off to my ex partner who was shocked that I was thinking about it. As always, she asked me if I wanted it and if she should buy it right away. She is empathetic towards emotional economic decisions. Reason number 635 why she is now my ex partner. But no, I was only thinking about it. Amazingly, with just a little bit of human energy and a decent tool, I can do almost everything a weed whacker can do and also I don’t have to spend money or have extra garbage hanging around my house.

But would it be more convenient? Would it help the economy? Would it give me a sense of power to be able to do all of this killing simply with a flick of my finger rather than asking my musculature to actually physically do the work? Sure. But, if I don’t buy it and I have a way to do this job and I physically can do this job because I’ve managed to cure myself of a good percentage of the pain that had me on the couch for a couple of weeks, why spend the money? If I can sweep my own floors in about 10 minutes, why spend the money?

So I am in the middle of a Renaissance right now. The list of reasons for this that come to mind probably go something like this. Firstly, my leg is not really bothering me right now and with a lack of pain, comes quite a bit of energy. If I know I’m not going to ruin myself by walking on it, it is rather pleasant to walk around and do things. Healthier for you and all of that.

Next, I put potatoes back into my diet and generally threw away cooking oil. But even that pales to the addition of green smoothies every day. No oil cooking and all of the nutrition that comes along with all of those raw greens probably has a lot to do with how much energy I have in my body right now. I could probably put that in as to why my leg feels better. This would not so much be exactly about the actual problems but an increase in my immune system and tensile strength of my muscles because of better nutrition would absolutely play A part. You can’t ignore diet.

After this, it could be that my body was already trained to be active and do cleaning on this day of the week. This is my usual day to clean up and the fact that it’s here probably had my natural metabolism working.

On top of this though, perhaps not having Lena is a bit of an energy depletion that I don’t have to experience. I’m naming a bunch of things here so don’t hate me. Well, you can hate me and probably do anyway but I’m just saying that removing something that is an economic and emotional drain would actually allow a touch more energy.

My last bits of Sherlock Holmes have to do with the weather. It’s been cool and not hot. Cloud cover and rain have been the norm for the last while and so I’m not really getting beaten down by too much heat. I’m not really built for walking around in the desert. This is not to say that I couldn’t do it but it would take me a while to adapt. Right now, I live in this weather and what we had a couple of weeks ago was way too much for me and everything growing in my field.

Finally, it might just be the energy that comes naturally because we have passed the solstice. The Sun is going away. It’s a shock to every living thing. Everything knows that it’s time to get going and do what it has to do. This means reproduction and coming back to life next spring. There is a ton of energy right now as all the living things work overtime in their race against the darkness and cold that is coming.

Of all of my thoughts about where this energy comes from, this last one is my favorite. It’s not because it’s the most poetic, it is because it is the most natural. I probably believe in that as much as anything. I’m also happier to be a part of that. I’m actually happier to be a part of that then I am in any way unhappy about any societal exclusions that come my way. In such a society, I’m sure I’m not missing very much at all.

Anyway, I’ve got to get a new instrument to finish this job. After this, I have to rake up all the weeds I’ve knocked down and transport them to my compost pile. I’m sort of thinking of starting a new compost pile A Little closer. I’m not sure exactly how much natural material I will have available to me at the beginning of next growing season but by my estimate, I’ve already moved a few hundred kilos of plants. That is the one thing here that I have in absolute abundance. By not cutting my grass with an electric weed wacker, I have enough organic material all by myself not to have to worry about animal feces.

Self-sufficiency for me probably equates to self-sufficiency for humanity. You can argue blah blah blah about convenience and limits and supersizing what we have. We can also learn to make do on things that do not come along with pain, torture and brutality.

Back to work? Back to work. It feels good. Why not?


You know, I did forget one thing. This concerns the possibility of having a bit more energy.

I started doing meditation workouts again this week. It came because I was starting to feel really bad on the couch. I was on the couch because I couldn’t walk. At least two things have nothing to do with one another. But just to keep the blood flowing and to fall into a completely jellyfish-like state, I started playing with weights again. I’m not an accurate lifter and I don’t keep track of reps or anything like that. I have a couple of pieces of steel, a small circle that I call my o and a barbell consisting of two automobile transmissions. The second was a gift from an artist friend of mine who specializes in metal staircases these days.

Again, I don’t go through any particular routine except sometimes I just demand to keep the weight going for a particular period of time. Lately I’ve just been keeping the weights going if I want to watch a video. It’s not very much but it puts a little bit of strain on your heart and it demands that you keep a level of tension in your body. You have to control the weight for a while. After that, it’s not any sort of a bloodthirsty thing at all. Like I said, it’s more of a meditation than anything but there is a benefit to playing with weights. There is definitely a benefit to playing with weights.

So again, if I’m playing Sherlock Holmes here and trying to figure out what’s going on, you can’t forget that. You start playing with weights, your heart gets stronger and your body has more energy in it. Write that in a book and don’t forget it.

And even one more thing. You wouldn’t think this matters but maybe it does. I started playing guitar again. Again, completely unseriously. But I did pick it up and started asking myself to copy melodies that I could sing. My hands are a mess from all of this labor I’ve been doing this year. But, you don’t practice something for 40 years without having some abilities. I was able to get some music out of it.

Of course you could contribute these two pieces of the puzzle to any of the other pieces of the puzzle. Eventually though I think the answer is the synergistic effect of building one positive on top of the other. Sometimes you remove a negative and the vacuum created draws in a positive. Keep that thing going along with all of the other positive aspects of life and you might actually catch some momentum. Again, it doesn’t have to be gospel but go ahead and write that in a book too. Just remember I said it. You know, plagiarism is a crime.


I love it. It’s 1:30 and we are getting a nice rain. I don’t know how long this is going to last and we are expecting rain even in another 90 minutes. But if this thing or anything in the next 2 hours is for real, it means I do not have to get out there and water today. Believe me, this is a happy thought.

I went out again before and knocked down all the rest of the paths except for two small sections. I used my bocce gata which is a bit of a clumsy tool for this but it’s unbreakable. I put it back on the long stick and marched out and just brute strength my way through the overgrown pathways. I still need to rake up and carry all of the vegetation to the compost heap. But the serious work is done.

My work for the week is actually pretty close to being finished. I wouldn’t say that I’m completely finished cleaning inside but I would say I’m 90% to where I want to be. I could spend a few more minutes in that area near my front door I guess. I can make it look a little bit more orderly. But the floors are all swept and clean, everything is in its place and I definitely don’t need any food from anywhere else except my field.

Yes, this is a lovely rain. Everybody’s going to get a drink. I love it. Seriously, it feels so good when it rains. Not only for the sweet air, the air here during the rain is delicious if I have to use a word. But I also feel good knowing that the plants are getting what they really want.

Cheers are in order for my ex partner. We have broccoli! I have kohlrabi! A lot of the things that we planted are really coming in. I pulled up an onion today that was absolutely fat. Carrots are beginning to look like carrots and I’ve got several decent sized pickles waiting to be plate side for my meal this evening. For even more good news, I even found some pods growing on my broad beans. I thought we were going to get shut out but apparently, we’re going to get something.

I’m going to make some bread for tonight. Nothing special and much lighter than the bread I made for last week. I’m also going to make a green sauce because it just makes everything taste lovely. As for my main meal, I don’t know. Maybe beans and pasta or potatoes. This center starch is just the glue that binds. It’s the bulk of the meal. The important thing is the flavor and the bread. If you’ve got good bread and you’ve got the cream with the flavor, you’re definitely good to go.

And that’s really about it. I’m sorry if you were expecting a giant crescendo here at the end of the week. When things are going good, it’s hard to be negative. I mean, if you really want something heavy, we can just think about politics for a little while. Or maybe we’re starting to realize that our politicians are making us depressed and are doing so for the purposes of making money off us.

I don’t know, I just paid my bills today. Minimalism is lovely. Truthfully, it’s been a little cold this last week or so and I actually ran the space heater once or twice at night. Still didn’t make an electrical dent. Lovely.

So, I’m not quite finished with this week’s work. I’m just saying it’s 2:00 and I’m already cruising. No hysteria whatsoever. No particular worries about horrible things happening. My body feels good. My work has been done. We’ve got enough rain to cut me some slack even and I’ve got a day off tomorrow. I’m afraid that’s it. I just can’t think of any reason to bitch right now. Cheers.


It’s 6:30 and I guess it’s about time to get to the end of it. I think I’ve written quite a few more words than I did last week. Last week, I was pretty stingy. I was in a pretty bad way last week. This week I’m a bit better. It comes from all of the reasons I mentioned above. Most of the personal stuff are pretty good ideas if you want to like yourself a little more. It’s all here. These are all the best ideas I can come up with.

The field, the last time I saw it, seemed content enough without my watering it. We’re supposed to have a little more rain tomorrow and then even more on Sunday. I’ve been lied to before by The weather service and I’ve not backed off that fact one bit. Nevertheless, it’s not vitally important for me to do that job right now so I’m going to let it go.

These Friday night meals have a touch of religion in them. We can argue about exactly how religious I am or how correctly I manage my ceremonies. But I am pretty good about saying my prayers and making sure that the meal, the evening and the entire next day are extremely special. Extremely special is even a stupid way to say it. It’s sacrosanct. It’s religion. It’s a tribute to God. It’s a tribute to myself and my belief that taking a day off is the first key to genuine freedom. Taking that day for yourself and not allowing the currents of the world to take you along no matter what is a giant step towards personal freedom. I highly recommend it and believe it is a practice that the entire world should have. Everybody needs an absolutely religious day off to only take care of themselves.

Of course, in a society in general, you could not have everybody quitting on Saturdays. The hospitals and the ambulance drivers for example would need to be around. Emergency people and the fire department of course would need to be on call. They say you’re not supposed to use electricity on Saturdays but I do so I suppose the people that keep the power going should be there. This last point is a bit negotiable really but I would definitely go with doctors and emergency people. They could take turns I guess.

But it would be okay if the entire world went home for their Saturdays. Every store is closed. The roads are closed to automobiles. The trains don’t run and the airplanes don’t fly. The politicians don’t talk or meet. Television shuts off I guess and no new material gets generated. YouTube and Instagram shut down. Literally, the world says thank you for my week and I’m going to rest now.

What do you do on these days? It’s an interesting question. I have had arguments with very religious people about this. I asked if I could ride my bike or play my guitar and was told that these were no nos. I’ve done them though. Could a kid play ball? I don’t know. Maybe yes. I’ve read some essays from reformed rabbis that say that exercise for mental stability and personal well-being are probably a good idea for days off. We don’t need laws telling people they can’t move around. Technically, I guess I should do some gardening or I could do some gardening if I wanted to but I don’t specifically because that Garden is my main physical activity. This means I need a day off from all of my regular stuff. Maybe this is the point. If you play ball all the time, you probably shouldn’t on Saturday.

As to what I get from these days off, it genuinely seems to be a lot. People may not believe me but I tend to feel the sunset on Friday and Saturday. I’m not trying to convince anybody that there is mysticism. I’m just saying that I believe I have felt it and that it’s there. But that’s not to me the main thing. To me, it’s just the ability to disappear and leave whatever it is that’s going on. They say that you get to leave your cares behind for any number of vacation opportunities, cruises, trips to exotic places, etc. But this is exactly what I do on my Saturdays. I just let it go. I just don’t care for a day. I just relax and quit fighting. I’m just taking a breath and relaxing.

There are obvious health benefits to this. Sometimes I lose a little muscle tone. I don’t just burst out of the gates like a racehorse on Saturday night. Sometimes I have a lot of energy on Sundays but mostly I’m pretty happy when my ex partner shows up and does the bulk of the work. That may have a bunch of sides to it but what I’m saying is you don’t just rev right back up to 10,000 RPMs. I end up staying slow for a while.

But then again, the thing is if you understand that going slow is probably what you need. Eventually that becomes the entire point is that you don’t need to live your life all the way to hysteria and beyond. It’s actually better to live a quieter life. More peace, more free thinking, more calm thinking and better judgment. It is after all the thing that separates the slave from the human being. If you don’t believe me, try it sometime.

Maybe this is really what it’s all about. Once you go away, you never really come back. No matter how much they ask you to pay attention to them, no matter how many times you hear that Saturday is their only day, it’s never worth it. It’s only worth it when you let it go. And if other people don’t get it, it’s their loss. And if you end up doing without them, that’s their loss too.

So this is it for me. I’m going to go have a nice meal. Actually I’m going to say a prayer first and then have a really nice meal. It’s my day off. Till Sunday then. Shabbat shalom.

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