
Thursday, June 30th 2022

If this is the last day of June, I am happy to be getting out of it. Of course with the two hottest months of the year coming up and me with what appears to be an almost unsolvable water problem, I think it literally might be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I’m not so sure about my case for getting rid of this pump. I might have to try selling it privately. The fact that we got it at a great discount is a positive. I can sell it at a great discount and get my money back or close to it. There are just too many things wrong with this pump for my usage. I will not say it is a horrible pump when you actually get it working. But it takes way too much trouble to get it working and when it does, it’s even too powerful for my needs.

Of course, if we can send it back, I can trade it for a smaller model. This is all step by step and I’m not completely sure of the steps as of yet. In the worst case scenario, I can just go back to my first pump. It should not be used in the well and it is inefficient for pumping from the tanks. On the other hand, it’s very loud which means it will disturb my neighbors. You have to take your happiness where you can find it.

My ex partner is finished with her vacation. She has been visiting family. She says everything has been quiet. No real news. I think that makes sense with all things considered. The current plan is for her to come for a visit on Monday. I think the lavender will finally go into the ground on Monday because of it. I’m still not sure where this lavender is going to go. I’m also not sure we have enough water to support it. But let’s keep fighting. You never can tell. I don’t believe in it but maybe I’m smart enough to figure this crap out.

One interesting point is that I am absolutely not hungry. I find that strange because I probably had my lightest eating day of the year yesterday. I poured some blenderized greens and sunflower seeds over oatmeal for breakfast. And for dinner I ate a tomato with some sunflower seeds. I wasn’t particularly hungry at the end of the day yesterday. I was more hot and miserable than I was hungry. But even flying down to go to sleep was not particularly difficult. Very strange.

I’ve heard from some people that the diet that I am eating is what people choose when they want to stop eating. This is exactly the phrase that I heard. I’m not sure if this means people who are specifically going to fast or whether it’s about people who are just tired of eating food. I don’t think these two are the same thing but I can see where they might sometimes go together.

I would not say that I’m bored of eating. I say this to mean that my diet is not interesting enough. That’s not the issue at all. I think it has more to do with the heat. My body is just not happy having to process food when it’s this hot. I seem to be much more comfortable empty.

It is pretty strange though. I’m really not used to this particular feeling I’m experiencing right now. I don’t seem to have a lack of energy. I have a fear of pain of course. That is omnipresent these days. But I have no particular drive to go get something to eat. It’s as if that particular nervous habit has simply left me. Maybe I should eat. Maybe it would be better if I did. But it seems like a purely logical decision. And like I said, to me this is really strange.

I sent a message to my friend at the Jewish community and asked him if he wanted to add a few more words about this week’s Torah portion and he said he would be happy to do it. The last two times I’ve used his commentary to balance my own, it started with a face to face visit and I was able to both record our conversation on a Dictaphone and push his storytelling a little bit with questions. It’s hard for me sometimes when there are great gaps. I agree that eventually, you can see it which apparently is his point unilaterally. But I’m math, science and logic much more than belief so I’m interested to see what’s going to come out of this freehand.

What else? We are again supposed to have rain but I don’t see a single cloud in the sky. The times for rainfall are supposed to be 12 and 4 but if I was in Las Vegas, I might put the entire family fortune betting on no. The weather service is 0 for 4 and they were not even close. Just miserable hot days and all of the vegetation on my property is looking very dry and very sick.

I know it’s really early to be making thoughts like this. I’m not saying having thoughts but making them. It might simply be mathematically impossible to grow fruit trees here anymore. I’m sure there was a time even a decade ago when apples, apricots, cherries and both hazelnuts and walnuts were as easy as dropping them in the ground. Perhaps there was a time earlier when one could have food for us that produces without too much effort.

I also might have been right the first time and simply digging some holes for some squash and zucchini, some trees and berry bushes would have been the way to go. I’m not sorry I went through the effort of building and filling these boxes. I really wanted to feel alive. I really wanted to be able to move for a change. But now later in the year and heading into the season, though I’m pretty happy with the soil in the boxes and how the plants are performing in them, I don’t seem to be able to keep up with the effort. My body is just not letting me and I can’t seem to get any help from the medical authorities. Even to have to imagine This bureaucrat up in Minsk who is literally taking pleasure in physically and mentally torturing me over months and months is beyond thinking. I mean, I understand social medicine has its problems and that you wait in line but this is a personal attack. It’s brain breaking the sadism sometimes.

But at the end of the day, it turns out to be a really interesting fight. They bring the sheer power in numbers they believe they have, they go deeply into their desire to make a scapegoat out of me, traditional for all Jews, but yet I’m not asking them for anything but to open their eyes and understand that they are fighting for unsustainable lifestyles and they’re not even very good at it.

What this means is that I could argue about American personalities. I can tell you how difficult it is trying to have relationships with people who just do not need to budge for anyone and speak with you as if they’re personal level of paranoia or Insanity is just unbreakable. They are just too locked into their lives to come out of it. There is no philosophical discussion. There is no idealism. They are just going to bully forward and nobody is going to stop them.

Okay, this would be the argument in Minsk against me. But seriously, I just want to know how to play the game. I just want some hard answers on how I can go about doing my business as effectively as possible and take care of myself. If you just tell me what resources I have available, I will budget accordingly and I do not need any extra pain along the way regardless of my passport or ethnic heritage.

But you could make the argument for Americans because they do seem to have a ridiculous amount of money by comparison to people here. Blah blah blah bootstraps. Blah blah blah a winning ethic. All of this psychological clap trap is bullshit. If you have these sorts of resources available to you and you have some concept of how to play the game (and you are willing to do all of the ass kissing necessary to stay in the game), at least you have a reward.

Here, they are asked for the same Olympic style ass kissing, but there is absolutely no reward for it. We’re not just talking about less money, we’re talking about almost no money. We are talking about perpetual poverty and insult.

All I’m doing is saying that we have a gigantic, obvious, right in front of your face, ecological disaster going on. It is knowable, seeable and understandable. It doesn’t take too much brain power to do the A + b + C for it. You do not need to be of genius status for this information to be available for digestion. Nobody needs to give you a degree nor do you need enough money to pay for the education to understand that we have a gigantic possibly irrevocable ecological catastrophe on our hands and the only way to deal with it is for us all to help together.

This is the thing that is most frustrating as I cruise past 3 million words on the subject. It is that we must work together, every single person individually, purposely and knowingly to try and get out of this unsustainable garbage making carbon wasting gasoline using lifestyle. We simply have to find a satisfying mode of living that does not pollute the planet.

This is all I do. This is all I say. This is at the root and heart of everything I do. I don’t know why people don’t fucking get it.

I am an ecologist. I am interested in ecology. I am interested in intelligent resource management for the purpose of creating a sustainable lifestyle for human beings on the planet Earth. I am not interested in the suicide of our race and that it takes all living things with it. I am not interested in doomsday scenarios. I’m not interested in banal speakers saying “well, we will just go extinct and the world will right itself without us.” I’m not interested in passive scenarios where we just all agree to suffer when the suffering comes. Fuck that! I suffer now and I have to tell you that you don’t want great periods of suffering in your life. I don’t care how Christian masochistic You think You are, you don’t want to be a displaced bombed Ukrainian right now going out on the road with a couple of knob sacks of belongings hoping somebody in the future will take care of you. You don’t want to go through a waterless landscape hoping to get a drink and dying like famine ridden Africans who can’t grow any food anymore because of our gasoline use.

I’m just saying that water management is really hard. I’m not really physically up for it. I’m in too much pain. I got away with it for a while but now I can’t seem to get away with it anymore. I have literally minutes or perhaps an hour or so before I’ve torn myself up too bad to move for a while. This is ridiculous and I don’t understand why I have to be tortured for simply wanting and improvement on my situation. I don’t know why I have to be tortured for accepting something they offered me in the first place.

I really need to find some legal help to bomb that woman. I really need to write in her book. I don’t know if they still do but they used to have these books that people could make comments in. I would love to write in This woman’s book and let it be on her record forever what she has purposefully done specifically to me. People like that should never, ever exist in public service. And a woman who takes obvious pleasure over the course of a long period of time in torturing people in need of medical help, this is Mengele. This is Nazism. This is just cruelty.

What a mess, right?

All right, I’ve got to get moving. I believe Lane is going to come by to clean up the floors a bit. I might also ask her if she can go to the store for me for some flour and maybe some oatmeal and dried peas. I don’t know if she’ll agree to it or not but I’m going to ask. In the meantime, I’ve got to go pick up the rugs.

Seriously, what a mess.


8:15 now and Lena just left. Truthfully, the house really is so much better with clean floors. The woman is blind as a bat so general cleaning is simply not possible. But she is a floor cleaning wizard. Well, if you convince her to slow down and you help her sweep the floors first and then pick up the pile of dust you’ve swept for her because she can’t see it. But everything is nice and she is always a friend.

I don’t really mean to get into any trouble but for some reason my ex partner decided to call me on the telephone. She reads this blog, most probably understood that I was expecting Lena today and made sure to find a reason to call. Jealousy? No, of course not. Why for any reason on this planet would two women be jealous of me?

On the negative side, this was my first blast of covid in a while. I have a couple of friends in America who just caught it for the first time. I don’t know if they have been inoculated or not. He says that they are both suffering from it.

Does anybody else want to blame the pandemic on globalism? Seriously, consider this very carefully. Would we have such a thing as global pandemics in a world without global traveling? You can’t watch videos from anyone on any subject without being reminded that we all buy from everywhere in the world. Where does the energy come from to pay for all of this travel? I say eat locally, live locally, make friends with the locals. Well, plus minus on that last one in my case but you get the idea.

Before she showed up I managed to get out and look around. We have a couple of roses making their appearance. They were planted by my ex partner. But it was so hot yesterday, 38 was the max and literally, record-breaking temperatures, and it was enough to burn the pedals of the big Rose. Very sad, the little one is coming.

Lena tells me that quite a few fruit trees in town have been burned and starved for water. You just can’t grow fruit trees here anymore I guess.

On a minor positive note, when I checked the well first thing in the morning I found the level at 220 cm. This leaves me with about 300 L available. Not good but better than it was. And if I have no choice but to draw from my will, at least I have a pump that will do that job quickly. It’s not the pump I need or want and my ex partner tells me that we might not be able to send it back. Maybe I can try to sell it locally. But as far as pulling water from the well and getting it to the available tanks to make sure I have water on hand, it’s a minor Plus. I have access to about one tank a day and one tank equals one watering, at least with the old noisy pump.

Lena also told me that her mother sent along her hello. Her mother is a fellow sufferer of diabetes. She’s already lost a leg and lives in a wheelchair. Now she’s lost a few fingers on her hand as well. Nefarious, nefarious, and nefarious disease. Seriously, of all the things you should probably listen to me, this is one of them that should be listened to. Eat healthy natural foods. Stay away from the factories and the fast foods. Eat well, stay well and stay healthy. Trust me on this.

The potatoes bounced back after I abused them with the pump yesterday. I only found two leaves with the telltale Orange seeds on them. Only a couple of beetles were crawling around waiting for me to come and pretty much give them their exit Visa from the planet. The potatoes look good. I have so many potatoes and I’m going to need to go in there and decide for the last time which of them I want to eat and which of them to give away. Lana suggests that I send my leftovers to Ria who has animals to feed. I could not agree more.

Other than this, I really don’t have a lot to do today. I had breakfast already. Another smoothie with sunflower seeds, some buckwheat and fresh greens from the garden. It went down pretty well and I feel pretty good. I’m still not hungry.

I’m still absolutely just not hungry.


It’s 9:30 and nothing particular is going on. I filled up the water buckets for inside the house and in a little while, I’m going to dump my water tank. It looks like this is going to be something I have to do everyday. This picture here to the left is the weather broadcast. And as you can see, they just won’t stop lying about yesterday or the day before. I have absolutely no belief that we’re looking at any rain today either.

The reason for this particular addition is a crazy Sparrow who came for a visit. I have all the windows and doors open. It’s the only way to suffer the current weather. It’s actually kind of pleasant right now but it is definitely more pleasant indoors than outdoors. Maybe this Sparrow was thinking the same thing. He flew in through the open kitchen window, wondered how he got into such a situation, flew to the left and the right looking for an exit and then came through the office and out the window. No big deal. I have a lot of birds here, if one wants to come into the house. It’s not a big deal.

But then a minute later he came back in again. The same way he came in and looked around to see what the story was and then left. Crazy. But crazier was when he did it a third time. This time I made a noise. I said something like “come on already!” And this made him very nervous. But not nervous enough because once he had exited he flew around again and came back in again. I again made a noise and he again left and that was the last time.

Okay, now that I’m thinking about it maybe it was not a he but a she. Maybe she is looking for a place to make a nest. I can see why this would make her nervous. Most of the women I know in the world are nervous beyond belief. If she knows she’s going to lay some eggs, I can see why she would be a bit out of her head looking for a place to be.

I hope I didn’t scare her too much with my words. I guess I should be more tolerant. On the other hand, do I need a bird building a nest inside my house? There are millions of places to make a nest. Please, nest. Be happy and I wish you luck with your children. I wish you better luck with your children then I’ve had with my children. But in the house? I still can’t even pull the trigger on a cat and a dog. Is it really necessary for me to have a mother Sparrow living with me? No, I don’t need that.


Forgive me, just one more moment worth mentioning on this very, very hot day.

So, Lena came by to clean the floors and when she was done she asked me if there was anything else she could do for me. Indeed, I do have a few jobs that she would be perfect for and I will absolutely hire her for these jobs. One of them is to clean out the root cellar. I have a bunch of potatoes in there. Some of them are bad and some of them are growing and some of them are probably good enough to eat. They are the bottom of the barrel to be sure but I’m going to have to go in there and pick which ones come up to be part of my menu for this last month. For sure, I will much appreciate her help for that and, if it is humanly possible, to call Maybe Ghenna to come by with a cart, for his own tip without question, and transport the remainder to Ria to be fed to her animals.

Now, the way I handled this particular bit of business today was that when the floors were cleaned, I paid Lena her fee. She said thank you, looked at the money hoping for more but accepted her fate. She told me what it costs, I agreed and here we were.

However, I did have one more task that she could do if she was not opposed to doing it. I really don’t want to make the trip to the store if I don’t have to and ordered three things which I knew would cost less than 10 rubles and gave her 15 for the trip. She was not obligated to take this. I did not order her. I simply showed her the last of my Belarusian money and asked her if she was okay with this. She said she was and after a lot of talking about people suffering in her family from various diseases, she was off.

Well, however long ago that was was however long that was. I really wasn’t worried about it nor was I in particular need of some split peas or white flour. Then a few minutes ago, I heard her coming. For a blind woman, she makes a lot of noise and speaks in a very loud voice. I have often wondered if she’s not only blind but also deaf. But then again, everybody around here is deaf and screams at each other instead of talking quietly.

I needed to get up and watch her presentation that she had done the job that I had asked her to do. She had her shopping bag with her and she made some great statements about how she had finished this job and had done her business well and that I probably was worried because she had been so long but that of course she had done the job because of course she was the most trustworthy person in the world. I nodded a lot during this speech.

But then she went into another speech complaining about the prices of everything. Where did the money go? Where was the money from all that I had given her. And from this she produced a small handful of change. That’s it? Yes, that was it. Seriously? Yes seriously.

I told her that it didn’t make sense. I gave her more money than this. She had bought some milk with her package of things. I didn’t hold it against her that she had bought milk. I asked her if milk now cost five rubles. She said no, milk was only a ruble or so. A ruble and a half I believe if I remember correctly. And then she came out and told me that the handful of change was for the goods that I wanted in addition to the milk. And then she complained again that money just flew away from her.

About here the light bulb lit and a thought dawned on me and I asked her what had happened to the other rubles that I had given her for the effort of going to the store and back. Here a smile of great innocence spread over her face and a light Shone upon her as if the angels were making a presentation of a truly godly woman. Yes, she agreed money flies away quickly.

Did you buy some wine with the money? Her voice answered like thunder. I should be ashamed for even thinking such a thing. I felt bad for even having the thought. I thought of all the things that that particular amount of money would buy and none of those things were in the sack. She must have stopped off at home for the stuff she didn’t want me to see. Why did she need me to see the milk?

I mentioned to her that in actuality, I could also use some barley and buckwheat. I’m completely out of these right now and I probably should have mentioned it earlier. She was ready to go back to the store. The store is a good place for her. She finds a lot of happiness going there. In fact if there was yet another payment of rubles to again go back to the store, by golly she would be happy to do it and I should know about that.

I agreed that I understood. Unfortunately, this was all of my available Belarusian money. I had specifically saved it knowing that Lena would be coming. No, I’m not looking for nostalgia or thanks. I was only thinking that I had a responsibility and that I would be there for that responsibility and if I say I will do something, it must be known that I will do it. No, no one should ever come to me off schedule and ask for money. It’s a good way to get yourself kicked out. But if this deal of picking up some stray rubles works for the both of us and you don’t mind cleaning the floor and helping with the root cellar and perhaps going to the store from time to time, by God we have a relationship that works. And if it works for her, it works for me and I will do my part and make sure I have enough rubles lying around to make it worth her while.

Other than the smash in the face of covid from her presence in my house, I’m pretty satisfied. She’s a nice old girl when she comes into work on time. She brings a lot of energy with her, both positive and negative. She is as nervous as a pregnant sparrow, blind as a bat and crazy as a loon. But by God she is on my team and I’m a better man for it.


It’s 1:00 p.m. in the middle of another ridiculously hot day and I have been outside for 2 hours trying to get this pump to work. It doesn’t. It doesn’t work. I cannot make it take water from my well no matter what I do. I have primed it at least 15 times and used almost 20 L of water just to get the thing going. It starts, it whirls, it’s plugged in as much as possible. It just will not draw water into its system and pump it today. I don’t know what I did, I don’t know what they did to make this damn thing. But this pump does not work.


Okay, you live and you learn. Maybe it wasn’t a completely wasted day. Maybe it was a completely wasted day.

I gave up and I called Dima and I asked him if he had any ideas. We connected via video and I showed him what was up and everything was in order except that I did not seem to have a check valve. A check valve is a device that simply allows only one direction of water to flow through. It should be used with some kind of a filter. Because I failed to understand this nuance, when pulling water out of my well, if there is any break in the pressure, like for example if the leader and a half of water I prime the pump with originally is not sufficient to fill the hose itself, without a check valve, the water will just drop and the pressure will be lost. This explains a lot about what happened yesterday. It actually worked the first time without any problems. I don’t know why I got so lucky.

So this is one more trip to the market and one that I absolutely do not want to make. If I can figure out a way to do this without going back to town, I will do it.

So I put about 4 hours into playing with this pump today. You can call me any number of names relating to stupid you want and I will agree with all of them. About the only positive thing was that one of my neighbors, a bicyclist named Tanya, passed by to go hunt for blueberries in the forest despite the fact that she had a broken leg. She broke her leg when she jumped off the bike coming to a stop and stepped on something she shouldn’t have. Very inspirational how she went walking in the forest with a crutch and a cast. Even I wouldn’t do that.

On the way back, she offered to sell me some and I agreed to buy them. It was those berries that got my brain functioning enough to give Dima a call. It was the first fruit I’ve had in a while. Forest blueberries.

So there’s all kinds of thinking about what can be done tomorrow. My ex partner is coming up at about 10:00 by bus. If I can get a hold of her before she gets on that bus, perhaps I can convince her to take a cab and stop by the market and do the pickup for me. This is more money than I wish to ever have spent but it’ll save me the ride into town. And if we have a problem understanding each other, we always have Viber and we can show each other what we’re talking about. This is a lazy justification for my not going to town. I agree with that as much as anything.

Unfortunately, absolutely nothing got done today except I made my well all cloudy from all of the activity. Uselessly, I sat outside in the sun playing with that freaking pump. If we all understand each other, maybe we can fix this damn thing once and for all and little by little, we figure out how to make all this work for us appropriately.

Meanwhile, The weather service is five for five for the exact same type of impotence as I experienced today. Their last chance for rain predictions is coming up in about 15 minutes. I can see a slight bit of haze and a change in the light coming from over the forest. I am currently praying to God for some rain today. If we just got some rain today, all of this useless effort would be forgiven. Though it actually was, it will at least seem as if it wasn’t in vain if we can just get some bloody rain to fall.


Okay it’s about 10 minutes after 6:00 and I guess I’m getting ready to say goodbye to June. Happy to see it go. Can only hope that July is somehow better. I doubt it but you have to have hope.

My ex partner is getting on a train to come back. She agreed to do my leg work at the market tomorrow. We will run some kind of mission impossible, sharing information so she knows what she’s looking for. It’s going to be a bit of an expensive day because I’m paying for cab rides in addition to the parts. I’m getting tired of hemorrhaging money. I am getting more tired of being afraid of losing my garden to drought. Lessons learned? Perhaps. Let’s just see how this works out.

About the medical bureaucracy, of course I know nothing. I attempted to call and simply find out some good answers. They really are intent on playing with my head, especially this one lady I have mentioned here. It is a shame that they wish to bring this political abuse into things. I really don’t care about their prejudice and I’m not responsible for their mental problems. I should be saying her mental problems because most everybody who works there has been reasonable with me. I understand I can be a bit of a nudge but I just want to know. I don’t live in Minsk, I have to travel a long way for any kind of care and I just want to make sure that I’m maximizing my opportunities. Again, I don’t care how they think. I don’t spend my life serving them. I just want to know exactly what the game is and I will do my best to play it. I don’t understand why I need to have personal obstacles set up by a sadistic lunatic. I really wish the woman had more happiness in her life but I’m not surprised that she doesn’t. Those kinds of things usually go together.

As far as getting stuff done today, The only positive was getting the floor washed and maybe picking up some things from the market without having to make the bike ride through the sand. I’ll make some bread tomorrow for the evening meal and I’ve got enough vegetables flying around hopefully to make things tasty.

For dinner tonight, I had some raw hummus. Basically, I soaked some chickpeas and sunflower seeds and when they had completely hydrated, I tossed them in the blender with some homemade mustard and some sesame seeds. I added some black pepper and some heavy duty spice. I probably didn’t need the pepper and spice but, you know, Lena gave me some covid so I wanted to make sure I could taste it.

I think I like eating raw food right now. I stopped cooking on the stove a couple of days ago and I’ve had three days of smoothies in the morning. I probably should have gotten some oatmeal too. Maybe I’ll end up going to the store anyway.

Do you know much about raw veganism?

Raw veganism is a subset of veganism. Like veganism, it excludes all foods of animal origin. Then it adds the concept or raw foodism, which dictates that foods should be eaten completely raw or heated at temperatures below 104–118°F (40–48°C).

Does it sound interesting? For me in this super hot weather it seems to make a huge bit of difference. I’ll agree that I was getting a little crazy out in the sun trying to get that pump to work. But the point is that I was out there for several hours at least trying. I’m not lying about my physical state, all I’m saying is that it seems to make things a little easier if I’m not putting hot food into my body. I’ve heard people also say that they like cooked food that they allow to go cold. This is not really the same as raw vegan but at least it acknowledges the problem of eating hot food on ridiculously hot days.

To me, it just means more blender food. I will make some flatbreads tomorrow. I like having bread on the weekends but the food that I will have with it might just be variations on gazpacho. Cold soup? Why not? Cold veggie soup with fresh Greens on the side and fresh bread. Why does that sound terrible?

I won’t lie that life feels a little different these last few days. I did eat a pretty decent sized dinner. I think the hummus filled up a little more than half the blender and I ate quite a few crackers along with the fresh veggies. It was not at all the tastiest hummus I’ve ever had. I didn’t use any oil in it and I kept the spices sharp but minimal. But it’s what this feels like and how easy it all is to digest. I like it. It’s different.

I have tried all this before. I’ve tried most of the variations on veganism that I have found. I would love to say that I am concocting my own amazing thing but truthfully, I don’t really have the creativity or calm. I understand why I do not have these things and the bureaucracy of the medical system is not really to blame for this particular problem. I’m just not doing food meditations these days. Usually I just want to eat something.

But this is the thing about being willing to go out of your comfort zone. The choice to stop cooking is a pretty darn logical one if you ask me. If the weather is too hot, you want to avoid all things that lead you to getting worked up. In the winter time, I was always looking for ways to stay warm. The list was pretty simple. You could eat some cooked food, you could make a fire or you could find a way to get some exercise. All of this worked.

I don’t think working with super hot weather is exactly the polar opposite. I don’t think that it is as easy as doing the opposite. I still have things to do or some things that I need to make sure I try to do at least. At least minimal attention to the Garden is necessary if I want to have a garden. But keeping your exercise to a minimum, not lighting any fires or using any artificial heating and not eating cooked food does seem to be a good way to beat the heat. And I’m really not hungry these days so that’s something too.

So tomorrow is a big day. The ex partner is coming up to help and with any luck, yet one more required part for the water system will be enough and I will at least be able to harvest my groundwater. This wasn’t my perfect plan. I really hope that I would have been able to save enough rain. But it seems I have a good instrument for draining the tank if it works and it seems that the well comes back reasonably fast. Better to take the water when we have it then to be completely dry. You have to do everything you have to do to survive.

Also, I guess I will dive into the next Torah portion tomorrow. I wanted to do it today but I never did get the recording from my friend in the Jewish community. He must have been busy. Hopefully all of that shows up tomorrow.

Tomorrow is July. July and August are the two hottest months of the year. July is the end of my fiscal year and August is the first month of it. July hopefully will decide the last of my health issues for a while. Hopefully the two hottest months of the year don’t leave us entering the war or having the war come to us. I guess the only thing that I do know is that there won’t really be any common Sense on the way. That you can Bank on every time.

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