
Monday, June 6th 2022


Oil and weapons


It’s 9:15 a.m. and I’m on the couch in the office. It’s a hot day today already. Maybe some people would not consider this hot but I’m feeling it. The temperature is going to go up for the next few days and the next time they promise US rain will be Thursday. Even though it has been very wet through the end of May and the first week of June, I don’t believe in the weather reports at all.

Basically, there are two things that I must do about this. Today in the evening I’m going to give everything a little bit of water. Not a lot, just a little drink at the end of the day to put everybody to sleep. I’ll probably do the same thing on Wednesday and there’s a possibility I might even throw some water out there on Tuesday as well.

As of the moment, I do not have a serious reason to go to town. I do need some plumbing supplies and I do want to get a few more water tanks. If I do that this week, I pretty much need to go to town. I can’t buy the tanks without money unless this guy will agree to do some kind of bank transfer with us. And I need some couplings to tie the tanks together. After this, the water project is basically finished. I could do something about improving the amount of roof panels feeding the fruit trees but other than that, we are saving water.

20 years ago somebody told me a joke in Poland. And he said that in America, everything was possible. In Poland, everything is possible but it’s very expensive and in Belarus, nothing is possible but it is still very expensive.

I don’t know if this joke is still true but it certainly seems as though it is.

The second thing I’m going to do is go on a diet. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous to even think this way but with 3 months of pretty warm water ahead of us, I simply cannot eat anymore as if I have a full on physical effort to make every day. Certainly, it can be taxing to sit outside and pull weeds. But most all of the heavy lifting is done and other than maybe cutting some grass to start a compost pile, something we definitely need, I don’t really have any heavy lifting to do.

For some people, they just don’t feel good unless they go in and do a decent effort everyday. I don’t really take so much pleasure in being too physical anymore. It’s my legs. I just don’t experience too many days where I don’t have to think about them for every step I take. Believe me, this changes you. And as someone who is interested in diet, be aware of things that cause diabetes. This is a disease you don’t want and if you think you’re above it, keep in mind that change has happened over time. It’s not only getting older, it’s a change in habits that do you in every time.

I got asked where some of these current miseries came from. My friend wanted to point to some failure on my part. Perhaps I was not paying attention to my blood sugar or this sort of thing. The truth was that when the days of heavy lifting ended, that was enough to send my body into a different place. I simply wasn’t burning fuel the same way and the result was misery. See how that works?

So what is my plan for the diet?

Firstly, there are a few things that I’m going to have to let go. Most probably, this is going to include factory bread and oil. I might let wheat pasta go or at least store-bought pasta. Perhaps this will be a negative in my life because I am a noodle fan but perhaps it’ll be an inspiration for me to do some bread making and noodle making on my own. Why I have been so lazy in my cooking is simply a matter of the unknown. 

It has been a stressful year and I just have not had the calm to pay attention to such minutiae. I don’t feel guilty about this, I’m just analyzing it. If you feel that you’re rushed and harried and you’re looking around for something to make you feel better, very often you take the cheapest variant. I am as guilty of that as anybody.

My plan of action today truthfully is to do some serious thinking. The garden does not really need me very much today. Whatever it’s going to do, it’s going to do and anything I add to that will simply be a hindrance.

We have had one minor setback. The ants got to the roots of a few of the special fast-growing pickle plants that my ex partner brought with her. I’m unsure whether she grew these on her balcony or purchased them. There were only four of these giant plants and the ants decided they liked them best of all. Ironically, the funky and ugly looking pickle plants that I simply pulled out of the previous owner’s stash are working out fine. The logic that they obviously come from this land doesn’t escape. None of this knowledge makes my ex-partner happy though and she’s very angry to have lost her redwoods. I am okay with this because I talked her into planting more of those red-headed stepchildren. They are doing just fine in their place.

The last thing worth noting today is that breakfast was really tasty. I burned the last of my factory bread from my day off and made solid sandwiches from spinach and cabbage leaves pulled from my garden. I tell you, there is nothing better in the world than fresh spinach. I am an absolute spinach junkie. I love greens generally but spinach is just the bee’s knees. Honestly, that was as tasty as tasty can be.

As for what food is going to look like in the next while, most probably it’ll be beans and rice, salads, bread and soup or sandwiches. Maybe I’ll throw in some noodle soups in there or dry noodle dishes. For fats, I’ll probably throw some nuts and seeds in the blender with some mustard and make some natural vegan mayonnaise for myself. I’ve got a ton of peas so maybe I can make some simple tofu. I can do the same thing with chickpeas.

As for hummus, I don’t know. I think I kind of reached my limit with hummus. Hummus is tasty. You can make hummus spicy if you want. There is just something ridiculously heavy about it. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but I doubt it. It’s just chickpeas with some nut fat and garlic. I know people like to add quite a bit of olive oil to it but at its hard it’s just protein and fat, a beautiful food but one I have grown a bit tired of.

So basically, it’s time to go light. This is probably going to hurt for a little while. Like all new things you do, it’s going to take 3 days to adjust. The 3 days I’m talking about are going to be hot ones but maybe this is exactly the time to make the change. Be a little hungry, let the garbage get out of your system, take it easy and get it straight in my head that I’m doing a good thing for myself. And after that, I’ll just keep it going.

If you want to ask me if I miss eating meat, the answer is no. I spent a lot of time thinking about it and asking myself if I truly enjoyed it or if I wasn’t just indulging in a drug that was generally not good for me, my answer was the latter. I do not find eating meat to be appealing in any way. Truthfully, it disgusts me. Also truthfully, I’m starting to think that people who eat meat regularly kind of disgust me as well. Call me unfriendly if you want but if you’ve never walked the walk, you really shouldn’t comment. Take a few days off of eating people and then tell me what you see.


It’s 8:15 p.m. and I guess I have not bothered until now to get back to this writing. I should probably explain myself or maybe it just doesn’t let him matter.

A lot of my issues right now are about food. The change of temperature is bringing me a bit of discomfort. The discomfort is doubled because of my change in physical activity. Either way, warmer, muggier days our best met with less fat. I’m not saying I’m fat. I am down about 100 lb or something close to 50 kg from what I was a few years ago. My clothing size and even my hat size is enough evidence to say that I am a much smaller person. But still, one moves and lives better with less restrictions.

My issue with food is just basically that I often use it more as a drug than for fueling. This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever vocalized because 99% of the world, even probably higher but eat for drugs and pleasure far, far more than fueling. Unless you are at starvation levels, eating by choice usually means eating for pleasure and I’m going to stick with the same 99% of the world that has never done a damn thing about studying nutrition or human biology. I’m going to include doctors in that list who for the most part are more interested in money than absolute science. Most of the time.

After this morning’s meal, which had the last of my store bought bread in my pot with some oil along with some vegetables, also cooked in oil, I was quite zombie-like for several hours. My brain just didn’t want to move. I knew there were some things to do but I could get neither my body nor my mind to agree to be active. Literally, I was too stoned.

Don’t get me wrong about using that word. When I do use marijuana, I do not currently but not completely by my own choice, I do not have this same lack of ambition or desire to move. In fact, when I do have marijuana, I am much more active, both physically and mentally. I am much more alive than I am now.

And if you want to know why I am not using any now, it has something to do with the government, the war and whatever the hell happened to my friends money-wise that turned them into a bunch of assholes. It happens. Somebody convinced them they could make a lot of money doing something different and it seems to have destroyed them as people. It’s not the weed, it’s the government who likes to keep control of everything and doesn’t I’m killing people or ruining lives.

My ex-partner sent this along to try and make me feel better about my current “drug free” situation.

In the Minsk region, special forces “covered” a hemp plantation

June 6, 2022 at 10:57 am


Employees of the capital’s drug control, with the power support of Almaz fighters, detained a 33-year-old resident of the Minsk region who was not working, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports .

On a personal plot, the defendant planted over 400 bushes of a plant of the cannabis genus in a greenhouse. In his house, a room adapted for growing hemp was also equipped. Another 12 bushes of the plant, equipment for their cultivation, more than a kilogram of dried and ready-to-use marijuana were discovered and seized there.

According to the detainee, he grew hemp exclusively for himself, as he had long been addicted to smoking marijuana.

A criminal case has been opened for drug trafficking.

400 plants and all he had on him was a kilo. 400 plants. If it’s alright with you, I’m just going to dream here for just one moment… 

Anyway, as a diabetic, if I start putting too much fat in my diet, it’s going to hit me like a massive depressant. It’ll turn off my brain and slow down my body and simply make me completely useless. You can do this by choice by the way.

However, I’m not really so sure I’m enjoying it. I’m talking about tuning out by using available narcotics.

Normally, I like to stay somewhat Sharp. I like knowing what’s going on and being in charge of my business. I am notoriously anal retentive about making sure things run right. I am the boss in my life and I have been the boss in my business life for at least three decades. If I’m overstating that, I’ll go with two and a half decades to be safe. I never give anyone else the ball unless they’re working for me and I believe they know what they’re doing. Nobody makes my decisions for me.

But during my day off, I made a rather tasty dish. It was another version of my lazy lasagna. The difference was that I fried all of the vegetables beforehand and of course I had some fried factory bread to go along with it. And I ate way too much of it.

What was the effect of this? Well, there was a food coma and I was incredibly uncomfortable with a too full belly. But the worst of it came in an electronic chess game. I have been playing with a friend of mine for almost 20 years and truthfully, I had him beat. Suddenly though, I made a ridiculous blunder. It wasn’t even close. It was like I just went blind and handed him a piece.

It’s funny the things that make you wake up and smell the roses.

This was part of the inspiration. Simply being uncomfortable in warm weather was the main thing but understanding that overeating is not going to do me any favors nor be any genuine escape from the world simply had to come back into focus. I knew this. I’ve been living oil free for a while. Perhaps it’s just human nature that sometimes genuine drugs get the best of you.

Today however I did get two separate complaints about what I wrote about this morning. Specifically, people took offense to my saying that people disgusted me. Apparently, cancel culture disallows any negative statements that might offend people. God help me if they come with weapons.

Just to be clear though, I do believe that meat is a drug. I do not believe it is a necessary part of human metabolism and I think the effects of eating meat are probably the greatest problem with mankind on the planet Earth. I think people get as crazy for eating meat as they do for the most sinister narcotics. And no, marijuana is not a sinister narcotic.

Why is it that people refuse to see not only the carcinogenic effects of processed meat or any meat really or the dietary problems with ingesting animal fat? It leads people to be aggressive and even bloodthirsty with each other. For some reason, people feel like they wish to relate to carnivores rather than her before us. They believe that aggressiveness and a desire to harm is some necessary thing towards living in the modern world. And indeed, the wage slave world that we live in is based upon competition rather than cooperation. We are obligated to fight.

We are also obligated not to think straight or to think too much about anything. We are quite obligated to avoid becoming philosophical about things and we are absolutely obligated to retain an ungodly amount of knowledge said by other people and to be aware of how difficult it is to actually say anything yourself. This is organized insanity.

In my opinion, I don’t really think people understand anything about what they are doing. I am speaking from an ecologist point of view and I am speaking as a lifetime bicyclist and a four-year vegan. I have been vegetarian and vegan from time to time in my life but this is the first time that I’m in it for an extended period of time with absolute full knowledge of what I am doing. Almost everything that I know now, have now and believe now comes directly from quitting meat. You could probably blame some of it on marijuana but the truth is, marijuana is not a narcotic. It just makes you a little bit more aware of exactly who you are. And it’s better if you’re an independent thinker.

I’ve said this a hundred times but I got into studying because I was afraid of a heart attack. My father suffered a heart attack at exactly my age and truthfully, I was very overweight, very stressed out and very miserable in my life and in my body. I simply did not feel good anymore and did not believe that life had anything for me.

Well, it’s funny that I got everything I wanted from this study but what I realized over time is that all the things that I thought were important weren’t important at all. I did end up losing a lot of weight but I did not use it to become more fashionable. I did end up developing a pretty athletic body All things considered, I became a pretty darn good track bike rider, but I did not participate in womanizing particularly or in fights. In fact, getting back in shape and more importantly, having a clearer mind and sense of vision made me understand that there was absolutely no sense in fighting for any resources. I did not want to play the game at all.

What I wanted was to be at peace. I just wanted to enjoy my days. Truthfully, I wanted fresh air really, really badly. I wanted clean water and clean food more than anything. All I wanted from the world was to stop being screamed at and poisoned and laughed at and touched by morons. I just wanted to stop being around people who feel they have a right to touch me whenever they want. I just wanted to stop being property.

Forgive me if I have the freedom of thought to rationalize this and the verbal abilities to enunciate my feelings. Forgive me if I practice my abilities aat verbalizing my thoughts. 

You see, the thing about veganism is that even if you start as I did, simply thinking about ways to open up my veins and arteries so as to avoid a heart attack, when the blood flow actually starts to increase, you can’t help some of that fresh blood from getting up into your brain. You’d be surprised at the level of atrophy that people allow themselves. 

I’m not even talking about this “we only use 5% of our brains” bullshit. I’m talking about people who allow their emotions and feelings to justify abuse. I’m talking about people who simply allow their fears to justify causing damage to the world. I’m talking about people accepting insanity as a way of negotiating the world simply because they don’t have the mental capacity to reason their way through anything any other way.

And yes, I am talking about the stupidest generation in the history of History. I’m talking about people who have more communication capacities than any other people ever to walk the planet and yet they cannot think of a way to cooperate and fix the world’s problems. With a capacity to communicate eye to eye from almost any place on the planet in real time, with a complete understanding of the damage caused by pollution caused by extensive business seeking human activity, we can’t think of anything but killing each other for money. 

We can’t take a fucking day off for the sake of planetary peace or clean air because God forbid we should have a moment away from the Hysteria.

So forgive me for bringing my big brain into this, but if you’re eating meat you might as well eat your fucking neighbor. If you genuinely cannot understand that animal physiology, and I mean any animal but it’s especially true when eating mammals, is almost completely identical to our ethereal formidable Christian cells, you are fucking crazy. If you’re eating bodies, you’re eating people. And if you’re eating people, you’re a psychopath. You’re a killer. You’re bloody. You’re a psychopath.

Blah blah blah, this is the history of man. Blah blah blah, this is what made us so fucking intelligent. Blah blah blah bacon is good. It’s bullshit. We are herbivores. We don’t have teeth or reflexes or fangs or claws or anything that would allow us to eat anything other than insects. You don’t have the capacity to eat almost any animal raw in its native form except for insects or possibly eggs. We are not built to eat meat and eating meat fucks us up. It makes us crazy. It makes us aggressive and being aggressive means we are causing damage! 

We have to calm down. 

I wish I could find the correct words. I wish I could say something with the proper texture so that people would listen to me. I don’t know what stunt I need to pull off to make my point. I don’t know how many years I have to do this without remuneration, without money and with literally abuse, disuse and theft of my personal property being the only thank you for sharing my thoughts. I wish I had some way to get through to the world that we are not going to make it and that the entire planet is going to turn into something uninhabitable for all the things we consider beautiful because of our insanity.

I believe this insanity is caused by money. I’ll stand by that statement. I believe the corporations and the search for corporate profits justify it in our modern thinking working on people’s weaknesses like drug dealers and pimps. But I think the original sin is the moment we decide that we have the right to kill. We do not have this right, not over each other and not over animals. Not because of some human legal understanding that says we can but from the empirical evidence to show that the world cannot take human beings believing they are carnivores. This is the original sin. This is the self-delusion that kills us all.

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