
Thursday, May 5th 2022

Shush. Don’t tell anybody it’s 4:00 a.m. . I forgot to land the plane. I just fell asleep.

It’s 4:00 a.m. and my eyes just opened up and I realized I forgot to land the plane last night. Blame it on sobriety. A day in town is to blame. A day bicycling to blame.

No one’s to blame but me. I’m to blame. 

After dinner, I went into the Warm room, made a fire and just lay down on the floor to watch it. I didn’t really need the fire but it was nice. 

Fires are very healing. There is something about the heat and the light that brings a sense of peace. Sometimes I just let the heat work on my head or my face or my eyes. It’s like I can feel broken places inside me that get worked on by the heat like a massage. 

It’s hard to explain what chasing a feeling is like. I know this is the basis of addiction but I think certain addictions make life living. The urge to reproduce, our feelings of sexuality are the most addicting things in the world. Love is violently addicting. For me, peace is my current mania. I can’t get enough of it and I am filled with rage when people take it away from me. And it’s always people who take it away from me.

I got a call from my ex partner last night. She just wanted to talk a bit. There was nothing special she just wanted to touch me.

When we missed each other yesterday and I asked her if she needed me to stick around, she said it was okay for me to leave. I really was very, very tired. But then in the evening, there she was. She wanted to tell me that she had sent one of the photographs I took of our planting day to a friend and that the photo came back with great compliments for both of us. I don’t know who this friend is but I guess we could count that as kind of an Instagram like.

Then the conversation just lost energy. She was washing clothing with her washing machine and it made a noise to tell her it was time to do more work. Our conversation came in a moment of freedom from her machine. A moment of humanity amidst a machine dictated regimen.

While we were talking, I noticed something about our relationship these days. It’s changed a lot and we seem to have found a lot more in how we don’t need each other and what is different about us or even about what we dislike in each other. The things that originally Drew us together have faded with time and distance. The conversation started to be completely negative and hopeless really.

But lately we seem to find moments of quiet intimacy. It’s not particularly sex. It’s not any kind of a brainless urge. It’s just moments of love and intimacy. Hugs. Caresses. 

I knew when she called me but what she really wanted was that hug that she missed. All the words of the conversation felt dirty. Truthfully, I didn’t even understand what she was talking about when she told me she had sent a picture of herself to a friend. I didn’t know what she was talking about. I couldn’t understand the context. What was the picture? Who was the friend? Why was she sending pictures of us to friends? And though I’m not really jealous, seriously, was it a male or female friend? Because the comment means different things if it comes from a male friend or a female friend?

It was just for want of a hug.

I’ve always felt that there is a similarity between one of my ex-girlfriends and my ex partner. It is like I’m running into her again many years later. The similarity of who she is is incredibly similar and what it feels like to be together is quite similar. It’s almost like being with the same person or, if you want, like being with a person and her mother.

That relationship was the one that hurt the most. That relationship is the one that drove my ex-girlfriend crazy. It wasn’t really cheating. I told her about it before it started and asked her not to let it happen but she just laughed. And then it happened and afterwards, she would become insane at The mention of her name. She was ridiculously jealous at the intimacy that we had.

That was where the genuine pain came from. When the intimacy was gone, it left a horrible scar.

This person fell into drugs. She went off with a Russian guy and got hurt. She decided that it was appropriate to change and she was leaving behind foolishness. She brought into the propaganda and gave herself away. The mood swings became more violent and she became very abusive. And of course, she started pushing our intimacy far, far away. That part of her was not to be touched. She had to be hard. There was no other way.

I waited a long time to get even. I waited a very long time to get even. She got extremely abusive on me at an incredibly tender moment. I was with her hoping for some healing and she turned around and raped me as hard as she possibly could.

It took a long time. I kept asking her why she had done that. Why did she hurt me so bad on that night. We were still meeting from time to time. She liked the sex I guess or at least this was what she was telling herself. But I could not get her to explain to me why she had done what she had done.

I had my own Sherlock Holmes about that. I figured the Russian had fucked her up pretty bad. I could also easily say that she was into getting drunk or doing drugs because she was hanging out in music clubs. More of the same. Girl gets exploited, girl learns about exploitation.

My question got in though and she started obsessing about it herself. Not with me but it was in her mind and she spent some time thinking about the answer and one day she decided to share it with me. She told me that she took pleasure in it. It was pleasurable for her to cause me pain.

That answer has stayed with me as one of the great truths of life. It has opened the door to Great understanding about the world we live in and how we treat each other. Abuse flows downhill and if we live in a world of Masters and slaves, practicing cruelty is sometimes the only power that we get.

I guess we could argue about what power I supposedly had in the relationship. I was not financial support to the girl. I would have shared a flat with her. We even talked about it at one point. But I was not particularly a sponsor financially. Really, the only thing we had was our intimacy. We were good at that for a while.

But I did get even. I did not take any pleasure from the action. I did it professionally. I waited a long time for it. I sat through a number of small cruelties and stupidities on her part until I finally got the opportunity to say no to her when she wanted some love. It took an amazing amount of strength on my part to say no to her. Every muscle in my body wanted to say yes. But I made it ugly. I made it Russian for her. And then I just rode away and left her exactly where she was.

Of course this changed her perception of me. I knew it would. She didn’t believe I was a hug anymore. Which was okay because I didn’t believe she was a hug anymore. Then a little while later, I just let her know that I probably wasn’t going to call her anymore. She said something flippant and it was over. And it is over and it has been over.

All she wanted was that hug. It wasn’t the sex. Okay, the sex was not bad. But it wasn’t the sex. It was the intimacy. It was the hug. It was the laugh. It was the warmth. It was the lack of pain and fear and hate.

But such is the world that we live in. The corporations have no problem finding new addictions for us. The propaganda tells us what is correct and incorrect for us to think. The oil business makes sure that our needs are met by jumping in a car or rolling long lines of military gear across borders so people can kill each other faster. It is essential to make a picture in a foreign country, at a fine restaurant, in front of an iconic backdrop. We have to run and run and run and go farther and faster and higher. We have to spend all the money we have trying to find that thing that they tell us is there. That thing that can only be found in the most perfect Instagram photograph. The one that competes with thousands upon thousands upon millions upon billions of other photographs of people trying to find that dragon.

How many photographs are on Instagram?

Over 40 billion photos and videos have been shared on the Instagram platform since its conception.Apr 20, 2017

Another blurb a little lower says that number is over 50 billion now. 50 billion Instagram photos.

How many Facebook posts are there?

There are 17 billion location-tagged Facebook posts today. 20 . The total number of uploaded Facebook photos is 250 billion.

And a bit lower on that page is a note that there are 2.5 trillion Facebook posts all together.

How often is porn accessed on the internet?

Every Second:

  • 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet.
  • $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet.
  • 372 people are typing the word “adult” into a search engine.

Every Day:

  • 37 pornographic videos are created in the United States.
  • 2.5 billion emails containing porn are sent or received.
  • 68 million search queries related to pornography- 25% of total searches- are generated. 
  • 116,000 queries related to child pornography are received.
  • How Online Pornography Affects Americans
  • About 200,000 Americans are classified as “porn addicts.”
  • 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites.
  • 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography.
  • 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop up ads, misdirected links or emails.
  • One-third of porn viewers are women. (

How much alcohol is consumed in the world?

In 2018, the worldwide total consumption was equal to 6.2 litres of pure alcohol per person 15 years and older. Unrecorded consumption accounts for 26% of the worldwide total consumption.

At the global level, the team found that the total volume of alcohol consumed per year increased by as much as 70% between 1990 and 2017, from 20,999 million liters per year to 35,676 million liters per year.May 9, 2019

How many automobiles are on the road in the world?

The US publisher Ward’s estimates that as of 2019, there were 1.4 billion motor vehicles in use in the world.

I feel bad about that. If you’re actually reading me, it probably means you like how I talk. And I was talking pretty sensitively about a personal moment. And then I jumped on the internet right in the middle of our conversation and flooded our little moment of intimacy with absolute garbage.

Have you ever noticed how merciless it is when you’re talking to someone and suddenly they reach for their phone to explain something or to show a picture?

I mentioned my friend Steve sometimes. He was a friend of mine a long time ago and played drums in a couple of bands I was in. He was pretty good at speaking in platitudes.

He was also one of the first guys I knew who had anything to do with a computer. One day he showed me a piece of paper that had something written on it. It was a letter I think and he had written it on a computer and at the bottom of the letter, he had signed his name with a pen in ink.

I really remember how violent the difference between how the computer had printed and how warm the hand stroke was. Of course with technology, words on paper printed by computers became much more violent. Tattoos have become extremely tight and vivid. We have found a way to compensate for that moment of loss when we decided that writing something by hand was no longer worth anything.

It was the end of humanity.

Anyway, I’m a writer. I notice things. This is just something that I noticed from yesterday. I thought I’d share it with you here. If you’re reading it, you’re probably in bed or in the toilet and holding your phone in your hand. Possibly you’re at a desk and if you are, I’m on a side screen. I’d say the odds are 97%, I’m on your telephone right now and that I’m in bed with you.

I think that’s really the truth about this thing that I do. I’m in bed with people. And when I consider the people who troll me, it’s just crazy. Can you imagine what it feels like to know that you are entertaining cruel psychopaths reading my words while playing with their dicks and thinking evil thoughts about me. Just absolute brilliance lying there without any physical movement and coming to decisions about how I’m wrong or what I should do that is more correct with my time on the planet. Without the slightest effort on their parts dictating policy over me because I took the trouble to put some words on a page and deliver it to their telephones for free.

Go plant something. It’s springtime. Go put seeds in the ground and help something grow. Plant flowers. Put trees in the ground. Grow some food for yourself just for the treat. Go for salads or spinach. Be an asshole and grow zucchini. Try potatoes. Hell man, grow some pot. Grow some wicked pot. Grow anything. Just grow something.

And try a hug. Try to keep the air clean. Stay away from your car for a while. Try not to burn too much fuel. Maybe stay away from buying things that come along with a lot of packaging. Take it easy on the landfills. Maybe try not to shoot your gun today or just don’t play with it at all. How about riding your bike to work. How about just riding your bike to the store and refusing all plastic.

And try a hug. Try kindness. Try giving some love to people without spending a penny on it.


It’s 7:20 in the morning and I feel like shit. I went out and just took a walk around the garden and decided to pull some grass from the bean field. The beans are growing. I definitely feel that we should have broadcast instead of planting in rows but the beans are growing.

I also ate a horseradish plant. There was a bit of frost last night and all of the greens are glistening a little bit. I pulled up a baby plant and ate the leaves. Spicy but not as spicy as later. Tasty and fresh. Very tasty and fresh. Natural wild Greens.

But this is not why I feel bad.

While I was out there pulling grass, my neighbor decided to start up her car. The chicken woman has something very important to do with herself. And suddenly, the fresh air was just gone. This nice clean gentle morning was just gone and suddenly the air was absolutely acrid and poisonous. 

They say that you never really know how much pain you’re in until the pain stops. You never really know how bad slavery is until you are free. To me, this is probably why the Christian economic oil Business world runs 7 days a week. There’s a reason that they run this place like Las Vegas. If they let people think, even for a minute, somebody might get a bright idea that they don’t want to keep going anymore.

Anyway, suddenly the Peace of the morning was gone along with the fresh air. It was infuriating. It was absolutely infuriating. It’s a theft. It’s a theft not only of my peace, it’s a theft of my ability to breathe. The bitch poisons me.

I shouted a few words in English at her. And then I walked up to the front of the house right near the gate where she will back up and I spoke to her in a more familiar language.

Нахуй с вами!

Do you really need a translation?

But I was right there in reality, about 2 m from her. Of course, she was completely isolated in her box. She was chewing gum. Her face made that expression like she was too high to be touched. She was unable to be hurt as she rounded the corner in front of my house and poisoned my world further with her egregious old ill made and disgusting automobile. 

I’ve seen that face on women before. It is exactly the “you can’t touch me” look. She is high and I am low. She is great and right and I am horrible and wrong.

Well, she has her house and her car to keep her insulated from the world. She has her chewing gum to keep her moving. She has someone paying her money for her time. She is well protected from the horrible, horrible world. And if she happens to be the most disgusting human being I know on the planet, well, нахуй со мной. Why should she care about me? Why should a princess of Uzbekistan care about a Jew?

I don’t understand why they live here. They might say the same thing about me but a simple glance over my fence, something that’s not going to be possible when the ivy grows, they will see what I’m doing here. I’m gardening. I’m growing some food and I’m hanging out in a garden. I’m gardening.

And what exactly is she doing? I know this is a question that she answers very simply. She’s making money. She’s making money. Therefore she’s right because she is making money. Making money is correct. Money is everything. Nothing is more important than money and if you’re not making money you are wrong and bad and you should be in prison. Not making money is illegal. Not making money is not Christian. Not making money makes you a bad man. Good men make money. Money is everything and nothing else is important but money.

Money motherfucker, do you speak it?

Does anybody else hear Pink Floyd playing in the background?

Get away
You get a good job with more pay and you’re okay
It’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

New car, caviar, four star, daydream
Think I’ll buy me a football team

Get back
I’m alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack
It’s a hit
Don’t give me that do goody good bullshit

I’m in the high-fidelity first-class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet

It’s a crime
Share it fairly, but don’t take a slice of my pie
So they say
Is the root of all evil today

But if you ask for a rise
It’s no surprise that they’re giving none away
Away, away, away
Away, away, away

The bitch does what she does for money. Everything the bitch does is for money. The bitch lives and breathes money. The bitch wants money and she don’t care who dies to get it.

Well, I guess I should check in with zelinsky and see what he has to say about today’s dollar count.

Well, the Russians killed another journalist. Is that even news anymore?

How many journalists have the Russians killed?

Complicated question but the answer is simple. A lot.

Yeah, I guess they don’t like people who write what they see. I guess they don’t like people who see. I guess they don’t like people who see and want to tell the truth. I guess they don’t want people knowing the truth. I guess they don’t want people knowing. I guess they like to hide in the shadows that way. They like being insulated that way. They don’t like being touched. They like doing what they’re doing and they don’t care who they hurt but they themselves don’t like to be hurt.

No, I’m not high. I don’t have any marijuana at all. It’s very illegal here. Shame really. A dirty dog shame. This place would really be nice if people could see and know and let it go for a while. This place would really be something if they quit getting drunk on liquor and money. This place would be great if they weren’t so like that.


By the way, I get called a nigger a lot. It’s not really that my skin is so dark or anything like that. It’s that I don’t think White. That means I don’t think money. It means that I think life is more important than money or quality of life is more important than making money at all costs. I’m a nigger because I don’t care about money. Niggers are bad, white is good. Be white. Make money and be better and much more white.


It’s 10:30 and I’m in the middle of my first watering. I made a bit of a mistake and I forgot to time how long it took to fill the two barrels now that I have near the house. One of them probably had 50 l in it already from rain. I wish I knew exactly how long it took to move 500 m from the well.

On a positive note, my math was correct about how much water was in there and before I set up the hose system for the rest of the field, I was able to use the 20 m hose directly from the well and get to I think nine trees and a couple of the berry bushes. The hose is merciless and wants to kink worse than an LA sexaholic on Friday night. It was a fight but there was water for this. There is not always going to be this much water available from the well but a lot of the job got covered.

I am also learning. Today I definitely understand that you can’t just pick up the hose and start blasting. You have to walk out the hose to its entire length and make sure that it’s as straight as possible before you finish. If you give it any chance to start curling on you, it will go curly and block the flow. We can’t block the flow because I bought an inexpensive pump.

The one that works great. The head has many different attachments and there is a general on off valve so I don’t really have to fight it. The only problem is that I have to walk back to where the pump is plugged in and unplug it in order to stop everything. This is not the end of the world but it does take discipline.

I moved one of the barrels up to the front and now both of them are at the brim and I’ve dropped the pump into one of them. I’m going to pump through all the hose I have right now and when I finish babbling like an idiot, I’m going to head down and water all of the trees I have in a row. I will also hit the boxes but for this, I really do require some discipline and I’m taking my phone with me to use as a timer.

I also have a different thought about this whole process. I don’t really mind walking out the hoses. It’s not a great inconvenience. But I also think that I need to think differently about watering the plants. Yeah, if you do this mathematically, you know how many seconds you can allow for each plant. But as the summer progresses, and you can count on global warming keeping the amount of water that we have to an absolute minimum, these plants are probably going to have to learn to make do with what they get.

It’s a bit like having guests really. You want to make them feel at home but in my case, I’m not going to barbecue just because they came out to visit me. If you want to hang out with me, we’re eating vegetables and that’s all there is to it.

I’ve been talking about how nice this week has been with my ex partner but there is a new once to this. When she came up to visit me, she brought her own food and I didn’t eat anything that she brought. Well, she left behind one nap a cabbage and that’s gone already. But when I went to her house yesterday, I didn’t eat a thing. The division between her food and my food just got bigger. Does the intimacy have a price? Well, maybe it’s just that the game has changed a little bit and the argument is beginning to be more clear.

I’m not so sure how 50 m of hose is going to affect the pump. That 17 l a minute is pretty sound at 20 m but I might get a little less at 50. I’ll think about how strong the flow is and gauge accordingly. But I know for a fact that 250 divided by 17 is 14.7. I also know that I don’t necessarily get every drop because the pump doesn’t sit flat on the bottom. Being safe means that I only have about 12 minutes to water from each tank before I have to switch.

So what this means is that I do need to think pretty deeply about what I do before I do it. Watering this field is not only about dragging out the hoses to their limit before starting, it’s also about keeping track of the time and making sure that everything you do fits within the tolerances of what you’re doing.

I understand that I’m being a little strict right now at this moment. I’m just finding out my limits and the truth is that I am a bit fat at the moment. The water is high in the well, as high as it’s going to get and I have plenty of water to do this job. But I need to learn now so that when times do get tough, I not only get as much water as I can to the plants but I also make sure not to burn out my pump.

You have to be careful. That’s all there is to it. You have to be careful.

On a positive note, I figured out a slightly different electrical configuration and it keeps the electrical cables well out of the way. Before, it was a bit like macaroni trying to figure out the extension cord, the electrical cable and the hoses all at the same time. There, you not only have a problem with kinking but also braiding as well as having to make sure that the electrical cord is not too bunched up to keep it from frying.

Lots to think about but at the moment, everything is running nicely. The work itself is not so loud, the tools I have are working perfectly, The New wand is doing exactly what I needed it to do and other than my sex show hoes, it’s a nice easy morning’s work. I can see doing this twice a week or so. Or three. I’ll probably get lazy and keep it at 2:00 or maybe I’ll be enthusiastic. Who knows?

Anyway, back to work.


Okay, 11:30 and I’m done. I used about 350 l to water the entire Garden. If I am not mistaken, that was the anticipated amount that was needed. The wand worked fine except for a couple of snafus. I guess I didn’t tighten down all of the attachments as much as I could. Live and learn. There were three breakages and stoppages and we wasted some water. But again, everything you practice you get better at.

Laying out all the hoses in advance was definitely the way to go. It decreased kinking and allowed a nice easy Flow. I am pleased to say that the garden is well designed and all of the boxes are easily accessible. The shower attachment is strong enough to water down everything from one location. I like it.

One mistake however was that possibly I’m about a day late or even two for this watering session. I guess it’s to be expected but I don’t think all of the cabbages are going to make it. Some of them were looking a bit dry and lying down and I don’t know if they are going to pop up with this water. I am definitely going to keep up with this watering and for sure, 3 days a week has got to happen. Okay, I’m a little panicking with the babies and when they get older, they’ll be able to take it a little bit better there. But the truth is the truth and I can’t get lazy on this.

I’m also going to go back later in the day and check the water level. It was the same 1.8 m it was the first time I measured it. I know what time I pulled out the water and I’ll come back in about 6 hours and have a look.

I guess I don’t really have much more to say about this. The gear works. You have to be extra careful because it wasn’t the best gear. Truthfully, I wanted metal fittings and I got plastic. But the plastic will last a year or two. I’ll just work with what I have for now before sending it into the landfill.

My legs feel good though. The last couple of days it’s noticeable that my legs feel really good. There were no falls today. There were a few iffy moments because the ground is seriously not leveling some places. But I did the job and it got done in a timely fashion and everything went in an orderly manner. That’s the thing you know. When things are orderly, you know you’re going to be okay. I’m not talking about military orderly. I’m not talking about being on time for killing or aiming correctly so that you kill more accurately. I’m talking about helping things live in an orderly manner. I’m talking about being good to the planet in an orderly manner.

You just can’t be taking the planet for granted. You just can’t waste resources like it doesn’t matter. You can’t just go around poisoning things and expect everything to be okay forever. You have to be a little organized and do things in a reasonable manner. And that’s it. I’m not listening to any arguments to the contrary and I’m unimpressed by people who don’t understand what I’m saying.

Next watering day: Sunday. Sorry Christians, it’s got to happen. It’s my only day.


I want to talk a little bit of Torah right now but before I do, I really want to share this from Paul McCartney’s current tour. You’ve probably seen this already but I think it’s pretty cool. Channeling John for the encore. And by the way, whether you admire the politics or not, he says the American flag, the British flag, the World Peace flag and the Ukrainian flag are worth flying these days.

I’ve got a feeling…

This week’s Torah portion is called Kedoshim (קְדשִׁ֣ים) and the word kind of means “We are holy”, or at least that we should be holy. I really like this one. Yeah, there are a few barbecue references that are probably not needed and some of the rules and regulations are a bit far-fetched. You could also say that for the most part it is simply a repeat of the ten commandments. But the gist of it is that we need to be good people. And as you go through the list, despite the parts that are hard to swallow, you have to admit that it makes sense.

We are not supposed to be stealing from each other. We’re not supposed to be harming each other. We are supposed to be taking care of each other and being good to each other. And there are nuances. We’re not supposed to be gossiping about each other and stabbing each other in the back. We’re not supposed to be harming each other in any way. We are supposed to be holy.

When I look around at my own landscape, I’m not talking about the physical geography of where I’m sitting right now but the human landscape of the people I know, I really don’t see a lot of holy people. I’m not asking people to be religious nuts or to sacrifice themselves to the point of pain or discomfort. I would never do that. I’m not a christian. I don’t live for suffering and pain.

But there is a level of respect and humanity that would certainly make the world a much better place.

I don’t really want to get into the quotes but there really was some stuff that touched me in my life. There was something in there about not treating strangers in your country badly,  not treating people who are infirmed badly, not sending your children out to prostitution, not thinking of harming your brother. 

Like I said, I really like this one because it’s got a lot of common sense in it. If you do these things, the world is clean and functions well. It’s not just an adjective or a label to put on yourself, if you’re not gunking things up, everything runs pretty well. You have to admire that.

Of course part 6 shows up and then everybody has to die and be punished and it kind of loses me like it does most weeks. It isn’t that people who commit crimes will surely die. Everybody dies and most crimes go unpunished. That’s the flaw in the argument. The guy Moses is quoting may say he is God and all-powerful but scientifically, it gets proved pretty axiomatically that there is no spirit in heaven punishing us for our sins. If somebody goes ahead and harms another person, unless the cops get lucky, nobody’s going to bother this person.

I mean you can pray. I can sit here and ask God to take vengeance on the people who like to be shitty to their neighbors and their relatives. In my landscape, I’ve got a long list of people who just like making problems. I have people around me who have broken every rule in the book one after another and nothing ever happens to them except they wake up the next morning and do it again. You can pray if you want but it’s not going to help.

But you can take this word as meaning something. Kedoshim. We can be holy. And if the word holy makes you nervous, we can go into the god/nature lexicon and just say that it means being good. We can even go to Bill and Ted and just say be excellent to each other.

But if it means anything to you, I always feel bad about my transgressions. I’m not talking about feeling bad because I lose my temper or because I got into a fight or even if I spent a few days drinking vodka. I don’t feel any problems committing Christian sins. I’m not a Christian and I can’t go to hell because hell is a Christian concept. Hell, I’m already in Christian hell as far as I’m concerned. 

No, what I’m talking about is that I always feel bad when I harm people. And I try the best I can never to be guilty of actively committing harm.

I want to be clear, I’m not a pacifist. If you come after me, I will hurt you. I do know what a knockout feels like because I’ve done it. I have knocked people out. I have hit them, more than once and I have watched their eyes roll up into their heads. I mean, I didn’t enjoy it and when I saw them go out I took the trouble to check if they were going to get up again. I didn’t pick any of these fights but they did and got knocked out for it.

I might be straying here but what I’m saying is that I do believe you’re supposed to be good people. The world is a better place when good people live in it. When people start shitting and pissing on each other, picking fights with each other and stealing from each other, the place turns to shit pretty quickly. And for sure, once you start making everybody paranoid about money, people start getting crazy and soon they don’t care what they do as long as they get paid. To me, it all goes together in this way.

I feel funny saying “go be holy”. I feel weird giving advice because the word holy unfortunately has too many connotations in the modern world. Even thinking that you’re being religious turns some people on too much and other people off too much. In fact, there’s probably no adjective I can use, clean, good, fair, reasonable, righteous, gentle, loving, positive, helpful, genuine, that will make a difference. I can’t use anything that comes in a single package. But if you were to bundle up all the words and juxtapose them one against the other and let it montage in your mind, I think it just means that everybody is happier when everybody is trying to keep everybody happy. If we are all pulling our weight to keep everything going, we will be okay. And conversely, if we are all out there stabbing each other in the back, we are not. And logically and mathematically thinking, in the current world, we are not.

So that’s my Torah thought for this week. Maybe we should just try to be a little better with each other. 

Also, I completely understand that Paul McCartney is not Jewish. Neither is John Lennon. But I think the song is about people getting along together. And if you think about the duet, it’s just one person singing about himself juxtaposed against another person who is including everybody. See what I mean?


By the way, I get called a Mexican a lot by Americans who think they’re being funny. I talk a lot about working in the garden and doing landscaping and some of my rich white Facebook friends think it’s funny to call me a Mexican.

Personalmente, creo que los gringos son una vergüenza.  No me gusta estar asociado con gente tan odiosa.  Si no puedes entender el respeto, tal vez tu cara es demasiado blanca.  Sal hoy.  Disfruta un poco del mundo.  Hoy es 5 de mayo.  Sal a la calle y recibe un poco de color en tu cara.  Tal vez te haga feliz no ser tan blanco.

Si no puedes entender el carácter de alguien porque estás cegado por el color de su piel, el problema no es de ellos, eres tú.


It’s coming up on 8:00 and I’m going to close this down for the day. I read one extremely interesting newspaper article from California. It seems as though they have mastered the craft of making use of renewable energy and on Saturday provided just one tick under 100% of their energy needs without needing fossil fuels. The story is from Desert Sun

Belarus does not have the sunshine that California does but as a basically flat plane, we have a constant 16 km per hour wind which is more than adequate to power windmills. And it’s not like there is no sunshine or we have no Rivers. Definitely, the country has the capacity to go renewable but we don’t. Why not? Well, we seem to be in love with Russians. Right. Where have I heard that story before? Oh that’s right. We started the day with a very dear friend of mine who decided to fall in love with a Russian. How long did it take to break her heart and ruin her forever? Well, no problem. We never learn from our mistakes here. We never learn anything. We will just keep right on destroying the atmosphere, destroying our land and our waterways. We’ll just keep shooting ourselves in the head. Isn’t it romantic how much we love Russia?

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