
So I did an interesting thing for the Hanukkah holiday. I went offline for a week. No particular issues on my part. I found things to do rather than give the internet my attention. I broke the silence because for some reason I was provoked into action during my rest by one of my neighbors. They performed one of their provocations. This is basically how the Russians understand things. Russians speak simply in their own way or should or could were they allowed by the current regime. Maybe the whole world gets better without the Russian regime.

If you are interested, you can read some noodling that I did after the provocation. It’s called untitled Hanukkah document. I did it simply because I was provoked into action during my rest and you might as well see what I said when I was provoked.

Untitled Hanukah Document

I know, I know. I’m suppoised to be on vacation. But you know how they feel about Jews around here so, now you know.

The point of all of this is provocations. I have been provoked by the local staff endlessly for 3 years. This is what they do. They provoke me. This is what happened to my family here. We were provoked. It’s what happened to all of my children. They were provoked. It’s what happened to everyone really forever if you want to understand the truth. We are provoked. We are bothered. We are disturbed. They do this bothering and disturbing consciously. It’s called creating a disturbance. It is a provocation.

Sometimes we are provoked into action and it is a very good thing. However, I find that my own body and nature all by itself has the most satisfying provocations of all. Should I give you an example? I have to shit. That is a provocation. My body is telling me that it is time to allow a muscle to do its thing and remove waste products from my body. Great provocation. Stirs me to action every time. And I’m lazy so sometimes I fight it. No, I’m not getting up. I’m generally comfortable. I know I have to shit but I’m not really that uncomfortable yet. And then, amazingly, you can’t fight God. Time to go.

And I would like to make a very sincere point here that it was not Vladimir Putin who called me on the phone to tell me to take a shit. The governor of Belarus did not send me a text reminding me it’s time to shit. None of my ex females, females who now have their own spaces to deal with that do not include my body, needed to hit me with a pan to remind me not to ignore my bodily functions. None of the human beings now walking the earth simply because of one of my ironic decisions need to discuss amongst themselves how to get the message to me to go to the toilet. And no, there was no need whatsoever for the FBI, the CIA, the FSB, the SS, the Gestapo, whoever the fuck was running Guantanamo or any fucking alkash Who thinks they want a free dinner. And there certainly no need for chickens packing around on a vegan farm. If I wanted chickens, I would have gotten chickens. I didn’t get chickens because I didn’t want chicken. That should be at least visually understandable enough. I don’t need any help.

However, should the time come when I cannot control myself. I hope I have either a place I can trust to go to or I believe the correct amount of morphine so I could just say goodbye peacefully.

So, there was an episode during the week that I don’t really think I wrote about. It was just those back door neighbors. The ones who just can’t leave well enough alone and can’t even figure out how to drive in using the back road instead of the one that rides by my house. And even especially so when God told me to get up and go outside and greet the dawn only to watch these fucking idiots drive their car by me. I could see them because of all of the lights and the noise and the smell and of course the auto fumes. I don’t know if it was light enough to see my raised middle finger. I usually give people a peace sign. But you know, there is them.

Maybe that’s how we should do American politics. Maybe we should just take the offensive people and put them to one side and let them be the offensive party. I want you to understand this word and perhaps we need to understand that it has to meanings. Offensive, like in football, means that the team is driving down the field. In baseball, the offense is the team that attempts to create chaos by getting in the middle of a nice catch and pitching practice. Basically, one team goes out and tries to keep the grass nice and neat with their feet and picking up seeds and garbage just to keep the grass beautiful but then somebody keeps throwing a monkey wrench into the works and making them run and tear up ground and run into fences and harm themselves and other such dramatic wonders.

There is also offensive like for example if you were to go on a romantic walk with perhaps a clever lady who understands that I might be going out of my mind from being single and so we arranged what’s called a date. We went for a walk because we were both single. Who she was and where she came from and what her history was was not really on the table for discussion although perhaps it should have been. I just really wanted to get laid and I wanted to do it with someone I liked, hence the walk. But as we were making our romantic stroll and finding out if intimacy was possible between two people, it was noticeable that the entire place was just brimming with trash. Just unbelievable amounts of trash light literally I was living in a garbage dump. Perhaps this was the fault of the people who lived here or perhaps it is the fault of the city that simply puts more money and to keeping the rich people appearing to be clean then they do into the ethnic people. I lived in a Dominican neighborhood.

It’s offensive. It’s offensive to the eyes and to the nose and to the ears. Later I smoked some pot and it convinced me I was finished in New York. About why I smoked pot at this time probably had quite a bit to do with 9/11. It was over. New York was finished. Whatever was beautiful, like always everywhere in all things on the planet, whatever was nice was now gone. No more group New Year’s without the government being involved. No more group anything without the danger of violence or disease or death. The world is just simply too dangerous to live in and there are people who wish you to know this so that you never have intimacy ever in your life.

These are our teachers.

Now, I’m just going to go with the Italians on this one. Here is a video I watched. And it really became interesting. Why I am making this post is because I turned back on my internet after the end of the festival of lights. Nothing particularly good for me waiting but that’s okay. After taking some time off, it was interesting to take a look at what my algorithm had to say. My algorithm seems to be designed to do two things. It will please me if I beg it to or it will provoke me. Maybe it’s someone’s idea of balance or maybe it is because I wrote the word Jew in there somewhere or Jewish and now it seems I have plenty of Palestinians showing up in my algorithm. Strange but not unmanageable. Kind of like the mice I have. Maybe it’s mouse. It’s not a huge catastrophic number. I just feed them a little corn now and it makes their life easier and they don’t scurry as much. Everyone needs to sleep during the winter.

But then I look at my life growing up and I understand who I actually was and at the time, I didn’t realize how much I was being held down. And if I ask myself who all the loudest voices were holding me down, I have to go with the Arabs and the Italians. It seems I’m Jewish and it seems that this means I’m supposed to have a partner who is not Jewish at all times. It seems that somebody is going out of their way to make sure that I never have an end to Italians in my life. Oddly, my ex-wife was also under the influence of the Italians for centuries.

Ron DeSantos

I kind of felt that the apple thing just went a little too far…
I am tired of cowards posing as bullies. I am tired of posers generally.

I just took offense. I get the feeling that this man exists to create disturbances. He believes that he is a part of a great movement whose job it is to provoke people so that they stay small and his people grow rich. I could also say that I am offended by non-physical people attempting to lead physical people. I don’t know why we ever did this. If we have work to do, the last thing we need is some bloated Italian sitting around eating apples while the rest of us are picking bugs off of the leaves. Why does a person like me whose hands actually get dirty have to listen to someone who gets a regular manicure, probably pedicure and of course he pays a pretty penny for his clothing and haircut and perfect shave. We’re not going to go into dental work or what it costs to have a personal trainer make sure that he moves enough. We are also not talking about his entire entourage of cocksuckers who have nothing better to do than look around for people to disturb.

Not to mention murder. How many people does he want to kill?

But then there was this personal thing. It was answering the question with a question. Before I had my holiday, there were quite a few people talking to me and I began to recognize that the first wave of people where people who genuinely supported my work. And then when there were people showing up and there was energy, there were people who just came to follow the energy because that’s what people do. But then, there were people who went there after the party started going sour to say more sour things. These are the people that like to watch things fall. They can’t wait for the ending and they love lots of blood. All of the stories have to end in blood. And then finally there were some seriously purposeful people who at least seriously considered my point of view which was nice. They are still considering of course but you know that’s how they ended up in government in the first place. If they actually could be coerced into movement, they never would have took the job where they sat in the chair.

Well, if all you do is sit in a chair and you don’t move around, you’re going to get covered and shit eventually. Well, that is unless you make your house work for you like I want to do. This is the argument with my neighbors. They just sit in their own shit and think it’s fine. I like to keep things a little fresher but again, they only know how to play offense. They don’t know how to play defense. They are offensive because they have no idea how to be defensive in a non-offensive way. This may be a little weird to understand but it means not being aggressive is a better way to live one’s life and just to react when necessary. Being aggressive, inflicting your will on others, this is the problem.

And no offense but this is the problem with Italians. This is the problem watching the 49ers these days. This is the problem listening to this fellow just ignore another human being.

And really, You know you only have 30 seconds of his time because he is a great man. I’m currently working on my own great man status so I understand what it means to put pressure on everyone else to know that they are on limited budget as far as access is concerned. That’s the thing about being a great man. You’re not just in the neighborhood. You’re being shipped in from a great distance to have a quick look at something and give your bloody opinion. But in this case, how is this poor journalist supposed to deal with him? If he won’t answer the fucking question and he demands that the journalist do all the work, is he actually going to sit there and listen carefully while the journalist explains ad nauseam The truth of the situation that they are looking at. Or, are they just fucking around with the clock like a chess player who only plays well enough to leave his opponent screwed but never actually finishes.

Anyway, the point is that I find that the world is about provocation. If you are a human being alive right now, there is absolutely no way that you are not amused electronically for the vast percentage of your waking life. It is very possible to have people that spend their morning in nature but like we see from Miss Joy, it’s a show for a beautiful woman to show how to be beautiful. I agree with her 100%.

I cannot breathe. It is too beautiful.

But all of her compatriots are showing us how deep the western influence and that influence makes it literally impossible for the world to be beautiful. But try as I might, I have to ask for something beautiful.

3 hours of cello music from Johann Sebastian Bach

I love sarcasm. Do you live sarcasm?
I live for sarcasm.
Sarcasm however is usually a sign of intelligence. Or I think it’s supposed to be. Often, I have found really stupid people to be amazingly sarcastic. The difference I suppose is taste. I think you have to know the difference to truly be satyric.

Or in the end, maybe it is just about the color of your skin.

I’m in, you have one group of people saying one thing and another group of people saying another. I don’t mean to oversimplify things but if you generally heard that certain voices came because there were darker skin pigmentations, well, you might actually start thinking about things differently.

Johann Sebastian Bach was a pain in the ass like me.

When I go on the internet, obviously I’m hungry for something. I know what I’m looking for. I’m looking for beauty and intimacy, two things I am not allowed to have. I don’t know why they made this decision about me. I don’t know why they needed to screw with me so much. Again, I just must be the most beautiful thing anyone ever saw. I must look like intimacy and beauty all at the same time and all they have to do is figure out a way to beat it out of me. Crazy stuff. However, if you would like to tune out bad noise and replace it with good noise, Johann Bach made a lot of beautiful noise.

Sometimes I think that bach was the greatest genuious in the world. And other times, I believe that he was hired specifically by the church to demand dilligence and plenty of movement from the flock. He might be the most annoying musician ever. But hey, my caravan sojourned through the Prussian Empire long enough to establish a sirname at heast. Some say slave name (Shakespear just said farmer). But if you can catalogue and apreciate a fat pompous sit at home dad just because he agrees to support the church, maybe you could show a similar respect to a jew as well.

I could do this all night and show you stuff from my algorithm. If I do the math on the stuff that was actually charming, it would probably include this one incredibly beautiful lady who I am so enjoying spending time with. Here is Joy.

Very marriable. I wish I had met this nice lady while I was writing this year because I’m afraid I would have been afraid to use the name for my character. I don’t know what I would have done had not this lady put an incredibly lovely brand on the name Joy. I don’t want to say too much and I also want to say that if you think African women are beautiful, Ms Joy has a lovely selection of Mulligans available who are maybe not such suitable for marriage but in a pinch if you’re looking for an African. I don’t know that I am looking for anyone but I do want to say that we all live in the time of apartheid and it’s enough and we should just stop. We can allow the people whose skin obviously dictate that they do not live in such climates to return to their northern climates and be done with it already. Close the borders and live amongst yourselves as best you can and just leave Africa alone. Leave Belarus alone. Just leave everyone alone.

And I do want to say one more thing. I really think I’m done with this stunt. And I also think whatever anyone is thinking of me, stop right away. I want to make this a universal rule right now. I’m a great man as far as anyone is concerned and my time is more valuable than yours as far as I am concerned. I could also probably say that my time is more valuable than yours empirically to a gigantic percentage of the population and I’m sure at this point y’all can agree with me. I didn’t come here to establish dominance but as long as this is the world I live in, meet alpha, at least to a pretty decent extent. I might not be the apex but I’m amongst the fucking group on the top and y’all understand this now.

Here are some plans and my rules going forward. Ironically or unironically and just a quick shout out to some bitch who thinks she’s a journalist, these are also the universal rules for dealing with any group of people under any flag in any situation.

  • You do not make plans that concern me or mine without talking to me. Anyone who makes any movement regarding myself or any of my people without consulting me first have trespassed on my property and we will not have any more trespassing in this world.
  • If you think there is winning in anything you wish to do that requires a loser, never speak to me again. If you think you’re clever enough to construct an argument to run a bait and switch on me, never speak to me again.
  • I do not wish to be provoked into useless action anymore. If there is something legitimate to do within the realm of my expertise, I am sure under normal circumstances I should be in favor of life. You tell me with all of your heart that you only wish death and that’s all you get.

And ironically, this is the easiest thing for me to do. I just let you eat yourselves and you just die. And then of course you can blame me for being too lazy to save you. Die. Please die. Go ahead and die. There are too many people. Die. I do not wish to support useless people anymore no matter how loud they yell at me.

Living is not talking. Talking is sharing information. If you want to share information for the betterment of all, we are the smartest people on the planet. If you wish to share information to make messes or to make your own personal star rise, get off the planet already. Go take your winnings and drink yourself to death please. Or take all the drugs you can. I will not live to finger to save you. If you have something to say that is helpful to the world, say it. If you just like disturbing things, remove your voice from my ears. It goes back to rule number one about property rights.

This being said, as of the moment these are my plans for the future.

  • I’m very interested in trying to put together some helpful projects for the Belarusian people. We have some rich assholes but this is basically central Africa for white people in case you didn’t know. Get rid of the fucking Russians and we have a chance but I am really interested in electric conversion kits right now, courier services that work on sustainable energy or human energy please, electric bicycles and electric vehicles for old people and changing the general infrastructure to allow for healthy activities and making use of rotting buildings that could be put to use for non-commercial but community positive purposes. Yes, theoretically we could do this without any help but oddly enough, just like Africa, you have Belarus fucked with your European economic system and your Russian oil. I don’t know what you expect us to be able to do under perpetual disturbance.
  • Or, I’m a free agent and if y’all think I need to play for your city or a group of cities or simply to make my star rise because I’m such an interesting and astute person, I think I’m going to make a telephone number available and I have an email. The reason for both of these is that you can send me a text message. I don’t want you calling me but you are welcome to send me text. And from this text, if we should decide to meet online to talk or on the phone to talk, all is kosher. But you talk to me before you move or you wasted your time probably 99%. Maybe you did come up with something so beautiful that I couldn’t stand it. Odds are, you don’t want me looking at what you did just talk to me first because the end result is everybody is happy and I don’t need any presents or surprises ever for the remainder of my days. No more provocations to make my emotions bigger or smaller or to make me react in a some emotional manner. No more touching me unnecessarily by anyone for anyone’s amusement p e r i o d.

Looking ahead, I really think I’ve had eneough of the stunts and the more I think about it, the Upcoming Elections Books should probably be free. I’m also thinking that all of my work should just be free.

Yea, it’s a button click and yea, there are lots and lots and lots of copies…

So what’s the story?

The story is that my very first independent gig was just me and my guitar. I didn’t have much going for me but I could play the guitar well enough and maybe sing a tune. I just did custom tunes for people. I didn’t sit there and play all day because it just ruins your repertoire and you play in shitty conditions. The guitar is too fragile to be a weapon of war. I just waited for people who wanted to talk to me and then I wrote him a song and they were charmed and they gave me some money. No, nobody ever took me home or decided I was better than this. They just took their pleasure, gave me a couple of bucks and left. And then I could have a burrito at the end of the day or, as I remember it, there was an excellent vegetarian store that threw out their hot food but gave it to the homeless. That was true until I showed up. Apparently, the Jew, despite literally being homeless at the moment, I should never be considered a homeless person and free vegetarian food always came with shit emotions for rules immediately after. Why am I not in Oregon?

For contact and/or to send funds, Please use my email :

Or just hit the PayPal

You see how I run on sometimes? The point is that the job was playing guitar and if I did noodle and someone wanted to, they could throw some coins or some paper money into the guitar case. I wear a hat so I’m not going to take it off for you to put money in. Let’s just say there’s a guitar case and maybe on the website I’ll find a picture of a street musician with a guitar case, I have a picture in mind but maybe it’s not the perfect one, and then you can send us some money. I say us but you can hear me if it makes you happy. You can just send money because you support what I do or believe in my words or because you think having a little more money might give me a little more power and with this power maybe some things could happen. Maybe if I had enough money, I wouldn’t have to do all the work and I could just give some money to other people to work for me and my organization, the ecological organization, the people friendly organization, the green 2021 organization, and we can see what we can do about cleaning up.

And just one more thing. Since I got to the end of this year’s project I talked to a few people including my old friend from Candlestick Park days. He sent me this. I believe it was from our junior high school yearbook. Good luck.

Really, nobody else said they wanted to be a writer. I was the only one who wanted to be a writer. Maybe now I understand why. And yeah, I could hit at this age. At this age, my hitting was already legendary.

Why didn’t I write at Mills? Why didn’t I do anything there? What can I tell you about a difficult life such as this?

Another question I have been asked concerns my current isolation. I have been asked if I would really go the remainder of my life without ever touching another human being again. Could I really be happy living in space?

The thing is the thing is that I want very much to experience intimacy again. I want very much to be in the arms of someone I genuinely love. I would truly love to live in a place where I feel great pride because the place is incredibly beautiful to be in and the people that help to make it so beautiful are happy and unharassed and unburdened.

But as to why I didn’t write at Mills it is because I was not attractive. Perhaps you look at my picture and you say that I was not a bad looking boy. Maybe a little fat. Why not? But it seems that there was plenty of talent in there but I don’t remember anything beautiful happening to me for a very very long time. I don’t really remember very much beauty being in my life ever and I remember believing that life was pretty miserable and that I was horrible. Now I see things a little differently. Now I look at myself and I think I’m pretty good looking. Actually, even at my fattest, I had the ability to bring joy to another person if they gave me the opportunity and gave some back. I mean, you can say what you want but the ball went into the seats often enough to justify my continuing in the league. Apparently, I really was not replacement level for quite some time.

But I can’t right now. It’s almost the same thing or maybe it’s exactly the same thing. For a while, I actually felt beautiful. Really. For a while there, I actually felt like a beautiful person and to live in a place that lets you feel beautiful is really something.

And then of course the Russians came in and beauty needed to step aside because that’s what the Russians do. Apparently the Christians gave them license. Or maybe it was the Americans. In any respect, then the Russians came in because they were rich now and they wanted their traditional bitches and they needed someone to step aside and change the marketplace. You can’t have nice people fucking up their girls. We have to make sure that our women know who they are and what their job is and how they must serve the fatherland.

But now I think the Russians have definitely had their way with me enough that I think I would refuse any type of intimacy that wasn’t forever. You would really have to make a sacrifice to hang out with me right now. Maybe it’s not such a sacrifice and maybe medical science could change things. But under current situations, why bother? I am pretty dirty because of living here. There’s no doubt and I will be the first to admit it. This isn’t the say that any of you fuckers are any cleaner. I’m just saying I got it at the source and I used to be a lot more comfortable.

So what I’m saying is I do miss people. There are many people that I know that I do not miss. Probably the same as with all of you. There’s just a never-ending list of people you just don’t want to talk to anymore. In this regard, I am the same as y’all. Except for perhaps one thing. I do promote ecology with my physical body and the time of my life. Every minute of every day is weighing the merits against the possible dangers in a world that is so motherfucked that you can’t even think straight in it. They have raped every square centimeter of the planet and then they argue about their property rights and their ability to rape more. And then they tell us the beauty of accepting a rape for being what it is and then having forgiveness in your heart and moving forward.

Fuck you. You know who you are and we both know you are reading me. We both know that you guys have been my number one readers the whole time. I know it has killed you not to have a relationship with me but one thing I have learned about getting attached to people you know only through electronic mediums or hearsay, they are really not your friends. Maybe you want them to be your friend but they are just kind of people that got out in public and they make noise and sometimes you look at them and you think they are really interesting. Probably it is because it is easier to play with your phone than to play with people. And probably we have become very weak people because we play with our phones instead of playing with people. And we play with the absolutely god-awful horrors of the fact that we allowed Christianity onto the internet.

In the meantime guys, do people are fucked, your land and your sky and your water is polluted. Your people have no reason to live and you guys at the top, or at least the guys over the guys at the truck, are just snorting stolen cocaine and fucking stolen women. Everyone suffers but you guys are okay if you have enough money and fuck everyone else, right? Law of the jungle. The big lion eats first. Fuck you.

It was a 5-minute conversation had between honest people. And then you can take your big idea and you can ask people what their general thoughts are. And then if you’re sure that you are speaking to sober reasonably healthy people, then you can be free to ask them their opinion because obviously if they are sober and reasonably healthy it has something to do with community involvement and the fact that they don’t just sit on their ass all day. And if you genuinely wish to have a party where one side is sick and the other side is trying desperately to be healthy in the sickness that the sick world demands to have, I think we don’t need a conversation anymore. We need an elegant decision to stop the sickness and move towards health. I think that’s all I ever wanted to say. And you can believe this religious stuff or not but if you are reading my words right now and you understand what I’m saying, maybe if I am hand of God and you are a Christian, you should plan on hell being exactly what you think it is.

Cheers y’all. I think that’s enough for me this year. I lost a month of my holiday to this bullshit. We will talk later and if you want to talk sooner, use my email please. I’ll think about adding a phone number. Bye.

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This page, The Utopian! and Practical English are part of the Gereen 2021 project. The goal is raising consiousness and indevidual vested interest in our communites through literacy and sound ecological practices. All questions, comments and contributions are welcome. Please drop a line at

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Found in the Translation

Found in the Translation: Five years of working with independent journalists covering life under Putin in the Arctic North of Western Russia

Being Had

Being Had: A story about a year of my life getting to know all about lies and corruption in Eastern Europe

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The Upcoming Elections

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Four years and 6 million words all for ecology and world peace

The Upcoming Elections

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