
Tonight starts a nice holiday in the Jewish calendar. The festival of lights. They say there is a miracle attached to it and I don’t know, I’ve seen miracles so I believe it could happen. I’ve even had my stove suddenly come back to life even though everyone was sure that all the gas was gone. I’ve even seen people who are just empty shells suddenly come back to life. Sometimes the flame is almost blinding.

This year’s menorah is courtesy of the Wood pile. The final candles will be kosher.

I did some writing for the Torah portion this week and I did some writing because I wanted to do some writing.

Please read Hanukkah in Belarus

I am okay. I’ve got a lot of food lying around. I don’t think I have to spend money for quite some time and I didn’t really go broke for this holiday. In fact, I seem to have even finally opened up that route where I can get food delivered from the Central market. This will make the Hanukkah holiday really nice because to have that nice food from the grandmothers is really a treat. I also got a delivery from my friends at the Jewish community so we have matza for the hummus this week. I agree that it’s not really good for your digestion. Here’s a secret, if you’re vegan, it’s really not that bad. You have enough fiber and it just goes through you. It’s matzah and meat that turn you insane.

But mostly I’m enjoying the boredom. I don’t go out too much because I don’t trust my legs not to break. I’ve been doing a lot of stationary bike riding. I rode over a hundred miles I think four times this week. I’m pretty tired actually but I am a bicycle rider and doing the art of cycling is very much like dialysis and I don’t really like myself when I let myself get too dirty. If you want to know who the author is, he was a track bike rider. A bicyclist for sure but one who evolved into direct drive. I’m the motor and I believe all people should be the motor. If it’s about fire, I say we make our own and make it impressive.

And after this I don’t really have a lot to say. I’m not really in love with stupid people. I’m not in love with people offering me shit. I’m really tired of people coming to me in need and I’m really tired of people coming to me because of their political problems or because they just want attention on themselves and like using me for drama. I am really, really really tired of being a Jewish scapegoat for gentiles who lead fucked up lives and don’t have the imagination to fix it.

I think what I’m saying is I don’t mind going it alone because it’s very peaceful when I’m alone. When I don’t have other people screaming at me or telling me their agendas or saying what they will do for me or what they will do to me, when I don’t live around people who scheme and hate and can’t wait to kill things, it really puts me on edge. And I suppose more than anything, I’m really tired of this simply because my ancestors read and wrote and dreamed of a better world with smarter people and a better way of living but kept getting smacked by people who inherited their wealth and power without ever doing anything about it themselves. Or, in our modern form of doing things, leaders jealous of great mass murderers who only find laden life that they need to run quickly if they want to catch up on the body count.

Here is a clue y’all. I’m not the revenant. I didn’t come back from the dead. I just removed myself from you and I got healthier and stronger. Y’all can think about that over the winter. And remember that December 22nd that’s the solstice. That’s the big one. That’s the one that says we’re going to do this again. And if I have to say one more thing, one of these days I’m going to find you in your car and I’m either going to put a knife in the tire or I’m going to open up the door and I’m going to punch you right in the face as hard as I possibly can. I’m not talking about a love tap or a wake up call. I’m going to try to break something so that your face never works well again or maybe do both. Or maybe I’ll just put this in writing so my friends can do it as well. Maybe we can just stop the torture for a while and let the world breathe again and get started on a new plan of how we plan to get through the next thousand years. What we are doing right now doesn’t work. Let’s stop doing it.

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