There are too many here among us who believe that life is but a joke
I can’t believe that I’m doing this but good Shabbos and listen to me for just one second.
These toasts that we do are sacred. They are not small. They mean something. There is a libation and I think we should take this libation seriously and it’s repercussions. I think we need to understand as we take this libation that we are changing our bodies metabolism. We are doing something to ourselves. We are changing our judgment. And if we are going to change our judgment, we should make sure to take a long with us some very good ideas from before but at the same time, be aware that perhaps some new ideas will come that are even better than the ones there were before. We want all of these ideas. That’s the point of Shabbos.
This has been an incredible week. You have no idea. The amount of Jewishness that a person must experience even when he is paying no attention to or at least trying not to pay attention to the looming debacle of reading the bloody texts. And that’s not a curse word. They are bloody texts. We veganized them. You should check that out in the Utopian. Maybe we did a lot of good work in the Utopian.
So here is some more good work for the Utopian. We need it to be aware of the children who have experienced great trauma in their lives. Because of War, the threat of war, that there had been or has been or will be or is or we are currently experiencing war, this trauma goes very deep into the lives of people. PTSD every time. It’s like a state of mind that we must exist in because no one ever lets us heal from it. We must be in perpetual PTSD say our leaders while they deny us any cure that actually works or prevents the flow of money coming from us to them in the hot pursuit of said cure. Make him sick and then make them beg for medicine. A great racket.
Racquet sports. I meant to say something about racket sports being pretty good duels. This pitcher hitter duel is awesome but at the same time, tennis seems to be a complete hybrid of both the ball thrower and the ball hitter. It says if baseball had a child and it came out as tennis. A little tighter, pretty much infield play and all about whether you have got the arm or not. Can you pick and can you throw? How many times a point? We’re not talking about sitting around the infield waiting for three chances. How many times do you get to play shortstop when you play tennis?
I ask myself these questions all the time. I think you should too.
And at the same time. Right now, right now despite this little dance I have done for your Shabbat table amusement, right now it is time to say the prayers for our children. And I want to say that I always modify the text to include the names of my children. I understand that they are referencing a mansion in the Torah where the Torah gave us a hero like a million years ago when dinosaurs were kings and no one could figure out the price of a coconut. But that was before the joy of the last 2000 years and now I’m saying you owe us big time.
But I mention my children here no matter what. And I tell you that sometimes it’s a matter of ptu ptu ptu, Don’t say these bad words. If you say this word out loud, it is bad luck. Can you imagine? Can you imagine having these thoughts? Well, that’s why we say the prayer. Ptu ptu ptu, We say the prayer. And it’s nice to say the prayer because it’s there every week. And you know you’re going to have a nice meal. And you know there’s going to be a libation. And you know there’s going to be the prayer about the children and you know you are never not going to remember them at least once a week. And this is crazy that they may be.
And this…
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