Midday Friday

“Nude in nature,” by Sudeshna Sarkar,

 It’s about 1:00 p.m. and whether I wanted to or not, I got in a couple of good hours this morning. I haven’t watered yet but I’m set up for it. I actually managed to build the frame for the drying racks and they are as good as they need to be maybe. Maybe I should have built them with a million thoughts in mind. Just a place where the wind and Sun can get at things.

That DIY stylus works just fine I think but I don’t know where it is. This was one of the thoughts I had when I was thinking of buying one and then decided to make it myself. I knew I would lose it. This morning I made another. This one is made from a twig. It uses the same principle, a little cotton on the tip and some foil to carry the electricity in my hand. I closed this one with a few winds of very thin copper wire I stripped from an electrical cord I’ll never use. It looks kind of steampunk. And I’m writing with it right now. Not bad huh? Maybe I’m in a good mood because whenever I find the other one, I’ll have two.

Magic hour is at about 8:45 and I still need to do some basic cooking. The plan is for hummus with garlic and bread. I also want to say something as a cook that pasta primavera does exactly what pasta primavera is supposed to do and officially speaking, all of my bodily functions are intact. I think one of the most important things of leading a healthy life is to be aware not only of what you eat but the effect what you eat has. If you know something is good for something, use it when you need it.

Other than the watering and the wash that’s really about it for this week. I think next week I’m going to go back to my original format on Google docs. There’s no reason not to just go back to work and though I’ve done a lot of interesting things, it might be better to write something in real time instead of backwards. I was thinking about keeping some of the parts of the Utopian going during the week. I liked writing the Utopian but I think I’ve explored the functional idea of a newspaper enough. I’ve got enough work on my plate. Cheers if you liked it.

Other than that, not much. I’m pretty tired. I knew I’d be tired today. It’s been a long two weeks and a tough two weeks and I seem to be fighting a war everywhere there is a war to fight. I haven’t won anything. They still do their thing and have never even considdered moving their cars.

If you want to take a crack at this problem, do a good job. Maybe call me before you act so I can agree I knew about it. I am not hiding. Or, if you are a million miles away, try taking the tool bucket out and see if you can fix a similar problem of your own. Time and energy, dilligence and effort.

Just think about being a little more ecological, a bit more practical and a little more open to getting ideas. The only way we win this game is to do it together and doing it together has nothing to do with money or getting a bunch of useless shit. We just have to agree that we are batshit crazy and that nobody understands what the fuck we’re doing or why we’re doing it. We just have to go with nature and live as cleanly as we can and be grateful for our days. This is all we get. July sunshine and a little bit of food in the boxes. A nice cooked meal and a quiet evening of bird song. Sit by the fire in the winter and read a book. Visit with friends or even get raucous with them in sport when it’s warm and everyone wants to be outside. Live with love instead of hate. Everyday spent in hate is wasted. Hate is an illness. It’s a bad narcotic and maybe the deadliest addiction. We need to put it away. I’ll vouch for it with my own body right here and right now.

We have got to get rid of polution immediately and if that means rethinking every purchase a hundred times before you pull the trigger, let that industry die because the more you wait, the more you know you can live without it. And yes, you can. You can get closer to Nature. You can be kinder to Nature and learn to love Nature more. Learn to love nature more than money. Yes, you absolutely can. We all should. Nature is God and God is Nature.

Shabbat shalom

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