Friday morning way too early meeting.

Forgive me if this one gets jumbled. These last two weeks have been pretty remarkable. To the nazi, fascist, Christian, White racists that I live with, even the black one, it was just more spectacle and nervousness in a life otherwise filled with spectacle and nervousness. Just another piece of news to be digested and hawked out of their throats along with the bile, phlegm and tobacco spittle. To me though it was an example of what happens to ecological protesters globally. Go on the web and look up eco protesters. You will only hear stories of war after war after war after war. The fascists will not stop destroying nature and sometimes they just go ahead and kill the activists too. They like killing. It makes them feel very cocained. They don’t like listening to people’s protests because they don’t like having their power being disputed. They also love demonstrating their power for free but with our money.

I want to say that this is a fight between kosher and non kosher but kosher unfortunately for me, is a way too compromised term. Kosher to me is Torah plus the meat lobby. You take the meat lobby out, and kosher is easy. You make everything more complicated than it needs to be when you add meat. Everybody gets confused and crazy and eventually we start killing each other. I can’t even say that it’s a fight for spiritually clean souls because the dirty people believe themselves to be spiritually clean just as they are. Why? Because their spiritual leaders tell them that money is the spiritual way to happiness. How can you be spiritual if you are always worried about money? If you add anything to spirituality, it can’t exist except as another corrupt entity like all the others. Add money to anything and it’s corrupt.

Does money (M) equal spirituality(S)? M=S? M≠S! No. They also probably shouldn’t even mix together.

לו תרצח

This is the Hebrew for Thou shalt Not Murder from the 10 rules to leading a spiritual life. I guess one thing about being Jewish is the legal arguments. When you become literate, even disregarding the literature that allowed you to become literate, you gain an accuracy of mind. Even if in my case that it’s almost intolerable how many times the book just sucks me dead or makes me ill, there are a few moments of legal decision that you could at least think about. There is a reason why Jews are good lawyers.

As a legal concept, murder is considered a crime. The legal concept of a crime is an intentional action that causes harm. The legal understanding of a weapon is anything you use to cause harm. Perhaps the true understanding is not about killing or murder but causing harm. Thou Shalt Not Cause Harm. Please, don’t use weapons. Stop killing everything around you. Just stop causing harm.

Please don’t ask me why crime is bad or go into a speech how crime helps develop businesses and communities. Crime destroys everything it touches and criminalizing things weaponizes those things and therefore commits further crimes.

And here is the big constipation theory. They even say in the Torah that god offered perfectly fine food but they just wouldn’t stop killing animals and themselves and everyone they encountered. It was a significant moment of hysteria for Moses and they must have been plying him with the choicest cuts because he cut the wrong deal. He made the wrong choice and ended up destroying the planet Earth within whatever period of time it took for the Torah to be assimilated by Rome. Maybe that was not the only book we should have been reading. Maybe we all should have been writing books and sharing them with each other for each other’s amusement and pleasure when we weren’t working. 

Why is it sometimes okay to cause harm? Explain it to me. The only answer to the question is when a person picks up a weapon to kill another person with a weapon and then immediately turns that weapon onto themselves. This is basically the criminal argument as well. They’re going to take what they want because they don’t care about anything but surviving. Usually it’s gang thinking. They can’t work together because they’re too lazy and too hateful and they require too much food and too much entertainment and way, way, way too many narcotics. Criminals are the fat pigs who won’t stop feeding and every minute of every day they tell you that it is suicide to oppose them. They drive the machine, you get out of the way. Again, look up eco protesters on the web and find out how many of them have been killed this year.

I do not believe we are supposed to be eating meat. I believe our bodies function better if they only eat natural foods that we all know. It is possible that you have a nut allergy. I assume there are vegans who have nut allergies. I also believe that possibly someone with a nut allergy might not have it once they go vegan but this is a small experiment perhaps. I believe if we rely on seasonal food, even at this latitude, it is possible to survive here. I believe this because I have survived here. In fact, it is amazing how comfortable one can become here. The local problems seem to be a few insects that like to drink blood that can be very easily controlled by self-isolation. Winters are livable with a couple of wood fires a day and the help of an electric heater.

I like electricity. It is possible to create an ecologically friendly electric grid. To catch the wind and the sun to keep up with what we need would mean that we have to use our collective brains to create an unbreakable loop or at least a loop that could be maintained. We just need a green grid and we are all free.

Beans and greens. Nuts, seeds and grains. I use a blender. I don’t use sugar. I have an argument with oil and I use it sometimes and sometimes I won’t touch it for weeks because I don’t really like it in me. I can be had for noodles and I eat pumpkin, I don’t carve them up and stuff candles in them like a bloody idiot. 52° north latitude is really not that bad. Antibiotics help. A vitamin supplement helps. Eating a little bit of everything helps. A little word working in the winter helps. And what? Seriously, what else do we need?

All I’m saying is that I think the original sin was eating meat. Something put pressure on the apes and they responded to the pressure and annoyance with violence. The violence brought blood and the blood brought more violence. Perhaps it was once for servival, now it is as archaic as Biden.

I think it was Woody Allen who told a joke about the Jews being the last apes out of the trees. As they sat on the branches and watched their brothers commit atrocity after atrocity, the frustration was too much. “Stop playing with the fire! You’ll lose your hair!”

It’s not good for us to be carnivores. Carnivores never stop needing to hunt. Herbivore life works really well with the seasons. You have to prepare for winter and trust in your numbers that you are good till the spring and trust in your friends and your community when you are not. Or can’t any more. Such a beautiful life if you just take the carnivores out of it. Just stop causing harm and then tell me how this is not the most beautiful way to live on the planet Earth?

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