Tuesday report part 2: vegan resilience

So right from the beginning, there’s going to be trolls. It doesn’t matter if you say anything, you get people who just troll you because they believe whatever the fuck trolls believed to justify their actions. It ain’t good and we’re all dying from it. But I might understand if you thought that I was hoaxing this. In fact, I kind of wish I was in a way. I always go from the truth as my starting point. What if I actually executed a lie? I’m not talking about satire or scenario writing. What if I did an anti Hemingway? What if I started by writing the least true declarative sentence?Believe what you want.

After writing that last report, I suddenly found myself with a lot of energy. Those smoothies are no joke. I suddenly really wanted to do something. What I really wanted to do was go outside and have a look at my field. Or at least get up and maybe get something to eat. I was feeling a little hungry.

The problem was getting up and walking. Most of the joint pain seemed to have gone away but could I trust myself not to fall and crash in a place where it would not be a comfortable crawl to get back inside before all of the flying carnivores got at me.

I sat back and contemplated the situation. On the one side, I thought that maybe I could entertain myself with some silent old time baseball. The earlier the better. They have these complete games on YouTube and I just turn off the sound and watch the beautiful pictures. You can really see how baseball evolves when you turn off the sound and just have a look with your own eyes. If it means anything, I like listening to film soundtracks without having to look at the actors. It’s almost like having really talented people and musicians and sound effects people read a script for you. It’s lovely. There is something about that full connectedness that has lost any favor with me. A movie was an absolute choice.

Or I could just get up. I worked out the most careful geometry to get my body into an upright position I could think of. I had my crutches with me. First sign of a mistake, we quit the experiment and we definitely hope that we didn’t rip anything that shouldn’t have been even stressed. Basically the sort of thinking that my neighbors should have taken into account before this latest pogrom. Okay, I said to myself, we’re going to do this and see what happens.

I can walk. The actual final diagnosis is that when the covid actually started doing its deal and creating inflammation in all of my joints, I might have mildly sprained my knee along the patella ligament. I’m pretty sure that this is real. A sprain is an incomplete tear. The ligament has not left the bone but it has been injured. This was immediately exacerbated by the covid and it amplified a bad situation and made it completely intolerable. So it was a hospital bed where even rolling over was misery.

But then I was up and actually I was hungry. Again, don’t believe me but this is the progression. I got up and started walking with crutches and it simply wasn’t painful. Not bad, right? So I made it to the kitchen and admired the purple artwork on the table in the floor and suddenly really wanted some macaroni.

But then that thought changed and what I really wanted to do was step outside. I really wanted to see my field and if I had screwed up by not watering today. My thoughts were correct. I also think that dim is some kind of watering savant. Once you got the handle on making it rain, my plants looked happier than after I talked to them. That job must really make dim happy. I was thinking about that. I might be the only man and his entire life whoever gave him money for clean jobs. Not just clean ethically, the job was just about creating a better environment. Playing with a hose in the middle of the hottest day? I bet you his happiness went into all the plants. Or maybe he’s one of those Christians that really believes that God is good and service is godliness.

I am not to be trusted. I’m pretty good at not injuring myself but I will push things till they pop. If I could go out and have a look, I might be able to collect a couple of onions and a kishu. And really, you better be in love with kishu because kishu is going to be the main staple of the diet for the next two months or so. I think they call this a staple crop.

It’s also technically a squash. And this was where I came up with my eventual idea for supper. Maybe I’ll throw a few droplets of olive oil on the top. Maybe I’ll crack some fresh pepper. But I took out some corn polenta and some lentils and decided to have some Three Sisters for supper. I cut up half of the kishu into strips appropriate to be eaten with sticks and sliced in a giant ball of a young onion and left the greens for a garnish. Right now I’m letting it cool down because you don’t really want to do anything that makes you sweat.

So how about that? The worst covid hit of my life and I’m in and out in 5 days and nothing that lives on my property died from my misfortune. I really do have to harvest those pea beds and decide what I could possibly replant them with other than just throwing a bag of lentils in there as green manure ahead of next year. Vegan resilience. And again, call this fake news but I do have 6 million words from four consecutive years a vegan resilience to back up what I’m saying. Enjoy your meals.

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