Part 3

I’m back inside my office. Not hysterically cleaning up, just cleaning. Theoretically my ex-partner is coming today. Maybe she is and maybe she isn’t and maybe I’m tired of making plans of how to deal with her visit. She doesn’t listen to me anymore than he does or she does or they do. Or you do for that matter. No cavalry, no backup. I’m alone in the fort. This is dances with wolves and I am Kevin Costner your host in the new series called how to get seriously fucked up by white people for trying to say that nature is beautiful just the way it is without our help.

At the moment, they are doing what they do which is talking and trying to find political help. The question is whether or not what I did was found to be saying and relevant. What did I say? I said who I was and my authentic pedigree to be here and what my intentions were by coming here and how their behavior has Disturbed me for reasons I cannot understand. It seems they have a right to torture me because they believe something that I do gives them reason to do so. However, they do not believe that things that they do should be noticed or seem to be bad in any way.

So gay made an appearance at my fence. Let’s leave his name exactly like that because it’s appropriate. So gay made his appearance and spoke to me in beautiful low rent gopnik Russian telling me that I was causing a disturbance.

There could have been another way to answer him but I’ve never found one, have you? Is there anyone here in the class who believes that this man had any intention of listening to any words that I said? Are there any people in this audience who believes that this man intended anything other than suppression by his actions. Suppression by force without my right to speak on my own behalf.

Who started this? I remember this starting this last week. I had some help from the local alcoholic corps and because they did such a good job as working as a team, I started thinking of them as a team and wondering what kind of future we might have. They obviously needed business, I am a businessman and what else could I do but figure out a way to make use of manpower desperately in need of a paycheck.

At the end of the week and to make absolutely clear if it wasn’t already, as a practicing Jew of my own variant of Zen Judaism of which I am a sincerely Orthodox practitioner, I take my Shabbos very seriously and so I tipped my company some money that they could use for the weekend. I tipped them enough money for some peas and rice and maybe some cabbage if they didn’t have any. Even some cooking oil or vinegar might work. Or they could buy a bottle of vodka, completely their choice as human beings. But I gave them this money as a thank you for a job well done in the name of peace and good will before Shabbos.

Let’s pause a moment and soak in the situation. The people that believe that nothing is more important than money decided to make their demonstration against me on Friday evening on a Friday where I specifically paid money for the very first time. When I just went the extra mile to be good to my people, they staged a pogrom on Friday evening.

I have linked this word and done the work too many times. Put that word into your algorithm and have a look at the page. Quite possibly it’ll change your life and I seriously recommend you start looking up Jewish words immediately.

They just revved automobile engines engines engines. They just blew poisonous smoke in the air and danced and laughed. There is no question about this. I’ve been here for 2 years. You cannot claim innocence. You just can’t.

Me? I was inside with the windows closed and I have kind of a filter system. I have to live with the filter because of my neighbors. When I came here, I was absolutely thrilled that there were times of the year where you just left all the windows and doors open and it created the most beautiful space in the world. But they poisoned so many of them that it’s more important to use the filter.

What is their argument about me? They decided they didn’t like me. They decided it was easier to hate me. There is no other real answer. Possibly it’s sexual frustration. Most of this is absolutely sexual frustration because there is no way in hell these men are fucking their wives. Their wives do not have the look of contentment about them that comes when they are loved. They are absolutely rigid with hatred. You can say something about politics or their belief or this or that or what sort of God forsaken propaganda gets fed to them along with their daily doses of automobile poison, but if they are human beings and they are women, if you ain’t doing your job, that woman’s hysterical and we can go all the way back to the beginning of time about that.

But what they do instead is this thing called work which equates to making really loud noises and doing really dangerous things and destroying things in really horrific ways. Being a man means killing. This is a remarkable two plus two equals five in Russian psychology. The men are only the guardians who are obligated to kill and therefore all men must learn to be killers. There is no ideology of men caring for other men, those are homosexuals, men are razor sharp and to the death at all times. The war never ends and you kill and kill and kill and you’ve demonstrated your manhood much better than fucking your wife.

Or I could say Christians and it’s Sunday right? Because they shit on my shopping list so I am obligated to shit on theirs. It’s only right. If they are too stupid to be friends, eat my shit.

Or did the thought go home? Because I was speaking loud enough for the village to hear me. I told them who I was and why I was here. I have very good reasons to be in the country and I have a very real pedigree to be in Belarus. And not only by royal fact, by labor and that I have children here.

And I told them I just want nature. I told them that their cars disturbed everyone and poison everyone on their road including themselves and their children. I told them that this is the reward promised to me. I’m on pension after working 20 years. I have worked in this prison camp for 20 years and now I want some peace and quiet and to be closer to Nature. Whatever their world is, and I really don’t care what their world is, 2 years ago I went over to try and talk censor them about moving their cars or parking differently or doing something to stop putting Auto fumes in my kitchen and my home. That was 2 years ago and with the exception of a little holiday where I was in the hospital, I’m still writing about ecology everyday.

Again, why is this happening?

  • It is a blackmail and they want money
  • This is literally all about allowing the wife her unlimited power. When I showed up and was not completely under the heel of a woman, this set the totalitarians into an uproar because the possibility existed that their husbands would turn away from them if they knew the truth. This by the way in microcosm is the answer to the entire question publicly. Just saying.
  • It is about sexual frustration on both of their parts and she has used her natural penis destroying tendencies to create an illusion of a protective man. He is not her man and she is not under his protection because he is not a man. A man would have walked out of his house and asked what the emergency was and how he could help. There’s been a man here for the last 2 years. They just didn’t want to speak to him because it would fuck up everything.
  • That’s true. They felt very in control. The police were on their side that they, because they were using cars to generate money and garbage and pollution, they were the correct people for our state’s leadership.
  • Or, they are Russian plants. They are not real people in any way and they do not have real lives. They are just Russians who were put here many years ago to be suppressive and invasive elements to make sure that things ran exactly the way the Russians want them. Everybody Burns gasoline, everybody stays crazy and wants people fall, they stay down under the boot where they belong forever and ever. Nobody heals, nobody grows and nobody gets better. I don’t think anybody would actually vote for that but voting is not high on their list.

I’ll be back for an update. It seems the ex partner has woken up. It’s 8:00 a.m.

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