Hanging out in the garden with Robert Plant

You know, Robert, you’ve got a hell of a name for a garden.

Yes that’s right. I finally thought about that. I am a Plant.

So we are sitting here contemplating the pluses and minuses of the Utopian.

No, you’ve got a great thing here. I’ve never even thought such a thing is possible.

Well, you have been in your share of print journals. What do you think of your company here?

Well, I think the thing is that you’ve got a hell of a community here. I mean, this is what we were all dreaming about. We all wanted to live in a place where we were free to be ourselves and we weren’t worried about having to get a job and sell out and become one of them. You really sell the point that they are destructive to ecology. I think we knew that but wasn’t really what it was about. They had a war just like now and that was distracting everyone. Maybe you’re right and peace is an ecological symbol.

A symbol of symbiosis.

Yes, you’re getting quite good at that too.

And it’s whispered that soon if we all call the tune that the piper will lead us to reason. Do you think our time has come?

Well it would be fucking lovely if it would at least in my lifetime. Anybody’s lifetime. Everybody’s lifetime. It’s just a shame for those of us who missed it if it’s true.

I hate to be fanboying too much but that would be one stroke of the pen, right?

You are an evily mischievous interviewer, that’s for you are. I thought Pagy was dancing a bit much on the dark side but you don’t pull punches.

It’s funny you should mention that. Mike Tyson is coming by as well. I think he’s bringing mushrooms in case you want to join us.

Fuck all! G, you have the parties. Are we all invited?

They haven’t stopped this yet.

No, I suppose I haven’t. Thank God for small favors.

One more nasty one.

Bowl it in.

Young girls.

Absolute best moments of all of it. The music paled next to it. It was like being reborn again. It’s like having children. It’s intimacy with innocence. There’s nothing like it and it never will be anything like it. And we also thank God for small favor that we remain in good graces.

Marijuana, yes or no?

You want to smoke more? By the way, your garden is delicious.

Cheers. You talk a lot about taking drugs. But are you an advocate of marijuana.

What? Do you mean like completely legalization or complete medical access? Of course. Look at me for God’s sake. I’m a product of marijuana. Marijuana is the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life and everything I have is directly related to it. Probably every word I wrote came as a result of marijuana. And I thank God everyday that I’m alive for every moment of every day because I have the opportunity to live this life because of marijuana. Do I believe marijuana is positive? My name is Robert Plant. Now you know what the plant is.

And who the quill belonged to.

You know, we really did kind of believe in all that. I mean, we knew we needed symbols. We decided we needed to have symbols. They told us that we were mysterious and no one could really know us but they would dream about us and dream of being us. Did you ever dream of being us?

No. Never did.

Why not?

It’s not sustainable, is it? It’s just a moment in the Sun and then it’s all gone.

Yes, but I got to live it.

I have also lived very much. And I have scars. The only issue is not everybody gets to live a life. How many of the fans followed you in place of living a life they should have been living?

Yeah, you’re right about that. Exploitation of the masses. We even got a bit fascist about it, didn’t we?

Nobody’s blaming you Bob. The song at the concert was awesome. None of us can get that song or that solo out of our consciousness. It’s in our DNA. The whole experience. And, besides, if we want to agree that a bunch of British white boys understand rock and roll music…

You’re right my friend. We’ve always got to Beatles.

Love, love, love.

Love is all you need.

She loves you yeah yeah yeah


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