
I did not want to let this go by without making this point. I think this is one of the essential biblical loopholes that need to be explored. I think even believing that searching for biblical loopholes tells us how bad things are. But I’m telling you I have found the fatal flaw. I say you can see it in the text. We were intended to be vegan and we didn’t listen to God.

So here is a link to numbers 11. The chapter comes out of nowhere. It’s just a change of subject from one word to another and suddenly we are listening to a story. Moses is hearing voices.

I believe he is influenced by money. His regime spends a lot of money on his image making and his personal beautification and the beautifications of his holy people. It seems as though people ask him a question, he goes into some sort of religious fervor trance often like we see self-styled religious types do and suddenly we were listening to the words of God as translated by Moses and written by the court’s scribe as instructed.

But these voices are the voices of lobbyists. There are large flock owners who make a lot of money by keeping the flow of meat going to the people. It’s just business. It seems we have this sin tax and if we don’t pay it, we could get stoned in the street. So the apparatus is that people need to come up with an animal to sacrifice or it means their ass and usually in these situations, I imagine the price is at least double.

but me? I’m kosher. If there was a complaint about the availability of meat, why didn’t they just agree to eat the mana? Of all the miracles that Moses pulled out of his hat to get these people out of Egypt, this was the first genuinely positive thing.

Thinking about the problems of the world such as how much pollution we have put into our environment and what it has done to the planet we live on, not to mention ourselves, we have it coming. We are guilty as hell. But in my mind, deep in my mind, I can’t help but think what would have happened if they would have just said thank you for the mana. What kind of paradise could we have built if we just stopped killing each other and every other damn thing we can get our hands on?

Actually, I think they tried to say thank you for the mana. I think most people were okay to have the meat left out of their diet. The shabboses were something but there needed to be a killing in order for Shabbos to be sacred. There were more than a few people I assume who were still thinking of the 10 laws and seeing immediately a conflict of understanding between thou shalt not kill and this necessity to eat meat.

I also want to say that there are prayers that we make before Shabbos. We give thanks for the food. We give specific things for the different food groups and we put bread right there in the number one spot. Grains, fruits, veggies and bread. And they put some serious attention to the wine that they necessitate for these parties as well. I do not participate or give thanks for the wine. Go ahead and choose something else to do four toasts with. But aside from this, I also notice that meat is lumped together with all of the other completely unnecessary foods that we allow to be a part of our diets. This is the juaccording to the sacred hierarchy and he prayer is simply a thanks to God who creates all things. Pretty open-minded. Meat is at best shameful. A dirty little sevret that drags us all down to hell with it.

So Moses is either acting or genuinely outraged when he allows this “eating until it comes out of your eyes” thought to go into the record. He’s either doing a really good imitation of Hitler, or he’s creating a royal compromising to make sure that people never get out of their addictions. He will never allow these people out of his control. He will never allow himself not to have this job. He will never let go of this power.

But I wonder if this mana, which I think seems an awful lot like quinoa, which is surprisingly easy to grow, would have quickly cleared the heads of the people of Israel. What if, in their first moment of vegan clarity, they realize that there actually are more than a few alternatives available. Maybe with all of that clensing of the body and clearing of their senses, they might have just walked off and worked as independents in their trades wherever they found themselves, just like we end up doing anyway. They just would have said, “I want to give you a big thank you for getting us out of Egypt. Well, see you around, Mo, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.” And we would have been free. No wars, no more epic stories of how to build a heartless fascist regime and take control of people for fun and profit. Instead, it would have been a short story about a guy whose heart was in the right place and found himself falling in love with the purity of god/nature as he spent his days out in it being a humble meat merchant. And realizing one day the hypocracy of power, he wrote the guide book for free people to live together well, The basic morals of a democratic society.

But instead, we chose meat. Oh well, at least we know where the psychosis comes from.

Vegan is kosher. Vegan is the definition of kosher. Vegan is what the word kosher has always wanted to mean. Vegan is kosher without compromise. Vegan is kosher if kosher meant the truth. The only kosher that is really kosher is veganism. Let’s go, baby. Be Kosher. Go vegan.

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