
  • Weekly Torah

    Weekly Torah

    From Chabad.org Devarim in a Nutshell Deuteronomy 1:1–3:22 The name of the Parshah, “Devarim,” means “the words” and it is found in Deuteronomy 1:1. On the first of Shevat (thirty-seven days before his passing), Moses begins his repetition of the Torah to the assembled children of Israel, reviewing the events that occurred and the laws… Continue reading

  • Until further notice, I’ll be at the club.

    Until further notice, I’ll be at the club.

    After several conversations, some of my Asian friends have reminded me of what the most essential garden instruments are. They told me that I needed some steel. So, just one quick story before I get out of here. My father actually came to visit me one time in Belarus. Oh, we made a big deal… Continue reading

  • Two hotties

    Two hotties

    Okay, so fair is fair. I seem to have acquired some privilege here since joining the press corps. A regular place to live, stipend enough and for some reason, I have the luck, privilege and honor of the company of two hotties. Hi Yeah, okay. Hi. Nice. But as of the moment we are in… Continue reading

  • Behaalotecha


    I did not want to let this go by without making this point. I think this is one of the essential biblical loopholes that need to be explored. I think even believing that searching for biblical loopholes tells us how bad things are. But I’m telling you I have found the fatal flaw. I say… Continue reading

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