Fabric pots

This is a great thing for a do-it-yourselfer looking to get started in the garden business. That’s me. That’s what I’m doing. I’m in the gardening business and I’m here to make money.

Now, how we make money is kind of interesting. You see, I want to see how much of my own food I can grow on this piece of land. And that’s only using my boxes. Everything else is trees and berries and vines.

What we do is ask ourselves how much money we pay for food. This is the number that I’m gunning for. I don’t particularly care if I pay for my food a little bit more if I understand what went into growing it. Or even, God forbid, I was there for the plant’s entire life cycle. That’s a lot of Instagram pictures if you’re keeping track.

Or don’t take pictures and rely on your own expertise at making memories you really don’t want to forget. Now there is a talent.

So with the current fugue state being demonstrated by the sweet potatoes and my desire to make use of space, we redecorated the bed with excellent but truly suffering potatoes. These potatoes were well into their effort to reproduce before they were finally removed from their winter coffin and given a chance to do this thing. Better late than never.

Why potatoes? They are really good food. If you have potatoes lying around, you’re probably not going to die of hunger. Same goes for corn and God bless us all, pumpkins and zucchinis and all of the other traditionally over aspiring vegetables. I mean, I’ve got a box of kale coming along and all the bucket spinach I can tolerate but I live on a ridiculous amount of horseradish greens right now that I am perfectly content with as being edible human food. I didn’t plant it. It just started reproducing itself and I decided it was food so I had no reason to stop it. Who knows, maybe we’ll figure out a system and sell our leaves on the open market. No plastic packaging. Just a bucket of water is fine. And if you forget about it, that bucket of water is very good natural fertilizer wherever you want to put it.

It’s also sustainable because if you cut the leaves, they just grow back. And I guess if you ever get sick of it or just want to harvest the roots, this is a traditional table condiment ground up with sugar beets for the Belarusian table. It’s also kosher for Passover.

What I’m saying is, when I think of next year, I’m going bean happy. Let me tell you, I’ve got some crazy pictures in my head of what can be done with a bunch of vines.

At the moment, I’m relaxing with a little bit of dessert. It’s the first time I’ve had peanuts and raisins in a while. The greatest bicycle food known to man and I’ve got a whole cup plus hot tea to keep this mood going.

Oi. I forgot to grow peanuts. Is there still time? Maybe I should send this in as an order for Sunday.

Hey, while you’re at the market, pick up some raw peanuts from Luda. I’ve got a place to plant them now. Also while you’re there, grab some sesame seeds, and assortment of nuts, a few spice bags that look interesting and take a bottle of sesame oil for yourself.

Oh yeah, did I mention? It turns out I’ve got a delivery service after all. I can order whatever I want from the market in Pinsk and it will get delivered on Sunday, even if it requires a taxi.

When I found out this service was available, I started rethinking Wildberries (Amazon) generally.

You won again. How about we make a purchase from the market tomorrow? Because you know, Saturday….

What do you mean I won?

Haha! Would you rather I said you lost? This is what I want you to do. Go and find exactly our baba’s. Only our Baba’s. And please buy two banks of every type of bean they are selling. 1 L each. Tell them that these will be food and our stock for next year’s planting. Also tell them that I gave you this message while eating their beans for dinner happily. And then that I miss them etc etc

Ok, I will try to make it tomorrow at lunch time.

And one more nuance. Whatever they tell you the cost is, pay double. If they ask, tell them I said that it’s worth more.

If I sound a bit drifty here, it’s because I just had dinner of some beans that we grew and that came from the ladies at the market originally. It was a pretty simple dish. I just soaked them while I was watering the field, by the last segment they were ready and I cooked them or boiled them with some brown rice, some spices and a ludicrous pile of horseradish leaves. Think too many greens. Think so many greens, you’ll never be hungry again greens. Just a big ass pile dropped on top of the boiling beans and rice just for the flavor / nutrient package that comes along with such a thing.

And then I ate this concoction and now I am so comfortable I just don’t care about anything.

Except of course that we are down to the last two pages of the Utopian. A very interesting issue in which are testing our roles in society against how much space we make for other people. Generosity, I believe this is what it is called.

By the way, news of the baseball game will be there soon and there is also the interview we have all been waiting for. G gets to sit down and talk hitting with the Babe himself.

Crap! Why did we put the advertisement for a fabric pot at the head of this? Why didn’t we put up a picture of the Babe?

Oh. Okay. We got this. Cheers.

What more do you need?

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