
Well, that was something.

The new issue is out.

The Utopian

Enjoy it. It’s free while it lasts.

We think it’s a good one. Also, let us know what you think in the comments here. You can also let us know what you think of this blog in the comments. You know, questions? Commentary? You know the drill. Now is the time for you to give your opinion. Or maybe, now is the time to help.

This is not particularly a fundraiser but we are $50 away from bringing green 2021 back to life. A new format, an extremely workable design, a solemn bowel and a thank you to wordpress and 50 bucks as well and we are good. Do I seem small by corporate standards? Does it seem like an incredibly foolish thing to run an electric Garden by hand? How much automation should I have or do I really need?

But that is about ecology and it’s a good thing to have around and perhaps to contribute to as well. I think there are also business possibilities in the fields of solar or wind electricity and geothermal cooling. There are also wonderful thoughts of ecological projects paid for and made available daily to everybody. They don’t need to be gigantic, just give some money to someone for an hour or two of their time to work on an ecological project. This country needs this more than it needs the war.

I believe five bucks an hour would be influential. Me? Do you think I’d steal the money? Not for this deal. If you send money saying you want to know what happened to it, we’ll blog it for you and everyone else. With pictures, booby, with pictures. Maybe film but I’m sure that would be extra. Sorry, it’s not personal, just business.

Or you could just trust us to do the right thing and hope for the best. Or maybe you can think of your own similar projects to do in your own life.

Or, maybe you just want to be involved with the project in some way. Maybe you’d like to contribute stories to the Green 2021 project as a whole. Maybe you are an ecologically minded children’s book author or journalist or content creator. Maybe you want in. Let us know.

Anyway, if you are enjoying this, let me know as well and I’m open to any comments NOT telling me what I could do to make more money. Don’t talk about money, just send some. Besides, I don’t really want to make money here. I just want it to work.

Cheers and thanks for listening to us.

Oh shit. I forgot to mention. I have no idea who this guy in the picture is. I think it has something to do with the Arctic giving evidence of how real global warming due to the patrolling and industries insistent enslavement of the population of the world is. I haven’t read the article yet but by the expression on the guy’s face, he’s asking us how we could possibly be this stupid. He’s asking us to have just the slightest rational thought about being polite or kind or decent to the planet Earth with your actions. I think he’s asking us all not to create garbage or make pollution for the sake of the future of our planet. I think he’s asking you to work it out so you pollute less and less and less and less until There is almost or completely no poison coming from any of your actions.

Silence with The Sweet sound of the birds only.

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The Utopian!
Utopian Literature, news, blogs, food, art and satire

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We do this for the environment

It only takes one single conscious thought to make a difference.


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