Sunday morning fire meeting

Good morning good morning, good morning. I know this is a little earlier for some of you than you are comfortable with. But that’s what makes this a great newspaper.It’s not necessarily a great newspaper. It’s a newspaper and it might be great but we cannot say empirically that it is already great.

I read last week’s. It has flaws but it’s a pretty decent work.

Correct, let us think about the flaws. We have three that need to be dealt with in one way or another. Ed…

Yes, two that are disturbing and one that has mild political ramifications. The first is reusing the center block at the bottom of page 16. Potentially, we could have finished the addition but it was magic hour on Friday and we said enough was enough.

Looking back and second guessing is not what we do. We did the best we could and what is done is done. If no one dies or gets hurt, we will live with our actions.

Here here. However, one of the mistakes, if I’m not being too dramatic, is a block of text from the story Doran vs Ralph that did not show up in the printed version.

Yes. Right.

We have a situation on our hands that needs to be dealt with very carefully. It is a very interesting block of text to be left out. Why was the missing material missing? Arthur?

At least I know why I have to be here at 6:30 in the morning. Right. Although it may seem to be kind of a conspiracy theory if that’s how you want to look at things, that parcel was unintentionally left out. We were not working in our normal way of perfection and were forced out of necessity to improvise. This is not explaining my failures, it’s just saying that under the time pressure of deadline and with all of the other issues growing on in a very chaotic week, it just didn’t get placed where it was supposed to get placed when it was supposed to be placed and therefore it wasn’t.

So, you are saying it was just human error to leave it out and you were not purposely suppressing information that may lead to a genuine truth? You’re saying that you’re not criminal, you’re just stupid?

I say we printed this week with the story saying what it is and dealing with the repercussions as they fall. It is what it is and the news of it is what it is. If it is truth, no matter which direction the finger points, let’s tell the truth.

Keep it real.

Exactly. There is also a bit of last week’s post catastrophe meeting that was left out of the final cut. There was also material lost of the original meeting that might be relevant.

Ah yes, the marijuana reference.

I believe we had the intention of publishing a picture of a marijuana plant with great detail to the time of its existence. We were talking about whether or not to mention that we are marijuana people and we are in favor of other marijuana people specifically in the argument of what sort of inebrien should be available to human beings to deal with their adult problems. We thought it important to make two mentions. As it turned out, we made one mention in the story under Sinai…

It wasn’t just to mention, they were smoking weed in the bizarre and it was illustrated that they were using a hookah because you could hear the bubbles.

Quite so. Literary accuracy. We hit what we aim at.

I would also like to point out that we are now for some reason in the psychedelic mushroom business and we are saying the Doran acted alone. We are going with the public story that Doran and May, running into each other strictly by chance decide to run off to the forest where they survive on something along with an enormous amount of psychedelic mushrooms which they believe, all by themselves, that they can produce in enough number to appease 10,000 people.

I want to say something about it being seasonal here but I think your point may be stronger…

No matter how bright and energetic a young man might appear, he and his young partner are not going to supply mushrooms for 10,000 people working alone.

So the entire story is flawed.

It’s not only flawed, it’s misleading. What we need, Arthur, is the definitive story once and for all so we can all decide what is the truth and go back to living together well. This disturbance, like any disturbance, has potential to make us better by forcing us to improvise and make do in order to achieve our goal. But it doesn’t mean that we lie. We are of the people by the people and for the people. We are not in this for money and we are not in this for social power because we speak publicly. This voice will be trusted or we will not have this voice.

You got it, G. I’m on it.

Good. Make sure your wife helps you.

She’s not my wife.

At this point, there are many moans and groans and eyes being rubbed with tired hands. Arthur is becoming a problem. He is becoming a problem generally because he is making too many compromises. Understanding the reaction and understanding that the spotlight is now on him, he stands to make a speech. Most probably, he means it.

I guess I’m on time restriction how many words I can say. This is both because of how big our newspaper is and also because your ears don’t need any bullshit.

We can either say as a fact that the story was coerced and false and contained lies or we can say that it might. It does contain flaws and lies and there are statements that just don’t make sense. If anyone is paying attention, you can see the flaw. I agree with the decision that what we have is what we have and that today we are going in to issue number four with fresh eyes. I understand that the situation needs to be looked into fairly and honestly and that people need to know the truth, not a political truth, not a Carl truth said to a person in their last moments of life, but a genuine honest truth so that we can all understand what’s going on. I will do my best to write this story and I hope the entire situation somehow brings honor to the organization.

There are some nods of agreement and some mild hand clapping.

Other than the lineup for this week’s edition, we have one more question. Big Billy. She is entering the story as a player. The question is whether we want her at this meeting or do we just let her play her part without introduction.

Fair is fair. We just got finished making a point that we do the truth and nothing but the truth. She’s waiting outside. If you think she should be in this fire meeting, if you actually think you want this noise to be a part of this discussion, invite her in. But she’s very loud…

She is so loud…

Seriously, she is so loud and abrasive and cruel and brutal. Never has the World created such a panzer tank of a woman.

Perhaps one point of order. She is definitely loud and she is definitely a woman, cross-dressing aside, but the point is that any human being can fall under these conditions and become a bully.

The ballot initiative on our ability to call a fat woman fatso in the defense of another person who is being screamed at by the fat person has passed. The general consensus was do anything to stop fat women from abusing other people.

I’m actually a little afraid of her.

Me too.

Me too.

Me too.

Well, it seems we’ve created an organization. We can call it the me too movement and it’s about men who suffer irrevocable damage from long-term traumatic stress caused by fat women.

FWTSD. Fat woman traumatic stress disorder.

Indeed. It’s a public health problem. I’m going to go with leaving her in the corridor. Perhaps we are being rude, but we are not being rude to a person. We are not being rude to a normal person. We are just saving ourselves a lot of pain and it is doubtful she will understand the difference in the long run.

Wisdom of the saints, G.

Cheers. Hillel, what’s the story?

I’m going with Arthur. We’ve got some serious interviews to do. We got bogged down in bitching and moaning instead of covering the news so people would know the truth. It wasn’t wrong to sit around the marketplace and get high because I don’t think we came up with anything that wasn’t true. But the man is beyond understanding as a corruption right now and people need to know the truth. We were guaranteed our freedom. We were told that there were a few simple rules to be good people rather than slaves and then they came up with this reason to enslave us and put us right back where we were before except with a few dollops of morality perhaps. Does the end justify the means? Let’s find out.

Brilliant, yet another independent journalist to be ignored by history.

Fuck you, Carl.

I’ll be the last friend you ever see, buby.

Okay, let’s get out of here. Master, can you give us some thoughts.

A peaceful man begins a peaceful journey. An agitated man begins a journey of self-discovery.

A long moment of silence followed by a wave of agreement, quiet applause and several bravos. G does not even want the last word and smiles and walks off to the office. The meeting is over and we have a job to do.

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