Wednesday problems

Hi. I guess we are in the middle of a transition period that has come about because of an unexpected crash of our Google doc home for the utopian literary magazine. We have been printing 16 pages of hopefully something interesting for the last few weeks but it seems that one stray click can crash the entire page. 

Right now, the material can be found and the journal itself can find itself a new home and go back into business and it’s just a matter of time and effort to do so. And gosh darn it, we will do it and we’re going to take a genuine shot at getting it done by the end of the week.

In the meantime, this crisis has inspired some new thinking. Sometimes a little disturbance in the garden is a good thing. So, the plan of action is that this will be the new home of our blog. It is home to an old blog which we must consider. The organization that we are all attached to has to do with teaching English and all things ecological. For the English, maybe it’s just a disturbance in the garden to allow for new thought if nothing else. As for the ecology, the plan is to bring back the journal from last year using a format that seems easy enough to use. We are not in the middle of production yet and everything is just getting started but this is the general idea.

In the end, it is our only real thought that perhaps we bring some new thinking to individuals who can make good choices for themselves, their community and the planet we all share. You cannot fight a group but you can talk to the individuals within the group. Sometimes it’s just a matter of saying stop, having a bit of a rethink, and then trying something new. You never know, sometimes you find yourself on exactly the right track and doing exactly the right thing.

Most probably, you should meet my friends. We are about to have our morning meeting, which I guess is pretty much going to happen every day, and we will talk about the situation with the utopian, what the story is on the future of Practical English, the construction of two facilities to house both the literary catalog as well as the theatrical and film texts, I don’t know this but my suggestion would be a library and a theater. We also have a baseball field and, I’m kind of talking where I should be saving this for the meeting, maybe we should cover our baseball more closely.

Oh yeah, and the inspiration for almost all of this human activity comes from a blogger known as the American who did some writing for ecology and to find individuals to help the planet heal from us. He is generally going to be talking to us in farm reports which might also show up here every day.

So it’s about writing and thought. It’s about showing up to work on time and doing a really good job. It’s about being a good person and not causing too much harm. It’s about trying to find kinder and more sustainable options for sustaining our lives. Basically, we really need to stop killing ourselves. Maybe we just need to stop, give it a little rethink, and start again on a better path.

By the way, my name is Arthur. I write most of the stories about my community. I live with and am deeply connected to my friend Joy and she also contributes here. In fact, all of our friends can contribute here. Why not? It’s a democracy and everyone has a vote.

Cheers and don’t worry. Everything is going to be all right.

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The Utopian!
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It only takes one single conscious thought to make a difference.


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