
  • Tuesday

    Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 It’s already 10:30 and I haven’t done anything. I’m exhausted. I understand that I tried to avoid struggles with my ex partner. I have issues with relationships that require power going to one side or another. I really do not want to lead or be led. I like democracy and I… Continue reading

  • Monday

    Monday, May 2nd 2022 Good morning. It’s 8:00 a.m. and I suppose I genuinely have to get moving. I don’t want to. I don’t have a muscle in my body that wants to work anymore. But okay, I can do this. We have more planting to do. I am going to need to do a… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, May 1st, 2022. Week number 17 Well, kind of a good morning here today. It’s 5:00 a.m. and I have been up for many hours already. Last night was not a sleeping night. Last night was a not sleeping night. I’ve had a few of these so it’s not really news. Do I need… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, April 29th 2022 It’s a quarter to 6:00 and I guess I’m not sleeping anymore. I’m also not drinking anymore. Drinking is nefarious. I hate what I feel like waking up after drinking and I hate my life with drinking and I hate being connected to drunks. So it didn’t work out yesterday. I… Continue reading

  • Thursday

    Thursday, April 28th 2012 It’s a few ticks before 8:00 a.m. and I am on the couch in the cold room. More potatoes and chocolate coffee for breakfast. My body doesn’t want to do anything. I should go to town today and I should get moving but everything hurts and nothing wants to move. I… Continue reading

  • Wednesday

    Wednesday, April 27th 2022 Kind of good morning. It’s already 10:00 and I’ve just eaten one of the tastiest breakfasts I’ve had in a long time. The center was the potatoes that I found while path digging yesterday. I don’t know if their situation being hard packed into the dirt all winter had something to… Continue reading

  • Tuesday

    This was from today. The first blossoms of the spring Frank Sinatra said that he pities people who don’t drink because when they wake up, this is as good as they are going to feel all day long. I think he was referring to how shitty you feel when you wake up after drinking. Luckily… Continue reading

  • Monday

    Monday, April 25th 2022 Would you like to hear what the end of the world sounds like in a calm and cool voice so riddled with corruption that you feel like you’re catching cancer just listening to it. If your shiny suit politician is talking about money, we are screwed. If you hear a Democrat… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, April 24th, 2022. Week number 16 It’s coming up on 9:00 a.m. and I haven’t done anything today. I am debating exactly how much moving around I’m actually going to do today. Most of my thinking is physical. I guess all that work I did at the end of the week hauling wood to… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, April 22nd 2022 So Russia rejected giving the ukrainians a day of peace for Easter. Not news for me. My neighbors have never respected my Saturdays. I would like to say something like you learn to live with the disrespect but you never really get used to it. Hate breeds hate and unfortunately, Russia… Continue reading

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