• Monday

    Monday, August 1st 2022 A little bit before 9:00 a.m. is probably a good time to think about the possibility of getting started. Yesterday was a wonderful day, the food was epic, the company was splendiferous and I don’t really have any more adjectives to say about that. Yesterday was a fine day and today,… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, July 31 2022. Week 30 It’s a quarter to 9:00 already and I’m just getting into my breakfast. Soaked lentils and buckwheat. Nothing new. I pulled up an onion from the garden. I also had one broad Bean off the stock. Green broad beans are tasty. We indeed got a lot of rain last… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, July 29th 2022 I have finally made it to the end of my worst business year ever. This is immediately following my second worst business here ever. To say that my business went bad is an understatement. To say that I feel bad about it however is a bit of a lie. Let’s just… Continue reading

  • Thursday

    Thursday, July 28th 2022 It’s a quarter to 7:00 and I’ve got to get moving. If Lena is going to show up today, it’s going to be sometime in the very near future. It’s nice to get the floors cleaned but if I don’t make sure that everything is in order before she gets here,… Continue reading

  • Wednesday

    Wednesday, July 27th 2022 There is nothing better than waking up to the sound of rain. There is nothing better than a cool morning in the summer. Yesterday I gave my plants some water in the evening for a second day in a row and I felt pretty good about it. It seemed that the… Continue reading

  • Tuesday

    Tuesday, July 26th 2022 It’s a little after 7:00 and I guess I’m going to be okay at least for a little while. Yesterday was pretty bad but if I have to say something, at least I made an effort. Sometimes you don’t know what’s going on until you actually dive In. This is not… Continue reading

  • Monday

    Monday, July 25th 2022 It’s about 7:15 and I guess I’m looking at another easy day in the middle of two easy weeks. The weather report says it’s going to be a little cooler today. No rain today or tomorrow. Tomorrow should be a little warmer. I should probably do a light watering today and… Continue reading

  • Sunday

    Sunday, July 24 2022. Week 29 It’s 5:30 in the morning and I am awake because I was startled into consciousness by thunder and lightning and the sound of rain. The rain itself didn’t really startle me so much. It’s always a pleasant surprise. What startled me was when I reached for my phone to… Continue reading

  • Friday

    Friday, July 22nd 2022 6:00 a.m. wake up. Not bad. Actually, it’s a 6:00 a.m. wake up on an almost completely non-diabetic evening. No details in this but basically, I seem to have completely broken the blood sugar code. How it managed to do this is a bit interesting. I did talk about it this… Continue reading

  • Thursday

    Thursday, July 21 2022 SPOCK: Captain. May I ask a question? You needn’t answer if it seems too personal.KIRK: I’m sure I’ll be able to give you an answer, Mister Spock.SPOCK: This afternoon, you wanted to kill, didn’t you?MCCOY: But he didn’t kill, Mister Spock.SPOCK: But he wanted to, Doctor.KIRK: Is that the way it… Continue reading

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