
Tuesday, September 6th 2022

This from the Moscow times:


Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant’s last working reactor has been switched off from the grid after the facility was disconnected from power lines due to shelling, Ukraine’s power plants operator said Monday.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, Europe’s largest nuclear facility, has been shelled in recent weeks, with Kyiv and Moscow blaming each other for the attacks, raising concerns of a possible nuclear incident.

“Power unit (reactor) No. 6 was shut down and disconnected from the grid” because of a fire that was “triggered because of shelling,” state-run Energoatom said in its statement on Monday.


Four out of six International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors have left the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine, Russian state media reported Monday, citing Moscow-appointed authorities and Russian nuclear power station operators.


The Russian-occupied Kherson region in southern Ukraine will take a “pause” in plans to hold a referendum to join Russia due to “the security situation,” Kirill Stremousov, the deputy head of Kherson’s Moscow-appointed administration, said Monday, Russian news agency TASS reported.

“We have prepared for the vote, we wanted to hold a referendum in the near future, but because of all the events that are occurring, I think that we will pause for now,” Stremousov said.

He also said that this was a “practical” decision because they are “fulfilling the main task: feeding and protecting the population.”

“The referendum will take place in any case, no one will cancel it. The only question is the date, that we have not yet discussed,” Stremousov later added in a video statement on messaging app Telegram.

Stremousov’s comments follow Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s announcement late Sunday that Ukrainian troops had liberated two settlements in the Kherson region amid a counteroffensive to retake parts of the region.

Meanwhile, Zelinsky takes the trouble to praise Boris Johnson one last time before leaving office. He complains that Russia should be declared a terrorist Nation while praising arguably the greatest terrorist nation in the history of the planet. 

By the way, you need to worry about all of this praise going to conservatives. They have enough of a narcissism problem as it is. I’m pretty sure this disease is catching.

About Elizabeth Truss, the only thing I want to say is that she managed to put herself as president of the Liberal Democrats while at Oxford but then immediately took a job with Shell Oil upon graduation. Pulled the wool over their eyes, didn’t she?

I could go on about this farce but I’d rather let more qualified people take care of that for me. Go ahead, Ed. Tell the truth.

So, between the Russians sending rockets in the general vicinity of a nuclear power plant, the ukrainians lavishing praise on the most brutal colonizing Nation on the planet since the Roman empire and then the biggest nature-hater in the United Kingdom being given the entire country to play with, I’d say this was a pretty bad day for ecologists everywhere. 

Gosh, with all of this great economic activity happening, I sure hope we all get rich before nothing can live on this planet anymore. Good morning Vietnam.


It’s about 9:15 in the morning and I feel pretty good today actually. I still can’t put weight on my leg. Whatever is going on in there is definitely going on in there but in general, I’m a lot more comfortable. Whatever internal thing had crushed me has moved on. If this is a part of why my leg hurts so savagely, I’ll be okay with some sort of relief. I am a lot more comfortable today. That’s a definite plus. Still not all the way but a good solid step in the right direction.

One of the things that helps is I built myself a bit of a brace. This is just some stuff I had lying around and I used it as an improvisation to kind of stabilize things. Again, I’m not really able to put weight on this thing and walk around but it feels a lot better just going around on crutches than it did yesterday. Yesterday and the day before and the day before that were basically agony and just getting up to do my basic walkarounds was enough to have me completely immobile on the couch after.

Yesterday was one of these days. When Captain Ghenna came by to do some work for me, just following him out to the field and sitting out there was enough to become torture after a while. After he left, even though it was barely noon, I shut down absolutely everything and agreed it was another non-movement day. Literally, I did nothing at all and stayed completely off my legs.

Today perhaps I am a better person for it. This and this new brace seem somewhat hopeful. There’s a big difference between constant Sharp biting pain and at least being able to get around on crutches and do light housework. I feel much better about being alive today. Whatever was in me was bad. I hope it doesn’t come back anytime soon.

This is also something that should be spoken of. I can’t guarantee this for everybody as a universal but anecdotally, I can say that since I have thrown myself into a healthier mode of living, I’m speaking of veganism here, it is surprising how little you feel personal illness. What I’m saying is, I was obviously suffering from something inside of me, some kind of personal infection from somewhere, but I didn’t actually feel that bad except for the extreme leg pain. In fact, I was pretty clear-headed throughout the entire thing. I was never forced into pass out sleep, my nose never exploded, there were never any respiratory infections. I don’t get these things. I mean, I was sick but I was not sick in the traditional way that people get sick. Chalk that up to the diet.

Anyway, I was coming back from a walk around what used to be a garden but is now mostly a burnt out desert when I saw Lena coming to see me. She definitely wanted me to open up the gate. Whatever she had to say required enough intimacy not to be said over the fence. I think she likes being with me. 

I’m not going to lie, whatever amount of days or whatever winning streak of not drinking she had had, the moment I opened up the gate I got a whiff of the truth on her breath. She is a great propagandist of course and immediately did great machinations of protest. I told her I didn’t really care one way or the other. I don’t hate her because she got off the water wagon and I don’t particularly love her when she’s not drinking. The only truth is that it’s not a very healthy thing to do to yourself and it is a ridiculous addiction to have to live your life with. I am not a drinker and so I don’t usually have these bullshit drama moments the drinkers do.

I can also say that Lena is much more friendly when she’s had a drink. Apparently, her sense of and attachment to the Russian Orthodox Church has her fucked up nine ways from Thursday. She was eyeing me like I was Thanksgiving turkey and she wanted to get her hands on my drumstick but for some reason, Jesus keeps slapping her hand every time she sticks it out. I’ve never seen a woman so tied up in my life. I’d love to say something like God help her but apparently he’s been doing that for a long time and this is exactly the nature of her personal problems.

And of course, if she has gone off the water wagon, this puts her in need of extra money. She wanted to do anything to make some money from me today, she absolutely wanted to go to the store for me. I got it.

I actually have some cleaning to do. If I’ve been sick for the last few days, I have more than a few shirts that need to get rinsed out and the usual socks and such. I was happy she asked. I had thought about calling her but I didn’t and was planning on doing some washing today. When she showed up, I couldn’t think of a very good reason to say no.

Lena by the way has gotten herself a new smartphone. Apparently the lady went to town and went somewhere where they agreed to give her some credit and she paid almost 700 rubles for a new phone. 700 rubles is almost $300. She will be paying for this phone for the next year every month. I have no idea why she needed so much phone. I had the idea in my head that I would go and help her with this the next time I went to town. All she needed was the simplest device that allowed phone calls to come in and go out. I don’t think she is aware how much it’s going to cost her more to be on the internet and I sincerely doubt that internet is a part of her payment package for the next 11 months. She’s not going to be happy when she learns about this.

Please don’t read this as misogynistic but it does seem that the spending habits of Belarusian women is equally on par with the insanity of women everywhere. I hate to say this, but maybe one way to cure global warming is to make female spending illegal. Take the shopping and buying away from the women and we will all be in a park within about 2 weeks.

I called the gas service and they will be by tomorrow. Today it’s clear and mild. I haven’t made any medical plans yet. This thought is infuriating to my ex partner. Just the thought of my agreeing that I was sick had her putting me on a bus out of here. One SMS said that I should go and do every procedure known to man in Minsk and another said that I should definitely buy a ticket and head off to Israel. Like I said, women spend money. 

In order for me to deal with potential medical issues regarding my leg, I would have to be pretty much near death before I would call for help. Last year, when I finally decided to push the button and go to the hospital, I had already made all of my plans and arrangements and even packed my bags. I knew what was going to happen before I went down there. 

Perhaps there’s something about the inherent and well-taught passivity of the local christian slave class. They are so naturally passive that they would never in their life believe that anything in their own life had any merit. If they get sick, it’s time to throw their hands up, pray for deliverance from God and head to the hospital and take whatever gifts were given to them. It’s a strange mindset. I’m sure this is actually pretty normal for the world. It’s just not normal for me. I don’t believe in the perfection of doctors. I’d just as soon go to them for technical proficiency in regions I can’t do anything for myself. Like I said, If it genuinely looked like I couldn’t get through the order, I would call in the reliever. Up until that time, I’m old school and it’s my ball and my game.

I’m not saying that I am refusing medical treatment. What I’m saying is, as long as I can handle my life and I still have a life to handle, I’m going to handle my life. I don’t know if I’m ordering trees or not but if I do, holes need to get dug, fertilizer needs to go in these holes and these trees need to be planted. That’s now. If we’re going to put in more berry bushes, that’s now. As far as buttoning up the boxes, it would be in our best interest to put down fertilizer, cover all this up and mulch everything ahead of winter. My ex partner is thinking of putting hay on top of the sweet potatoes to help get them through the winter. I’ve never read anything about saving sweet potatoes with hay but that would definitely be something to think about.

What I’m saying is, if it’s not an emergency, I’m not going to make it into an emergency. By emergency, I’m sure quite a few people would be freaked out if they could suddenly not put weight on their left leg. I would be much happier if I could put weight on my left leg. But I have a greater fear of simply getting strapped onto a bed to get this thing looked at before I get a chance to finish my job. What I’m saying is, I don’t care if I have to limp across the line. I’m going to finish what I start.

Besides, I can’t go to the hospital without catching covid. I can’t ever go to hospitals without idiots picking at me or climbing into my life or just flat out pushing me until we get into a fist fight. This is not all of the patients but there is always some asshole with a chip on his shoulder for whatever they think I am. I can never be a human being. They outlawed that in 2014. We no longer understand that the world is made of people. Now we live on levels and there are different types and there are those you can kill and those you can’t and it is miserable to be stuck in a hospital bed waiting for the next assassin to come for you. And they always come for you.

This by the way is not even mentioning the fascist screaming nurses, the daily requests to prick my bloody fingers and suck blood out of my veins and to have to sit down and get drip IVs everyday. There’s nothing enjoyable about a hospital visit. This isn’t even talking about the food. And even if I do manage to get my own food in there so I can keep my vegan diet and try to be healthy, I have to eat in a fucking Grimm hospital full of sick people and fascist nurses and assassins. You tell me how healing a Belarusian hospital is supposed to be and I will give you a piece of pie.

No, if it is not an absolute life and death necessity, as it was last year, I’m not going. I probably will end up there and I probably will have to go through this really morose process again. But as long as I am lucid and functioning, even at a greatly diminished ability, I’m going to stay out of the hospital as long as I can. When the field is buttoned up and there really is nothing to do, I’ll consider it. I’ll consider all of it. Locally, in the capital or maybe even in Israel. Good health to us all.

Meanwhile, I have a couple of chores to do. I have a few plants that need to get some water. I’ve got the gate open waiting for Lena and one or two foolish bits of bureaucracy to take care of on the internet. It’s not a work day. It’s just another in a long series of take it easy days. All I’m saying is that it is a pleasure not to be fighting leg pain today. I am sitting in my office but I’m sitting without pain. For the moment, this is good enough for me.


I forgot to mention that Lena said that she came by yesterday but I would not answer. I had the house closed down and probably I was watching a movie or something and didn’t hear her. I do remember hearing something but I also remember not wanting to get up at all. Today she told me that the reason for her coming was that there were potatoes to buy if I wanted them. People are now selling off their extra potatoes. This is normal everywhere and in town, you can go to the market and there are people selling full bags of potatoes, cabbages, onions and carrots. All the Staples of The Root cellar can be available for a few rubles. This is one of the most normal parts of life here.

I have my own potatoes and probably enough for a couple of months. I am interested in buying some though. Why not? I like eating potatoes. I will happily buy all of these staples and put them in the root cellar and go down every week or so. It’s not going to be my only diet but these are Staples. If you have potatoes, you have your starch. If you have cabbage, you have cruciferous greens. And if you have onions and carrots, well, it’s not the holy Trinity of French cooking without celery but it’s good enough for a base for everything. And though I’m not actually eating this way right now, put all four of these things in a pot with some oil at the same time and you’re going to be happy with the food you get to eat.

One other thing worth mentioning though. Before, I used a metaphor about how Lena was looking at me. Put a few drops of alcohol in the tank and she can get feisty. Suddenly in my mind, I put all of the things I just finished saying together and I came up with the reason for all of this aggressive insanity. They are carnivores. All of the people I am so satirish about are carnivores. 

I don’t want to glorify this name. One of the biggest problems we have is people who take pride in this. These are people who like the world in levels and enjoy the understanding that there are those you can kill and those you can’t. Being able to kill somebody means that you’re not at the lowest end of the food chain. That explains scapegoatism to me. That explains Nazism to me. You see the Jews and the Gypsies and the homosexuals? You see, you can kill them. You notice those ukrainians. The boss says we can kill them now. Go to town and raise yourself up to the highest of heights in doing it.

There are two problems with this entire situation. The first is that we as a species are not carnivores. We are not built to catch, kill or ingest meat. It is not healthy for us and  in my humble three and a half million word opinion, it is the number one disease driving us to Extinction along with every other living thing on the planet. It is meat I believe that fuels our greed. It is meat I believe that fuels all of our addictions and all of our mania and all of our insanity. It is meat and the consumption of flesh that makes us believe that pain and bloodshed is an essential part of life.

And to be genuinely cynical about this, if the Torah didn’t have so much bloody barbecue in it, Christianity probably wouldn’t have lionized attacking a Jew up on a cross as its symbol and reason for existence.

The second problem is that actually eating meat doesn’t allow you the mental stability to understand that you’re not eating food but just consuming drugs. If it’s not the correct food for your species, you should not be eating it. And this by the way should be the absolute definition of drugs. If it is an inappropriate thing to take for good health, don’t take it.

As to how I am so sure that I am right, let me make this as simple as possible. I can take off all my clothes, carry no weapons and find enough food to eat just by working with plants. If we did understand who we really are, fruit and nut trees and berry bushes and cruciferous greens would be growing all over the place and the forests would grow up around us to shade the bloody Sun from burning our skin. And if you don’t like it in the fucking cold, just start walking towards the South.

But this is impossible for meat eaters. Literally, even in the horrendous State my garden is in right now, I have so much fruit and greens and nuts laying around, I wouldn’t go hungry for a long time. As far as going for the potatoes or the cabbages, there’s no fight, no murder and no blood. A meat eater however cannot walk naked out into the world and feed themselves. The human being doesn’t have the reflexes or the speed or the strength to take down mature animals. And even if you get lucky, you don’t have the strength in your own naked body to get to the flesh and there is nothing in their skin and fur that has any delight for you. It’s not our food.

In this, I completely agree with that. Fucking Great Britain would do well to go green. Take the fucking English, the bloody English, off of the meat wagon and see what happens to that country. I have no idea how they are coming up with these ideas. But I mean, seriously, we are going to look at Boris Johnson as a love object? We are going to look at British conservatives with love because they are friends to Ukraine? Is this a joke?

There is a thing that carnivores do in their constant hunger and need to feed. For some reason, they wish for a nurturing touch but somehow manage only to create a world of bloodshed and horror. This is why my neighbors invest all of their free time in sucking the innocent blood off of their grandchildren. They live for some moments of Innocence with their hands clean and there is belief in the world and joy in their heart. They themselves have no hearts or joy to give. Their hands are no longer clean from all of the murders they’ve committed. A vicious irony there. To be starving for love because it’s something that your body cannot produce itself.

Me, I got more food than I can possibly eat. And before I get ready to go, I’m going to invest a tiny bit of money to increase this potential exponentially. And no one will ever have to die for a single bite.


Speaking of the beautiful idyllic life of society under conservative British leadership, we had a scandal in front of a church. Apparently, a group of priests and nuns were trying to talk about Jesus’ love when a man dropped his pants and began violently masturbating right in front of them. One of the nuns lost her temper and with the virtue of the Lord on her side, screamed in his face to stop what he was doing. It was immoral. All the same, the public masturbator was unperturbed and happily pumped away at what manhood he actually had and would not stop. There is a video and you can see it for yourself.

Just one more from the UK but this one is for the good guys. Truthfully, the guy does seem like a manly man to me. I don’t see any lack of testosterone here. But you know, you take a look and you decide for yourself whether this guy makes sense or not.

As for me, I found these videos while I was eating my brunch. I’m getting a late start today feeding myself. I guess I just wasn’t hungry in the morning. If you are interested, we’ve run out of gas for the first time in 4 months and this means I have only an electric hot plate to cook on. 

So, I’ve been eating soup. Soup is not hard to play with. You put a few things in there and boil the water for a while and you get something tasty to eat. I’m really not that fussy about ingredients but today, I did do something mildly interesting. Today was the first day that I broke into my own lentils. That’s right, that field that we planted at the beginning of the year had a harvest and I stuck my hand into that bucket and pulled out enough lentils to give me a tasty soup.

However, this however was not that easy. This is homegrown and not supermarket food so I had to spend a few minutes getting rid of the residual material that was still in there. If you want to tell me an easy way to clean lentils, I will listen but let’s just say it was a very leafy mess when I started and took me a good five to seven minutes to clean off the vast majority of the dried leaves and twigs.

The point is that you need your protein and lentils are an excellent source. With the lentils in, I threw the very last out of my buckwheat that was on the table of my kitchen. I think I have more buckwheat. Maybe that was what I needed from the supermarket. So there was that, some peppers, zucchini, a few of my own potatoes and I smashed up a couple of tomatoes that my ex partner brought me. Oh yeah, I also smashed up three garlic cloves and tossed them in as they were. Easy peasy.

How was it? It was very warming and filling vegetable soup. I’ve noticed that since I quit putting salt in my food again, my food tastes exactly like what it tastes like. I don’t mean that it tastes better or worse compared to adding salt. I’m just saying that I relied on the natural salts that are inherent in the grains and the vegetables for some sense of saltiness. Of course there was some saltiness to it. Look it up online. All foods have some level of sodium in them. You can’t help it.

And now? Well, I don’t really have a lot to do. I’m not hungry and I’m not really anxious about anything. I don’t have any deadlines hanging over my head and I don’t have any people to fear standing over my head. I’m just here, praise the Lord and thank you for the opportunity.

If the thought of someone not burdened by perpetual hunger is somehow offensive to you, I invite you to allow this obsession of yours to turn to cancer. Please keep all of the sickness of your own life away from me. I’m not interested in your opinion or your observations of how I am right and wrong. Go murder, rape and ruin or whatever it is you do but just leave me alone. I am not a member of your War. I am simply a civilian observer. A vegan civilian observer. That’s just going to have to be good enough.


Okay, I can’t help myself. I realize that in the interest of fairness, most people might find the content here a bit one-sided. A lot of people may suddenly come to the crazy realization that I’m a vegan and simply turn off their reading light. Enough is enough, I need to listen to no More. Obviously, this is some kind of fascist, snowflake, liberal, tree hugging, fake news propaganda. Okay, I get it and I feel your pain. So for my meat eating readers who simply cannot live another day without my agreeing as to the beauty of animal cuisine, I offer you this. Bon appetit.


It’s about 3:20 in the afternoon and I’m in one of these moments that just needs to be noticed. I took a nap. I took a nap because I needed it. I took a nap on the couch and slept pretty soundly for a while. One of the things I noticed when I woke up from this was that I was not particularly cold. This means something. This means that whatever infection or illness I have been dealing with has passed. I’ve become temperature resilient again.

The second thing I noticed was that my leg didn’t hurt. It’s been a long time since my leg didn’t hurt. Yeah, I’ve braced it a little bit and it is still not supporting weight or allowing me to walk but the pain is gone. I even moved it around a little bit and I was comfortable. I haven’t been comfortable in a long time.

I decided to press my luck and go for a walk. I’m still on crutches but the walk felt good. I felt strong and able. I haven’t been feeling strong and able for quite some time.

On my way back in, I stopped at my drying table and tried an unfinished Apple. You know, we can talk all day about snacks. You’re not going to beat any of these apples I’ve got under the bed in the unused room. But if you ever get the chance to bite into a just not quite dried apple, this is an apple with the dried crust in place but an absolutely juicy and Gloria center waiting for you, you’ll never go to anything else. There isn’t a factory in the world that can do anything but a weak imitation of that and I’m sure they’ve been trying forever.

I started heading for the house but my phone rang. It was Captain Ghenna asking me if I would be around tomorrow morning. Of course I would. Where else would I be? He has found me some steel for the grapevines. I was looking for two and a half meters but according to him, we only had two meters available. You need at least half a meter of sink to have these things stay aloft. I’m not digging holes and pouring concrete thank you very much. This is the Republic of Belarus and we go with what works, what doesn’t cost anything, would cause the least damage and makes the least garbage. He told me he had three meters available.

Now, 3 m is a bit long to be honest with you. It’s not ridiculously long, or tall, it’s just a little bit much to work into place. I don’t have a freestanding ladder. I suppose we could manufacture one but I foresee an uncomfortable build getting these things straight and into place. I also know that he doesn’t have a torch so it’s not like we can weld a hammer point or a footstep to help get it in the ground. I don’t even think I have any strap wrenches or anything like that to do temporary stepping points.

The philosophy is that material is material. You don’t say good and you don’t say bad. If you have an opportunity to get what you need, let’s just be close enough for horseshoes.

He told me there was the possibility of one more, we need four as of now. I would like to put in one more fine or a maximum of two but no matter what, we’re going to need four uprights to hold these things in place. This would be the minimum and depending on how things work, I could probably use some more to be honest.

But, a necessary thing is happening, the cost is straight out of the catalog of Soviet workers and their store of non-reported goods. Maybe I’m overstating it but this is a hell of a lot cheaper than the steel factory. I’m not complaining nor am I worried. You can’t live here and be worried about such things.

One final positive of all of this is that Ghenna has told me that he actually has a bank account and at least a debit card for it. If things work out, I might be off this paper money habit with him and be able to simply transfer it card to card. This gives me less cash to have to carry around and much more freedom to do business.

Yeah, this is a nice moment. I woke up painless, ate something really tasty after getting to walk around feeling really nice and then I found out that one of the big projects that needs to get done, is getting done right exactly on time.

No, nobody is going to lift a finger to start directing the human race towards a wiser and more sustainable style of living on the planet. No, nobody’s going to do a Goddamn thing to stop global warming or the poisoning of our habitat. But being grateful for very small favors, before we all die from cancer from the nuclear explosion down in Ukraine, I might actually get to enjoy my own grapes.


It’s 7:30 and it’s time to turn off the lights on our work day. Like all things, today was a little good and a little bad. Lena turned out to be a bit of a dud today. She came with all of the enthusiasm in the world but once she got her hand on a few rules, she disappeared. Whatever was her dramatic work ethic over the last while turned around and went back to the old one. Oh well. I guess that’s just the way things work, isn’t it?

I don’t really know what the bump in the road was that sent her off the wagon. I could say that she’s not a very strong person. Or I can say that she’s a very strong person but doesn’t have enough of a life to justify all of her energy. And then there is this church business. She believes in doing what she is told if it comes from the church. If this actually worked for anybody, she would not be the person she is. She’s pretty much a prototype of what you get when you don’t allow someone the things they need for a decent life. They go begging. The truth is a lack of community. That is really the culprit.

As for myself, I was happy to have gotten a lot done. I was really happy to have been able to get around and do my chores for the most part. I would not say that I am back to work, not by a long shot. But I didn’t experience a great deal of pain. I have all kinds of collateral damage from this episode. I agree that I am healing well and I am grateful to have come up with whatever ideas I came up with that made the medicinal part of this day work out well. I am however completely inert and have been for about 6 weeks. I haven’t had any cardio, not even my once a week bike ride to town. The absolute misery of all of the bullshit I get simply took all of the joy out of everything I could ever do. I didn’t even have the wherewithal to make the ride to town just for the fun of it even one time. And then, when the leg went bad, I didn’t even have a bicycle to ride on. Not that I would have considered the shape of the road. Like I said, just one thing on top of another.

Tomorrow, a lot of things are going to happen. The gas guys are coming. The garbage truck is coming. Theoretically, I have some steel coming for the grapes. And maybe even Lana will show up with my clothes. Do you suppose she is taking a game from Tanya here? Do you think this is just female jealousy and one of her rivals showed that you can just steal my shit and make me suffer and this somehow gives you power? I’d rather not play these games with anybody. I really don’t care about those clothes but I would appreciate a job getting done without too much drama. Whatever is going through Lena’s head, Tanya never got a penny off me after this sewing snafu. I never offered her another job or trusted her to come back. I mean, I talked to her once or twice but she’s definitely not worth any genuine effort.

Maybe it was the expense of that damn telephone. What the hell was she thinking buying such an expensive phone. She needed one of those $50 models that you put a SIM card in and you can call your friends. If I had been ambulatory, I definitely would have made the effort for her. I even would have bought the phone myself and brought it to her as a gift. It would have been enough.

I wonder what the result of this woman having a smartphone will be. The first thought that comes into my mind is that she’s going to break it. She’ll just drop it or forget where she put it. The second thing that’s going to happen is the bill that is now going to cost her more rubles just to keep this thing. I also doubt that anybody’s really going to call her. Maybe she’ll make friends. Maybe she’ll start playing solitaire and quit working and running around town. Maybe her heart will die from this and she’ll become like everyone else. Just another negative of civilization taking another soul despite not being needed.

The only reason I suggested the damn thing was that I appreciated her being available but without a normal phone, the only thing I had at my disposal was the town phone. I guess I really didn’t care that she was rarely available. After a while, I did my usual thing and just decided I could live without whatever I was going to call her for. I have a bad habit of doing that. Now however, nobody has any excuses and she’s free to call me and ask me if I need something instead of walking. You see how that works? Now, we have convenience.

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