
Tuesday, July 12th 2022

So it seems that compromise is always possible for the oil business and all of those who participate in it. The rhetoric says one thing and the actions do another.

Sometimes we run into moments of difficulty in dealing with particular people or perhaps organizations. You run into a situation where you are a regular client perhaps or maybe it’s just friendly interactions and suddenly you find that you are being abused. Either it’s something like a lack of sensitivity to your needs or it’s just a red flag going up that says these people are probably not your friends. What do you do about this?

Of course you take this on a case-by-case basis. Or maybe you just have to ask yourself whether you really need it or not. Right now, I have one particular bureaucrat in national health who seems to want to have a vendetta against me for no reason I will ever understand. I mean, I can replay everything I know about our history but really, it’s nothing I have ever done. It’s just simple objectification and nationalism and this woman is very frustrated by her job and wants to make a scapegoat out of me. Is it because I’m Jewish or is it because I’m American or is it because she just hates her own life? Who will ever know the true answer only that she’s playing me for money and making me uncomfortable. The problem with this is that it is national health service and I am in need of care.

However, there are other situations such as a restaurant deliberately feeding me a sandwich with meat in it when I asked for a vegan variant. What was the purpose of this? I didn’t know this chef. I didn’t know anything about him when I met him. I don’t remember ever personally meeting him before. What made him direct his problems at me? Same criteria but an easier answer. Screw this restaurant. I don’t need their food coming anywhere near my body and frankly, they are not the only Cafe in town if I actually needed a cafe. I haven’t needed one in quite some time but that’s not the point.

Two people I know decided to make life miserable for me. One of them has been a friend for a very long time. Why did they turn ugly? Who’s to say. But, I hung in there and waited it out and after a while I found out that it had nothing to do with me whatsoever. It was just a blip and upon reflection I got an apology. The other situation? I don’t remember having any relationship with them. Cut the cord, easiest answer in the world. I’m not losing anything except the negative feeling I get in their presence.

What I’m saying is, these things are sometimes flexible and sometimes not. This is understandable and the world requires compromise.

But how exactly do we look at this situation with the Russian oil Business and making exceptions to sanctions that allows them to continue functioning. What exactly is the point of putting sanctions on Russia as a way of fighting this war and stopping them from overt bloody action? If we believe their actions are criminal, why are we continuing to fund them? And if Germany or any or all of Europe is truly trying to wean themselves off of Russian oil in favor of sustainable and less ecologically damaging energy options, why isn’t this the best opportunity in the world to follow through? If you want out of the oil business, why be such a spineless bitch at exactly the best opportunity to make good on your word?

I don’t know, it all seems pretty hypocritical to me. I don’t remember actually being aggressive to anybody. I don’t remember murdering anybody. I don’t remember shooting rockets at anybody or killing civilians and children arbitrarily. I don’t remember throwing people out of their homes. I don’t remember committing murders ever. And yet, certain people seem to think that they can just dismiss me and abuse me and if I complain or fight back, this would be good enough justification to harm me further. Some people act like this.

I don’t understand this situation at all. I don’t understand why this is not a perfect moment to make good on your promise. If Russia is missing a turbine and this is compromising the oil business, checkmate. Sorry bro, get out of Ukraine. Tell your men to go home. Thank you for the turbine, I think I’ll just hold on to it for a little while. Sorry for the inconvenience but everyone voted against you at the table. Bad luck for you.

But that’s not the situation when it comes to the oil business. Asking people to get out of their cars and live peaceful lives for the purposes of maintaining some kind of sustainable life on this planet rather than contributing to climate change daily does not seem to be something countries are ready to do. 

And so the war continues and people continue to be killed for oil profits. I just don’t see how this is not hypocrisy of the highest order.


It’s 4:00 in the morning and this is a sleepless night again. It’s all about leg pain these days. Every time I get up and get into it, I pay the price. It’s becoming ridiculous already and it’s probably the most depressing time I’ve had since I got out of the hospital. Why couldn’t they just take care of me at public health?

You know, I am an idealist. I’m not a political demonstrator. I don’t go around making problems for people to get attention from myself. I just live my life the way I want to and I write about ecology because I believe it is important that my voice be heard on this matter. I don’t do public demonstrations, I don’t March (as if I even could) and I don’t work to gather people to any cross. I just write because I’m a writer and I write the truth because I believe in it and I believe it should be said.

I also have a terrible habit of never asking anyone for anything unless I expect it to be a reasonable request that should be granted. I don’t walk around bothering people needlessly. I don’t bother people at all unless I genuinely need something and I don’t go around arbitrarily messing in people’s lives. In fact, I never ask for anything that I don’t believe the answer should be yes.

Why do I do this? I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with a couple of years I spent in sales right after University. I never learned to objectify people for profits and negative conversations started making me sick. Approaching people generally to ask for money started making me sick and I got completely allergic to the job. I ran away from sales as fast as I possibly could and tried to find honest professions for myself where I was never obligated to ask people for money. Even when I was teaching and we had an interview / meeting at the beginning of our relationship, I made it absolutely clear that I would never speak about money with anyone ever. This is the price of the service, you pay at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month we can continue or stop. These are my rules for the entire time of my teaching career and I never changed it for anyone ever at any time. This job was never about money. Pay your bill or don’t pay your bill and either way my life goes on. Do your homework or don’t, it’s your English I’m only here to help.

But when I went to ask them for some relief, I got this bureaucrat screaming at me telling me that I could pay money if I wanted but the bureaucracy simply would not allow me anything. It was the most sarcastic and abusive conversation I’ve ever had in my life and that I was literally begging for relief from pain goes beyond my imagination. Literally, this was pure sadism.

And how things have gotten worse. I don’t understand why I’m never getting my call. Every bit of bureaucracy seems to have followed in the slowest possible manner. The last call I got even had the lady calling me speaking to me specifically as if she knew I was in desperate need. She had sympathy in her voice and wanted me to know that things were moving quickly. They are not moving quickly. The clinic is dragging their feet again. They are specifically inflicting pain. There’s no other way for me to see this.

I could explain the situation more clearly but I’m not going to. I’m not asking for any sympathy on this point nor am I asking for anyone’s advice. I’m leaving the genuine specifics out of this because it’s nobody’s business. But this business of this one bureaucrats vendetta against me, everything from pure nationalistic hatred, is beyond my sense of understanding.

I could even retell the entire story of my relationship with this clinic. I can say action by action and name names for everything that happened since I’ve been connected to them. And by the way they have a monopoly on this particular service. But even that would not truly be a part of this. It’s been 10 years already and the intrigue is simply feeding on itself. They are playing this game or she is inspiring this game and using me as an opportunity to play politics and this should never be a part of this particular part of health service. This is abuse of power on a personal level. This is Nazism. This is torture. I am talking about physical torture.

Do you have any idea what it’s like to be physically pressured by torture? Have you ever experienced someone who literally causes you physical pain just to inspire anxiety in you? Have you ever gone through anything similar to this in your life where someone withhold health Care from you just to cause you pain?

No relief in sight. No trust whatsoever remains and even if they do call, you have no idea how miserable the trip there is going to be.

Such a life indeed. No options. Nowhere else to go. There is no “screw it, I quit” here. It’s a monopoly and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s just misery.

Let me just say this one time. I can’t pay for it. If I had the money to pay for this, I probably wouldn’t live in this country anymore. When The War started and Americans were advised to leave, if I had the capacity to leave and go somewhere else, I probably would have. If I had the money to pay for this situation, I would be living in a different place with a higher standard of living.

I came here 20 years ago. I worked very hard and lost all my money several times just like everyone else here. I have no American income whatsoever. I have no pensions from America, no American businesses, no trust funds and no American clients. I came here with nothing but my own money and I worked here very hard at my business for two decades. I was diligent and saved some money and I’m very grateful for national health insurance. I am very grateful for socialized medicine. I didn’t even ask for it myself, I was invited by a doctor. I’ve done nothing to harm anyone ever for any reason and I am not connected to any political organizations, the American State department, the American embassy or any corporation of any kind. I’m just a guy who made a left turn many years ago and I have been living here by my wits and my hard work and everything I have in the world comes from that hard work.

Believe me, I don’t even get paid for this writing.

Somebody tell this lady to leave me alone. I didn’t ask her for anything except to do her job. All I asked for is basic health care. All I asked for was relief from unnecessary pain. Someone needs to explain to me how I can be entitled to national medicine but only at the cost of physical and mental torture. Someone explained to me how this woman is Bible. Someone explain to me why she still has her job.

If I sound frustrated it is because I am. I’m looking at some extremely miserable medical possibilities over the next few months. I’m looking at an absolute worst case scenario. Am I to blame for it personally? This is arguable. I’ve been very active and I haven’t been taking it easy. I’ve been doing as much as I can and certainly a lot of the choices have been my own. On the other side of the coin, I went to Minsk a few months ago hoping for some relief and I got shit out and thrown  away like garbage. If they would have listened to me or done something helpful along the way, I might not be where I am now. They refused. They refused sarcastically. They refused painfully. They refused disrespectfully. Not respecting me because I’m some oligarch or high ranking political official. They refused me out of spite. I’m livid. The situation is so depressing I can’t even talk about it anymore.


Yeah, this is what happens when you can’t sleep at night. I even posted on Instagram today. 


Speaking of depressing, this is the current weather report. It is a complete lie. It didn’t rain one single drop yesterday. It is not raining now. I can’t believe they even make these things if they’re not even going to be close. There is not now nor has there been a single drop of water falling from the sky in over a week. My field looks like Northern California right now and everything is brown and waiting to burn.

Seriously, this entire situation is driving me crazy. I guess my plan is to use the old pump to at least get as much water out of the tank as I can. I’ll refill my home buckets before I do this so at least I have clean water for a few days. I guess I will go to town on Wednesday and try to find a new coupling, metal this time and possibly 5 m of normal hose. This black plastic hose that I got is not really a problem, it’s just a little difficult to work with because it’s not flexible. I’ve been doing some thinking about perhaps making some kind of a permanent PVC attachment that can go into the well to a very specific depth and hang over the lip of the well itself. I can then run a simple flexible hose whatever distance is necessary to get to the pump. This would ensure no sand getting into the system but it would require cutting a hole in the door of the well. There is a metal cover on there right now and I’m not so sure I want to break this system.

All of this is basically nonsense though. I don’t know how many times I have to go through this. Nothing I do ever seems to want to work out perfectly. The first pump worked just fine and still does. It was cheap and simple. It’s very loud but it works. The only problem is, it kicks up sand and silt from the bottom of the well which makes the drinking water very cloudy and disagreeable. I had the well cleaned hoping to stop this problem and the cleaning helped because the water flows back into the well very quickly since the guy did his job. But he didn’t cure the cloudiness problem.

So then we bought a surface pump, we got a discount on it but that was not the deal. It’s supposed to be a strong pump and it is except that it just doesn’t work right now. There’s always something that stops the water from flowing through the system. First it was that the intake hose was too small and too fragile and the pressure from the pump just crimped it until it wouldn’t work. That’s why I got the 1-in plastic hose. Again at a discount. And that worked for a moment until it wouldn’t. Then we got to check it out for the end of that because somebody said the problem was that it wouldn’t pull water from the well without a check valve. The check valve worked once until it got clogged up with sand. Since the sand went into the system, the pump still works okay but now the intake coupling, which was still plastic, cracked on the inside from whatever reason and now we have to do this all again.

Ask me if I’m tired of it? Ask me if I’m tired of the drought? Ask me if I’m tired of weather reports that tell me it’s raining when it’s not raining? Ask me what it’s like to have 22 consecutive weather reports telling me that we’re going to get some rain never being true?

All right. That’s enough.


Oh my god. What is it with everything here? My internet just turned off. Why did it turn off? I overpaid. I paid twice for the same internet just so this thing would never happen. I pay every month on time and I am never late with my bills. Why is it that disservice cannot just stay lit no matter what I do?

It’s back on now because I gave them more money. But they told me how much it cost and I pay my bill on time and yet this is the second time in the last several months that they just pulled my internet for lack of payment. I double paid one month just so this would never happen. Can someone please explain this to me?


It’s about 12:00 and I’m taking a break from my very busy day to tell you a drug story. Yes, I am going to tell you a drug story.

So I was in the hospital having a leg operation in the United States and after the operation, I was in unbelievable pain. It was the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life and there was nothing I could do to stop it. They were giving me something, I don’t remember what it was but it was completely ineffective. I kept calling for the nurses to give me something stronger and they kept putting me off bureaucratically saying that they would talk to the doctors and see what they could do.

This went on for hours. It was absolute agony. I don’t ever remember being in such excruciating pain minute after minute after minute. Finally a doctor came in and asked me what he could do for me. I told him that whatever they were giving me was just not working. I needed something real. To my surprise, he asked me what I wanted. I thought for a minute and I asked for morphine.

Why morphine? Well, it is probably the most direct and total painkiller you can imagine. Ask any heroin addict about this and they will tell you all about how wonderful opiates are. I have never tried heroin but I have had codeine a few times in my life and even had the experience of trying morphine.

Before I go on with this story, let me tell you a bit about morphine. First of all, it’ll make your skin itch after a while. Not while the drug is blocking your pain receptors but after. Also, you’re going to be constipated. It is a horrific thing but your system will just stop for several days.

I knew all this but I genuinely didn’t know anything else that might control this pain. I said this to the doctor. I tried to sound reasonable. I didn’t want to come across as a street drug addict which I wasn’t. But this was the United States and you know how people are there.

He agreed and they brought in a morphine drip. I had the opportunity to self-medicate to a limit. I could push a button and it would give me some amount of morphine. They also gave me a plate of dinner. I’m not going to say what was on it because it was not vegan but I wasn’t vegan at that time. The doctor gave me a semi sarcastic salute and left the room, the guy next to me asked how I was feeling. I told him that this pain was 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 and told him I was about to dream. He wished me luck and said that my dreams would take me as far as my mind was able. I thought those were pretty prophetic last words and I tapped the button.

It’s not an instant yes or no thing. We’re not shooting heroin directly into the vein although this drip was going directly into my vein. It was a couple of minutes before things started going fuzzy and the pain started to dim. I was so happy. Really, words cannot describe how much pain I was in at that moment.

I took a few bites of my dinner and lay back on my pillow and closed my eyes. Suddenly there were people talking to me. There was an idea and I was the only guy who could do anything about it. I was confused why these people were talking to me. I didn’t even recognize them and they were all quite excited. They were telling me about the reunion. There was a possibility of a reunion and I was the only one who could do anything about it. 

I was really confused but then I opened my eyes and I realized I was still in the hospital and there was no one in the room. Luckily, I still had some dinner in front of me. This is turning out to be a good day. I had a few bites of my meal. It tasted pretty good. I checked my leg for pain and really I was feeling quite nice. I decided to close my eyes for a while and maybe I could catch some sleep.

I was now at an outdoor amphitheater and people were starting to come in. It was an amazingly large gathering. I was thinking Woodstock or something like that. And again people were coming up to me and screaming at me to get it together. The reunion had to happen and I was the only one who could do anything about it. I wanted to ask what reunion they were talking about but I couldn’t because I was the one who had to make it happen.

Suddenly a rather sleazy looking guy with a big 1970s mustache and tinted aviator sunglasses put both hands on my shoulders and said I was the man. He said if anyone could get led Zeppelin back together again, it was me.

I was responsible for a led Zeppelin reunion? How was this possible?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was back in the hospital and my leg was starting to hurt a little bit. I still had some dinner though and I thought that a little morphine with a few bites of my meal might help me solve the problem. 

I made a mental note to call someone on the hospital phone. I didn’t know who I was supposed to call but I knew that phone would be important. A couple of clicks on the button, a few bites of rather nice rice and beans and suddenly I realized who I was supposed to call.

“Jimmy. We need you. There’s no one else to do this job and you wouldn’t believe how many people are already here.”

“You know Adam I wouldn’t do it for anybody but you but I can’t really see how I can do it. I haven’t spoken to Robert for at least two years and you know what a prima donna he is.”

“I’ve got Robert,” I lied. I didn’t know what he knew but I figure it was probably a step in the right direction. I asked myself for a moment how I had ended up with Jimmy Page’s phone number but then I remembered that there was a phone in the hospital so it all made sense.

“Well all right then. I’ll be out presently. But I’m not playing stairway to heaven. I’m tired of that song. Everyone’s tired of it.”

“You know I can’t let that happen. You’re going to have to play and play well.”

“All right Adam. I can’t argue with you.” And then I hung up the phone knowing I only had two more phone calls to make. I looked around and saw that I still had some dinner left and that my leg was starting to hurt again. This was getting redundant. How could I be so busy and yet still have to worry about my leg. Well, you have to be professional about these things. A few more clicks on the morphine drip and two more bites of supper and suddenly I was on a Learjet sitting next to Robert plant.

“How to get Pagey to agree to this? He hardly ever goes out of the house if he doesn’t have to.”

“Heroin’s a bitch.”

“You’re right, mate. It’s a bloody shame that.”

“He said it was not going to be a problem. You know he’s a pro. He’ll show up ready to play.”

I was thinking for a moment that he might ask me to play if Jimmy didn’t show up but then I realized my leg was hurting. Luckily, there was still some rather delicious dinner left over. It was dark now in the hospital but my God I was having fun. Three more clicks on the morphine trip, two more bites of dinner. Seriously, I had to ask the hospital kitchen for the recipe.

And then they were playing. Good Times, Bad Times open the show. The first noise they ever made off their first album. The place went crazy. Rock and Roll, Celebration Day, When the Levee Breaks. The show went on and on. They were in form and they were loving it. People were patting me on the back and thanking me for making this thing happen. They were saying I was the best impresario ever. No one could have done this but me.

I opened my eyes and it was about 2:00 in the morning. The pain in my leg was mostly gone now. There was still some dinner left though. I had an interesting decision to make. Frankly, I was really enjoying the show. I didn’t really like to take advantage. I’m not a drug addict. But then again, how many times do you get to be at a led Zeppelin reunion?

A couple of bites of dinner that was remarkably still there, three more clicks on the morphine trip and a roadie handed Jimmy Page his double neck. 

The place went wild…

Morning finally came and the nurse came in to ask me how I was. I told her I was better and that she could take the morphine away. She said something sarcastic to me about how there still was something left in the IV. I repeated that she could take it away. I wouldn’t be hitting it anymore. Then she suggested I could sell it on the street. I declined to tell her to go fuck herself, thanked her for her rapier like wit and repeated that she really should take it away. I don’t use drugs unnecessarily. But this had effectively gotten me through what otherwise would have been a terrible night.

And it was a great night and a great concert and a great moment in my life as an impresario. Truly, you don’t get too many moments like that in life.

However, I wasn’t lying about the after effects. That damn dinner or anything else I had eaten that day wasn’t going anywhere for the next 3 days. If I was uncomfortable before because of the pain in my leg, you have to imagine what serious hospital constipation is like. You can’t move around, you know you’re not getting any fresh veggies or anything like that and all you can think of is how to get this stuff out of your body. And absolutely brutal mine bending 3 days of head swimming emotions.

The reason I’m telling you this story is because I’m experiencing pretty much the exact same agony right now. I’m not at all constipated myself but the sky is. Every weather service I can find is telling me that it’s been raining for 2 days and that it’s raining right now. Perhaps there have been a few water drops spattering the ground. Like someone spitting at you from a meter or two away. Certainly there are clouds in the sky. The day has been cloudy and the wind has been blowing all day. But the sky is just too constipated. It won’t let the water fall. 

There’s no water falling on my field. There’s no water refilling my tanks. There’s no water coming from the sky at all. The weather report is now 2 and 25, the worst team in any League. If it was European football, they would be demoted and sent off. They are not to be trusted. They talk like a bunch of heroin addicts believing they are someone important when in fact they’re just a bunch of noodling idiots lying to people so that they don’t know global warming is real.

I’ll let you know if something changes. Meanwhile, I’m kind of expecting the inspector. I don’t know how she’s going to do her job but I guess I’m going to find out. If I were her, I wouldn’t even bother wearing a raincoat. It never rains here in the desert. It never rains here anymore.


Okay, it’s a little drizzly. There’s something dripping from my roof. It’s not significant but there is moisture in the air and we are getting a few drops. It’s not raining but it’s a little moist. Maybe we’ll get lucky.

I’m backing off a little bit because I just took a walk around and I can see that my plants are open and happy. There is no brutal sunshine today and there’s a lot of moisture for them to pick up and everybody is available for any moisture they can get. Nobody seems completely unhappy so I guess I’ll go with that. If the plants are happy, I’m happy.

Speaking of being in love with plants, I promised a few links yesterday that I never actually got around to. Sorry about that. But today I have a few links to share off of a simple YouTube search for vegan restaurants. I cannot vouch for the quality of all of these bloggers. I have seen a few of these videos and some of them are not even particularly vegan themselves. However, preaching to the choir is redundant and therefore I guess I will take what I can get just like from this miserable pissy little rain.

So without further ado I would like to point out that vegan restaurants are not new and there is probably one near you. And if there isn’t, perhaps you should start thinking about helping one get started. Nothing like intelligent people to make any community better. There’s nothing like additional empathy or clear thinking to bring back optimism and keep things from getting out of hand.

Top of the charts is the best new vegan restaurant in America.

How about barcelona? Here is a 48-hour vegan food guide of an amazing tourist destination.

No hope for america? What about New York City?

I’ve got some friends in Las Vegas. That would be one town I would never imagine to have a vegan community. Who knew?

Mexico City anyone?

Okay, I am even wearing my Giants hat right now. I hate LA. Nevertheless, how about 14 vegan restaurants that you must try in that god-forsaken city?

A much better choice of cities and restaurant from the city by the Bay!

Boston? I think you’re jacking me but it’s wicked cool that you can go vegan there too.


Too much from the United states? I agree completely. Here’s a video called the top 10 countries to visit if you’re vegan. Right on!

You know you’re right, South Korea should be on this list!

How about London, mate?

Amsterdam? Absolutely goes without saying, doesn’t it?

And of course, we cannot speak about food or fine dining without including Paris, can we?


Vegan ramen in tokyo? Unheard of! Absurd! Actually, definitely check out this guy because he knows what he’s doing and he is excellent for recipe hounds looking to go plant-based with style.

No one would ever doubt a vegan restaurant in Vancouver. Not for a minute. Not even with this bullshit the Canadians are pulling by fixing Russia’s oil turbine. They’ve obviously never lived here and they don’t know this game where you want to find out if you can still get your bitch to do something for you.

Sorry, I’m angry. Anyway, Vancouver. No one would ever doubt a vegan restaurant in Vancouver.

And if it’s in Dubai, of course it has to be the largest vegan restaurant in the world.

There is more on the page and my guess is you could pretty much pick a city and ask about vegan options in the restaurant game. Actually, let me just try to for myself to see what will happen.

веганские рестораны в Беларуси? Конечно. (vegans restaurants inBelarus? Of course.)

Чи є в Україні веганські ресторани? Чому ні? Ніхто не зможе їх зупинити! І від цього пошуку, і від добрих людей з Росії також. (Are there vegan restaurants in Ukraine? Why not? No one can stop them! And from this search, from the good people from Russia as well.)

I wish you bon appetit. And for what it’s worth, I think maybe I finally sent out some good vibrations into this world. As I put together this collection, it finally started to rain.


Finally got the call from the inspectors. They are on the way… 


It’s coming up on 4:00 and the inspectors have been diligently doing whatever they are doing for the last 2 hours. It has also been raining for the last 2 hours as well. I am very happy to say that all the buckets are full. I took a walk around to see and even my most strangely improvised water gathering systems are doing their job. It doesn’t take much to fill up. I feel much better now.

About these inspectors though, they are doing some kind of thorough job. The female inspector is wearing great rain gear and is walking around with an electronic surveying instrument. I guess I should know what this thing is called. I suppose she’s doing a thorough job but it’s very wet. I guess she must be walking through the forest or something like that. Like I said, there is an area where the woods have sort of trespassed onto the original territory. My neighbors have this too and I would very much like to acquire their property because of this. But I suppose she’s doing a good job. She certainly is taking her Time.

I haven’t really had anything to do except to close a window that was getting kicked around in the rain. Everything is well watered right now and even perhaps a bit waterlogged. I don’t mind one bit. Everything needs a drink and if it’s going to continue like this for the next couple of days, I actually think everything might be fine. Well, there are still six or seven weeks left of serious drought summer. I’m not putting all my money on the green just yet. I’m just saying that I’m optimistic with full tanks and a well watered field.

Happily, this also means that if I really don’t want to, I’m not particularly obligated to go into town tomorrow. I can make the ride if I want to. I don’t know what the weather is going to look like and there are certain things, mostly nuts and sunflower seeds, that I’d be a little happier if I had. But with the tanks full, I have no urgency to fix the coupling on the surface pump. That needs to be fixed, I just don’t have to run to town this week to do it. This is especially true if it’s going to rain.

I got a couple of likes on my Instagram post. That was nice. And I also got a few rather shocked conservatives telling me that I had dredged up some drama. My condemnation of the medical system followed by a drug story had sealed my fate. I had really done it now.

You know, the funny thing about conservative Hysteria is that you have to understand that they are looking for drama even where no drama exists. That’s the entire point is to get people excited over absolutely nothing. I mean, that I say some negative things about a bureaucrat? She has it coming big time. I have no idea why I am obligated to suffer in silence and if I see something and I believe it to be true, this is not here for the fireworks. This is now a daily task that is probably about 3 million words long. If you can find a single moment that sinks the ship in a 3 million word, 18 months Cruise, you’re just looking for trouble. Go bother someone else please.

I’m just waiting for the good or bad news or to turn in my paperwork. There’s nothing else really going on around here. There’s nothing really to do outside and there’s nothing really to do inside. When these guys finally pack up and go home, my first obligation is to make something nice for dinner. I’ve already made some raw dressing that included an entire beet plant. This is both the beetroot and the leaves. I’ve tasted it and it’s genuinely interesting. I’m thinking over pasta today just to take a break from all of these potatoes. Why not? I’m a free man.

Other than this, I don’t really have much to talk about. It seems that all of my water systems are working and have done their job to elevate at least slightly the availability of moisture for the trees and the plants. I would have gone to the well if I could have the other day. Better safe than sorry. But as it turns out, finally, I never had to and I always had enough water on hand to do the job necessary. It’s not a perfect system but it’s a well-functioning system and it doesn’t take much to fill up all the tanks and every time that happens, I have at least two weeks of water.

I guess I’ll check back in later to tidy things up and make a comment about how this inspection turns out. I have a vague sense of foreboding. Pretty much anytime a government inspector comes around, you might as well have a sense of foreboding. I guess we’ll see what they have to say. Terrible day to be walking around outside with a Transit and a theodolite. Okay, I admit it, I looked it up. Maybe it’s good to know these things.


Well, this was all fun. This day has come and gone and by golly, while it was here I just couldn’t get enough of it.

You have to give credit where credit is due because my land inspector had the enthusiasm that you really want in an employee. In the middle of the pouring rain she went marching over every inch of my property. She just wants to see everything that was here. There’s one persnickety spot and she seems to think it’s worth making another trip. It has to do with getting down to that last meter or so along the property line in back of the barn that leads to the forest that the forest service saw fit to take away. Some things in there that she just can’t see. I tried showing her the path where she could just walk into the forest. I made a point of cutting it out so you could walk around without too much problem. But she needs to come back again. Apparently she has 60 days from the payment of my bill to finish her work. Wow, this is dedication.

Or she’s thinking I’m growing dope. I’m not growing dope. But she’s free to come and walk around looking for it. Who knows, maybe she’s kind enough to have planted some for me and is hoping it’ll come up the next time she pops in to go marching around. In the meantime, I’m obligated to cut down some grass near the fence. I’m not going to do that. I don’t even go up there. I usually just take the path when I want to go into the woods. That’s why I took the trouble to cut one. If I want to go for a walk in the woods, I take the path.

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