
Monday, July 4th 2022

Here is reason number 235 why you cannot be reasonable with alcoholics or conservatives.


Well, that was an extremely poor night’s sleep. I’m not convinced we got a drop of rain. I don’t remember hearing any and I was up and down all night. I’m not going to say that I was anything like sick last night but there was something odd going on in my system from last night’s dinner. I’m just not completely convinced that my body knew what to do with that. Either that or this new blast of alcoholic covid I got last Thursday wants to stay with me for a while.

Today is American independence day and yesterday was something like Belarusian Independence Day. I don’t understand really what any of this Independence is from. British petroleum seems to want to make all the important decisions in the world including who is friends with whom and what the trending haircut is for prime ministers and other reprobate conservative political leaders. They make jokes of us all and we are laughing all the way to hell.

But speaking of still dealing with British conservatives, I had a thought in my head about why I simply could not find a complete video or a complete text of Greta thunberg’s speech at the Glastonbury music festival. Certainly, there were pictures of her. Dramatic moments. There were film clips. Shorts. There were explanations about what we would have seen or heard but absolutely no clean clear images that we could see and hear for ourselves. Everything in front of our face was filtered through the ideology of the medium.

I got on to social media late. I got into Mobile phones late. I was probably late to the computer Revolution many years ago. I don’t know whether it was money or my reticence to get dragged along but I seem to be completely immune to modern fads and fashions. But when I did actually get on, I was introduced to something called trolling. This is when people, from the safety of their own position, attack negatively simply because it is amusing to them to be troublemakers.

I’m sure I’m wasting my time with this explanation but an example would be that you decide to make use of your social Network platform to say that you believe that the world should be kinder to each other, that we should truly address the garbage problem or that pollution is an obvious mistake for humanity to make. I don’t know why you would feel that having access to the public should mean that you should give such opinions. Obviously saying such things should automatically be approached negatively and you should be smacked down for having tried to say it. And don’t worry, darwinian nature still exists and just like Newton taught us, for every positive action there is an equal and opposite negative reaction.


a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content Internet trolls In the late 1980s, Internet users adopted the word “troll” to denote someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.

You cannot say that this was invented by the internet because the above video pretty much shows the existence of overt antagonism from 50 years ago, well before the internet was even a glimmer in Microsoft’s eye. Therefore, the idea is simply something that gets played out faster and broader and wider as all things do on the internet. We have more amateur trolls now than we used to and the obviousness of the propaganda is now more pronounced. You don’t have to be a major celebrity to get hounded to death by the press and conservative countries as in this example, you can just be a nobody who wants to do something positive for the world.

Getting inundated by trolls certainly put me off social media. I’m not that thick skinned and I found that getting my energy wasted by antagonistic fools was the last thing I wanted to do in the course of any of my days. This I guess is another one of these equal and opposite reactions where you wish to forward an idea that you believe is good and right and correct but if you try to do it, you are just going to get some idiot writing stuff in your comments that creates problems. It is intentional disruption. It is people just making messes in your orderly business. It is people playing with your head for no reason at all except they feel free to come in. 

Dealing with social antagonism became such a problem for me that I find I have withdrawn from unnecessary social contact unilaterally. Whereas I remember times where I felt quite wonderful going to public places and parties in the hope that something good would come of it, now, I feel I have absolute mathematical knowledge that something miserable will come from it.

Believe it or not, I’ve even had this thought trolled. I’ve had people tell me that going to a conservative country is to blame. On the other side, I don’t remember anything better coming to me when I was in the United States. I remember things being a bit nicer in Canada, I guess you could see the logic in that, but I really didn’t find that to be an automatic easy Ride. There is still the same economic pressures to get by there. They may be a little nicer but they have just as many destroyed people as anyone.

I did find this place to be generally nice when I first got here. I talked about this a lot but up to the introduction of mobile phones and the introduction of Russians into Ukraine in 2014 seem to signal the end of any kindness anybody ever was going to feel anywhere. Again, I was working for a living and I was already suffering several social parasites and health problems due to parasitism but 2014 is when they took all the respect out of life. This for sure I can tell you is not just respect for me but for anybody. At least there was respect for each other and the world before 2014.

So, you know, John Lennon and Yoko Ono were pretty weird but at the same time, I guess they were amongst the most famous people in the world. John Lennon was not Gandhi. He was a fan of Gandhi and perhaps was equally well known as Gandhi but he was a man of personal excess. He was a horrible drunk and drug addict. Even the romance with Yoko Ono was not ideal and this is well covered in the media.

But what is undeniable is the message John Lennon wished to share with the world. He understood that he was a celebrity and a public figure. His decision as to what to do with this celebrity, his ability to have the press come and speak with him or to be able to draw crowds of people to pay attention to both his music and his actions was to work for peace. His personal decision was that if his life was for the most part sacrificed, like Jesus in a way if you will, if he had no choice or privacy and was obligated to be a voice, he chose to let his voice be for peace.

I know I’ll get it so I’m not going to be foolish enough to say something like “explain to me what the hell is wrong with wanting peace” because someone will scream the word economy. They will scream that it’s simply impossible or that it doesn’t work. They will call me names. What are the other usual troll manifestations? There’s a catalog of this I’m sure but it’s always the same type of arguments. Just simple negative disruption and if you have a public media fight and you have people who wish to remain on the side of chaos and War and competition and racial hatred and economic opportunities for power and misuse of people and corruption, they will use one of these basic disinformation devices.

You know, back in the sixties there was a comedy spy show called Get Smart. The star was a good looking but bumbling international agent and the two main bodies of power in the world were an organization called control, who were the good guys theoretically, and chaos. The chaos guys were the bad guys because they like to keep things messy.

You know, I bought this house as a reaction to a conservative relative who thought it a really good idea to bring misery and unhappiness to the last years of my father’s life and misery and unhappiness to my life as a way of securing for himself money. There was no other reason for any of his motivations but to get money. When this little skirmish started, I pretty much recognized that I was going to get screwed. It was a battle I couldn’t really fight financially. You don’t fight battles on foreign soil (lesson for the Russians) unless you have unlimited resources to waste (lesson to Europeans who are technically against the Russians now but still insist on driving their cars every day and making sure that the Russians have unlimited resources to continue aggressions).

So I made an investment in this house because it did a number of good things for me. Firstly, it got me out of the noise and pollution of town. Certainly, I end up needing or believing I need things from town quite often and figuring out a way to make the ride back to town as economically and ecologically as possible was kind of an adventure for a while. I’m far enough away where it’s an annoying bike ride and the ride itself along the road is about finding a moment of calm and peace on a nice road getting smashed by breathing Auto fumes into your moment of cleanliness and calm. But though it is somewhat effort intensive and a bit heartbreaking, I have a way to get to town if I really need to go.

It also made life a little less expensive. I bought the house for cash and this basically created a situation where I wasn’t paying rents and utilities every month. This stabilized my month to month economic situation and made things a little easier for me.

Yes, it’s very rustic. It’s not a dilapidated place. It’s just very simple and very old and it has very old school pluses and minuses. It was an interesting place to live and the work to keep it up is somewhat interesting. All of this was a positive and in fact there was only one negative. My neighbor drives really horrible cars and every time they decide that they need to go somewhere, they go by car and every time they start their cars they noticeably and obviously poison the air. That’s probably the worst part of this is that you become so accustomed to breathing fresh air that suddenly the crime of auto emissions is completely obvious. 

Your freshness is taken away. The silence is broken. Your sense of freedom, just freedom to breathe easily is taken from you and literally, your peace is broken.

So I went to try and speak to them about this. From my chicken neighbors henpecked husband, I got conservative gibberish. Literally, he just trolled my conversation as if I was foolish. And when I tried to speak to his wife, assuming she was the actual boss of the household, she called the police and said that I was doing a home invasion on her. How I did this with a rather miserable health condition didn’t need to make sense to her. Or even why I would risk my entire investment by physically attacking my neighbor for no reason didn’t seem important to anybody at the time. These people do not work for control, they live under the flag of chaos.

This last weekend my next door neighbor decided to come up and enjoy the country. I guess this is going to be one of the one or two days that they actually come up here this year. I talked to them about selling me the place once or twice but the grandmother wants to hold on to it. They don’t take care of the place at all and it is becoming dilapidated more and more every year. But every year at about this time, they hire some local alcoholics to butcher the grass around the front of their house. This is their entire effort at making a display that the house is not abandoned. Killing all potential wildflowers and all the life that you get from natural landscaping just so they can look like something publicly.

But what they did and what they do as a form of relaxation is pretty much the same thing every time. They feast on their children playing. They feast on their children’s innocence.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand that what I’m speaking about here is perhaps considered the most normal thing in the world. But it’s just the way I’m seeing this here. I don’t see them as very  kind people. I see them as extremely usurious people. I don’t see them as artisans or craftsmen, I don’t see any level of genuine diligence in them. I don’t see them as genuine workers in any way, I see them as parasites and what they do is simply eat the innocence of their children. This little soiree into the country is simply so they can stare at their children who run around mindlessly. This is the only pleasure they ever get as far as I can see. They use their children to allow them to get out of their own problems which normally makes them miserable people.

I’ve seen this before a million times and experienced it myself. That cousin of mine was childless and as a way of getting out of his own mental problems, adopted a boy. He made a big show of telling us how wonderful he was for adopting a boy from a bad family, the son of drug addicts etc etc. When the boy grew up to be a drug addict, it was no particular surprise to anybody but still, the boy was used as a drug so that the parents could get out of their own heads for a while.

I probably sound like I’m deeply digressing here but I don’t think I am. This business of using innocence or purity as a way of getting out of your own head is pretty much symptomatic of this conservative way of doing business. In fact, getting people out of their own heads and distracted from their problems seems to be the driving force of most modern economies. If you can find a way to take people out of their own problems, you might just make a fortune.

Perhaps however, it might be more fortuitous and intelligent if we simply solved the problems rather than looking for ways to avoid them. I understand life can be boring and difficult and painful, but how about making life less boring and difficult and painful. How about allowing more real opportunities for satisfaction in life and less artificial ones. How about giving people lives that actually matter, physically and obviously and socially matter rather than only giving people toys to play with. What about allowing people to enjoy adulthood.

This is what brings me back to this issue of the media demanding that we only listen to their opinions about Greta Thunberg’s speech rather than allowing us to listen to Greta Thunberg’s speech. Why is it that a young lady who simply by virtue of having an original idea suddenly found herself a public international celebrity for peace and yet we cannot listen to her speak? Why are they not only hiding the possibility of inspiration towards a good idea but are literally assaulting that idea itself? Why is it so important to troll people who are simply asking for peace?

The neighbors came up here because as I mentioned, it’s a long weekend due to the national holiday. The children won’t be in school and the parents don’t have to go to work. During one moment in the day, we were watering and using the very noisy submersion pump. Suddenly the peace and tranquility of my neighbor’s day was destroyed by a horrible unnatural noise. Their day in the country became rather offensive and their peace was Disturbed.

Can you imagine such a thing? And by the way, this is the same neighbor who arranged to have the grass cutting begin at 5:45 a.m. the previous morning.

But what they did was send the daughter to stand over the fence to ask me what on Earth we were doing. During the time that I was aware that the girl was trying to talk to me, I was also aware that her mother was holding the strings on this conversation. The mother had sent the girl to talk to me, the mother was telling the girl what words to use in order to get my attention. The mother was putting the questions into the daughters mouth and basically controlling every single action. The daughter in theory was speaking but she was basically just a puppet for her mother.

Forgive me for not being moved. I gave the girl a one-word answer. In English it translates to a three-word answer but it’s the same thing. It’s a pump. I had to say it twice because it was too simple to understand. I didn’t bother to engage in conversation because there’s no point in it, is there? I didn’t engage in philosophy with them because no good could ever possibly come from it. You can’t speak reasonably without alcoholics or conservatives about anything real in the world. You can’t address hypocrisy. You can’t address parasitism. You can’t address the ridiculousness of conservative decision making. You can expect human relations from psychotics.

I really would like to acquire that property. Not for any particular reason. It’s just that it also butts up against the forest and they have a lot more land than I do. Not an exceptionally huge parcel of land and a lot of it has already gone wild. I just want it for the walk. I just want it for the peaceful area. I just want it to get a little bit further away from the chicken people. Perhaps it would be nice to have a bit more Garden space. 

I would actually live here. There would be no money or profit motive in this purchase. I doubt seriously if I would do any major renovations to the house other than maybe cleaning it up a little bit. Truthfully, I don’t need it. It would be simply a peaceful decision like the one I made to acquire the house I have. It’s just a place that demands a little of my attention every day. Like I said, it’s pretty rustic. 

But there are some pleasures that come from this. Well, it would be a lot more pleasurable if the conservatives weren’t so busy destroying the entire planet just so they could get out of their minds a little bit more.

I’m not sure if I made my point or not but possibly I threw enough stuff up in the air to make a reasonable montage out of my idea. But before I close, I would like to add one more piece of evidence in my case about rational thinking and those who do not have it.

Earthling Ed was at Berkeley doing his vegan activism. Certainly, you can troll Ed all you want and in fact, his entire thing has been his willingness and youthful energy to go ahead and take trolls on face to face and debate them. He is getting bigger and bigger and is showing up on more and more media platforms and fighting bigger and bigger chaos addicts. Here is an argument with one young man who, as one of the comments mentions, embodies everything that is wrong with humanity.


It’s about 11:15 and I guess I can do a morning report.

According to the weather report, we are due for showers today at 1:00 and 5:00. I do not believe in that. Though it did rain on Saturday night, that was incredibly lovely and did a lot to fill up the buckets and take some of the stress out of the plants, the weather service has gone ahead and missed four other predictions. There has been absolutely no rain since, so I have absolutely no reason to believe that today’s prognosis has any basis in reality.

Perhaps by traditional meteorology, we would be getting gentle rains all the time. This has nothing to do with modern weather because you need to take into consideration global warming.

My ex partner tells me that elsewhere in the country, there is a lot of rain. Who’s to say whether this is true or not. I don’t know whether she’s giving me first-hand accounts or is simply relaying what she reads in the news. What I’m saying is that the news has no basis in reality. No, I’m not talking about fake news or some kind of government cover up, I’m just saying that when I read the weather for where I live, if they say it’s going to rain, it doesn’t. And this is the truth so often that I don’t feel a bit bad about saying these things.

I talked briefly to my ex partner. She was planning on taking a lazy day for herself but I think she might be coming up. She’ll be doing me a favor because today is most probably watering day. Again, we got the rain on Saturday night but none yesterday. We don’t necessarily have to do any kind of deep soak but if we don’t drag the hose around and give everybody a drink, they will start heading back into distress mode. There is no reason to raise plants if all you’re going to do is put them into distress.

I don’t know if she’s happy about this or not but then again we have this issue of all of this lavender. I don’t know exactly why we are so deeply investing in lavender. I think there are 17 plants that have been sitting in cups waiting to go somewhere. I just don’t know that I have the space or the desire for so many lavender plants. Nevertheless, this is the current situation and it’s getting time to put what we have in the ground or to at least do something with it that we can live with.

The last thing that happened was that I got a call from brest informing me that they needed some copies of my identification and such. The conversation was extremely respectful and clear. The lady who called me seemed to be making a point of telling me that this was the only bureaucratic problem I had and that once this was complete, they would quickly finish their side of things and get the ball rolling. The lady was very vociferous in telling me that the word quickly was part of the sentence. She used it several times.

Though this is kind of a case of locking the Barn door after the cow has fled, I appreciate the vociferousness. It’s a little bit too much but what it tells me is that someone is making a special effort. Again, I didn’t really require any special effort. I just was a little bit against getting special antagonistic effort. That was the thing that I didn’t need. I don’t like any sense of celebrity anywhere in my life, it tends to lead towards negative consequences. Whatever the original prejudice was that put my deal into this situation, everything in the world would have been better without it.

But still it is a very good question as to why suddenly special courtesy is being afforded. There are only two possible guesses to this. The first is that the head doctor at the clinic took a phone call from me more than a month ago to tell me that everything was in order and everything was proceeding. He was pretty good about reassuring me and seemed honest in the things that he had to say.

The only issue is that the person that runs his office is the person with the vendetta against Jews or Americans or men or whatever her personal problem is. This is the woman who seems to think that holding back my paperwork in the hopes that I will pay money out of my own pocket despite any sense of reality in this equation has been the bane of all of this. As to whether or not she actually held back my paperwork, I don’t doubt it, I just doubt my ability to prove it. It is possible that the head doctor put his nose in it and pushed everything through and told his office manager to shut up and sit down. This would be logical, quite appreciated, just a little bit late but nevertheless, there is some possibility of better health in the future because of it.

The other possibility comes from my number one fans. This would be either the KGB or the CIA, the only two groups of people I absolutely understand read me religiously. As to why I don’t have political problems because of some of the things I say, all I can say is that I’m still an American citizen for whatever that is worth. I’m an American citizen who has chosen to be here, for whatever that is worth. I don’t lie or try to instigate people to riot, I just ask people to be a little bit more awake. And of course I speak entirely in English. As to whether they block me or not, I really don’t know.

It is possible that somebody from the agency gave a call. I don’t truly believe in this and I like the personal politics of the first example much better but again, you never know. There’s a war on and there is plenty of intrigue and my ability to remain free probably has a lot to do with the second. I’m not looking to be arrested and I’m not looking to be a rabble-rouser, I just want clean air and water and I would prefer the powers that be to at least have a clue that planetary destruction is not a wanted ancillary effect of profit seeking. Not that I believe that they are not already full on narcomen unilaterally. They have all been high on drugs for the last decade at least. I’m talking specifically about money and everything money can buy specifically. But you never know. Maybe they come from good people and remember and perhaps understand what it is I’m saying about our need to go gentle on the environment.

Of course Russia demands that we drive cars as much as possible. But perhaps it’s not completely Russia yet.

Yes, for sure, it was the head doctor being a good guy. He ended up talking to me and at least agreeing that he would keep an eye on my case. I would put my money on that one much more than any political intrigue. I’m just saying that you can’t know. Maybe it was even a little bit of both.

But what this means now is that three possibilities happen. The first is that the papers get put together and sent and I get my call to come in and see the doctors either sometime this week or the beginning of next. This would be the best case scenario and I’m ready to go anytime. It will end up being either one or two trips depending on whether or not they agree to speak frankly to me over how much time they need to do what they need to do. If they can keep any procedures within a day or two, I can stay up in Minsk and save the travel hassle. If they require more time, it will require more trips. I vote for fast as possible. I don’t think there’s going to be any unplanned problems.

The second thing that happens is that we have not managed to get past my unfortunate shantagist. Regardless of what the commission had to say, my bureaucrat might still want to sit on things just to put one more squeeze on me. In this case things will drag out. It’s also possible that they will find another bureaucratic reason to make me wait. Suffering is not high on the list of their priorities. Again, at whatever level they objectify me, it is not high enough to believe I suffer pain or feel anything or have any danger to my health. I’m a tough guy, you know? Like a slave that you can whip if they’re not working hard enough because you know they were bred to take it.

And of course the last possibility has some sort of weird political intrigue in it and I’d rather not even think about that. I’d rather just get the medical assistance if it’s all the same to everybody. No promises and no apologies. I am kind of suffering these days and though we are definitely late, late is better than ever and a good solid situation probably has more possibilities for healing than the one I have now.

In my conversation with my ex partner about this this morning I really needed to make it clear that throwing myself on the mercy of the medical system is not the answer. There is nothing they can do for me that I cannot do better for myself. There is nothing other than this specific specialty deal that they can do that will be more beneficial to me than just taking care of myself and hoping for the best.

So basically this is the story. I am going to be taking it easy for the next while. There is a certain amount of attention that needs to be paid to the garden but I am not going to be physically bullying the place or spending my days killing weeds. What is coming in is coming in and perhaps I bit off more than I can chew. I wasn’t planning on this situation being a part of things and I had really hoped that I would be in a health Renaissance. But this is not and has not been the case so I’m just dealing with it as best I can.

So that’s the story. When they call, I’ll make arrangements for the trip. In the meantime, unless God decides to drop some water on us today, it’s watering day. I feel bad if this is a lot of extra stress on my ex partner. I know that she enjoys this but I think she also wants to take a day off and take it easy herself. These vacations take a lot out of her.

And just one more small thought about vacations. I don’t need one and I don’t want one. The thought of traveling somewhere is so far from anything I could possibly consider pleasurable. The thought of sitting on some transportation device and going somewhere to have the right to spend great quantities of money on things I don’t need absolutely makes me sick. I don’t want hotel accommodations. I don’t really want to put out friends. I don’t want to eat restaurant food. I definitely do not want or need to walk around and stare at things that I’ve seen already in pictures a million times. I have absolutely zero need to take pictures of myself in crazy places for the social networks. I don’t need to brag about anything to anybody and I do not need to pretend that I give a crap about anything that happens during unnecessary travel. There is nowhere in the world I need to go to. There is nothing I need to accomplish and no stamps that are needed in my passport. If I don’t have a damn good reason for going somewhere, and I am talking about a genuine practical necessity, I am exactly where I want to be. And as far as taking the day off or taking something that looks like a vacation, baby, my entire life is a vacation right now.

So, let’s hope for good things. Once again, we know when we know. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that there’s not too much pain or insult in this road ahead. Let’s hope that everything just goes well as possible and that things get better as a result of it. More than that, well, it’s in the hands of God, isn’t it?

Hey Mom, I could really use some rain. I know you’re not feeling very good right now and I know you are terminally disappointed with the behavior of my brothers and sisters. And I don’t mean to ask you for anything special for me. But if you felt like giving us a little rain, it would really, really help. It would help me out personally and it would be what is absolutely needed for everything alive here. We really need some nice cool rain.


Okay, just a few words here at perhaps a quarter to 9:00. Of course, there was no rain today. The weather report says perhaps tomorrow morning, early afternoon and then a good long rain tomorrow in the early evening. I will believe it when I see it.

I went out and did the watering myself this evening and I think I did a pretty professional job. Although it is very noisy, I like using the old pump very much because it is reliable and it really doesn’t pump so much water. True, if it pumped more water I could work faster. But working slowly gives me an opportunity to make sure that everything I want to get wet gets wet. I also figured out a new system for arranging my hoses that makes it a lot easier. Now, I can use the 30 m segment to do most everything and then leave the 15 m attachment down at the bottom for when I get there. I got everything, especially the trees and made sure nobody was left out.

Other than that I just took it easy. We’ll find out what the story is within a week or so I guess. I don’t have anything else really to say. I feel bad right now because of the amount of damage done last week. But I guess all we can do is just keep going. That’s all I have.

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