
Friday, April 8th 2022

Good morning. It’s 7:30 and I’m still sipping on coffee. Breakfast today was very small and simple. Just some pearled barley and red lentils. I cut up one onion in there because onions are what I have. It was tasty enough and pretty filling and if you follow such things as the glycemic index and care about your sugar intake, today wasn’t an excellent breakfast. High fiber, high protein, low fat and pretty tasty with a spoon or two of clean tomato paste tossed in.

I noticed yesterday that there is a sincere shift in mood going on in the world. Perhaps it has to do with the Russians retreating or in the information fallout. There are definitely blocks on the internet towards certain information sources. I have the run of the English language internet but getting on to Russian news sources seems to have a major lag on it. Even Belarusian news sources don’t go very far to share their news internationally, even restricting captions. I speak Russian and I understand what they are saying but it makes it hard for me to pass it along to people who probably don’t pay attention to such things.

Maybe the change in mood has to do with baseball starting. I watched a good percentage of the Mets Nationals game this morning. The Mets looked good and actually got some two out RBIs this year. They are forever an anemic scoring machine but maybe Lindor will help. The pitching was good. You never worry about Mets pitching though deGrom will not be around for two more months and it’s hard to say how much stuff Max Scherzer at 40 still has.

I think I’m going to follow the Mets and the Giants this year. When I lived in New York, my house was just on top of Coogan’s bluff at 125th and Broadway. This kind of made me a Yankees fan much to the dismay of my parents. I would happily check in with the angels for Mike trout and shohei otani but seriously, I can’t get behind Los Angeles. It hurts. I’m wearing a Giants cap right now even as I write these words. Great players but it ain’t going to happen.

But maybe the mood is really about the acceptance that this whole Garden project is on my shoulders. I’m tired of dreaming about outside sources helping me out. Even if I get crushed, it’s going to be my deal.

Metaphorically, I relate this not only to the Ukraine situation but to pretty much all Belarusians and especially the Belarusian opposition. I am incredibly tired of people whining about these relationships we are supposed to have. I agree, a good connection or two is really helpful and going it completely alone means, well, you get crushed sometimes. This is especially true if there is absolutely no professional services available that can be counted on.

This is the problem though. This lack of professionalism. The world is just so left-handed, so under the table, so corrupt that there is no wonder in my mind why we have wars, mass killings, hunger, plagues, global warming, and an alarming 40% cancer rate and every other damn thing that you can think of.

Maybe this is at the heart of my complaint of people demanding to tell me how things are. Whenever I offer any idea that would most probably work really well as a solution to people’s miseries, especially my own, all I ever get is to listen to the speech how people understand the way it is. Bravo for your intelligence. Let me give you a standing ovation for being as stupid as everyone else.

Here though is a bit of a quandary about democracy. Yesterday, I watched a video from some guy who while sitting in his little YouTube content maker studio went on about how difficult it was to understand the truth about Ukraine and to admit, happily for himself, that he really didn’t care about Ukraine at all.

I just suppose this thought against this ridiculous demonstration thing where truck drivers sit in their trucks and drive down the road and this is supposed to mean something in regards to public health and safety.

The problem with both of these abuses of public consciousness, and both of them are abuses of consciousness, come from this strange thought that people have that participating in politics requires some kind of public demonstration. We don’t actually do anything to participate, we just walk around making statements and waving flags or in the case of the truckers, polluting the world and wasting natural resources.

They don’t like being told to get vaccines so they burn thousands of gallons of diesel fuel and send the auto fumes up into the atmosphere to make things worse for all of us. Bravo for your patriotism.

Maybe the disease is the media. Maybe I am part of that. Maybe I’m part of the solution or maybe I’m part of the problem. I’m not video oriented so it takes a certain amount of brain power or at least access to a text to speech electronic reader to hear what I’m saying. I’m certainly not for ADDs or people who never really thought reading was necessary to them. I do ask for a certain amount of literacy.

Obviously I am lost in the forest. I can’t really blame any group of friends I’m supposed to or not supposed to be attached to but the fact is, I’ve got a box of matches and I’m fighting a snowstorm.

This YouTuber I realized by his rhetoric was simply playing trends. The computer says how many people do something and he follows this trend of populism and tries to surf the wave. By conventional knowledge, this is how to do it.

Last year, I briefly talked to an ex-student of mine who is in Poland working for a marketing company. I got an interview with his glad-handing and very loud and very salesmanish boss about doing something with my green 2021 blog. This was all he said. He talked to me about demographics and how to work the numbers and what sort of people we needed to Target as our audience and what kind of keywords we needed to list. I simply wasn’t working the algorithm correctly and this was my problem.

Maybe he was right and maybe I am wrong but I asked him what exactly he thought I was selling and he didn’t get that. He asked me if I was trying to make money and my answer was maybe but I was actually more interested in pushing a public trend towards reasonableness.

He simply did not understand what I was saying. There was no money in it so there was no reason to pay attention.

This I have decided is the mindset of these truckers. When I imagine what their life is like sitting behind the wheel 8 hours a day making that money, I imagine they play the radio an awful lot. And if they are playing the radio, they are probably listening to the same sort of crap I listened to last night when I checked in with the New York Mets local radio station.

I got a block of advertising, all of which was obviously targeted to people in their cars. Of course, it is quite obvious that understanding a marketplace means that if all you have is sound and no picture (and God help us all never any text), the people who would use this medium must be in a car. This also makes sense for advertising because people who spend money on cars are good people. People who support the economy are good people. People with money are good people and people with money enough to buy trucks are wonderful people. In one blurb about the truckers that I saw, some lovely red-capped flag waving well fed lady called truckers the backbone of America. That’s a pretty odd nickname because when I drove a cab for a year in Minneapolis, I got an incredibly bad back from the experience.

Obviously, like Clinton said, it’s the economy stupid. When people have money, they are happy and when they don’t they aren’t.

This was a pretty good quip for a guy who actually required people to vote for him. But what do we do here when we don’t really have voting rights and there’s never any money coming to anybody unless it’s in the form of an envelope between friends? What do you do when you have people in power that you cannot remove whether they do a good job or bad?

There was another conversation I had recently about people with that guy who theoretically wanted me to give him a job. I still haven’t heard from him by the way. He tried to tell me that he had no complaints personally with Ukrainian people and didn’t really understand where any such hatred should come from. I’ve heard the same thing from Israelis who, on a personal level between people, usually have no problems whatsoever from Muslim brothers and sisters. This is whether they are from neighboring countries or are simply part of Israel’s tapestry. 

On a human level, I don’t remember having a problem with anybody. I mean, I’ve played on ball teams with mixed races and ethnicities, I played in bands with mixed races and ethnicities and I worked with mixed races and ethnicities. I haven’t been married in a really long time so I’ve had quite a diverse lot of women come and go in my life. Literally. I can say that there are definite ethnic and cultural differences. People think differently and their programming works a little differently. But you can get along. You can do whatever it is that you’re doing together. We are all human on some level.

But this is not the thinking of this egocentric economically oriented populist disease that we have caught from the internet. This is a different line of thinking. This is not standing next to a human being and simply seeing that they stand on two legs and have two eyes and speak a language and eat food and breathe air. We all take a shit when we can, right? 

But they see things differently. They see the world through divisions. They see the world as if it is a war that’s going on all the time. Or a competition.

There is a pitcher who throws 104 miles an hour at the University of Tennessee. I forget his name but it’s not really that important. I watched an interview with him and, you know, he sounded like a 20 year old kid. Except that he had this baseball dialogue about how things are good competition and fun.

“You’ve got quite a few good pictures on your staff.”

“Yeah, it’s good competition and fun to watch.”

“There is another guy in the lineup who also throws a hundred.”

“He’s a good competitor. He really likes it and it’s a lot of fun. He goes out and competes every time and he’s a lot of fun to watch.”

Who put this dialogue in this boy’s head? Because that’s not what’s going through his mind. I played ball and I had some skills and this is not what this guy is thinking. I guarantee you that he’s thinking something that sounds a lot more like “I got you motherfucker. You can’t touch me. Watch this shit and don’t burn your eyes looking at it”.

Actually I was a hitter and I just made my entire body go boom at the same time. I’m sure it’s the same for pitchers.

Most probably, this is also the actual thinking of the YouTubers and the truckers and all of the other conservative drive Time radio listening public out there. The entire public that listens to national media out here or follows things like national sports in the states or in Europe. It’s this divisionist competitive push to continue economics at all costs. To remind people or to at least convince them that they are in a perpetual life and death struggle.

In my opinion, they like it when a cop shoots someone at a traffic stop. They like it when some asshole walks into an elementary school and sprays the children with an automatic weapon. They like it when a guy brings his entire arsenal to a hotel room that overlooks a country music concert so he can scatter the crowd before getting shot to death by the cops. They like it when the cops beat a black man and it ends up on video. They like violence. It means that there’s a war. The more violence, the more people need to keep their head in the game that there is a war.

Like the soldiers said, there is money to be made in a war. Bombing buildings, civilian buildings, hospitals, schools, this just makes rebuilding necessary. Sending 10 million people out of a country just makes the real estate business grow. Sending people into the immigration train simply puts more disadvantaged people into the workplace and puts pressure on everyone else. War is stratification and stratification is money.

Listen, I’m not immune. My own financial situation is not wonderful but I can kind of live with it. I’m spending a little bit of money right now setting up for what I hope will be a sustainable garden that will provide me with a good percentage of my necessary calories. My house is already pretty well set up and livable. And even if they pulled the electricity, people once lived in this house normally everyday, I could do that too. Even in the winter.

This is not to say that I would give up what comfort I have. I don’t need to buy wood from the government agency, but it’s a good price for a decent quantity and I appreciate being able to store it away under lock and key. I don’t particularly need supermarket food. The plastic bag of pearled barley broke when I opened it today and I had to fish plastic out of my breakfast. But I’m happy to have it and it stores well in a time of need.

But I would be much happier if I lived in a non-competitive situation where the deal was that we were all working as a community to keep our communities alive.

When you talk to the old people who live here, they only see this little village is dying. There are No children here. There are no schools here. No young person in their right mind would want to make their life here. And other than my truly disgusting neighbors, it’s really just a retirement place for very old people. But even that culture is fading away and we don’t have too many cows because it’s economically unsupportable and they would rather sell us milk in plastic packaging.

It doesn’t have to be like this. It doesn’t have to be like this because we don’t have to be in competition for money. We don’t have to be in competition with other countries. We do not need to supply our resources to other countries for money. We don’t need to do any of these things.

I understand that Ukraine is fighting with their backs against the wall and they are very grateful for this infusion of weapons and funds. But why do they need this except when they are being forced at gunpoint to fight? What if the Russians just went home and the Europeans just went home? What if nobody saw Ukraine as a money maker and just left the country alone?

I’ll tell you what would happen. It would be a fucking Paradise. It’s a beautiful climate. There is a winter and there is a summer. In the old days, the weather was so nice that you could have two bread cuttings a year. And can you imagine how nice it would be to hang out on the beach at the Black Sea and just smell the salt Air? 

Take the war away, take Moscow out of the equation, take the Europeans and their sex problems away, take four and diseases and pollution away and it’s the most beautiful place in the world.

Don’t get me wrong. Belarus doesn’t have an ocean and it’s just a piece of flat farmland really. But take Lukashanka out of here, tell Putin to go fuck himself, close the door on the poison Europeans, we live in a forest. We live in the land of the white winds. We don’t have such a long growing season but that means we work less and play dominoes more.

I guess it’s ironic but I wrote a note to that YouTuber. This is the guy who said that he didn’t believe that the war was real because it was in the media and he doesn’t really believe anything from the media anymore and he really doesn’t care about Ukraine anyway. I actually got threatened with community standards when I had written my comment and sent it in. I guess some of the words I wrote set off red flags and the algorithm. They asked me if I really wanted to go through with the comment. I went through with it.

Please stop talking. I live in the Republic of Belarus and the attacks on civilians were real. The war crimes were real. Yes, ukrainians tortured their prisoners of War as well. Yes there are about 10 million displaced people and yes, you are a complete fucking idiot who should not be on the internet speaking out loud.

Maybe the bottom line is we are supposed to turn off the noise, get out of our cars and take care of the people who live around us. It’s just about food, clothing and shelter, practical education and reasonable medicine. Do all this in an ecologically sustainable way and we can keep this going until the sun burns us out.


And here is today’s Zelinski. 

Truthfully, Ukraine cannot win this war. Nobody wins a war. In a war, you just lose. You waste lives and resources. You create garbage. You waste lives and resources. The only thing War creates is misery. It is a shame that there is an economic benefit to human misery. It is a shame that we have people who have the power to order other humans to war to experience misery so that these rather disgusting leaders can have an economic benefit. I hate War and I hate the world I’m living in right now.

Tell the Russians to go home and go fuck themselves. Tell them to go home and never come back. Tell Biden to turn off the tap and close the tab on the Russians. Till the Europeans the same. We don’t need sanctions, we just don’t need Russia as a trading partner. Cut off the cash, and the war ends. Cut them off as business partners, they will never come back. Turn off the tap on the oil business, we live in a park.


I’m taking a break from road building and organic material hauling. I think we’re going to be okay with what we have. But I tell you, the world is getting more paranoid.

While I was out on the field, a military helicopter flew what was obviously a reconnaissance mission over the forest. I’m not giving away military secrets. Military helicopters are very loud, you can hear them quite clearly and I saw this one flying over my property on the way to the forest and then heard them flying around the forest for several minutes. Wasting gasoline? This is another question for another day.

The question is why I’m thinking paranoid right now. This is my best conspiracy theory.

When I came out this morning and started making runs with the wheelbarrow, I stopped after my first two trips, took a picture and sent it off to my ex partner. I explained that this would be our planting medium, how I think we should set it up and that I believed it had enough nutrition in it to be very good for our vegetables this year.

Her reaction was that I should have waited and put animal manure into the boxes as was our original plan.

My answer though was that you can’t really trust people. This new worker was just one of a million stories coming to talk to the American in the hope of a handout. Maybe not a handout, let’s be fair and say it’s a day’s wage. But still, exactly like the Ukrainian ambassador told me many years ago when I asked for a break on the cost of their visa, it was extremely expensive at the time, “so many people, so many stories”.

Years later, I am jaded enough to completely understand his point of view. Parasite if you’ve seen one parasite, you’ve seen a million of them.

So I told my ex partner that we could probably get by with vegan green. There did not need to be the slightest animal exploitation in this, there would be enough organic material to sustain life and maybe even we could take a little bit more pride for having done this ourselves. I was using the plural we, us, our out of courtesy.

About 150 trips with the wheelbarrow ought to do it.

She said that it was a lot of work and I said booyah! She didn’t understand what that meant so I explained that it was what Marines and special forces soldiers said. When a weak person says that a job sucks, the tough guy says it doesn’t suck enough. Let it suck more. Booyah!

I asked her if she understood and she gave me a military salute in a way and I was back to digging trenches.

About 10 minutes after I said this was when the military helicopter decided to show up. I started wondering if I had something to do with it.

I know, I know, it’s ridiculous and I’m just going crazy. But I am an American and we are at War and for sure, they listen to everything I say. In fact, sometimes I think the KGB and the CIA are the only people reading what I have to say. Of course, if this is true I’m glad about it and I hope they take the trouble to pass it on to their superiors or to some politicians. Please, for the Love of God, use me in your thinking process. Please listen to me talk!

But then I started thinking about my remark the other day about the partisans coming out of the forest. I don’t remember any military reconnaissance missions over the forest before now. Maybe they thought I knew something. Maybe I gave them an idea they hadn’t had before. Maybe they were looking for things to be paranoid of because security and fighting and being at War and hating and killing and shooting people is their business.

I mean, the Russian rhetoric for this war is bullshit. There is no way anybody was going to invade russia. Russia doesn’t have a Goddamn thing that anybody wants. The only bullies are the people who are in Ukraine right now uninvited and there would be no NATO actions to get the Russian’s oil.

This by the way is called the curse of the liar. The curse of the liar is that they can never fully believe anyone else. In this case, it’s the curse of the invader or the curse of the revolutionary. Once you take the trouble to do a revolutionary action, you live in paranoid fear of the same happening to you.

How do I know this? I know it from two places. Firstly, a friend of mine way back in California told me about this a few months after his girlfriend left him for another guy. Looking back, he understood all of what she was saying and realized that every time she had told him that he was a liar it was directly due to the fact that she had been lying to him the whole time. Capiche?

And the second one of course is from my family who pays no attention to me whatsoever except if I have money. And their rhetoric when they steal it is that they are afraid of me coming to get them.

It probably wasn’t me. These guys have enough problems being paranoid all day everyday. We all have problems being paranoid all day everyday.

I really, really, really wish that people would stop believing that they get money by being paranoid. I wish this remarkably lovely competitive economy we all live under would just stop demanding paranoia in order to exist. Greed is not good. Being hungry is not good at all. And War sucks like nothing else on this planet sucks except betrayal from people who are supposed to be connected to you.

By the way, if you’d like to prove this last bit of philosophy true, betrayal equals money and having money equals betrayal. Keep this in mind as you fight on for more and more things that will eventually turn to garbage and end up in the landfill. The more ambitious you are for money, the more paranoid you are for the rest of your life.

And when they come out of the forest like Indians and partisans to cut your throat, remember you heard that from me. When payback time comes, remember that I told you about it beforehand. You can thank me now by the way. Anytime.


It’s about 1:00 and I’m probably done with heavy digging. I’ve made a dent on my boxes. I have 3 weeks more of this to go and I’m optimistic. I’m a ball player. I was a ball player. But I can do my job.

Actually, and probably as happy with my ability to kill myself with hard work as anything. I’m not bragging about my volume or any kind of vegan superpowers. It’s hard work pushing a wheelbarrow around. But I’m a lot happier than I was last year. I’ve got a little bit of body left. I’m doing a little bit of a job.

Today is Friday of course. Tomorrow is my day off. And I have a lot of things to do in the house before I can rest. I think I have plenty of firewood. Last night I didn’t even bother to light a fire and was warm enough without any help. I have to fill the water jugs and I think I need to make some bread. I don’t need to make bread but I think I’m going to make some bread anyway. I could go to the store and see if they have anything to like. But maybe I have enough food lying around. My belly is still full from breakfast and I’ll probably still feel this way well into the night even if I don’t eat anything. Bottom line vegan food is like that.

You know when you’re done working when your motor skills start changing. I don’t know that I feel fatigue in any sort of a conscious way. My body just starts saying no.

We were all raised in a world that told us not to listen to our bodies though. We have all been raised to push past fear and fatigue. We have all been taught to be heroes and to go to the maximum. The Russians have a whole culture about going to the end of the line and though the Americans are obviously more moneyed outwardly, you have got to kill them and pry their guns from their cold dead fingers to get them to give it up.

You can say bad things about me if you want but I’m rather happy with my ability to listen to my body. Sure, my ex partner has put a calendar on me. I understand when our big planting day is coming and what day is going to be. Farming requires a reasonable schedule and it would take you a million years to get by on luck. Well, maybe two or three seasons to figure everything out.

I am well within my tolerances. If I continue going out everyday and making a good effort, I do not need to torture myself to get to the goal. The work is hard, there is a lot of pushing and lifting and the weight and leverage and movements are all stressful on my frame. But I do not need to be a hero today or any other day. I just need to put in my work, do my workout and everything will be fine.


Right. I keep forgetting.

They blew up the train station at Kramatorsk. There were a thousand civilians there. 30 are dead and 100 are injured. The article goes on to talk about the character of the Russians. You can pretty much understand what the meaning is without much of a translation.

And then a friend sent me this:

Dima Muratov is the head man at Novia Gazetta. This is the Russian independent News service that won the Nobel Prize this year. I don’t specifically work for them but I did work translating some of their articles for a different outfit. Technically, these are my guys. And if you have problems reading the article, it was a Russian nationalist calling the man a traitor.

The Russians are making quite a living in the propaganda business. They are causing some real damage with their words. Whoever is the Minister of propaganda, probably some distant relative of Goebbels, is probably due for a raise. And I know they have the money because they took it all from us.

Exactly at this moment, as if to add insult to injury, the hunchback across the street is revving the engine of some machine he seems to think needs to run today and my chicken neighbor paused languidly after backing her filthy 20-year-old man up out of her house to make sure my kitchen was filled with auto fumes before going off to do some completely useless activity that causes no good and creates as much garbage and pollution as possible.

You know, it’s just the fucking Russians every day. They just never let you feel good about anything, do they? Every time I think I have a beautiful day, I  have to be reminded of the sheer horror and hatefulness of the Russian people. They just remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you and remind you…


Well, let’s say that’s it. I don’t know about you but I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough labor and I’ve had my brain screwed enough. I don’t need any more labor and I don’t need my brain screwed anymore.

But I think I want to try to make sense of just one more cultural facet that may be of use to people. It’s a game they play here that I used to call who is guilty? (Кто виноват?)

I first learned of this game many years ago when I was deeply involved with my daughter’s mother. I noticed that she had a habit of simply saying something and having it be enough to escape guilt or responsibility. She explained it to me as if it was really important knowledge about living in this country. She said that it is a very bureaucratic country and in order to satisfy the bureaucracy, you simply had to say something. The purpose of the statement was of course to relieve yourself of any burdens. You could write a book called 7 million ways to say I’m not guilty or I’m not responsible. The trick was that you just had to say something.

I didn’t realize that it was actually more complicated than that. When it actually came to things like the court or the police, you could get away with almost anything by saying almost anything the first time. After that, they decide that you are a liar and they no longer listen to you. I found that out the hard way.

A little later, I learned another aspect of this game. The trick here is you listen to what someone says you’re guilty of and then you tell everybody that they are guilty of that very thing. I would say things like I don’t want my daughter punished or emotionally abused. And she would tell the courts that I punished her and emotionally abused her. I told her that I don’t like that she hits. People don’t need to be hit. She told them that I hit.

You don’t have to believe me. You might think that I’m just saying some stuff so that you think better of me. You’re welcome to any opinion you want. But it’s not a little bit ironic that when talking about Russian propaganda, they are a completely fascist organization who seems hell-bent on creating as much hate as possible within their community and then asking them to direct their hate on the ukrainians. If I’m not mistaken, that was exactly the modus operandi of the nazis, wasn’t it?

And yet, when you actually listen to their propaganda, what do they say?

If you ask a politician to tell you the truth, how many people would actually believe their words? If you are perhaps a serious conservative, maybe a truck driver willing to drive across the country so that no one could possibly inoculate your child against polio or diphtheria, would you believe anything that any democratic politician would say?

On the other side of the coin, we have kind of a different problem. The liberals try to listen to the rhetoric spoken by the conservative side but if you’re like me, you don’t hear anything but gibberish. They have a habit of saying anything without regard to logic or personal responsibility. The only thing I can see is that they are above the law and therefore are free to do whatever they want. They can’t get hurt. They are insulated. They just don’t really care because there’s never any blowback.

But then there’s just one more point that is being made that is both complete gibberish but also ridiculously true. Talking about American military history or that the Russians might be afraid of missile attacks should they let their guard down is actually pretty reasonable. No one remembers any altruism from The Americans. Unfortunately to say, I am one of them. I don’t remember any American altruism over the last 20 years. I don’t remember anybody doing anything for me except stealing my money and my children. I’m sorry if this is offensive but I’m telling it like it is. And also, with no irony intended, this is the exact same situation that the Russians have had to live through because of differences in economic standing. The brain drain and all of those Russian prostitutes…

It doesn’t justify what’s happening in Ukraine. The philosophy and culture of hate is truly unjustifiable. They are murderers and they make murders of us all. But let us also take note 45 days into this war. When 100,000 Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border, what did the West do? What did America do? What did Europe do?

And again, I’m not looking to be ironic here. But when my birthright was being stolen and I called the police to do their job and assist me in the prevention of a crime, what did they do? What did the sheriff’s department do? What did the prosecutor do?

And when I called the American press and gave them my story, which had tremendous universal appeal in a state with a lot of retirees and a culture of protectionist paranoia, what did they do?

When I was stuck in Poland for this absolutely ridiculous crime and I went to the American embassy for some help, what did they do? When I wrote a book about it and attempted to publish it thinking that even this had some universal appeal, what did they do?

The answer to the question was that they looked for a way to make money. Yes, if you had the word nothing going through your head at each of those questions, you are right. If you’d like to know why we have 25 years of Alexander lukashanka, it is because no one did anything when he ran for that third term and started rewriting the Constitution. No one did anything.

When the ukrainians met en masse at freedom square, millions of them waving flags and screaming that they wanted to be a part of the world, to be free, to be European, what did Europe do?

I admire Mr Zellinski. I admire that he is on Instagram every day. I admire that he is talking to all of the parliaments in Europe and to the United Nations and to the United States and to anyone who will listen to him. He makes fantastic speeches about the terrors his people are facing and the horrors that are happening to them. He is showing us images of war crimes, of civilians being attacked, of cities being bombed mercilessly without regard to any possible military game except for the hysteria and disbursement of the population.

But what has anybody done in 45 days? Besides selling ukrainians guns, what has anybody done?

When he begged the United States to support a Russian no fly zone, what happened?

And by the way, when journalists caught Donald Trump doing deals with Russian oligarchs, what did they do? When they caught him with his hand so deep in the cookie jar, even the quips and the support of Russia to the point that we knew he was in Putin’s pocket, what did we do? When we figured out that it was the Russians clogging the internet with hate propaganda, what did we do? And even right now, if you take the trouble to take a look at Russian State media and just listen to the shit that they say, what do we do?

And me? I’ve been doing this blog for more than 2 years. Never miss a day. Never take a sick day off. I mean, I let last year go 4 weeks early but I genuinely was septic and near death. And I had to have a fist fight in the hospital. What did anyone do?

So, y’all can sit back and enjoy your weekend. I hope you’re all comfortable. Baseball is starting in the United States and I noticed from almost all of my plants that it is springtime. Little buds are appearing in all the trees and bushes. And there are bugs everywhere and butterflies are making their appearances and the first b of the Year came into my kitchen and went crazy against the greenhouse glass. I hope everybody has a restful day off and dreams good dreams.

But if you don’t mind, the answer to the question as to whether I am scared or not was answered a long time ago. It doesn’t matter if I am or I’m not. Nobody cares. No matter what anyone has done to me or to my family or to my father for that matter, nobody cares. If you can’t figure out a way to make money off me, I’m just useless and not a single word I say matters if it doesn’t put money in your pocket. It doesn’t matter what Russia does, does it?

So I will close with a Russian toast: до дна. To the end. To the bottom of the glass we go.

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The Utopian!
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