
Wednesday, April 6th 2022

Zelinsky speaks to the UN security council.

This from The Washington Post:

Biden calls for Putin ‘war-crimes trial’ as world leaders issue fresh rebukes

April 4, 2022

Leaders in the United States and Europe issued fresh denunciations of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, saying images of brutality in a suburb of Kyiv are additional evidence that Moscow has committed war crimes in Ukraine.

President Biden repeated his assertion that Putin is a “war criminal” and called for further evidence-gathering to prepare for a war-crimes trial. “This guy is brutal, and what’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone’s seen it,” Biden told reporters Monday. The Pentagon said photos and video from Bucha showing mass graves and bodies on the streets reinforced the accusation that Russian forces are responsible for war crimes.

Biden said he’s seeking more sanctions — comments echoed by French President Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s defense minister. More European leaders said they would support an embargo on Russian oil and coal, but the issue remains thorny for the European Union, and the bloc is set to discuss it this week.


Hi. It’s a little before 8:30 a.m., most of the snow has melted, it is a very gray overcast day and showers are expected. And no, we have no rain catching plastic arriving today or anytime soon.

I’m not going to get deeply into the minutiae of my conversation with my ex partner. Needless to say, we did not find our deal. The prices offered online apparently were not the prices in reality. The logistics of putting the deal together were a bit too complicated to solve and just like last year’s wood, we are not going to have anything for quite some time. 

I could always dig a trench, cover it with plastic or eventually with cement and simply make a swimming pool, pond that gets fed by my roof gutters. It would be exactly the same deal except for evaporation in the heat. But we would be saving water that we could use to water the plants.

Of course, I could use heavy machinery and get a trencher to do this job in a day. Maybe one week total if we count the cement and plastering of the walls. Much less if I go with some heavy grade plastic to line the trench and keep water from going into the ground. Everything is possible but nothing immediately is on the table and I don’t really want a trencher on my property. I also don’t have an army of friends ready to come in with pics and shovels and the thought of removing another six or seven cubic meters of dirt is not a short-term project to do alone. 

We will see what happens today. I am very frustrated and I’m sure my ex partner has her own frustrations. Like I said, I’d rather not get into the details right now.

Speaking of male female relations, when I tossed these two links onto this page, within 15 minutes I got a notice from my second generation American/Ukrainian friend. He couldn’t get yesterday’s pages about my ex-girlfriend out of his mind and he tried to draw a conclusion between the experiment with the ape and the child and my relationship with my ex or ex’s.

He was pretty funny and told me that the issue was completely within behavior and when I couldn’t tolerate the behavior of my ex, I sent her back for other experiments with other scientists. This apparently was the big joke at the end of the eugenics experiment in the below video. When they were done with Gua, they simply sent her back. I guess the mother never really found the same love for her adopted child as she did for her own and didn’t like how the chimpanzee rubbed off on her own child.

This wasn’t what happened but I guess his thought was pretty funny. I think he was attempting to make humor so I agree that it was funny.

That wasn’t really what happened. It had to do with disgraceful humiliation and lies. Enough was enough and there was just no tolerable future from the road we were on. And so I pulled the trigger.

I know it’s not as sexy as talking about sexual relationships with young attractive females but unnecessary addictions are unnecessary to a well-lived life. If what you’re doing is no longer fun or enjoyable and is in fact a completely negative pull on your life, make the incision and remove the offending part. 

It’s going to hurt for a while. Maybe it’s going to hurt forever. But at least the disease will be gone and other healthier things can take their place.

I also want to answer a Russian troll. This was in response to my remarks about Nietzsche and anti-morality philosophy from the Nazis. Literally, he asked what would happen to the Russian soldiers? They wouldn’t go to heaven?

It is a really good troll. I am Jewish but I am not actually in the belief that nature is going to bend to my will except of course to know that if I put seeds in the ground and take care of them, they will grow. I believe in science, not boundless faith in the man in the sky. I believe that nature is true but I also believe that nature is eventually measurable.

Or in other words, I don’t think the retribution for the war crimes is going to come from God.

Have you ever heard of a Nazi Hunter?

A Nazi hunter is an individual who tracks down and gathers information on alleged former Nazis, or SS members, and Nazi collaborators who were involved in the Holocaust, typically for use at trial on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

There is more than a little bit of evil irony in Russia’s claim that they are fighting Nazism in Ukraine. It’s more than the ridiculousness of claiming that a Jewish president is somehow masterminding a Nazi cult. It’s probably more akin to pure anti-semitism and the idea of fighting Nazis is nothing more than an intentional Freudian slip or even more deliciously evil irony from the propaganda makers.

No, I don’t believe there’s going to be a problem getting into or being evicted from heaven. But I do believe there’s going to be quite a few people, quite a few young men, who are going to have vendettas against either particular Russian citizens or Russians in general.

Since World War II, my guess is that aside from all of this studying and bringing to Justice, there have been quite a few young Jewish men either organized or working individually who made a point of getting even for German atrocities. 

I personally don’t know anything about this except from personal experience. When in conversation with German Nationals, mentioning that I am Jewish brings up a well of fear and emotion. They are very interested in paying us back with something other than their lives. They really don’t want to be pulled out in the street, have their hands tied and then raped and murdered and then burned.

No, this is really the problem with being a criminal. You tend to spend most of your life looking over your shoulder and waiting for the foot to fall. Maybe this is the thing about the brotherhood of the mafia. They all agree that they are living the life of death and that eventually theirs is going to come. 

I don’t know, the more I think about it, the more I believe that the conservatives and oil people just really like people being afraid and crazy. Anything to keep people from being comfortable keeps people looking to buy things to make them feel better.

In my case, I am pretty insane because of conservative oil Business global warming. If I can’t find a way to store rainwater, there is no way in hell I’m going to grow fruit and nut trees that are going to bloom. I know this like fact and knowledge. I have seen this with my own eyes. If you have enough water, you’ll get some fruit and if you don’t, you won’t. And this has me looking to buy some bloody plastic from crooks who can’t tell the truth about what they cost on the internet.

I know I ended this kind of softly but I promise you, they will come out of the woods like Indians and cut your throat while you sleep. They will kill you and your entire family just to make themselves feel slightly better for what you have done to their country and their people.

Death is the only wise advisor that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that everything is going wrong and you’re about to be annihilated, turn to your death and ask if that is so. Your death will tell you that you’re wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your death will tell you, ‘I haven’t touched you yet.

– Carlos Castaneda, Journey to Ixtlan


I want to talk a little bit about linguistics.

Looking back at my time as a teacher here, for sure, I was not a standard school teacher in any regard. Almost from the moment I started teaching, I recognized that the inherent system here seemed based more on keeping people from their freedom of speech as it did to ask them to fulfill some kind of political goal. Literally, second language education seems to be designed to create thieves. You are there to understand the second language but never to speak it. You are told to translate everything to the point of understanding but you are never there to contribute anything other than banal idioms. Literally, it is anti-communications. You are there only to take and never to give.

Noticing this created my niche. If no one was teaching creative writing or open-minded thinking, this would be my specialty. Coming from a musical background of jazz improvisation and Rock, being willing to say what you wanted to say and to do so via improvisation was a natural. And I was pretty successful at it until things started to come undone in 2014.

This is when the Russians showed up and brought Russian propaganda with them.

This first link is an audiobook by Randall Monroe called What If? It is a very interesting book where people pose rather crazy questions which Mr Monroe answers as scientifically as possible. He extrapolates things out to ridiculousness but what is most interesting about listening to him is that he is speaking the truth. We are talking about scientific truth here. Though the things he says are very often given with humor and the extrapolations become completely ridiculous to listen to, they are all based on scientific fact and therefore, to me at least, endlessly interesting.

Check it out for yourself and see what I mean.

This next video though is about science gone wrong. Here a glib and overly ironic Englishman is narrating the story of an experiment where a pair of scientists tried to raise their own child alongside an ape. The idea was to better understand behavioral sciences.

The study coincided with a form of study known as eugenics:

Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” which gained popularity during the early 20th century. Eugenicists worldwide believed that they could perfect human beings and eliminate so-called social ills through genetics and heredity.

Basically, you can call eugenics scientific racism and it coincided very well with the rise of the Nazis and their own form of thinking that they were the master race etc, etc, etc. It also seemed to jibe quite well with white Europeans believing that somehow the color of our skin had something to do with intelligence or again, our place in life’s hierarchy.

What interests me about this film was how completely brutal these people were not only to the chimpanzee and its family but to their own child. This business such as listening to the sound made by clocking the chimp and their own child over the head with a spoon or firing a gun behind their back and looking for the reaction was absurd.

I had a friend who came out of University and got a job working in a lab. He said that he was really happy with his job because he could do whatever experiments he wanted and there was funding available to follow his whims. I guess there are pluses and minuses to the institution of science. This probably explains how easy it is for the meat industry to hire scientists to take an interest in finding pro meat and pro dairy ideas and write papers about them.

It’s probably also the reason that we have politicians and not scientists working on our social problems. We are not looking for the most intelligent people to help us go in a good direction, we’re looking for populists who like money.

The end of the experiment came surprisingly enough when the young boy started to develop his language skills. The experiment was ended because they found that growing up with a chimpanzee for a sister was limiting the amount of words that the young boy could learn. The chimpanzee of course did not have however many generations of verbal communication to draw from. She could understand words and started to grow quite a big vocabulary but was really only interested in physically responding to stimulus. In this, being raised in the wild gave her an amazing head start and she was much more physically adept than her human sibling. She just wasn’t really going to talk. 

This is where our paths crossed. This was really quite a thing for me to think about. Trying to teach freedom of speech to people who were taught not to speak is an interesting way to make a living.

How do you ask someone who has been trained not to speak to speak? How do you convince people who are scared to death of opening their mouth to open their mouth and speak the truth? And even if I bring in all of this wonderful rhetoric going around these days as a part of Russian propaganda, how do you ask people to speak the truth when they are being pushed at gunpoint to believe in lies?

I can even bring back the thought of the reason why my relationship broke up with my ex. How do you ask someone who has decided to go with the anti-intelligent, pro power people that communication and honesty is your preferred path? You can’t. All you get is her demonstrations of how easily you can be crushed again and again and again and again.

People ask me a lot about why I don’t go back to them. People look at them physically and say that this should be enough. And I will admit that physically, it was quite nice for a while. Sure, put a value on it in money. It was really quite a bit of fun for a while. Right up until the time we needed to have a conversation. It was fun right up until the time that we needed to talk seriously.

So the ape got sent back for more scientific experiments so it could live out its miserable life in captivity in pain and servitude every day until the very end. 


Just a brief addition. Exactly as I was finishing the last words of today’s thought, my chicken neighbor pulled out of their driveway, backed up towards my house and paused even longer than usual to allow the auto fumes to fill my kitchen. Nonverbal communication. I’m just waiting for the Indians to come out of the woods.


Apparently, I have declared myself a square. Apparently, I have stated publicly that I am just not cool, that I do not hang with the cool people and that basically I am less than intelligent by these sorts of cool standards.

I am okay with this.

I am not fond of criminals. I don’t like hanging out with criminals. I don’t like playing this “friends” game. I am not into getting wrecked nor am I completely into chasing my pleasures to death. I am not interested in parasitic life. I’m not interested in running away from reality.

If these are the elements of cool, I’m not cool.

Why am I talking about this? Well, you can’t go out without running into people looking for help. And if you are the only American in town, obviously people will believe until they’re dead that I carry the keys to the American mint. Even being American must mean that I’m ridiculously Rich beyond all belief and this absolutely despite my living situation which is absolutely anything but rich.

If I am just playing a game, I am playing it to death. I must be like that magician from that film where he walked around with a fishbowl between his legs every day of his life for 20 years. If I’m faking it, I am the king of faking It.

Or maybe I am the king of faking It. Interesting thought.

But I meant a guy today who approached me because he feels he is going to be out of work in a very short period of time. I agreed to take on a little bit of his covid for a brief conversation because he said he could come up with both the planting soil and the fertilizer to finish off my boxes. I’m not really sure he’s the guy to go to to get gutters put on or that he has access to water tanks, but perhaps I can get my raised beds filled in with decent material for a reasonable price that doesn’t include my digging the entire 10 cubic meters myself.

Okay wait a minute. There is genuine math to this.

The actual number is closer to 7 cubic meters. I overstated it. I could also be more specific in that I can handle about 12 or 14 scoop shovels of dirt into the wheelbarrow and I need 10 wheel barrels to fill up one layer. To fill up the rest of the boxes, and this is not counting the fertilizer, I would need to do about 180 to 270 wheelbarrow runs, plus the digging and the traveling. Doable. Humanly possible. I listened when the guy talked to me and said he could help.

We have a sincere alcohol problem in this country. We have a sincere problem with people getting wrecked because they have unlivable lives. I make jokes about this but the truth is that whatever it is that societies and countries must do to allow reasonable lives for their people, this country and all of our surrounding Slavic neighbors do nothing in this regard.

Again, You could argue that it is the most normal thing in the world to want to relieve yourself of pain. I am no particular masochist and I do not Court pain. I’m just against using things that are addictive and I am against being fed these things as a way of keeping me under control. I resent being a part of blanket policy where we are fed garbage and told to keep our mouths shut about it. This is the prime element of the problem. It’s not that alcohol is inherently a horrible thing but it is a horrible thing if it becomes the answer to all questions. Or as my new acquaintance explained it, something that one must do without choice.

If there was a downside to this meeting it was when he declared himself as being Russian. he’s been here for 10 years and when he told me his nationality, I cringed. He seemed taken aback that I would find this somehow a negative thing.

But we talked about it a bit. His view of the world was such that he also believed that this business of chasing fascist was bullshit but he was perfectly content with the need to defend against foreign rockets. He believed that if this war did not take place, within 2 or 3 years there would be a shooting War.

And then it was my turn to talk.

It’s been 70 years since there was a ground war in Europe and the truth is that nobody wants to get into a rocket launching contest. Nobody wants to bring the misery of War to their own territory and there was not going to be any shooting by NATO to come after the Russians. This was a power grab for oil in the Black Sea and nothing more.

Then he said something really interesting. He said he had spoken to the soldiers that were stationed across the street from where we were standing. They said that all wore is simply fucked up (I understood that he was saying and I’m translating this idiomatically). The Russians were making money off this war and the only reason they have war was to make money. And nobody gives a shit about the soldiers and they are only here for the paycheck. All war is only about business and nothing more but there’s nothing that anyone can do about it because when you’re a soldier, you do what you’re told to do. 

The last phrase he said was that they were all taking it up the ass and knew all of this going in.

Pragmatism. You have to respect pragmatism.

It’s a shame that we never get to vote on these things. It’s a shame that nobody raises people to be responsible for their communities for their people. It’s a shame that we take all of the Good Men and instead of having them work for the public good, we ship them off to work for someone else who has some money or to the state who only wants to use them for cannon fodder. It’s a shame we don’t get to vote on these great movements because I think if we did, we would not have situations like we are in.

When it was my turn to talk, we bumped fists at understanding each other. But then I pointed out that if there is a push back, though we personally might be out of danger’s way, if you well-placed missiles could level Pinsk and put 130,000 people on the road looking for a place to live. It would only take a couple of rockets and we are very close to the border.

I wasn’t expecting to see those tears appear in his eyes when I said these words but he heard me clearly. And then when I mentioned that Luninets was for sure going to be on the list as a military base, he nodded in complete understanding. He knew this too. He just wasn’t expecting an American to tell him that there would be no reason to spare Pinsk just as there was no reason whatsoever to spare Kharkov, Mariupol, Zhytomyr, Kherson, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Bucha or Kiev. Or the 10 million people put out of their homes or the thousands upon thousands who have been killed.

Then he told me that he was a religious man and quoted the Bible a few times. He told me that he knew that I was religious too. Apparently, I have a very interesting reputation locally. So I mentioned to him exactly how I view taking my Saturdays off and how they differ from the Christian idea of this holy day. I told him that it was not about being social or going to church, it was about pure bed rest. 

It’s like going to the hospital. It’s like turning off the world. It’s telling everybody to go jump in the lake. It’s not about getting drunk, it’s about letting yourself come to a complete stop. Eat and sleep. I suppose if you’re in a loving relationship, maybe it’s a day for eating, sleeping and making love. Maybe if you’re raising children, it’s a day of eating and sleeping and playing together. Maybe if you keep a dog as a friend, it’s a day for eating and sleeping and going for a long walk together. But it’s not a day for normal life and it’s not a day for obligations.

I really am an advocate of something like universal shabbos. It’s a shame that the world is run by anti-semitism. If we outlawed the oil business on Saturdays, the world would go a long way towards healing. If we just said there was no car driving except for emergency hospitalization on Saturdays, we would have one 7th less pollution. If we closed down all work except for emergency medical people, we would go a long way towards making this world a better place to live in.

Give everybody a break. No worries, no commerce and no social obligations. If you want to go hang out with your friends, you can do that on Sunday.

I don’t know what is going to come of this new relationship. I don’t know how much having this cool alcoholic on my side is going to be a plus or a minus. Technically, I don’t really need his help and can do absolutely everything on the plan except for the plastic water carrying receptacles. But you never know. Maybe this relationship will turn out okay.

There was one more thing though. This also saves me a tremendous amount of personal labor but when I went to the local government authority to check in about this inspection, I was told that extending the land under my control might just be possible and without problem and that if I wanted to collect a very generous load of firewood ahead of next winter, it’s available and ready to be delivered anytime.

So all of this and the bike ride was pretty good actually. It’s been raining and snowing so the road is a bit compact. But my bike is much more comfortable to ride right now. The seat change, the reach and stack change and the gear change all made it a very easy and comfortable ride.

We’ll see about going to town tomorrow. Maybe it won’t be such a bad idea.

Just, why does it always have to be the Russians that come up with the good propositions? Why can’t it ever just be the Belarusians getting things done? Why is it always the Russians that are the only ones actively doing anything? I blame local education but I hear all of our local education was recommended by the Russians. There you go.


One more small observation. I didn’t buy any bread at the store and I have been off cooking oil for a couple of days. Yes, I have been eating big enough meals but I haven’t added any factory oil at all. Aside from the mental acuity, I’ve noticed that my belly immediately started shrinking. I don’t believe this is something that will go on and from experience, this is a short-term effect that will level out as my body gets used to whatever chemistry I put it in. But if you’d like to trim off some fat, lose the bread in the oil and the fat goes with it. Just saying.


Zielinsky speaking to the parliament of Ireland.


After my trip to speak to the government center and to the store, I went out and did a little bit of digging. I managed to fill my base layer of dirt in my largest box. I dug out One path between gardens and then I had a little energy left so I pulled some grass into several of my pathways. Mulching the pathways will both keep weeds from growing but it will also become compost within time.

These walking paths between the gardens also serve a genuine function. They are very similar to swales, ditches designed to hold water and keep it from running away. The mulch also works in this regard. The more water you keep on your Land, the more potential for organisms and different material from growing and bringing more water down. They also help with the drainage because water has somewhere to go but, if I’m interested in maintaining my garden lands as being as fertile as possible, this is the way everybody says to do it.

There was a moment at the end of the day when I looked around everything I’ve done so far. I admit I am a bit impressed. I am not really that strong anymore. When I was a young man maybe I could have knocked out this work in a week. Nevertheless there is definitely some work that has been done and almost all of it makes sense to my eyes as being reasonable.

I don’t know if this new guy is going to be of help. I’m also not completely convinced I want his help. There is great romance to doing everything myself. I generally have more headaches than help when people get involved. I’m sure my ex partner would be the first one to say thank you if I stopped asking her to participate. Or maybe it would hurt her feelings. I don’t know.

Probably the richest guy in this district used to be a friend of mine. I say used to because he doesn’t really live here anymore and I caused him some pain. I’ve told that story before and probably you know what I’m talking about without going too far into it. But I’m thinking of him because one time, during one of our conversations together, I asked him if he had ever met the president. 

I remember his reaction as being a little upset. I read it at the time that I would be interested in another man. It’s sort of like mentioning to your female partner that another woman was attractive. This is basically what I saw on his face. 

What he said was that it was a little good and a little bad. He was at some kind of a trade show and the president came by the booth and asked him about his business. The president decided that the government needed to be involved and would give my friend contracts. But what he found was that dealing with the government was a lot of headaches and a lot of bureaucracy that dealing with private clients wouldn’t have. He ended up spending more time on the government deals and this took away time from private deals. The money was also a wash. What was positive from the government money could have been easily made up with more private clients.

You can say a lot of bad things about the man I’m talking about but you really can’t argue that he is a businessman. You could argue that some of his nefarious businesses, because they are ecologically unsound and are a major danger to the local population, are not good businesses. One would have to remember that you owe a debt of gratitude and honor to the people who help you work and we don’t just do business for profit. My friend would argue that point as being ridiculous and the only reason to be in business is to make personal profit in his book. But if we are talking about the ability to create a decent financial structure and a money-making Enterprise, the guy is an ace.

I’ve always taken what he said as wisdom and I have never really gone after corporate clients or look for Mass classes. Technically, this would be more profitable and if we got significant numbers, much cheaper for the individual people. But the quality would not be and the benefit to people would be much less. There is a certain nuance to learning to speak and you do need to have a live conversation for any of this to mean anything.

So I’m not sure if what this guy is offering me is worth the effort. Just the alcoholic covid alone is bad enough to put a little color on my stomach this evening. That’s a definite negative where actually spending time together makes you physically ill. I’m also a bit unsure about the level of relationship that’s necessary. I don’t care how egalitarian the guy thinks he is, nobody does anything except for some level of remuneration. He’s not going to come and offer work unless he thinks he’s going to get paid somehow.

And that’s another problem. According to local custom, it’s almost impossible for him to name a price. It’s almost embarrassing, according to their faces, to even be asked such a question. I understand that they do this and I understand perhaps why they do this. But on my side, I would rather have a firm price and just have him come in and scab up the work. I’m not really interested in giving anyone the key to my life and I’m not really interested in people having a free road to get to me whenever they want. I’m enjoying my barrier right now and I’m enjoying the privacy that it affords me. Getting someone who is telling you that he will be a friend if I will be a friend is a bit too open-ended for my taste. 

I’m not really looking for a friend, I’m just looking for a little labor and some materials.

And that’s the thing. I do get really tired pushing wheelbarrows around and digging up pathways. But then again, the work does get done even if it is slow. And there’s a certain amount of pride that I get from looking around and seeing what all the work I’ve done looks like. I’m just a guy. I think like a guy. Having these projects is just something that satisfies my mind.

If I look at it this way, the only work that I can see is the work that I’ve done myself. Anything that I have that involves other people is just flying around in the cosmos. We are not really on the road to getting any water containers. From the government group, we haven’t even ordered the wood. And then there’s the issue of money. I don’t really have much of an income these days and with these wonderful sanctions unilaterally placed upon Belarus, I doubt there’s going to be very much money coming in even for another year.

There’s probably a lesson in it that is somewhat less than an axiom but something more than hearsay or just anecdotal evidence. The only one you can really count on is yourself. The only one you can truly trust is yourself. Depending on other people, unless you are completely upheld by a long and Rich slave Network and have the kind of power to pick and choose from all the people looking for a job with you, you’re better off doing it yourself.

Or maybe it is axiomatic. No one is really interested in giving any heart to small potatoes and peanuts. I may be able to live on small potatoes and peanuts but most people don’t think it’s worth their time to get involved.


I don’t really like embarrassing people but a friend of mine just told me about a great deal on a water cube. It’s used but they were excited because it was only 80 rubles. You tell me if you can see the problem with this deal.

Okay, all jokes aside, if he’s got the screw cap, it was not previously used to hold chemicals and that top screw can hold water, we can turn it on its side and use it for catching tank. Not perfect but for the price, we’ll catch some water with it.

I’m in the war(m) room and I’ve just gotten finished with a pirate version of the movie Coda. Excellent really. Very much a teenage film but I can see why it won the Oscar award. A movie with a deaf cast about music.

They used a lot of Motown and 60s songs in the soundtrack and I took the trouble to note them and figure out the chords and found all the lyrics online. But it was almost impossible to play them. Too much stick work on the field. Too much digging and shoveling. And no practicing. I’ve been too tired. My fingers are just too thick to do the job right now.

Last year, when I was seriously sick most of the summer, I really got my hands into shape. I wasn’t really doing any heavy lifting at all and practicing for at least an hour a day was not much of a problem. Even when I was in the hospital, I was working on my rhythms, using my thighs as drums and using a click track from a metronome. I got pretty good at that and when I got out, I even used my new found Conga technique on my ex partner’s back. It was musical.

I don’t really know how I feel about this. It’s a shame to have to make choices in your life to give up one thing in order to do another. These are all value judgments that we have to make. On the one hand, it’s kind of cool when I’ve got my chops up and can play a bit. On the other hand, I like looking at everything I’ve built so far this spring. On one side, being able to play a song really well makes me happy. But maybe looking at a fruitful Garden will also make me happy. Maybe writing these blogs is a complete waste of time. But on the other hand, it’s kind of like teaching. And if you’re going to teach, you might as well teach really good things. In the movie, one of the main songs was Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides Now. Maybe if I write these words everyday really well, people will get that there is a second, more ecological side to life. Maybe war is not the only possible way to do things. Maybe we can all make a sacrifice, give up something that we like so that we can create something better and more beautiful. Maybe if we can quit fighting for a change, we might even fix the problem.

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