Peeking out from the Sunday morning wreckage

Boy oh boy, the Wagners are in Belarus. Doesn’t that make you feel warm all over?

It’s really early on a rainy Sunday morning and we are in the middle of a shitshow. They’ve created a soap opera that creates a convenience story to move the Nazis into Belarus. The murder games that the leaders believe to be essential to power work. Everyone gets murdered and no one has the slightest possibility of enjoying their lives.

Yesterday, my neighbor decided to spend 4 hours butchering all living things living on his property to create an illusion of order so to appease his psychotic wife. He is a drug addict. Like all drug addicts, he is spineless and weak and easily lead. He is a cur. He’s a beggar, an obsequious flatterer and a closet homosexual who has no idea that he’s not in the closet.

The only thing that I can think of is that they are being paid to do this. The only thing that makes any sense is that they are a plant, a government issue, little gift from the Russians to make sure that Israel is never a calm country. It’s got to be a setup.

Or, there is something so deeply wrong with human life in this region that it should be seen as an epidemic rather than a country. Either they are very clever in figuring out ways to incessantly torture me by simply refusing to allow mutual respect to exist or they are simply cancerous mutations. Human beings designed to act like Androids.

This makes perfect sense if you look at the war and the way it’s run and it’s purposes and results. The people pushing the buttons in this little video game of theirs does not understand why they should not have the right to murder thousands upon thousands of people. Why shouldn’t they just end lives? We don’t have any people. We only have cancerous mechanical mutations. If we can manipulate them, let’s do so because it’s a lot easier to have a giant shit show murder game then it is to create an effective infrastructure that allows for sustainable life on the planet. It’s much easier and more exciting to spend your money on fireworks than to save it for a rainy day.

Me? My little Seinfeld show that God dragged directly to my Friday has left me more than a bit sick. About the only genuinely good thing is that yesterday was cloudy and during the night it rained. When I opened my eyes at about 2:30 a.m. and went outside, I could see that everything was very alive. If they just took these people away and let nature deal once and for all with the pollution without further disturbance, I’m quite sure it will return without problem. Maybe we could put away our cigarettes and our alcohol and our opiates and our wallets and our cars and our social networks and our hate and our desire to consume and consume and consume and consume and just learn to get along clean.

It is one thing about living in the country. If you want something nice to eat, right now you can just pick up a snap pea and throw it in your mouth. That’s the damnedest thing about nature. It’s just clean. Clean and fresh like everything we crave and dream about everyday. All any of us want is something clean and fresh and yet, every last one of us uses our entire careers to ruin it.

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